Author Topic: Update on Lama Zopa's health  (Read 16347 times)


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2012, 07:13:57 PM »
Just in case anyone is interested in Lama Zopa's health after the health scare he gave everyone last year.

This is the update from his personal assistant, Roger, and was posted on the FPMT website:

March 5 2012
Dear Friends,

Rinpoche's condition has been steadily improving. Recently Rinpoche's brother Sangay offered Rinpoche an exercise bike. Rinpoche rides nearly every day 3 kms. I am hoping soon we can increase that to 5 kms. The right leg now is quite strong, the right arm still needs more effort to increase its functionality. Rinpoche's writing has improved and he can write short notes quite well.

The doctors are comfortable with Rinpoche's control of blood pressure and sugar levels, still not ideal but for Rinpoche's present condition they feel quite ok.

Thank you,

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 12:07:41 AM »
Dear WB,

Thanks for the update. It is such a relief to know H.E. is on the road to recovery.

High lamas like H.E. are rare jewels in this kaliyuga time. People who have the good fortune to be their students must treasure their good karma to be connected with these highly attained beings by keeping their promises with the gurus.

Breaking samaya with one's guru is a sure way to cause the early passing of such precious ones. It will mean depriving others to be benefited by these teachers PLUS causing ourselves not meeting any qualified teachers in future lives.

It is amazing the extent these high lamas are willing to go to work on the students' minds - including giving up their own life.

With prayers to all the Gurus,

hope rainbow

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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2012, 02:05:49 AM »
I am very very very happy to hear that there is an improvement in Lama Zopa'shealth.
It shows that his students are acting in ways for their Guru to get better, and I wish this continues further and stronger.
Our world needs Teachers like Lama Zopa, our worl needs the Dharma, our world needs the support and example of the ordained community. Our world needs nothing else.
I am very happy to read this post. And I am also very apprevciative for this website shows no bias view towards Lama Zopa, Dor je Shugden's practitionners should not engage in bias views, Dorje Shugden practitioners should be exemplary and inspire others.
As a Dorje Shugden practitioner, I have the greatest respect for Lama Zopa, may He continue teaching the Dharma and may He remain with us for eons.


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2012, 03:03:27 AM »
Thank you Wisdom Being for a wonderful update.

It's great to know that Lama Zopa's health is getting better. No poor me stories as He continued His practices although in a wheelchair and circumambulate around the stupas.  Now He is also riding a bike! Perseverance!

Got this update dated 5th of March 2012.

Dear Friends,

Rinpoche's condition has been steadily improving. Recently Rinpoche's brother Sangay offered Rinpoche an exercise bike. Rinpoche rides nearly every day 3 kms. I am hoping soon we can increase that to 5 kms. The right leg now is quite strong, the right arm still needs more effort to increase its functionality. Rinpoche's writing has improved and he can write short notes quite well.

The doctors are comfortable with Rinpoche's control of blood pressure and sugar levels, still not ideal but for Rinpoche's present condition they feel quite ok.

Thank you,


Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2012, 10:17:08 AM »
It is so comforting to know Lama Zopa is on the road to recovery from his recent illness. I am sure this is  due to all the causes his students have created for their lama to live long. We need Lama Zopa and many other high lamas in this world to live long and continue to turn the dharma wheel. I agree  with Hope Rainbow that the world needs nothing else but dharma. May all the high lamas remain in this world for many eons and teach dharma to all beings.


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2012, 09:43:48 AM »
Below is extracted from the FPMT website, It talks about harmony among members to help Lama Zopa Rinpoche's recovery. I guess this apply to all dharma centers and worth reading for everyone.

March 8th 2012Dear Friends,Ven Roger recently checked with Ven. Denma Locho Rinpoche whether there was anything FPMT centers, projects and services and students can do to help with Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s quick recovery. Denma Locho Rinpoche kindly advised a few pujas, which we are arranging now, and then gave the following advice:"The students and centers really need to work according to Rinpoche's wishes. Whatever Rinpoche has advised for the them to do, it’s important to follow Rinpoche’s advice. The main thing is that everyone in the organization should really strive to fulfill Rinpoche’s advice.In order to be harmonious, generally, you should not look for any faults in others, but look for the positive, the inner qualities. Thinking negatively like, "He is bad, she is bad", will not lead to harmony. Try to see the qualities in others and try to work harmoniously.Recite the prayer Losang gyal tan ma - The Prayer for the Flourishing of Je Tsongkhapa’s Teachings - well [for links to the prayer see below]. Please recite it well. If students can do that, that’s really great.But the most important thing is not looking at each others’ faults but looking at the qualities of others.Then, whatever responsibility you have in the center [project or service], do the work from your heart, put all your energy into that, take the difficulties/hardships upon yourself and do the work wholeheartedly. If the work is done well, this will benefit the teachings of the Buddha, and also it will bring about happiness and joy to all sentient beings."

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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2012, 07:54:55 PM »
We all wish Lama Zopa will have the reason to heal himself soon. A highly attained being such as Lama Zopa is beyond physical manifestations of illnesses. His mind is much stronger and rather invincible at that! However, his students have to give him the reason to continue to be in this life. I pray Lama Zopa's students will all come together and iron out the "real" issue at hand and quite in the face and deal with it!

I mean no disrespect to anyone but it is as clear as daylight what needs to be done. As Ven. Denma Locho Rinpoche has also clearly outlined in his statement above.

Just to lighten the issue somewhat, I would like to share some anecdotes which I myself find most interesting in the following link:

What an inspiring teacher! I pray we do not lose him too soon and may he continue to turn the wheel of Dharma!


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2012, 06:33:07 AM »
Lama Zopa can definitely heal himself, but the question is whether or not his students will have the karma for him to be with them. If they don't get their act together, they will create the causes for Lama Zopa to leave them, maybe not pass away but somehow or rather, the connection will be cut. The results of using the Lama's name to create schism in the Buddhist community worldwide cannot be small.
Just as that they pushed away Lama Yeshe, and did not make the effort to attempt to reconnect with him when he manifested in a way that did not please them, there is little hope for FPMT to be able to correct the wrongs that they have done and repair their samaya with their Gurus. Unless they issue a directive to every center to stop the witch hunts and discriminations to all of their centers.

By starting witch hunts and mounting campaigns to defame and degrade centers that do not conform to them, they create the causes for their own lamas to go away. By destroying people's spirituality they create the cause to destroy their own spirituality and endanger the life of their own Lama. Denma Locho got it right on the spot when he said that the students should not focus on the weaknesses of others but work on their own.

FPMT has great potential to grow into a Dharma center that can benefit many more and all of Lama Zopa's projects can definitely come into fruition if the members spend more time on the projects rather than going for witch hunts against other centers. The reason why they are delayed is mainly due to them not putting enough effort. With that said, I hope FPMT centers around the world clean up their act and be an authentic Dharma center for the teachings to grow!


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2012, 08:09:26 PM »
Glad to hear that Lama Zopa's health is improving. I totally agree with Ensapa that Lama Zopa definitely can heal Himself, so does all highly attained Lamas. But does His students have the great merit and good karma to have Lama Zopa with them in this life time or not.

I have heard quite a number of incidents where the students have 'misbehaved' and created a lot of problems amongst themselves. This can create causes for them to loose this 'precious connection'.

I pray that Lama Zopa will remain long and in stable good health to continue to turn the wheel of dharma.


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2012, 10:05:49 AM »
Did you guys hear that Kopan Monastery monks were at Paghyeling Monastery to request for Shugden puja to be done for Lama Zopa? It is in the front page of

I am not surprise at all about this. In fact, I am very happy that the monks are doing something about Lama Zopa's health. Lama Zopa definitely can control his wind in his body. But most importantly, Lama Zopa health will be determined by the samaya (relationship) of his students. Afterall, Lama Zopa is the student of Lama Yeshe who is a strong Shugden practioner. Therefore, they need to repair their samaya as much as they can. 

Certain Kopan monks and members are known to bad mouth other centers and caused a lot of schism amongst others. One very famous incident is how Kopan monks bad mouth Pabongka Rinpoche to his sponsor and after that this particular sponsor stop sponsoring Pabongka Rinpoche. This has very heavy negative karma involved, directly they are causing the teaching to stop. Very bad.

Eventhough Kopan monks has mellow down on the anti Shugden movememt, BUT they cannot reverse what they have done. How can you stab someone on his back and then say sorry? I am sorry but Karma do not work this way. 


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2012, 01:11:47 AM »
This would the latest update on Lama Zopa's health.  How wonderful Lama Zopa is making great progress and I will continue to pray to DS for Lama's swift recovery:

"Rinpoche is doing well, progress is still slow but seems normal for this situation. The main thing is that there is still progress. Rinpoche is more independent, using the right hand more and the right leg is stronger we just need to focus on getting the action more correct. Rinpoche's speech is very clear when speaking Tibetan, in English if he doesn't make effort there is a slight slur. But when teaching and Rinpoche focuses on the pronunciation it is clear. Blood pressure and sugar levels are good for Rinpoche's situation, and the doctors are pleased. Long term Rinpoche doesn't want to have to take western medicine if possible, so in the long term we have to find other methods combined with a good lifestyle!"


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2012, 05:40:55 PM »
Hi... Just thought that you would like to know the latest update on Lama Zopa's health.

Update regarding Lama Zopa Rinpoche's health 23 June 2011
Sunday, 24 April 2011 17:03

Dear friends,

Rinpoche is doing well and still in Nepal. Rinpoche is walking without aid now though someone has to walk close behind in case Rinpoche stumbles. Rinpoche has to drag the right leg a little and use his hip a little to swing his leg around to make a step but quite an improvement as he is independent. When we leave the gompa and return he has about 57 steps go down and up ... that is hard and needs a lot of care to manage.

Right arm has more movement now but hand still has no energy to hold anything and arm has little energy to support in normal activity.

Speech is slowly improving right side of mouth little movement.

Rinpoche’s day is quite full, starting at 6:30 am practicing movement, 7:45 am physio session, then massage, afternoon is movements and then acupuncture and every evening is circumambulation of Bodha stupa or Swayambhu. So quite a full day.

Rinpoche is quite happy and eager with trying to get back to normal physical health. Many times a little too eager! Sense of humor seems even better than before, especially about his own situation ... Sometimes he bursts out laughing about trying to do some exercise and it isn't working.



I hope this Lama Zopa will get better soon. I know the students samaya plays an important role and definitely has consequences to the results of Lama Zopa's health improvements. Lets us pray for the best for them.

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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2012, 02:12:24 PM »
Hello there... attached below is a more accurate update on Lama Zopa's health. Lama Zopa as I have mentioned before is an inspiring teacher! I pray for his speedy recovery and may he continue to turn the wheel of Dharma! For his students please do what you have to do. Your samaya with your Guru is the best cure for any illness. May Rinpoche manifest quick healing and be the force that he needs to be in the Dharma arena.

Update on Lama Zopa's health extracted from ftmp website:

April 2 2012
Dear Friends,

Rinpoche is doing well, progress is still slow but seems normal for this situation. The main thing is that there is still progress. Rinpoche is more independent, using the right hand more and the right leg is stronger we just need to focus on getting the action more correct. Rinpoche's speech is very clear when speaking Tibetan, in English if he doesn't make effort there is a slight slur. But when teaching and Rinpoche focuses on the pronunciation it is clear. Blood pressure and sugar levels are good for Rinpoche's situation, and the doctors are pleased. Long term Rinpoche doesn't want to have to take western medicine if possible, so in the long term we have to find other methods combined with a good lifestyle!

Thank you everyone for all your support and kindness.


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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2012, 06:34:58 AM »
Found this video online and it is great to see Lama Zopa Rinpoche walking relatively unaided and giving such blessed teachings and oral transmission (Praise to Avalokiteshvara by Songsten Gampo and The long Avalokiteshvara mantra).

Lama Zopa Rinpoche looks alert even though still manifesting some reminence of illness… and I hope Rinpoche’s steady recovery is an indication of good things to come and that his students are finally coming together and ironing out the “real” issues at hand!

Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Maitripa College on Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 7:00 PM.

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Re: Update on Lama Zopa's health
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2012, 10:11:00 AM »
It's really great to see Lama Zopa recovering from his stroke and continuing his Dharma activities. It seems that Khadro-la has helped him a lot in regaining his health after the stroke. i wonder who she is and what did she do that really brought Lama Zopa's health back? In any case, I do rejoice but I do also hope that Lama Zopa lives long with no more of such problems to his health...