Author Topic: Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay Launched a Book  (Read 6781 times)


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Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay Launched a Book
« on: April 11, 2012, 11:03:44 AM »
DHARAMSHALA:  Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay, today launched a book  ‘Hidden Tibet: History of Independence and Occupation’ by Dr S.L. Kuzmin, at a press conference organised by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. 
Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay with the author, Dr S.L.Kuzmin at the book launch.
Speaking at the book launch, Kalon Tripa said the book is neither pro-Tibet nor anti-China.
“It is an unbiased book which depicts a complete evidence based history of Tibet’s relation with the different dynasties that ruled China,” he said.
He also welcomed the efforts made by Dr Kuzmin as well as many other western intellectuals to create more awareness about Tibet through books, adding, it helps disseminate more information on the current situation inside Tibet.
Dr S.L.Kuzmin, the author of the book, said the idea for the book began with his goal to analyse the history of Tibet from the point of view of ‘what was Tibet?’
“You find contradicting views in different sources, especially between the official Chinese academic books and the Tibetan documents. So I compared and analysed these documents including some independent views from various intellectuals to conclude what was Tibet,” he said.
“Tibet is an occupied country which used to be an independent nation before. The only relationship that Tibet used to have with the Yuan and Qing dynasties were Priest-Patron relation,” Dr Kuzmin added.
The book was earlier published in both Russian and Mongolian at the Library of Tibetan works and Archives.
The book launch was attended by various members of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile as well as by the heads of different governmental and non-governmental organisations.

It will be interesting to know if any protector practice is mentioned in this book  in the priest-Patron relationship between Tibet and China.  I think it will be a great idea if we publish our own, the definitive history book of Tibet to include Dorje Shugden.

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay Launched a Book
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 11:06:02 AM »
DHARAMSHALA:  Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay, today launched a book  ‘Hidden Tibet: History of Independence and Occupation’ by Dr S.L. Kuzmin, at a press conference organised by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. 
Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay with the author, Dr S.L.Kuzmin at the book launch.
Speaking at the book launch, Kalon Tripa said the book is neither pro-Tibet nor anti-China.
“It is an unbiased book which depicts a complete evidence based history of Tibet’s relation with the different dynasties that ruled China,” he said.
He also welcomed the efforts made by Dr Kuzmin as well as many other western intellectuals to create more awareness about Tibet through books, adding, it helps disseminate more information on the current situation inside Tibet.
Dr S.L.Kuzmin, the author of the book, said the idea for the book began with his goal to analyse the history of Tibet from the point of view of ‘what was Tibet?’
“You find contradicting views in different sources, especially between the official Chinese academic books and the Tibetan documents. So I compared and analysed these documents including some independent views from various intellectuals to conclude what was Tibet,” he said.
“Tibet is an occupied country which used to be an independent nation before. The only relationship that Tibet used to have with the Yuan and Qing dynasties were Priest-Patron relation,” Dr Kuzmin added.
The book was earlier published in both Russian and Mongolian at the Library of Tibetan works and Archives.
The book launch was attended by various members of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile as well as by the heads of different governmental and non-governmental organisations.

It will be interesting to know if any protector practice is mentioned in this book  in the priest-Patron relationship between Tibet and China.  I think it will be a great idea if we publish our own, the definitive history book of Tibet to include Dorje Shugden.

I am sure the book is factual and a great piece of work since Dr Lobsang is such an educated individual.
I am looking forward to reading the book and getting his autograph.


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Re: Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay Launched a Book
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2012, 03:20:37 PM »
Interesting how their keen to emphasise that the conclusions drawn are independent. Nothing is independent, or at least nothing will be perceived to be objective and independent. If its erring on the side of the Tibetans, the Chinese will not be happy. And if it errs on the side of the Chinese, it will be hailed by the Communists as a perfect piece of authorship, and by the Tibetans as a piece of Communist propaganda.

It doesnt matter how much you want to emphasise on independence, when what matters is the peoples perception.

Speaking of manipulating perceptions, interesting title, "Hidden History"... what else is hidden and not included in this piece of work, you know, for objectivitys sake?


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Re: Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay Launched a Book
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2012, 07:23:29 PM »
Speaking of manipulating perceptions, interesting title, "Hidden History"... what else is hidden and not included in this piece of work, you know, for objectivitys sake?

Well, first of all, one of the "Hidden History" is that there is no Tibetan Government In Exile (now CTA) if Dorje Shugden didn't give instructions for the escape of His Holiness  ;D  (Info: Ok I am sure that is not in the book.

This is what is in the book:
The latest book in Russian on Tibet entitled  HIDDEN TIBET: HISTORY OF INDEPENDENCE AND OCCUPATION,  authored by Dr. Segius L. Kuzmin, Senior Scholar of Russian Academy of Sciences, was released on March 10, 2010, on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day.

The book contains 12 chapters in 541 pages and 180 photographs, starting from geography of Tibet and origination of Tibetan people up to the present situation in occupied-Tibet. It is the most comprehensive and convincing work in Russian language devoted to the question of Tibet. It  depicts the history and development of Tibetan culture and religion, which makes very clear that Tibet had its own independent and unique national identity.

The book analyzes  the Chinese traditional and geopolitical views as well as politics in respect to “national minorities”, and thus makes very clear why China misinterpreted Tibet as a state subordinate to China, or even the part of China, and why it is wrong. It analyses legal argumentation of the Tibetan question and depicts very clearly that according to international law Tibet has never  lost her statehood and thus unequivocally Tibet is an occupied country. The book disproves some erroneous views on history of Tibet. In summary the author writes ” Tibet has never been a part of any other state.

At the time when China was an inseparable part of Mongolian Yuan Empire and Manchu Qing Empire, Tibet was a separate  country but not a part  of these empires. It was not a part of Chinese Tang and Ming empire. Statement that Tibet was a part of neighboring empires is related to ancient Chinese conception of the emperor’s global power. Its principles are being wrongfully transferred onto a nation state model in post-revolution China. Inclusion of Tibet into the People’s Republic of China was not legitimate. Tibet is an occupied country.” To jump to the conclusion, the book traces history of the Tibetan statehood from ancient times to our present days, describes life of Tibetans at the times of ” feudalism”  and under Chinese socialism. It depicts the economic development and system cultural genocide in Tibet under China’s rule.

The book is now being translated into English under the management of Moscow-based Tibet Culture and Information Center, which also up-loaded the Russian version in its website:–Dr Ngawang Rabgyal is His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Representative to Moscow.


Big Uncle

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Re: Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay Launched a Book
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2012, 07:44:13 AM »
Well, I am sure there were differing views from the side of the Chinese and the Tibetans. The Chinese just wanted to use Tibet. They wanted to use the Dalai Lama as a political pawn to pacify the Mongolians and other tribes of the region. Buddhism has that effect on the war-mongering Mongols.

On top of that, the Chinese had always been arrogant, calling the country the middle kingdom as if the whole world is centered around them. The Tibetans on the other hand had been struggling to stay united and sovereign and the Dalai Lama had seized the opportunity to establish relationship with the Chinese monarchs to bring Buddhism there and maintain itself as a sovereign state.

It was a risky relationship that was cemented with the spiritual overtones of the priest-disciple relationship. That fell apart when the Chinese became a republic and even less so with the communist rule. However, I wouldn't be surprise that it will be re-established in the future as the Chinese of the future stuggles to come to terms with its materialistic wealth and the dissatisfaction that comes from it.

It is a good move from Dr Lobsang Sangye as an effort to shed light on Tibet's true status as a sovereign nation. But it will do little for the country as the world today is different and China is emerging as a superpower with its huge gargantuan economy and purse string. This calls for a different method, a different way to approach China. So what can that be? What do you guys think?

Positive Change

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Re: Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay Launched a Book
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2012, 01:43:41 PM »
There are always two sides to every coin. It all depends on which perspective or prejudice we are coming from really! To be hailed as absolutely unbiased, both arguments and points need to be shared and heard. I have not read the book but if the Kalon Tripa, Dr Lobsang Sangay is indeed really unbiased in his views we would really not have the issue of the ban continuing would we? So I really doubt that the book will be unbiased based on his actions alone. I could be wrong, once again as I have not read the book. However, I will look for it and would want to see for myself.

I agree with what  Big Uncle has shared in the following:

Well, I am sure there were differing views from the side of the Chinese and the Tibetans. The Chinese just wanted to use Tibet. They wanted to use the Dalai Lama as a political pawn to pacify the Mongolians and other tribes of the region. Buddhism has that effect on the war-mongering Mongols.

On top of that, the Chinese had always been arrogant, calling the country the middle kingdom as if the whole world is centered around them. The Tibetans on the other hand had been struggling to stay united and sovereign and the Dalai Lama had seized the opportunity to establish relationship with the Chinese monarchs to bring Buddhism there and maintain itself as a sovereign state.

It was a risky relationship that was cemented with the spiritual overtones of the priest-disciple relationship. That fell apart when the Chinese became a republic and even less so with the communist rule. However, I wouldn't be surprise that it will be re-established in the future as the Chinese of the future stuggles to come to terms with its materialistic wealth and the dissatisfaction that comes from it.

It is a good move from Dr Lobsang Sangye as an effort to shed light on Tibet's true status as a sovereign nation. But it will do little for the country as the world today is different and China is emerging as a superpower with its huge gargantuan economy and purse string. This calls for a different method, a different way to approach China. So what can that be? What do you guys think?

For me the method is really quite simple. How do you make a nation as proud as China to accept something from the defacto head of the sovereign nation that the so want to ensure remains under their dominion?

Feed their insecurities and hand them a “solution” to their problem on a silver platter! A gift of sorts! Sound like the Trojan Horse huh… ;) And we know what happened to Troy. Though, this is not to eliminate China but to actually free China!


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Re: Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay Launched a Book
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2012, 05:07:02 PM »

It is a good move from Dr Lobsang Sangye as an effort to shed light on Tibet's true status as a sovereign nation. But it will do little for the country as the world today is different and China is emerging as a superpower with its huge gargantuan economy and purse string. This calls for a different method, a different way to approach China. So what can that be? What do you guys think?
I am all for good books but from a practical point of view, what does that book offer in terms of solving the Tibet issue, beyond another intellectual analysis. Whether the relationship between Tibet and China from the Yuan Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty was in fact one of relatives or that of equals is a matter for academics to debate and offers little in practical solutions.

Even if we recognize Tibet to be an independent state, in 1951 the local government of Tibet signed the “Seventeen Point Agreement on the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet” which on the one hand stated that Tibet's system would not change and neither will the Dalai Lama's position, but on the other hand clearly stressed that Tibet was in fact a part of China. From that point in time, the One Country Two System understanding was waiting to be tested.

It was only a matter of time before Mao Zedong's socialist reforms would run into old Tibet's society of fuedal serfdom which Mao saw as a despotic religion-political rule of nobles and lamas.

What is the Kalon Tripa's new book supposed to do? It is not as if there are no historical literature for academics to debate on nor is the Tibet crisis unknown to the world. What are required are practical measures and perhaps an (unfortunately) serious compromise by the CTA. China is not a country that is easily bullied and unlike some resource rich nation that can draw the support of other world super powers, Tibet has no economic or geo-political value to any other global power, except…China.

Very simply the gulf between the China and the Dalai Lama need to be closed if the Tibet issue is to be resolved. That is quite obvious and the only reason I can imagine that the office of the Dalai Lama has thus far not agreed to terms is very simply that HHDL has his reasons to keep alienating himself from the Chinese government. It is a very strategic move on the part of HHDL.