Author Topic: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama  (Read 8279 times)

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Goodness me... How petty!!!! But then again I truly am not surprised at all. China is proving a point and is merely exercising their political muscle to gain a stronger foothold on the economic climate.

And I reckon all HHDL was doing was meeting to perhaps discuss the Templeton prize which HHDL is going to be given as such: The bulk of the prize money – more than £934,000 – will go to Save the Children in India where the 14th Dalai Lama has led a Tibetan government in exile for the past five decades.

The remainder, he said, would be given to the Mind and Life institute – a body which promotes collaboration between science and spirituality – and to a fund providing Tibetan monks with funding for science degrees.

Of which I am sure the Chinese Government would spin as HHDL "bribing" the cause of Free Tibet. Well... disillusioned minds can think of almost anything to further their own cause.

Here is the article in full:

China called off a senior leader's visit to Britain after learning that David Cameron planned to meet the Dalai Lama, according to diplomatic sources.

Beijing summoned the British ambassador following the prime minister's meeting in London this month and warned publicly that the event had damaged relations with the UK.

But the cancellation of Wu Bangguo's visit had previously escaped notice because it had not been announced.

Wu, who is the country's chief legislator and serves on its top political decision-making body, has just concluded a tour of Europe that was due to include the short trip to Britain.

Chinese officials informed their British counterparts that the visit was cancelled after learning of Cameron's meeting with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, sources said.

A spokesman at the British embassy in Beijing did not comment on the timing or cause of the cancellation, but confirmed: "There was a proposed visit by Wu Bangguo which has not happened.

"We very much regret that Chairman Wu was not able to travel to the UK; his visit would have been a good opportunity to continue deepening UK-China relations. We would welcome future visitors from the National People's Congress to strengthen the UK-China dialogue."

Wu chairs the standing committee of the NPC, the country's legislature.

The Chinese foreign ministry had not responded to queries at time of writing, but a spokesman warned after Cameron's meeting that the British government had "[hurt] the feelings of the Chinese people", meddled in China's affairs and harmed Chinese-British relations.

Hong Lei added: "We are strongly discontented and firmly opposed to it.

"We call on the British side to earnestly respond to China's solemn demand, stop conniving at and supporting separatist attempts to achieve Tibetan independence, take practical measures to eliminate the terrible impact and take actions to preserve Chinese-British relations."

A commentary published by the state news agency Xinhua described it as "a dark moment for China-Britain relations".

China alleges that the Dalai Lama wants to split the country, while he says that he seeks only meaningful autonomy for Tibet.

Beijing pays close attention to his travels and lobbies foreign leaders not to meet him, often warning that it will damage bilateral relations. It is particularly alert to arrangements suggesting the Dalai Lama is an official visitor akin to a visiting statesman and to awards and honours he is granted.

Cameron and Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, met him at St Paul's Cathedral – where the Dalai Lama was receiving the £1.1m Templeton prize – rather than on government premises.

Beijing's highest-level protest came in 2008 when it called off a major EU summit because Nicolas Sarkozy, then French president, was due to meet the Tibetan.

More recently, it is understood to have cancelled bilateral visits after the Estonian president and other politicians met the Dalai Lama last summer. A few months later there was fury from civil rights campaigners when the spiritual leader failed to obtain a visa to South Africa, where he hoped to celebrate his friend Desmond Tutu's birthday. South African officials denied they were bowing to pressure from China, its biggest trading partner.

Diplomats say the Czech Republic has had particularly frosty relations with China over its dealings with the Tibetan spiritual leader, who has visited the country nine times and was a friend of the late Vaclav Havel, its former president.

"They have been made an example of; it is easier to punish smaller countries," said one.

In 2010, researchers at the University of Göttingen in Germany said they had found meetings with the Dalai Lama damaged exports to China. Their study of 159 countries over 17 years suggested exports slipped by an average 8.1% in the two years after a country's officials met the Tibetan spiritual leader, but recovered after that.

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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 02:19:22 PM »
Pic: The Dalai Lama meets David Cameron and Nick Clegg at St Paul's Cathedral. Beijing has accused the prime minister of meddling in China's affairs. Photograph: PA

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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 02:53:37 PM »
China is definitely not petty in this case and they had been following the same hardline approach to foreign policy with countries that continue to fraternize with the Dalai Lama, whom they consider to be a separatist. They have been doing it with numerous countries and had more or less adhered to this policy over the years.

The reason why they doing this is because they are flexing their economic muscle and in that way threatening these countries. China fears that the association with the Dalai Lama may encourage pro-independent Tibet movements. And especially the meeting with important heads of states would further give credibility to the pro-independent movement. It is amazing how a single monk could be such a threat to the massive Chinese government. Underneath the superficial religious freedom allowed in China, the major spiritual institutions are a highly regulated and monitored. It is never so simple with the Chinese.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2012, 03:15:04 PM »
It is amazing how a single monk could be such a threat to the massive Chinese government. Underneath the superficial religious freedom allowed in China, the major spiritual institutions are a highly regulated and monitored. It is never so simple with the Chinese.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Come to think of it... this is so TRUE! China being the most powerful nation in the world right now is literally terrified with whatever and whoever the Dalai Lama meets. It shows that His Holiness is certainly NO ordinary monk. It seems like His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the one and only man China fears which is pretty amazing because China basically is not afraid of anyone.

Hence, whatever His Holiness does that denotes harm towards himself and his movement or cause... e.g. Dorje Sugden, it will automatically be quickly picked up and supported to its fullest by the Chinese Govt. Now I am certain HHDL is very aware of this and sees this happening before pushing for the BAN so loudly. So having said that, we could probably conclude that that is exactly what was intended?

Honestly all HHDL would need to say is, the Ban is off and he made a mistake... imagine the great unity of Shugdenpas together with the rest of the Tibetans in Tibet and in India. It would make the Tibetan cause more pronounced, louder and perhaps a chance to gain some dialogue with China? And imagine HHDL meeting the Chinese selected 11th Panchen Lama on religious freedom discussions... this would certainly be mind blowing! If CTA was smart, they would look at it from this angle. Lets hope the ban gets lifted way before HHDL passes.   


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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2012, 04:44:02 PM »
Honestly all HHDL would need to say is, the Ban is off and he made a mistake... imagine the great unity of Shugdenpas together with the rest of the Tibetans in Tibet and in India. It would make the Tibetan cause more pronounced, louder and perhaps a chance to gain some dialogue with China?

Yes, and some Shugden lamas are very famous and have resources that can help the rest of the Tibetans. Now they are "exiled in exile"  8)

Now that His Holiness is not the secular head of Tibet, and that his influence on the Tibetans is diminishing, why do you think China is still afraid of the Dalai Lama?

Is it because China does not believe that His Holiness said that he does not espouse Tibetan independence and only seeks genuine autonomy for Tibet? China keeps repeating the "separatist" accusation even up till today, there has been no forward movement as the Chinese posture remains frozen after 9 rounds of talks.
Or is it because His Holiness' international travels arouse immense sympathy for Tibet’s cause and the enthusiastic leaders wanting to meet despite knowing the damage it will cause to the relations between them and China said something more?

What is it that the repercussions to these countries are not effective and yet China still keeps doing it?


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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2012, 08:05:55 PM »
This did not surprise me at all. China has always protested against any country who hosts the Dalai Lama. I do believe that it is not just the ‘simple monk’ that China is protesting against but what that ‘simple monk’ represents. The Dalai Lama represents Tibet, which is a strategically critical to China. The Dalai Lama also represents the defiance and resistance of the other countries against China’s rising political and economic power.

The Dalai Lama is a political pawn between China and the world. I believe that the Nobel Peace award for the Dalai Lama, irregardless of whatever merit the Dalai Lama deserves, was also politically driven by the Western countries as a challenge to China.

As long as there is unrest in Tibet with the continuing monk immolations, the Chinese authorities will also continue to hold their current hardline stance against the Dalai Lama on the international arena. I do not think that China would ever stop vilifying the Dalai Lama and this would only end when the Dalai Lama, with the deepest respect, passes into clear light.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2012, 04:46:45 AM »
For China, His Holiness Dalai Lama is both the political & spiritual leader for Tibet all these while. it is not surprising that they still act like this even now HHDL has stepped down as the political leader as his influence is still there.

However, this also serves as an opportunity for HHDL to spread Buddhism into China. We can all see that with the ban of Lord Dorje Shugden by HHDL, the more China will support it and now more people and temple with Lord DS are found in China. I could not see any other reason that the great compassion HHDL would impose such drastic ban that against the Lord DS practitioners.
Just that i do hope the ban would be lifted soonest and Lord DS practitioners and freely do their practice.


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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2012, 02:09:27 PM »
For China, His Holiness Dalai Lama is both the political & spiritual leader for Tibet all these while. it is not surprising that they still act like this even now HHDL has stepped down as the political leader as his influence is still there.

However, this also serves as an opportunity for HHDL to spread Buddhism into China. We can all see that with the ban of Lord Dorje Shugden by HHDL, the more China will support it and now more people and temple with Lord DS are found in China. I could not see any other reason that the great compassion HHDL would impose such drastic ban that against the Lord DS practitioners.
Just that i do hope the ban would be lifted soonest and Lord DS practitioners and freely do their practice.

It is sad that even after HHDL stepped down as political leader, China still sees this "simple monk" a threat and continues to hold to ransom governments that host HHDL. I guess, one can remove one's "title" but can never remove one's influence or popularity of which HHDL has tremendous worldwide appeal. This will not wane at least in the near future.

In light of this China should really just accept this fact and stop using its political and economic muscle to push aside this religious figure but instead turn their attention to more pressing matters at hand. How to solve the issue (or non issue in their eyes) of Tibet and really have some open round table talks with the CTA on how best to help the people in that region.

Than perhaps through this disassociation can the ban be but a religious/spiritual choice rather than what it seems to be now, a political decree. I believe everyone should just stop feeding the fire and use the ban as a political tool. It really should not be. Freedom of religious practice is dominant in all developed and developing countries. Its about time CTA come out of the dark ages and embrace this fact! Stop using religion/spirituality as a political tool or angle. Its been done before in history and it has never worked! People suffer!


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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2012, 02:43:54 PM »
China is the super power now. And they have the strength to make demands. If demands are not met, then relationship will turn sour and economy will suffer. China is using their advantage while they can and this is the time they do so. China sees the Dalai Lama as a threat to their country's stability. They do not want to create disharmony amongst their people. To the Chinese government, any meetings with any statesman is a threat as they think the Dalai Lama is garnering support for his Free Tibet cause.

But this time, the Dalai Lama's visit to England is discuss about the Templeton prize money. It has nothing to do with political issues. With the Dalai Lama visiting Europe now for his tour to spread Buddhism, let's see which other Chinese delegate will cancel their trip that country.

Like what dsiluvu says, the Dalai Lama should just cancel the ban on Dorje Shugden and then the Tibetans will unite and have a louder voice to free Tibet. But would China back down?

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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2012, 02:58:16 PM »
My comments below in RED:

China is the super power now. And they have the strength to make demands. If demands are not met, then relationship will turn sour and economy will suffer. China is using their advantage while they can and this is the time they do so. China sees the Dalai Lama as a threat to their country's stability. They do not want to create disharmony amongst their people. To the Chinese government, any meetings with any statesman is a threat as they think the Dalai Lama is garnering support for his Free Tibet cause.

What I can't figure out is, an entire ruling government with their advisors and the like are terrified of this one simple monk that smiles all the time! With no disrespect, any one with half a brain would know that if HHDL wanted to spark of instability in any way, shape or form, would he have not done so already!!!!?? Why wait? What is the point unless there is a larger reason behind it. A higher motivation of sorts. Something far more beneficial to sentient beings... surely the latter sounds a lot more like HHDL than a sword wielding monk going berserk!

But this time, the Dalai Lama's visit to England is discuss about the Templeton prize money. It has nothing to do with political issues. With the Dalai Lama visiting Europe now for his tour to spread Buddhism, let's see which other Chinese delegate will cancel their trip that country.

I see this even as the Chinese shooting themselves in the foot, because even given their economic muscle now, all that flexing after a while will run its course and will not prove to be much of a threat anymore. After all, trade has to work both ways. If every government gets pissed off with the attitude of China with regards to one seemingly harmless monk, where are they going to turn to? Sure being a large nation such as China there is always internal/local trade that would sustain them... but is that not regressing? China was that way before and where did it get them?

Like what dsiluvu says, the Dalai Lama should just cancel the ban on Dorje Shugden and then the Tibetans will unite and have a louder voice to free Tibet. But would China back down?

Sure HHDL can cancel the ban immediately, but what would purpose would it serve? Sorry to say this, but poor Tibetans unite again and try to "free" their country as one voice? Like I said above, if that could work, it would have already. But seeing how the ban is effecting the spread of Dorje Shugden around the world, it is better, in my opinion to keep the ban FOR NOW and let it run its course... because after awhile, when everywhere one turns, there is Dorje Shugden, the ban will be obsolete anyways and die a natural death. That is why, it is imperative that we all do our part to continue to spread Dorje Shugden through exposure and educating people on the truths. Take this website for example, which is an incredible tool to help in this spread of knowledge and awareness...


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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2012, 09:47:53 AM »
China is the super power now. And they have the strength to make demands. If demands are not met, then relationship will turn sour and economy will suffer. China is using their advantage while they can and this is the time they do so. China sees the Dalai Lama as a threat to their country's stability. They do not want to create disharmony amongst their people. To the Chinese government, any meetings with any statesman is a threat as they think the Dalai Lama is garnering support for his Free Tibet cause.

What I can't figure out is, an entire ruling government with their advisors and the like are terrified of this one simple monk that smiles all the time! With no disrespect, any one with half a brain would know that if HHDL wanted to spark of instability in any way, shape or form, would he have not done so already!!!!?? Why wait? What is the point unless there is a larger reason behind it. A higher motivation of sorts. Something far more beneficial to sentient beings... surely the latter sounds a lot more like HHDL than a sword wielding monk going berserk!

But this time, the Dalai Lama's visit to England is discuss about the Templeton prize money. It has nothing to do with political issues. With the Dalai Lama visiting Europe now for his tour to spread Buddhism, let's see which other Chinese delegate will cancel their trip that country.

I see this even as the Chinese shooting themselves in the foot, because even given their economic muscle now, all that flexing after a while will run its course and will not prove to be much of a threat anymore. After all, trade has to work both ways. If every government gets pissed off with the attitude of China with regards to one seemingly harmless monk, where are they going to turn to? Sure being a large nation such as China there is always internal/local trade that would sustain them... but is that not regressing? China was that way before and where did it get them?

Like what dsiluvu says, the Dalai Lama should just cancel the ban on Dorje Shugden and then the Tibetans will unite and have a louder voice to free Tibet. But would China back down?

Sure HHDL can cancel the ban immediately, but what would purpose would it serve? Sorry to say this, but poor Tibetans unite again and try to "free" their country as one voice? Like I said above, if that could work, it would have already. But seeing how the ban is effecting the spread of Dorje Shugden around the world, it is better, in my opinion to keep the ban FOR NOW and let it run its course... because after awhile, when everywhere one turns, there is Dorje Shugden, the ban will be obsolete anyways and die a natural death. That is why, it is imperative that we all do our part to continue to spread Dorje Shugden through exposure and educating people on the truths. Take this website for example, which is an incredible tool to help in this spread of knowledge and awareness...

In more ways than one, I believe very strongly that China now really sees HHDL as Chenrenzig and are fully aware what they are going against, and this shows by their insecurity and fear of the Dalai Lama whenever he visits another country or so. However, China cannot hand back Tibet to the Dalai Lama as this will also inspire the other vassal states such as Ughyur which was originally nation of its own to break off from China and China will descend into utter chaos. Also, China needs the natural resources that Tibet has as well as the land for the growing amount of people in the motherland so on samsaric terms, they cannot risk what they already have for the sake of complying with HHDL. This is in addition that there are absolutely no guarantees that CTA can take care or take the reins from China on the development of Tibet. They cannot even take care of that tiny enclave that is Dharamsala, how can China risk it all and put the lives of millions of people at risk at the hands of an incompetent government?

The time to lift the ban has not yet come but it will come soon as HHDL has shown very clear signs that he is in fact happy that so many people are actually practicing Dorje Shugden despite the ban. He laughed heartily as he said that there are more and more people practicing Dorje Shugden from Singapore and Hong Kong. If he hated Dorje Shugden that much why would he have such a reaction?! The video can be watched here:

When more and more people show that they actually question and investigate, and ask more and more questions to the CTA and to HHDL about Dorje Shugden, eventually HHDL will realize that it is time to lift the ban and it has served its purpose: to provoke people to think more. By that time, Dorje Shugden will be very deeply embedded into China and its citizens and it would be impossible for the Chinese government to uproot this practice then.

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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2012, 01:31:45 PM »
China is the super power now. And they have the strength to make demands. If demands are not met, then relationship will turn sour and economy will suffer. China is using their advantage while they can and this is the time they do so. China sees the Dalai Lama as a threat to their country's stability. They do not want to create disharmony amongst their people. To the Chinese government, any meetings with any statesman is a threat as they think the Dalai Lama is garnering support for his Free Tibet cause.

What I can't figure out is, an entire ruling government with their advisors and the like are terrified of this one simple monk that smiles all the time! With no disrespect, any one with half a brain would know that if HHDL wanted to spark of instability in any way, shape or form, would he have not done so already!!!!?? Why wait? What is the point unless there is a larger reason behind it. A higher motivation of sorts. Something far more beneficial to sentient beings... surely the latter sounds a lot more like HHDL than a sword wielding monk going berserk!

But this time, the Dalai Lama's visit to England is discuss about the Templeton prize money. It has nothing to do with political issues. With the Dalai Lama visiting Europe now for his tour to spread Buddhism, let's see which other Chinese delegate will cancel their trip that country.

I see this even as the Chinese shooting themselves in the foot, because even given their economic muscle now, all that flexing after a while will run its course and will not prove to be much of a threat anymore. After all, trade has to work both ways. If every government gets pissed off with the attitude of China with regards to one seemingly harmless monk, where are they going to turn to? Sure being a large nation such as China there is always internal/local trade that would sustain them... but is that not regressing? China was that way before and where did it get them?

Like what dsiluvu says, the Dalai Lama should just cancel the ban on Dorje Shugden and then the Tibetans will unite and have a louder voice to free Tibet. But would China back down?

Sure HHDL can cancel the ban immediately, but what would purpose would it serve? Sorry to say this, but poor Tibetans unite again and try to "free" their country as one voice? Like I said above, if that could work, it would have already. But seeing how the ban is effecting the spread of Dorje Shugden around the world, it is better, in my opinion to keep the ban FOR NOW and let it run its course... because after awhile, when everywhere one turns, there is Dorje Shugden, the ban will be obsolete anyways and die a natural death. That is why, it is imperative that we all do our part to continue to spread Dorje Shugden through exposure and educating people on the truths. Take this website for example, which is an incredible tool to help in this spread of knowledge and awareness...

In more ways than one, I believe very strongly that China now really sees HHDL as Chenrenzig and are fully aware what they are going against, and this shows by their insecurity and fear of the Dalai Lama whenever he visits another country or so. However, China cannot hand back Tibet to the Dalai Lama as this will also inspire the other vassal states such as Ughyur which was originally nation of its own to break off from China and China will descend into utter chaos. Also, China needs the natural resources that Tibet has as well as the land for the growing amount of people in the motherland so on samsaric terms, they cannot risk what they already have for the sake of complying with HHDL. This is in addition that there are absolutely no guarantees that CTA can take care or take the reins from China on the development of Tibet. They cannot even take care of that tiny enclave that is Dharamsala, how can China risk it all and put the lives of millions of people at risk at the hands of an incompetent government?

The time to lift the ban has not yet come but it will come soon as HHDL has shown very clear signs that he is in fact happy that so many people are actually practicing Dorje Shugden despite the ban. He laughed heartily as he said that there are more and more people practicing Dorje Shugden from Singapore and Hong Kong. If he hated Dorje Shugden that much why would he have such a reaction?! The video can be watched here:

When more and more people show that they actually question and investigate, and ask more and more questions to the CTA and to HHDL about Dorje Shugden, eventually HHDL will realize that it is time to lift the ban and it has served its purpose: to provoke people to think more. By that time, Dorje Shugden will be very deeply embedded into China and its citizens and it would be impossible for the Chinese government to uproot this practice then.

Precisely Ensapa.... what you shared in your last paragraph, I too am of the opinion for it makes the most sense. The ban is serving a purpose, that is for sure... nothing HHDL does is without purpose or he would not be who he is. The question in all our limited minds is... what precisely? This unfortunately we wont know for certain till the lifting of the ban whereby we will, I am certain, gasp... "ah... that's why".

Meanwhile this conclusion of actually making one think beyond, to question, to seek answers and to contemplate is by far the best reason my mind can think of at this point. It does make a lot of sense!

It is to gauge whether we are truly ready and to create a situation whereby, when the ban is lifted our foundations would be so strong that our faith with be kept alive regardless in preparation for the worsening of the degenerate times. There will come a time where we have to fend for ourselves, so why not learn now... and ensure and trust that the Protector of our Time is here to help and guide us!


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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2012, 05:50:20 PM »
As the research suggested by the German Academics there is nothing really to worry about the exports went back to normal after some time. It is good the Chinese are really buying into the idea that Dorje Shugden will cause harm to the Dalai Lama, hence the Chinese can be rid of the Dalai Lama. Or so they think.  The dalai lama is preparing for his next incarnation and his next incarnation will probably be just spiritual without getting involved in politics.


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Re: China cancels UK visit over David Cameron's meeting with Dalai Lama
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2012, 10:49:13 AM »
And...this is what the Dalai Lama said about that statement:

Dalai Lama dismisses Chinese protest over UK tour
Tibetan spiritual leader says intervention by China is 'almost like a routine' as he makes first appearance in Manchester

Helen Nugent, Friday 15 June 2012 12.41 BST

The Dalai Lama at a press conference in Manchester to begin a tour of the UK. Photograph: Phil Noble/Reuters
The Dalai Lama has dismissed a protest by China's Communist rulers as "quite routine" at the start of a 10-day trip to the UK – while the comedian Russell Brand, who will appear with him on Saturday at Manchester Arena, promised he would behave.

China regards Tibet's spiritual leader as an enemy of the state and threatened to withdraw its Olympic athletes from their training camp in Leeds because of his visit to the city on Friday.

But the Buddhist leader told a packed press conference in Manchester city centre: "That always happens. It's almost like a routine." He added, however, that if the comments by the Chinese state had inconvenienced anyone, "then I feel sorry".

Earlier this week it was claimed that Chinese officials had requested that Leeds city council cancel the Yorkshire International Business Convention. The event is going ahead on Friday afternoon but the council has stressed it is not involved with its organisation.

Meanwhile, at the Lowry, the first five-star hotel in Manchester, the Dalai Lama told the group of assembled journalists and photographers: "You media people should educate people, but not every day." The top floor of the hotel, including the presidential suite, has been put aside for the leader and his entourage.

He added: "Another point, especially for media people, [you] should have long noses, like elephant noses, and smell everywhere like dogs."

An aide later said the Dalai Lama was not making a specific reference to the Leveson inquiry into press standards. Clad in his trademark robes, he went on to say: "People should know what … is really happening. So media people should be investigating what is the reality. And you should be very honest. You must be objective and unbiased."

According to the Office of Tibet, the Dalai Lama is in Britain to "share his beliefs of non-violence, dialogue and compassion, particularly with the young people of this country".

This weekend, the 76-year-old, whose name is Tenzin Gyatso, will address younger audiences at the Manchester Arena in an unlikely double act with Brand. The comedian, well known for his short marriage to the singer Katy Perry, asked to be involved in the event. The Dalai Lama knows of Brand because of his public struggles with addiction and the fact that he has drawn on meditation for support.

Brand said: "I've made mistakes in the past, I won't lie to you, but this one I'm on my game. I'm going to behave. He's a holy man. It's not pretend authority, it's proper authority of God.

"I'm going to improvise and I am going to be playing for laughs, but I've got to be entirely respectful of His Holiness and that's going to be no problem because I'll tell you why, genuine respect."

After a packed schedule in Manchester, the Dalai Lama, who is a Nobel peace prize winner, will deliver talks at the Royal Albert Hall in London and in Edinburgh, Dundee and Inverness.

Asked why he had chosen Manchester to begin his UK tour, the Dalai Lama joked that "these things are cheaper [here]". He last visited Manchester in July 1996 when he addressed a large crowd in a final public event at the Free Trade Hall.

Tickets for Saturday's public talk are £25 for over-25s.

this is so odd...another subtle prod to the journalists to investigate about Dorje Shugden? hmm? the Dalai Lama's subliminal and indirect suggestions are everywhere if you read properly tho.