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The turning of the wheel of sharp weapons
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:17:37 AM »
After all that the CTA has said about Dorje Shugden practitioners and China, all the lies that they spout out of hatred, their karma is returning, specifically on the tibetans themselves. I am very disturbed by this news too, but does this sound very familiar with the treatment that they give to Pabongkha Rinpoche? Who else is to blame but themselves for this outcome?

'Don't misuse pictures to provoke tension,' CTA appeals
Phayul[Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12:19]
DHARAMSHALA, August 15: The exile Tibetan administration has expressed concerns over the misuse of photographs showing Tibetans to provoke conflict between the Buddhist and Muslim communities.

Following reports of recent clashes between Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, certain sections of the media as well as social websites have portrayed photographs involving Tibetans to misinform the public and to lead a hate campaign.

The recent ethnic clashes in the Indian northeastern state of Assam have raised further tensions.

The Dharamshala based Central Tibetan Administration in a release yesterday said it was “deeply disturbed and concerned” over the circulation of a misleading photograph in some section of the media showing Tibetan monks.

The release noted that many websites in the Muslim countries, especially Pakistan have used a photograph of Tibetan monks standing in front of a pile of dead bodies in their reports on the clashes in Myanmar.

“This photo of Tibetan monks was actually taken during their relief work in Kyegudo (Yushul), eastern Tibet, after a devastating earthquake hit the region on 14 April 2010,” CTA clarified. “The Tibetan monks extended remarkable service in the rescue and relief operations at the time.”

The release said that a particular website in Pakistan which was carrying the picture removed it after CTA pointed out the factual and misleading error.

“But the photo is still in circulation, as some Muslims carrying the photo during their recent protest in Mumbai on 11 August 2012, appeared in Zee News, a leading news channel in India,” the exile Tibetan administration noted.

“We strongly appeal to the media across the world not to use this photo, which is being circulated by miscreants to provoke conflict between the Buddhist and Muslim communities.”

There have been increased concerns over the safety of Tibetans, especially in cities, after a Tibetan youth was stabbed in the south Indian city of Mysore yesterday evening.

Reports say that the youth in out of danger but the real motive of the attack, right in the centre of the city, is not fully known.

Police suspect the assailants may have attacked the Tibetan youth thinking that he is from northeast India.


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Re: The turning of the wheel of sharp weapons
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2012, 05:55:34 PM »
Here is a bit more about the conflict that is taking place in Myanmar (previously Burma):

Turning a Blind Eye to the Massacre of Burmese Muslims

By Aymen Ijaz

Since June 2012, reportedly 20,000 Burmese Muslims are brutally persecuted, displaced and killed in the name of religion, race and ethnic cleansing. The actual reason for this ongoing sectarian violence in Burma (Myanmar) is unknown. It is reported that these riots started on 3rd June 2012 when 11 Rohingya Muslims were taken out of the bus and killed by the Burmese Army and the Buddhist Rakhines in the Northern Rakhine state of Burma (formerly known as Arakan).   According to   Amnesty International , since 1978, the  800,000 Rohingya Muslims have suffered from severe human rights violation as they are considered as illegal immigrants, non citizens and foreigners.

The history unfolded to Burmese about the forced conversions of Buddhists under the Mughal rule which developed anti- Muslims sentiments. In 1930's, there were "Anti-Muslim's" and "Burma for Burmese Only" campaigns under the British rule. The Buddhists denied Muslims claim that there ancestors were settled in Burma since 9th Century and practically barred Rohingya Muslims from being recognized as Myanmarese nationals under the constitution. After 1948 Independence, The Burma Muslim Congress was cut out from the AFPFL (Anti-Fascist Peoples' Freedom Party) and was later dissolved. There was expulsion of Muslim soldiers from army and strict reservations were imposed on cow slaughter and pilgrimage.

The 1982 Citizenship Act does not recognize the Rohingya as one of Burma's national races and exclude it from the citizenship right. Under such drastic circumstances, the rich Muslims gradually took refugee to neighbouring states like Bangladesh and India. The poorer Muslims were left in a deplorable condition at the mercy of Buddhists who deprived them from all socio-economic and political rights. There were also anti Muslims riots in Mandalay (1997) and Taungoo (2001) in the name of racial violence. The situation aggravated after 9/11, as violence was now committed in the name of Islamic extremism against the Burmese Muslims.

With such appalling history, the present violence seems a thread to the knot, as the Burmese are determined to repeat the holocaust for ethnic cleansing of Muslims from their Burmese soil. Myanmar's President Thein Sein clearly mentioned that there are two tangible solutions: either to expel all Rohingya Muslims to a third country or sending them to refugee camps under the oversight of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which has been denied. Even the Bangladesh has refused to accept any Burmese Muslims refugees and has banned aid to them. No permanent solution has yet been formulated to resolve their identity crisis, issue of citizenship and settlement rights of Burmese Muslims.

At this juncture, the helpless and disappointed Burmese Muslims, one of the largest stateless community in Asia, look toward world community for a practical solution but unfortunately the world has turned a blind eye to the massacre of Burmese Muslims. No serious action has been taken by UN and OIC in real terms. USA, Human Right Organizations and Peace activists seem less interested to bother about the Burmese Muslims genocide. The media reports, photographs and videos are termed as faked/ invalid and less western media coverage is given to the issue. Why so? Just because these are not Americans, Israelis or Westerners instead ill-fated Muslims who are being butchered at the hands of monks? Is it just an internal affair of the Burma? Is USA and UN too busy placating new Burmese democratic government? Where is the peaceful compassion of Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu kyi gone while speaking about the Rohingya Muslims? Is social reform and protection of human and ethnic rights not part of Burmese reform agenda?

These are the queries which need an immediate response by the western world. The cold and inhuman response by the western community has agitated the Muslims all over the world, who have strongly condemned the genocide of their Burmese Muslims brothers and sisters. The world wide rallies/protests and public demonstrations are staged demanding Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and UN to intervene for the cause of Burmese Muslims. The Secretary General of OIC has asked for the unity and co operation of Muslim Ummah and has proposed an urgent request to the Human Rights Council to send a fact-finding mission to Burma to investigate the massive violence perpetuated against the Rohingya Muslims. Countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, France, Turkey and Pakistan have expressed deep concern over the loss of life and property of Rohingya Muslims, condemned the ethnic clashes in Burma and have called for hastening the process of rehabilitation and settlement of Rohingya Muslims.


I think it is very unfortunate for this to be taking place. It appears the Dorje Shugden practitioners are not alone and it also appears that the world community looks away when they do not have a vested interest or when the problem is considered "too small".

The irony here is the CTA appealing to international news not to misrepresent Tibetan monks. What utter hypocrisy! The CTA does not wish to be cast in bad light in the Burmese conflict but the CTA are themselves engaging in religious persecutions against Dorje Shugden worshippers...their own people. I thought that the CTA might suffer a brief moment of guilt and realization when they read about how a religious minority suffer, but no...all the CTA cares about is how they might look in the eyes of the world community.

CTA, you are so sad.


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Re: The turning of the wheel of sharp weapons
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2012, 11:38:09 AM »
There are 2 disturbing things that stick out from this incident. First of all, all the defamation and lies that they told the world about Dorje Shugden and China has come back in this way whereby the picture of Tibetan monks are being misused as anti Buddhist propaganda material. This repercussion would be a very bad one for Tibetan Lamas worldwide as well at the same time. But unfortunately nothing can really be done about this outcome. The way how Tibetan monks are being misrepresented is exactly the same of how CTA makes of Dorje Shugden practitioners and China. This is only the beginning and unless the law of Karma is wrong and unless CTA stops and repairs their samaya with Dorje Shugden and repairs their relations with China, more and more of these will happen. CTA better be prepared.

The other issue is somewhat more disturbing: CTA wanting nothing to do with what is happening in myanmar. no "buddhists do not do this kind of thing" talk. They ignore it and pretend that they are not Buddhists and they do not want to speak up against the injustice that these myanmar muslims are facing. they do not want to sympathize with them, but here is the thing: whatever these refugees are facing is 100 times worse than how China is treating the Tibetans in Tibet. And the Tibetans dare complain and make a huge fuss out of everything but when they see a country and people whose plight is worse than them, they keep quiet. Complete silence. This also shows that they will not do a thing for anyone else even if people helped them out with their independence. CTA is extremely disappointing for a Buddhist government.


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Re: The turning of the wheel of sharp weapons
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2012, 01:58:55 PM »
This should have done before this happened, LS handled it well, but he should have done more PR work even before this so that there is a basis. Now it looks like this was done just to appease the tension caused by the muslims using the picture of Tibetan monks. I dont see it as sincere, and i dont neither will anyone else, but it is a good try.

Kashag directs Tibetan officials to meet Muslim leaders
Phayul[Friday, August 17, 2012 15:35]

DHARAMSHALA, August 17: Amidst growing concerns over the safety of Tibetans, especially in south Indian cities, after a Tibetan youth was stabbed in Mysore on August 14, the exile Tibetan cabinet has directed Tibetan representatives to meet Muslim leaders and appraise them with factual information.

Although reports indicate that the youth in out of danger, but the real motive of the attack, by the two motorbike-borne assailants, is not fully known.

Police suspect the Tibetan youth may have been a victim of random attacks targeted against people from northeast India following the recent ethnic clashes in the state of Assam.

In a statement yesterday evening, the Kashag said that the Tibetan Settlement Officers should visit and meet prominent Muslim leaders including religious leaders and members of state assembly to apprise them with the real information on the issue.

“The Muslim leaders should be informed about the historically good relationship between the Tibetan Muslims and Buddhists, particularly the consistent commitment and advice of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to promote religious harmony during his visits around the world, his pilgrimage to mosques and efforts to strengthen ties with Muslim religious leaders,” the Kashag stated.

The Tibetan cabinet noted that the recent conflict between the Buddhist and Muslim communities of Burma has created “some misinterpretation and misunderstanding” about Tibetans leading to “some unfortunate incidents.”

“The misunderstanding about Tibetans has arisen mainly from the misuse of a photo of Tibetan monks which appeared in different websites about violence against Muslims in Burma,” the statement read. “The photo of Tibetan monks was in fact about the funeral during the devastating earthquake in Yushul in eastern Tibet, in April 2010.”

The Kashag also guided the Tibetan leaders to inform the Muslim community about the sadness expressed by the Dalai Lama on the recent violence in Assam.

Speaking to reporters recently, the Dalai Lama condemned ethnic violence in Assam and urged everyone to practice religious harmony and non-violence.

“It is very sad. Almost my whole life has been dedicated to promotion of harmony. India, overall, thousand years, you have culture of ‘Ahimsa’ (non-violence) and also, culture of harmony among different religious believers,” the Tibetan spiritual leader was quoted as saying by ANI. “So, every Indian, irrespective of what religious follower and even non- believers, I think we should realise the thousand year old India’s traditional Ahimsa and traditional religious harmony, this must be retained.”

Speaking at a prayer ceremony in Dharamshala yesterday, Dr Sangay urged Tibetans to practice caution and remain indoors over the next few days for an upcoming major Muslim festival.

The situation in major cities like Bangalore continues to remain tense despite assurances by the state and central government to not panic.

According to Karnataka state officials, around 20,000 people from the Northeast have already left Bangalore. Tibetans students studying in various colleges in Bangalore and Mysore have also opted to leave for safer haven in the nearby Tibetan settlements.


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Re: The turning of the wheel of sharp weapons
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 03:51:42 PM »
I have been following this Rohingya issue and there seem to be a lot of hatred posting around the world, especially by the Muslims, and we all can understand why...

Yes, and I have seen quite a lot of Muslims use the Yishu earthquake photos and share on social media and misquote it by saying it the killing of Rohingya. And when they see photos of their "own people" being killed, many of them did not even verify where the photos come from share them like crazy.

However, I have yet to see any photos of Buddhist monks killing others. Even all the news reported in CNN or other reputable news sites never show such pictures. May be the Yishu photos can be easily misquoted..

As for CTA asking them not to misuse the photo, I think they did the right thing. In fact, all of those who knows should tell them not to misuse or misquote.

As for karma getting back to CTA, I would actually think that it is karma getting back to all Buddhists. When the Muslims are hatred towards Buddhists, do you think they will only hate those from CTA? Or ALL Buddhists? And this is a very situation and there are more and more tensions... :(


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Re: The turning of the wheel of sharp weapons
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2012, 08:53:49 AM »
I have been following this Rohingya issue and there seem to be a lot of hatred posting around the world, especially by the Muslims, and we all can understand why...

Yes, and I have seen quite a lot of Muslims use the Yishu earthquake photos and share on social media and misquote it by saying it the killing of Rohingya. And when they see photos of their "own people" being killed, many of them did not even verify where the photos come from share them like crazy.

However, I have yet to see any photos of Buddhist monks killing others. Even all the news reported in CNN or other reputable news sites never show such pictures. May be the Yishu photos can be easily misquoted..

As for CTA asking them not to misuse the photo, I think they did the right thing. In fact, all of those who knows should tell them not to misuse or misquote.

As for karma getting back to CTA, I would actually think that it is karma getting back to all Buddhists. When the Muslims are hatred towards Buddhists, do you think they will only hate those from CTA? Or ALL Buddhists? And this is a very situation and there are more and more tensions... :(

It is a very tense situation that is happening now and it is involving the Buddhists. The fact that no other Buddhists have stood up against the myanmar monks shows a lot and shows the mentality of the Buddhists. In this situation, if the Dhammaraja (Dharma king, head of the sangha order in Thailand) would just step up and say something about it, the situation could have been easily pacified. Everyone just wants to do the wait and see thing which will be detrimental at the end. If the Dalai Lama spoke up against the situation (although it would be ironic, considering how the CTA has been doing a lot to fan the fires of China and the rest of the world) but it is much better than letting the whole situation spiral out of control. BUDDHIST LEADERS MUST DO SOMETHING. They cannot just stay at the sides and wait/hope for the situation to diffuse, when fellow sangha members commit an act that grossly misrepresents the Buddha, action must be taken. This is exactly why Buddhism is seen as a passive religion: when something goes wrong everybody keeps quiet.

In a way, I am not in a position to comment as I am not a monk and neither I am someone in a position to comment, but I do see very clearly what is needed to diffuse the situation. CTA's act of denying and clarifying the picture makes CTA looks very selfish and very cloistered. They care not about what the myanmar people are going through, they only care about whether or not the image of the Tibetans are affected....not even one word on the situation...shameful. And they call themselves a Buddhist country...shameful indeed.