Big Uncle

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« on: August 02, 2012, 10:18:44 AM »

This was posted on the official Dorje Shugden Page( ) on the 29th July. It already has 850 likes and 40 comments under it. On top of that, it had already appeared on the Facebook walls of 59,823 people. These are pretty impressive figures and it is good that people know the Dorje Shugden Lamas don't go to the lower realms but they do come back.

Here is the list of comments under it. Feel free to go on the page to comment - make them think and also to encourage new people to come onto our forum...

Di Rakkitha very beautiful friend.
July 29 at 10:11pm · Like · 1

Cassidy DSoon May we too always have the connection with Dorje Shugden!
July 29 at 10:17pm · Like · 2

Tashi Sonam I am like dorje shug den
July 29 at 10:24pm · Like

Jessie Fong May many more people receive the initiation
July 29 at 10:48pm · Like

Vajra Yogini and we see Dorje Shugdenspreading more... definitely the opposite of what the CTA thinks hu...
July 29 at 10:59pm · Like

Rachel Butler Snap, I've just shared this on my wall too! Isn't it beautiful to see the unending practice of these lamas, across so many generations. I like the other photos that have been posted up too. There is so much strength, harmony and peace in the faces of these lamas. Can their practices be so bad when they exude this much goodness? If that's what's considered bad, then I really don't know what's the right way anymore
July 29 at 11:05pm · Like

Gaz Oksas All I can say is hohoho.

So he practised Dorje Shugdein a previous life...then reincarnated? Whatever happened to the laughable suggestion that DS lamas are reborn into the hells, and cannot reincarnate?

July 29 at 11:16pm · Like

Eli Buchen The hells can never accept high lamas like Trijang DorjeChang, Denma Gonsa, Zemey Rinpoche, Zong DorjeChang, Dagom Rinpoche because they have developed bodhicitta in their mindstreams and all of this lamas are high level bodhisattvas. Remember any bodhisattva above 3 rd level bhuni cannot regress anymore, how can they go down to hell? They might go down with control and start freeing the beings of hells from their ‘cages’ like how Ksitigarbha does. Also if one has reached 3rd level bhuni and above they do not need to rely on the dharma protectors anymore they are perfectly capable of taking care of the rest of their spiritual path.
July 29 at 11:23pm · Like · 1

Takeo Sugawara Yes, Eli, I totally agree with you.
July 29 at 11:40pm · Like

Gaz Oksas Obviously Eli Buchen your not referring to bodhisattvas who purposely reincarnate in the hells a la Avalokiteshvara?

Monday at 12:18am · Like

Gaz Oksas Oh sozza Eli Buchen, didnt see what you wrote there about Ksitigarbha

Monday at 12:28am · Like

Vajra Yogini In other words they are not making any mistakes and that in fact Dorje Shugden is not a demon spirit and well emmm if He is then why are so many of these High Lamas who yes we agree are Bodhisattvas be so blind and wrong. If they are wrong then all the lineage Lamas are wrong, their students are wrong too... hence His Holiness the Dalai Lama is wrong too... so why even bother taking initiations from His Holoness and even follow His advice on a Ban that could be wrong?

Certainly food for thought!...and the fact they keep popping up lol x
Monday at 1:34am · Like

Christie Knight Another courageous lama who openly practice Dorje Shugden! May this inspire many. Zemey Rinpoche cannot be wrong. Trijang Rinpoche and the many lamas cannot be wrong!
Monday at 2:22am · Like · 1

Sandra Juárez Esta semana fue importante en muchas religiones y/o creencias en el hinduismo en breves palabras quien trabajo con amor hizo mas dharma y quien no pues el universo se lo dirá todo se duplicó por 4....
See Translation
Monday at 2:23am · Like · 1

Gerry Gergova ?(((***?***)))
Monday at 4:22pm · Like

Paranyoo Boonpimol namo amitabha
Monday at 10:43pm · Like

Zack L. Monlam Another lama is going to degenerate his own past good deeds
Tuesday at 1:47am · Like

Vajra Yogini If the Lama is going to degenerate then why is all the Lamas of the past who does the practice of Dorje Shugden back? Shouldn't they take rebirth in the lower realms??? Obviously your statement is not logical!
Tuesday at 1:50am · Like

Victor Loh Disagree with ur statement, Zemey Rinpoche was practising Dorje Shugden as protector last incarnation. He is continuing where he left
Tuesday at 1:50am · Like

Raouf Khanfir désolé si Ridah je veux bien savoir si ces monsieur font Ramadan ou non ? pour moi c est du Chinois ainsi que pour d autres : ))
See Translation
Tuesday at 2:00am · Like

Prajna Tzushiluo ?........................
Tuesday at 11:27am · Like

Semchen Kunga voluntarily took Oath and promised NOT to propitiate Dorjee Shugden and NOT to have any associate with the followers of Shugden ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .
Tuesday at 12:23pm · Like · 2

Jambay Dorji Yoezar Lhamo and Heesey Chhoden i think HH Dalai Lama told we are not suppose to practice dorjishugden..for he is a sprit..i believe he broke darma vow ..but he also told it depends on individual person
23 hours ago · Edited · Like

Sak Khan sometimes jokes make walk less tiring!
Yesterday at 12:17am · Like

Derek Smith good to see another lama openly receive the DS practice
Yesterday at 1:24am · Like

Maria Cristina Rocha Paula Rodrigues i could translate :the best is that two other young at the Monastery in SICHUAN-cHINA RECEIVES d.S.INITIATIONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN AND THAT IS
Yesterday at 2:43am · Like

Dorje Shugden Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche in his previous life practiced Dorje Shugden and in this life, he is receiving the practice again. Just watch all the Lamas who practice Dorje Shugden, all of them are giving teachings and empowerments and the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa is spreading far and wide. How can any Lama be degenerating? It doesn't make sense.
Yesterday at 1:16pm · Like

Semchen Kunga that is wrong way, wrong road, wrong stay, wrong life.
Yesterday at 3:28pm · Like

Semchen Kunga But i cannot say. . . . Zemey rinpoche is good and Dalai Lama is bad. Or Dalai Lama is good and Zemey rinpoche is bad. Zemey Rinpoche is also one of good person may be BUT, he took forwarding (Dorjee Shugden) its eles bad because Dorjee S. Is one of propitiate so we don't like it. Most peoples are LIKE dalai lama's way so, we are also believe the dalai lama . and most people says '' the dalai lama's way is good life's way . We are also forwarding to it.
Yesterday at 3:41pm · Like

Semchen Kunga Dalai lama Zindabath.
Yesterday at 3:43pm · Like · 2

Gaz Oksas That makes no sense. Most people do it, so you do it too? So you go with majority rules? What a stupid way of thinking. Everyone jumps off a cliff, you jump off too? Everyone steals, you steal too? Everyone kills their mother, you kill too?

And if Zemey Rinpoche is good, why would he do a bad thing? If Trijang Rinpoche is qualified to TEACH the Dalai Lama, and the Dalai Lama is so great, why would he do a bad practice?

Come on, use a little logic.

Yesterday at 4:08pm · Like

Jambay Dorji out of my curiosity since when Trijang Rinpoche started teaching Dalai Lama???
23 hours ago · Like

Prince Mohsin plz dont like this page plzplzplz
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Dorje Shugden ?Semchen Kunga - It is good that you do not think that Zemey Rinpoche is bad but you have only heard of what the Dalai Lama has to say about Dorje Shugden. Did you know that Dorje Shugden is called emanation of Manjushri (Jampelyang) by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, the Guru of the Dalai Lama? Did you also know that Dorje Shugden has many previous lives that were High Lamas and some were the Gurus to the Dalai Lama? How can such High Lamas become evil spirit? If Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit, why can't any Lama do a puja to kill him and send him to a pure land? Too many questions and at, we think that the Dalai Lama is using his skillful means to make Dorje Shugden very big in the world. To find out more, please log onto the DS forum to find out the latest discussions on this matter:-
4 hours ago · Like

Dorje Shugden ?Jambay Dorji - It was the previous Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche that was the tutor to the Dalai Lama. He was the one who gave him numerous teachings on Lamrim, many initiations, commentaries and also Dorje Shugden's practice. Strangely, the current incarnation of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was allowed by the Dalai Lama to practice Dorje Shugden:-
Dalai Lama says Trijang Rinpoche can practise Dorje Shugden Small | Large

4 hours ago · Like ·

Dorje Shugden ?Prince Mohsin - We only present articles and information that are from reliable sources. If you do not agree with anything that we post up, you are welcome to debate on our forum, There's no need to make uncalled for statements like that.
4 hours ago · Like

Semchen Kunga Dorjee Shugden's forwarding followers are Tibetans Or not ?? ? If they are also tibetans yet , why they are like Chiness .?
3 hours ago · Like

Semchen Kunga Dorjee Shugden association 's some people are connecting with china and chiness. Why do they connect ?? ? The community of Dhogyal is NOT forward of The Dalai Lama So , may be they aren't tibetans because they didn't want to be free tibet right ? If they want to free Tibet so why do they connect to China ? ?? ?
3 hours ago · Like

Semchen Kunga They are already fakers Tibetans.
3 hours ago · Like

Dorje Shugden ?@Semchen Kunga - Please refrain from using rude words. I have deleted them. As to your questions, there are many Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners in India as well as the Tibetan regions of China. I do not know of their political affiliations and will refrain from commenting further. Can you please comment on the Dorje Shugden forum instead?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 10:24:04 AM by Big Uncle »


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« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 11:07:08 AM »
This post really does show how ignorant the Tibetans are and how their mentalities are. So what if the Chinese are supporting Dorje Shugden? Tibetan Buddhism are not just for the Tibetans and although Tibetans would want their country back more than anything else and they resent the Chinese for taking their country, what is wrong again with Chinese people practicing Dorje Shugden?

To be honest, I do not really understand the Tibetan urge to have a country they call their own. What is more important their country is their culture, which is something they should really focus on. If Tibet were to unite again, the Dalai Lama would have lost his influence over the world and the Tibetans in Tibet would be just as divided as before, according to the region that they belong to. It would be as if all the progress they have made since the Chinese invasion is undone.

And after seeing some of these comments, I can understand why is it that the protectors do not wish to grant independence to them, mainly because they are not ready to take back tibet and it is less beneficial for them to be in there. First of all, the CTA is not ready to take back Tibet as they are not even able to take care of Dharamsala efficiently and secondly, how does it really benefit the people of Tibet, aside from giving them a place they can call home? how does having Tibet back make them better people?

To me, one of the biggest blindfolds that the Dalai Lama has is the lie that Dorje Shugden is the one that is preventing them from getting independence back when it is their bad karma that is preventing them from getting Tibet back. does anyone wanna point that out to mr semchen kunga there? :P