Author Topic: Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are  (Read 5763 times)


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Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are
« on: August 26, 2012, 09:47:59 AM »
We can see that there are many ways in which we actively contribute to our own experience of mental unrest and suffering. Although, in general, mental and emotional afflictions themselves can come naturally, often it is our own reinforcement of those negative emotions that makes them so much worse. For instance when we have anger or hatred towards a person, there is less likelihood of its developing to a very intense degree if we leave it unattended. However, if we think about the projected injustices done to us, the ways in which we have been unfairly treated, and we keep on thinking about them over and over, then that feeds the hatred. It makes the hatred very powerful and intense. Of course, the same can apply to when we have an attachment towards a particular person; we can feed that by thinking about how beautiful he or she is, and as we keep thinking about the projected qualities that we see in the person, the attachment becomes more and more intense. But this shows how through constant familiarity and thinking, we ourselves can make our emotions more intense and powerful.

We also often add to our pain and suffering by being overly sensitive, overreacting to minor things, and sometimes taking things too personally. We tend to take small things too seriously and blow them up out of proportion, while at the same time we often remain indifferent to the really important things, those things which have profound effects on our lives and long-term consequences and implications.

So I think that to a large extent, whether you suffer depends on how you respond to a given situation.


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Re: Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2012, 11:42:36 AM »
Thanks Icy for the post. Totally agree with Icy here. I myself have many experiences like what Icy has posted. Our mind is so fragile and unstable that one negative emotions and afflictions can be so disastrous. It can be damaging sometimes there's no turning back. The negative mind clouds all logical actions and thus creates havoc and leaves a trail of disaster after that. What is left after that is the aftermath.


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Re: Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2012, 12:11:45 PM »
Our projections made us the way we are. We all have individual experiences,Two people going through the same experience can have  different perceptions- one can think of it as positive while the other as negative experiences.
So we project onto the world outside of us our deep unconscious resolved an d unresolved issues of life,along with what we want and we don't want,and we get back from the world what we projected in the first place.
Taking responsibility for our life makes us feel empowered and blaming the outside world for our negativity or what we don't like makes us disempowered and at a loss.So we are constantly interacting with the universe with our minds,and with the reality of the world that we hold to be true in our minds.
Our emotional body is magnetic in nature and it attracts and it attracts to itself situations and events in our lives which reflect the unresolved stuff within us.
We need to clear off and learn the lessons in order to grow and evolve to become a better human being.The more we learn the more our subconscious mind grows and let go of mentalities such as 'why do bad things always happen to me?'and help us take responsibility for our inner world,which is the foundation of our true being.
Our journey of life is about going deeper into ourselves and developing a beautiful relationship with our inner- world first rather than the outer world.The true answers of our world lies deep within us.


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Re: Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2012, 09:17:03 PM »
Yes, our projections made us the way we are..

Therefore in the same action from one person it can turn the two persons  to response differently depend on how each of them perceive and view it from their own experience. We always react to most of situations base on our own experience or what we feel which some is turn to be a negative and some are positive actions in response..

And of course the suffering is come from that, like in the buddha teaching about the attachment, if we do not have attachment any more we will be happy and feel free with everything, there won't be jealousy and greedy any more.

Let be positive and always think in the way that whatever actions we do is to benefit others.


Big Uncle

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Re: Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2012, 12:09:28 AM »
I think the world we live in and the people we interact with are all like a giant cosmic mirror. The mirror reflects everything we project out. If we are unhappy or dissatisfied with something, then we ought to step back and reflect on the true cause. That's the law of cause and effect that the Buddha expound 2500 years ago. The Buddha didn't invent cause and effect or karma but merely observed it and explained it so many would be liberated. 

In reality, all feelings, emotions and repercussions are a direct reaction to what we project out. Therefore, I don't agree to the statement that projections make us into who we are. I think it is our habits, actions, level of selfishness and how we internalize the Dharma or any spiritual discipline that make us who we are. Therefore, we are the true masters of everything we project out. We can change our destiny if we want to.   


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Re: Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2012, 05:40:04 PM »
Everything that we feel and 'experience' comes from our projections, our habituations based on what we know. We can make the best or worst out of any given situation, depending on how we project that situation to be.

For instance, when you fall ill, there are many things that you can feel like, one person may blame someone else for giving him the bug, another person may accept it as is, another person might think that it is purification, another person might use it to make an aspiration so that others won't have to fall sick.. there are many scenarios to that, and each will determine how you would feel about the situation you are in; whether you come out from it better or worse, or still the same.

Our own projections can be damaging and weigh us down. Ultimately, learning the Dharma is the only way to get rid of our false and incorrect projections of all that we experience in life. It is our path to liberate ourselves from suffering due to our wrong projections.


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Re: Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2012, 01:46:41 PM »
Yes I agree! So many things we project it OUR way and we want it OUR way and when we don't get it...  >:(

I have a group of friends on FB who practically want everyone to agree with what they say and when that does not happen, they start to use profanity and say horrible things to hurt the other party. Then they try to gain other people's sympathy to side them. But when they see each other, they act as though nothing happened! With Dharma practice, I have 'grown' up and see the 'real' colors of these people and I stay away as far as I can.


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Re: Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2012, 06:43:27 PM »
Our projections on the things we perceive are determined by our past conditioning.  As the conditions around us change all the times, if we apply the same type of reaction to these conditions it will cause us many problems.  These become problems because we are not able to deal with the new conditions.  Due to our projections, we develop attachment, aversion or indifference to the said things.  We have to be mindful and aware of our reaction and feeling that arise. 


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Re: Our Projections Made Us the Way We Are
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2012, 08:25:19 PM »
Our projections are formed by how we were brought up to think, our experiences, what we were told and environmental influences. Our thoughts must form from somewhere since a child. Of course the result of being in the nurturing of the right environment which nurtures us towards the right projections is the result of our karma.

Our projections are what makes us unhappy and create unhappy relationship with other people. If we are not so stuck with our projections on how things should be, relationships will be better and we will be less frustrated. So it's time to let go of projections because projections is one of the main factors that makes us unhappy.