Author Topic: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?  (Read 7055 times)

DS Star

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I was reading with interest the news on the murder of a British businessman Neil Haywood by Gu Kailai the wife of a very prominent and former high-flying Chinese politician in Mr Bo Xilai.

I chanced upon another report linking this murder case to the illegal human organs harvesting scandal in China said to be amounting to about 41,000 cases.

Since Madam Gu is given 'suspended death sentence' for her case, many Chinese netizens responded saying she has got off too lightly.

I wonder where the Law of Karma in this case if really they do responsible as claimed?


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Re: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2012, 05:44:08 AM »
Read the below article published on 27 May 2012 by Human organ trafficking is big business, and demand higher than supply. I have also heard that in India, motorcyclists are run down and killed. Even before police or ambulance arrives, the victims organs are gone! This proves that the victim was deliberately run down for his organs. These cases usually happens to students as they are the ones usually on motorcycles and are younger. If those involved only knew about karma....


<Illegal kidney trade booms as new organ is 'sold every hour'

World Health Organisation estimates 10,000 black market operations involving human organs take place each year

Organ donor Hu Jie Organ donor Hu Jie, 25, a Chinese migrant worker, who changed his mind about selling his kidney but could not escape surgery once he had signed for it.

The illegal trade in kidneys has risen to such a level that an estimated 10,000 black market operations involving purchased human organs now take place annually, or more than one an hour, World Health Organisation experts have revealed.

Evidence collected by a worldwide network of doctors shows that traffickers are defying laws intended to curtail their activities and are cashing in on rising international demand for replacement kidneys driven by the increase in diabetes and other diseases.

Patients, many of whom will go to China, India or Pakistan for surgery, can pay up to $200,000 (nearly £128,000) for a kidney to gangs who harvest organs from vulnerable, desperate people, sometimes for as little as $5,000.

The vast sums to be made by both traffickers and surgeons have been underlined by the arrest by Israeli police last week of 10 people, including a doctor, suspected of belonging to an international organ trafficking ring and of committing extortion, tax fraud and grievous bodily harm. Other illicit organ trafficking rings have been uncovered in India and Pakistan.

The Guardian contacted an organ broker in China who advertised his services under the slogan, "Donate a kidney, buy the new iPad!" He offered £2,500 for a kidney and said the operation could be performed within 10 days.

The resurgence of trafficking has prompted the WHO to suggest that humanity itself is being undermined by the vast profits involved and the division between poor people who undergo "amputation" for cash and the wealthy sick who sustain the body parts trade.

"The illegal trade worldwide was falling back in about 2006-07 – there was a decrease in 'transplant tourism'," said Luc Noel, a doctor and WHO official who runs a unit monitoring trends in legitimate and underground donations and transplants of human organs. But he added: "The trade may well be increasing again. There have been recent signs that that may well be the case. There is a growing need for transplants and big profits to be made. It's ever growing, it's a constant struggle. The stakes are so big, the profit that can be made so huge, that the temptation is out there."

Lack of law enforcement in some countries, and lack of laws in others, mean that those offering financial incentives to poor people to part with a kidney have it too easy, Noel said.

Kidneys make up 75% of the global illicit trade in organs, Noel estimates. Rising rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems are causing demand for kidneys to far outstrip supply.

Data from the WHO shows that of the 106,879 solid organs known to have been transplanted in 95 member states in 2010 (legally and illegally), about 73,179 (68.5%) were kidneys. But those 106,879 operations satisfied just 10% of the global need, the WHO said.

The organisation does not know how many cases involved the organ being obtained legitimately from a deceased donor or living donor such as a friend or relative of the recipient.

But Noel believes that one in 10 of those 106,879 organs was probably procured by black marketeers. If so, that would mean that organ gangs profited almost 11,000 times in 2010.

Proof of illegal trafficking is being collected by networks of doctors in various countries known as "custodian groups". The groups work to support the Declaration of Istanbul, the 2008 statement against global organ exploitation that was agreed by almost 100 nations.

Made up of hospital specialists who treat patients with end-stage kidney failure who survive on dialysis, and surgeons who operate on those lucky enough to get a new kidney, the groups monitor reports of black market activity in their own country or involving compatriots abroad.

A medical source with knowledge of the situation said: "While commercial transplantation is now forbidden by law in China, that's difficult to enforce; there's been a resurgence there in the last two or three years.

"Foreigners from the Middle East, Asia and sometimes Europe come and are paying $100,000 to $200,000 for a transplant. Often they are Chinese expats or patients of Chinese descent."

Some of China's army hospitals were believed to be carrying out the transplants, the source added.

The persistence of the trade is embarrassing for China. The health ministry in Beijing has outlawed it and has also promised to stop harvesting organs from executed prisoners by 2017, a practice that has brought international condemnation.

John Feehally, a professor of renal medicine at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS trust, said: "Since the Declaration of Istanbul the law on trafficking has been changed in the Philippines – which was one of the centres of transplant tourism – and the Chinese government realises that things have to change." Feehally is also president of the International Society of Nephrology, which represents 10,000 specialist kidney doctors worldwide. "Trafficking is still continuing – it's likely that it is increasing," he said. "We know of countries in Asia, and also in eastern Europe, which provide a market so that people who need a kidney can go there and buy one."

The key issue, Feehally said, was exploitation. "You are exploiting a donor if they are very poor and you are giving them a very small amount of money and no doctor is caring for them afterwards, which is what happens.

"The people who gain are the rich transplant patients who can afford to buy a kidney, the doctors and hospital administrators, and the middlemen, the traffickers. It's absolutely wrong, morally wrong."

Noel wants countries to defeat the traffickers by maximising the supply of organs from deceased and living donors, and encouraging healthy lifestyles to stop people getting conditions such as diabetes in the first place.>

Jessie Fong

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Re: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 12:51:38 PM »

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The Chinese state-run Xinhua News Agency released details about an organ trafficking sting that happened in late July--137 were arrested, 18 of them are doctors. Their victims were the downtrodden and impoverished, desperate people desperate for money. During the raid, 127 of these organ suppliers were stopped from selling organs.

Voluntary organ donations have always been difficult to come by in China. Culturally, it's taboo. So while 1.5 million Chinese patients need transplants every year, according to what Xinhua said was health ministry statistics, only about 10,000 are legal.

It has long been known that the main source of organs in China comes from executed prisoners. However international investigations have found evidence that it's mostly prisoners of conscience who are being killed for their organs.

"Bloody Harvest," a 2007 report by international human rights lawyer David Kilgour and Canadian former Member of Parliament David Matas found evidence that the Chinese regime has been harvesting organs from imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners.

Organ Harvesting
Another human rights issue closely relating to the death penalty in China is the harvesting of organs from executed prisoners. China ranks second only to the US in the number of organ transplants performed each year. In 2006, China’s Vice Minister of Health, Huang Jiefu, publicly acknowledged that the majority of organs transplanted in China came from executed prisoners. Although Chinese officials maintain that organs are not removed from executed prisoners without their prior consent or the consent of their families, there is consensus among ethicists and human rights advocates that incarcerated persons are not in a position to give consent, as they are particularly vulnerable to coercion. Indeed, given the pervasive corruption in China’s legal system, combined with the large profits prisons stand to gain from the sale of organs, any proof of consent is dubious at best. Nevertheless, organ harvesting has become commonplace in Chinese prisons, providing the State with yet another means of exploiting prisoners, even after their deaths.

Recently, the Chinese government has encouraged the switch to lethal injection as the preferred means of execution. While the government claims it adopted this method for humanitarian reasons, many human rights groups, including LRF, believe that lethal injection, which leaves the body intact and requires the presence of doctors, is now being used because it facilitates the extraction of organs from executed prisoners. LRF and other organizations have documented cases in certain provinces where mobile lethal injection vans have been deployed to travel from prison to prison in order to perform lethal injections on prisoners and extract their organs.

Historically, China has not had a culture of organ donation. In accordance with tradition, most Chinese people prefer to be buried with their bodies intact. Consequently, voluntary organ donation remains very uncommon in China, which further suggests that any proof of consent from executed prisoners is likely fabricated. Additionally, the organ trade is extremely lucrative for Chinese hospitals; many organs from executed prisoners find their way to privileged cadres and wealthy foreigners who are willing to pay exorbitant fees rather than ordinary Chinese patients in need of a transplant. Thus, widespread condemnation from the US Congress, the European Union, the Australian government, human rights organizations and medical practitioners throughout the world notwithstanding, the harvesting of organs from executed prisoners in China continues unchecked.

”Bodies Exhibits”
Perhaps one of the most macabre examples of abuse resulting from the Chinese policy of organ harvesting is the alleged sale of executed prisoners’ bodies to several popular exhibitions that are currently touring the world.

Exhibitions such as those owned by Premier Exhibitions Inc., including “Bodies Revealed” and “Bodies... The Exhibition,” feature Chinese cadavers that have been skinned, removed of liquids and fat, neatly dissected, “plastinated” (injected with a polymer substance that preserves the remains), and propped up for display in a variety of poses. When questions about the provenance of these bodies began to emerge, Premier acknowledged that the Chinese bodies it used were “unclaimed,” though it did not specify exactly what that meant or how the bodies came to be unclaimed. After New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo launched a probe into the issue, Premier finally admitted in May 2008 that the bodies it displayed were originally received by the Chinese Bureau of Police which may receive bodies from Chinese prisons and that, despite its prior claims, it could not independently verify that the human remains in its exhibits were not those of executed Chinese prisoners.

Moreover, an ABC News "20/20" investigation that aired in February of 2008 provided evidence that Premier was indeed involved in the illicit trade of cadavers. 20/20’s investigators tracked down a broker who deals in the black market body trade and who claimed to have delivered the bodies of executed prisoners to the plastination lab that supplies Premier Exhibitions. He even provided photographs of the blood stained corpses, hands still bound, that he saw during his first such transaction. Given this evidence, and our knowledge of the profit-driven organ trade in China, LRF has concluded that it is very likely that at least some of the bodies on display in these exhibits are those of executed prisoners.

Regardless of whether any of the bodies did indeed belong to executed prisoners, it has become clear that none of the decedents whose bodies appear in the exhibitions gave any form of consent for their bodies to be used in that way. As a result of the attention given to this issue by LRF and the media, federal and state governments have begun taking action to put an end to this unethical corporate exploitation of Chinese persons. Legislation that would restrict such commercial practices has been introduced in the U.S. Congress, California, Florida, Hawaii, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington State

(LRF = Laogai Research Foundation)

Would-be sellers advertise their kidneys by writing their blood type and phone number on posters or walls of the street close to several of Tehran's major hospitals. Photograph: Torab Sinapour for the Guardian

It is said that Iran is the only country where the selling and buying of kidneys is legal.

There are numerous articles available where we read of illegal organ harvesting - in a nation which is so populated, there is never a lack of organs.  It is said that many executed prisoners never consented to their organs to be harvested - whether for sale or donation, as Chinese believe their bodies should be left intact after they die.

DS Star

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Re: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 01:52:57 PM »
Thank you Jessi Fong and Rihanna for your information.

If 1.5 millions need organ transplants per year while only 10,000 cases are legal, where are the remaining organs came from? The answer should be the illegal sources of course...

Yes, seems the illegal organs harvesting issue in China will not be easily stopped. The culture disadvantages and the big money from huge demands will be the main obstacles for it.

The Dui Hua Foundation, a U.S.-based human rights group, estimates that China executes 4,000 people a year, more than all other countries in the world combined (The USA carried out 43 executions in 2011).

While only the most heinous of murderers are eligible for capital punishment in the U.S., the banned spiritual group Falungong has long alleged that many of its adherents have been executed for their organs.

I believe other Asia countries like India will have similar problems to curb human organs trafficking and illegal harvesting from innocent victims.

"Zhang, 59, got his liver, but where it came from is something he doesn't want to ask.

"Most of the organs here come from executed prisoners," Gao, 57, says in hushed tones inside a transplant ward at the Tianjin First Center Hospital, the country's largest transplant facility. "I haven't considered whether it's right or wrong. All we want is a good liver."
- USA Today @ May 15, 2012."

The point is, how come those demands keep coming in when this scandal is now being exposed? Where is the conscience? No one seems to bother where or how it is harvested as long as he/she gets the organ.

Same question: where is the Law of Karma? On issue like this, it is very very difficult for to explain the working of Karma... the self-cherishing is too strong  :'(


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Re: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2012, 02:24:02 PM »
Whilst here is demand, they're is definitely supply to it. Such is the case for 'organ industry'. As the natural supply of organs are insignificant in comparison to those needing transplant, business minded people take the opportunity to make money by harvesting organs from healthy donors. For a high return, many people would be willingly sell their organ.. When this avenue is inefficient to satisfy the demand, stealing started. People got killed for their organ.

I fear for hose who are involve in illegal organ harvesting business, for some quick fortune, they have committed such negative karma for themselves!! Some may argu that they in the business to save lives (of those who bought the organs) but they are committing murder by taking organs from healthy individuals.

Bottomline is - it is all due to our selfishness and wrong view about organ donation. Very few poeple signed up to become official organ donors, hence the supply of organ is limited and those who need new organ are waiting behind long line.

Will you be the next one who sign up as an organ donor?
Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2012, 03:30:51 PM »
Well this what people will do and go so far to remain relevant in this world. Lack of understanding of the law of cause effect causes such problems. Grasping of survival to remain alive without any sense of humanity and care of others led to this kind of degenerate actions. Taking another life of a person so that they can harvest that person's organ to make profits? Some people voluntarily sell their organs to gain money to buy theirs favorite materials show how delusional these people are. I mean what are they thinking? That they can buy a new organ later when they needed it back in the future? Like many people said, if there is no demand there won't be supply. For those who supply, it is purely greed and for those who purchased the organ to save themselves and do not care where and how it was obtained is purely selfish.


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Re: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2012, 06:34:29 PM »
Maybe one day these people will have their own organs harvested by others, or in the lower realms, continously for thousands of years.

There is no need to question where the law of karma is, because there is no doubt that it will come back to those involved, be it in their present lives or their future, if they even get reborn as a human.

I just think that it is disgusting what greed can push mankind to do these days. For goodness sake, illegal organ harvesting!! Where's the ethics? Where's the moral, the love, the care? Aren't there feelings for one another as human race, don't they feel for their family members? It disgusts me to know that people can do anything for their own financial interest! As if killing animals and torturing them wasn't bad enough for human consumption/use/experiment, we have started to go against our own kind.

What drives this is the ego, the self-cherishing mind, and the desire for money. Urgh.

DS Star

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Re: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2012, 02:27:02 PM »
Dear Manjushri, that is right... Where is the Love?

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if we care to flip history books, since ancient times, human being had been clinging to their self-cherishing minds and caused sufferings to others and oneself... all over the world, in all nations through wars, internal conflicts, family feuds especially to fight for power and thrones... etc.

If only we can really believe in the Law of Karma, we won't be harming anyone... the world is turning from bad to worse... before, people mostly kill for survival though those in power will kill and start a war for greed. However, in degenerate ages now... human beings are giving ourselves more and more excuses to kill... like in this case of organ harvesting scandal...  :(


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Re: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2012, 05:30:09 PM »
I never thought that i will have to use the famous tag line used by the World Wildlife Fund to save endangered animal species and apply it to humans !

"When the buying stops, so will the killings" , now that we have read the latests statistics and is shocked by it can we all make it a principle to never ever treat organ transplant from suspicious sources as acceptable ? Even if it means our beloved selfs or family members lifes are at stake ?

Unless and untill medical science can find a new source, replacement or supply of morally acceptable organs , there will always be a flourishing " black market " trade in human organs. As such the only way is to enforce bans and education.


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Re: Where is the LAW of Karma in the Illegal Human Organs Harvesting Scandal?
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2012, 11:55:25 AM »
And it may become like in the Matrix, human babies are grown and harvested. When we eat and killed animals we don't scream for cruelty but when we see humans are abused and their bodily organ harvested we scream. We have distorted a view of reality.

The human form is the best form and most precious form for pursuing spiritual development. The karma is indeed greater when it comes to harming a human body. To reduce the degeneration we stopped taking meat, becoming vegetarian, promoting vegetarianism, saving animals, etc.

Thanks for highlighting this topic! Harvesting organ from the poor, the weak and thru coercion, is always relevant news, and not to be covered up or taken lightly about. Everyone needs to be educated about it.