Author Topic: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!  (Read 7531 times)


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Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« on: May 30, 2016, 02:36:41 AM »
By: Kay Beswick

In an expected yet shocking turn of events, given the recent political mess that was the Tibetan elections, it has emerged that not just one but BOTH of the Tibetan leadership’s State Oracles are upset with the Tibetan leadership. Since they entered exile in 1959, the Tibetan leadership have relied on the pronouncements of three State Oracles – Nechung, Tsering Chenga and Gadong. After the death of the Gadong Oracle in 2015, the leadership continued their reliance on the Nechung and Tsering Chenga Oracles.

This latest embarrassing episode to go down in the leadership’s annals follows the release of a short clip making it clear that Tsering Chenga was distinctively upset with the Tibetan leaders. Taking trance in the Nechung Monastery in Dharamsala, she publicly chastised both Sikyong Lobsang Sangye (Prime Minister) and Penpa Tsering (Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile) together with other members of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) for their lack of integrity, disharmonious behaviour and corruption during the recent electoral campaigns and for their overall method of governance. Penpa Tsering, for example, has a history of criticising high lamas and teachers, and of making derogatory comments about them for political purposes. Because it is in vogue to criticise certain teachers, Penpa Tsering denigrates these masters in order to pander to certain sectors of Tibetan society so that he can gain popularity points with them.

After the emergence of a video where Tsering Chenga berates Lobsang Sangye and Penpa Tsering, this time it is Nechung’s turn to chastise the two leaders for their behaviour

Now it has emerged that the Nechung Oracle is ALSO upset with the Tibetan leadership. This comes with the circulation of the Nechung Oracle’s letter on WeChat and other social media platforms. We reproduce his decree here for you, as translated by the Tibetans themselves:

    Translation of the Nechung Oracle’s Letter

    Leaders and ordinary people have ignored their promises taken in front of His Holiness. Number of guidance and initiatives of His Holiness in his political career were not properly understood by them. They are also not being grateful to what His Holiness did and not actually implicating what His Holiness advice us to do. This has sadden His Holiness.

    Like Sun couldn’t be covered by hand, Popularity of His Holiness the world is unstoppable. But, due to lack of Sonam [merit] and fortune, if we continue to have lack of unity and harmony in Tibetan community, I would not be able to bear the responsibility of His Holiness lifespan and security. Therefore, in the future If you are not able to give assurance to His Holiness about your rightful intention ahead, you Leader should take all the responsibility regarding life expectancy of His Holiness.

    Thus, you should personally approach to His Holiness to regretfully apologized for all the mistakes and promise not to repeat again.

    As I predicted earlier, Happy days for Tibet will come in his life time of my beloved Guru His Holiness. There is no better option other than Umay Lam [Middle Way Approach] for this to achieve. Therefore, irresponsible talking in the society will have more harm than help and you all should be UNITE.

There is great interest in this event among ordinary refugee Tibetans who have lived under the yoke of the Tibetan leadership for over 60 years because it seems that the leadership’s own gods are finally turning against them. For example, a Facebook post on an ordinary Tibetan’s page about this event has been shared 779 times. This person is just an ordinary citizen but the number of times their post has been shared reflects a huge interest in the oracles’ upset over the politicians’ behaviour.

Thus with the video of Tsering Chenga’s violent chastising and with Nechung‘s letter, one can clearly see the State Protectors’ disapproval for the disgraceful behaviour of both Lobsang Sangye and Penpa Tsering during the election. Manifesting wrathful manner through the State Oracle, Nechung scolded both politicians for their general and overall corrupt behaviour, and their unbecoming actions that showed little consideration for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s poor health that required him to undergo treatment in the Mayo Clinic during the time of the elections. Both politicians were obviously taking advantage of His Holiness’ absence from Dharamsala for their own benefit. These corrupted officials of the Tibetan leadership have made it a habit of using religion, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, tulkus, monasteries, Dorje Shugden and regionalism for their own personal gains. What do they get from this? Money and power. So it is strange and hypocritical that they should accuse Dorje Shugden practitioners of taking money from the Chinese leadership, when they themselves take money from other governments to fulfil their own selfish wishes, at the cost of the Tibetan people’s welfare. They carry out the same practices that they accuse others of, so what gives them the authority to direct accusations against anyone?

This Facebook post of Tsering Chenga rebuking Lobsang Sangye and Penpa Tsering, together with the translation of the Nechung Oracle decree has been shared over 700 times. Scroll down to read all three pages of the letter, as well as the comments accompanying this Facebook posting

Unfortunately for the Tibetan leadership who have suppressed their people for too long, the circulation of the video and letter shows no signs of slowing down. These recent events have empowered Tibetans to speak up and make sure their varied voices and opinions are heard. This is something previously unthinkable in Tibetan society. Comments on social media range from snide remarks at the continued use of oracles for political matters (for example – “Abhay Oracles Saheeb. What should I have for dinner? Momo or Thukpa?”) to the minority still in favour of oracles (for example “Hey everyone don’t say things about the oracles and deities of Tibet. They are the guardians of our Tibetan Buddhism and they only mean well and protector of his holiness…”).

Politically, however, these comments show there is public consensus regarding the disgraceful electoral process – almost everyone is in agreement that the Tibetan leadership is corrupt, starting with Sonam Choephel Shosur (Chief of the Election Commission) who acted highly improperly by changing the rules of the election after the preliminary ballots to ban Lukar Jam Atsok from the second round.

Ultimately, what has captured the Tibetan public’s attention is the very fact Tsering Chenga and Nechung would even rebuke their leaders. And remember – all of this is happening while His Holiness the Dalai Lama is alive. Imagine what will happen when His Holiness the Dalai Lama is no longer around. It would be the fall of the Tibetan empire or the remnants of what is left of it. So these incidents have made the Tibetan public sit up and really question what their leaders could have done so wrong that both deities would be so violently upset with them. Both Nechung and Tsering Chenga are deities known to be very loyal to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Therefore, for them to express their displeasure towards the Tibetan leadership and the Central Tibetan Administration implies that the leaders have been involved in actions against the instructions and perhaps conflicts with the interest of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.


The now infamous and secretly-filmed video Tsering Chenga violently berating Lobsang Sangye and Penpa Tsering

Exactly how they counteracted these instructions, we do not know, but it is obvious from the manner in which the electoral process was handled, we can see that corruption, manipulation and unfair treatment is the modus operandi of the Tibetan leadership. Even Congressman Dana Rohrabacher was so upset by this corruption, he was moved to write a letter of complaint to the Tibetan leadership. Why? Because such corruption does not develop spontaneously overnight; such corruption is an insidious threat that must have been growing and nurtured for a long period of time, to such a point even gods loyal to the Tibetan leadership cannot tolerate it any longer.

One by one, those formerly loyal to the Tibetan leadership are speaking up against the behaviour of their leaders. Their manipulations and exploitation of the people has not gone unnoticed by either the gods or men. For the men, they are expressing their displeasure and frustration with increasingly descriptive and insulting remarks. And now the gods have spoken too and it has been caught for all the world to see.

Who will the Tibetan leadership run to when they no longer have His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the gods to hide behind? One by one, Dharamsala’s allies fall by the wayside as their sixty years of hypocrisy, greed, embezzlement and exploitations of their people catch up with them. Proof? They have not secured independence, autonomy or any leeway for the six million Tibetans in Tibet in their talks with the Chinese. If the current political situation continues, what the gods and the disenchanted Tibetan people will do next…only heaven knows. Can such a corrupt government who promotes schism, factionalism and untruths be trusted about the ban against Dorje Shugden? It leads us to believe that everything they say about Dorje Shugden is a lie and for political gain.

Below is just a sample of the current wave of interest by the Tibetan people in this latest development where even the Tibetan leadership have lost the respect of their own, state-approved, ‘clean’ and non-controversial gods.

The Nechung Oracle’s Letter

This is the letter and decree by the Nechung Oracle currently circulating on WeChat and other social media platforms.

The letter from the Nechung Oracle regarding the Tibetan leadership. Click to enlarge

The letter from the Nechung Oracle regarding the Tibetan leadership. Click to enlarge

The letter from the Nechung Oracle regarding the Tibetan leadership. Click to enlarge

The Original Posting

This was the posting that was repeatedly sent to us by various Tibetans who want to make it known to the world how the Tibetan leaders are failing their people, and that even the State Protectors recognise this and are losing their patience. Thanks to WeChat and other social media platforms, the video of Tsering Chenga berating Sikyong Lobsang Sangye and Speaker Penpa Tsering has been shared all over the Tibetan world. In this particular posting, the video is accompanied by the letter from the Nechung Oracle chastising the two leaders. Notice that this Facebook post has been SHARED 779 times (at the time of publishing).

Click to enlarge

The New Yak Times

The news regarding Tsering Changa’s rebuking Lobsang Sangye and Penpa Tsering was also shared on the New Yak Times Facebook page. Although the New Yak Times is relatively satirical in nature, the Nechung letter is very much real as are the comments made by the Tibetans about the oracles. Just look the remarks they make, which would have been unthinkable in the past when the oracles were held in extremely high regard. In fact, even a Facebook page like the New Yak Times, which pokes fun at the Tibetan leadership, would have been unthinkable just ten years ago. The Tibetans are clearly frustrated with their leadership who despite claiming to be democratic, continue to rely on oracles to divine their future.

What other democratic nation in the world consults oracles and relies on them to make state decisions? Are the Tibetan leaders so ineffectual and indecisive, and so fearful of being held accountable for their decisions that they will not decide for themselves and need to rely on the gods? Religion is a personal matter and should not be used to influence state matters. There are, for example, Tibetan Bonpos and Muslims who fall under the purview of the Tibetan leadership. They do not share any beliefs with the Buddhists in their society so why are decisions regarding their welfare being made by a Buddhist protectoress who has nothing to do with their religion? So it is one thing to seek the blessings of the gods, and quite another thing to leave matters of national importance to them.

Click to enlarge

More Comments by Tibetans

The video of Tsering Chenga violently chastising Sikyong Lobsang Sangay and Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile Penpa Tsering has gone all over the Tibetan world. See here the comments the Tibetans make about her reaction to the two leaders, laughing at the Protector Goddesses’ reaction towards them (? being the Tibetan character used to express “ha” in this case).

Click to enlarge


A Geshe Topgyal posted the Tsering Chenga video to Facebook, attributing Tsering Chenga’s behaviour and treatment of the two leaders to recent “immoral” behaviour during the Sikyong Elections.

See what else he says about the two leaders’ behaviour. This Geshe states that the oracle has never previously shown so much upset and anger in public which is true. In the past, whatever decisions the Tibetan leadership made always received the support of the government’s oracles and deities. Penpa Tsering for example, even being an alleged murderer, has never suffered such a public berating for his behaviour. The behaviour of the two leaders has become so inexcusable and intolerable that the Tibetan leadership’s own gods are turning against them.

Click to enlarge

Another Resignation

As a direct result of the rebuke they received from the State Oracles, the Minister of Security for the Tibetan Government in Exile resigned from his post. This makes him the second Minister to resign from the Cabinet in a matter of months. Is this a government you can trust, when members of the Cabinet quit from their posts at the drop of a hat? First, Penpa Tsering stormed out of a Parliament session like a petulant child when he was accused of murder. Next, Dicki Chhoyang resigned so she could speak freely about the Sikyong elections. And now, Dongchung Ngodup quits too.

Dongchung Ngodup says he quit due partly due to berating the government received from the State Oracles. Does this mean they agree with what the State Oracles said about them, that they have been ineffectual? Is this their way of saying that they lack confidence in Sikyong Lobsang Sangye’s leadership and instead of seeing out their tenure, they would rather quit? What is going on behind the scenes in the Tibetan leadership that is resulting in leading government officials resigning from their positions?


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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2016, 03:03:57 AM »
This to me, this is the first time 'Gods' are filmed scolding these two conniving politicians, could a world FIRST in fact. Even the state oracles in trance can will speak against CTA leaders, it shows how rotten to the core things are for the CTA. So all the decisions made by CTA since the time of Lobsang Sangay took over, have a lot of self interest mixed within. The time before Lobsang Sangay, whereby the Kalon was Samdhong Rinpoche. Then though the ban against Dorje Shudgen was in place and in tact,but there was a bit more moral thread and fibre within CTA's ranks, now all there is corruption and nepotism from CTA.                                                                                                                                                     

It does not need Dorje Shugden's participation to bring down Tibetan interest and freedom claims, the CTA have positioned themselves as more than capable and apt to mow down Tibetan interest. Part of CTA's game currently could be also to ensure no ethical interest will ever preside and hold power via CTA, hence manipulation of the electoral process to sideline Lukar Jam, and further suppression of Gelug lamas and practices like Dorje Shugden.   

Perhaps some moral authority, can be introduced to curb and limit the powers of the CTA or rather the abuse of power by the CTA. It seems though the CTA has spiritual representation, they are not able to neutralize or do not have the will to stop these two conniving politicians. Again some self interest could be at play. Theonly spiritual power able to challenge the CTA's corruption and stand up to them has been the Gelug Lamas, who still practice Dorje Shugden, however CTA's policy have taken them out from participating in Tibetan government in exile. 

Things look really bleak for the Tibetans in exile in India. 


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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2016, 12:22:55 AM »
I dont think any kind of moral authority will be enough to curb the CTAs wanton lust for power. They only jump when the Dalai Lama tells them to jump. If they had any sense of morality, their MPs wouldnt be accused of corruption, embezzlement and murder.

And the Dalai Lama has to know all of this and yet he still lets it go on? He stays silent over the Karmapa issue, he stays silent over the self-immolations and sometimes even claims its not in his place to speak... but hes the time to appear in piccies with Urgyen Trinley? No wonder lamas like Rabsel Rinpoche are finally starting to speak up. Everyones just so pissed off that the CTAs been taking the piss for 60 years, playing them all like a fiddle.

So I maintain that no moral authority in the world will limit the powers of the CTA. You cant use morals to control an amoral group of people like them.

Perhaps some moral authority, can be introduced to curb and limit the powers of the CTA or rather the abuse of power by the CTA. It seems though the CTA has spiritual representation, they are not able to neutralize or do not have the will to stop these two conniving politicians. Again some self interest could be at play. Theonly spiritual power able to challenge the CTA's corruption and stand up to them has been the Gelug Lamas, who still practice Dorje Shugden, however CTA's policy have taken them out from participating in Tibetan government in exile. 


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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2016, 09:02:20 PM »
More evidence of wrong doing, this time presented by a Congressman Dana Rohrabacher from the USA.

The CTA and its cronies are hanging on by a thread, I wonder whose karma it can be stopping them from going to the lower realms.


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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2016, 09:46:06 PM »
This is quite unbelievable but really reflects the Tibetan psyche as perpetuated by the Tibetan leadership. For all the incompetence, wilful negligence, corruption and harm caused for the CTA, all the leaders get are scoldings from the State Protectors. Why bother with accountability and impeachment by law for their serious breaches of the Constitution and legal obligation to the Tibetan people? Looks like Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering got away with their crimes scot free.

People say that the Dalai Lama's oracles in trace are like Ministers in the Tibetan government. I can accept and respect that if a nation's culture is steeped in superstitions and permeates all aspects of the society including the government. But why pretend to be a democracy and why pretend to have 'fair' elections when in fact it is oracles that are really making the decisions?

And in all this sensational stories, it seems to be already forgotten that neither candidate for Sikyong actually tabled any real policies or plans for the betterment of the Tibetan people in exile. Neither addressed the China - Freedom issues and no one seems to be concerned with the problems of the common Tibetan people.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2016, 10:53:37 PM »
It's such a shame that such a situation was recorded and made to public knowledge, the Tibetan leadership are starting to get the taste of their own medicine. They even had the audacity to act all innocent and harmless, in fact they are one of the most malicious group of people you can ever come across; their gods being angry at them is one of the best evidences.


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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2016, 03:20:44 AM »
There have been many articles by various websites and news agency regarding the various corrupt activities of the CTA but it has not made any difference to the attitudes of the CTA. I doubt that the scolding by the oracles Nechung and Tseringma will make any difference as I doubt if they actually are on the spiritual path. If they are on the spiritual path, they wouldn't do any of the things that they are doing i.e. rigging elections, polarizing the Tibetans, embezzlement, etc..

In fact, they can easily spin this episode in their favour as I'm sure they godd spin doctors in their employ. But then again, being the blatant people that they are, they may just ignore the whole episode and go about their 'work' as though nothing happened.


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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2016, 03:18:42 AM »
The Tibetan leadership is failing on both the secular and spiritual angle. Not only are world leaders like congressman Dana Rohrabacher questioning the integrity of the CTA in the recent election and fund management, educated and exposed Tibetans themselves are beginning to question the non-progress of the CTA in securing a better quality of life for Tibetans since exile in 1959.

Could one "spirit" they blame be the powerful cause these failures? If so, it reflects poorly on the CTA and its leadership more than anything. If a "spirit" can over power the 3 Jewels can cause harms the CTA claim, then, it contradicts many fundamental teachings of the Dharma such as karma, blessings and merits.

If the CTA is "too mighty" to listen to the voices of the people, I hope they are humble enough to hear the scolding of the divine for the benefit of Dharma, Tibet and Tibetans.


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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2016, 01:00:53 PM »
Well, well, well. How embarrassing! To be scolded by the Divine in front of others and broadcasted on social media for all to see. The "Ministers" of the Tibetans-In-Exile certainly must have done terrible, terrible sinful deeds for them to be scolded now. After so many years of having gone scot-free for their malicious deeds, both secular and spiritual, finally they have reached their pinnacle?

Judging from how these scoldings had died down and CTA continuing on their merry deceitful ways without any reforms or revision to help their people, I would say they are quite above the law, both governmental and divine. But one law that I am certain they will not escape from and that is the law of "KARMA", waiting just round the corner for them. I wonder how will they buy their way out of Karma?

I think (and I am sure many others too) that the Dalai Lama should "wake up" to his people's sufferings and end all these transgressions by CTA. He should reunite his people and start a dialogue to solve the ban on much maligned Dorje Shugden, who has time and again been proven to be enlightened. The Dalai Lama should really start a legacy of integrity and compassion for CTA to carry forth.


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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2016, 09:12:02 PM »
Why is it even surprising that Tseringma and Nechung is angry with the CTA? Particularly Lobsang Sangay. We all know that Dalai Lama is not particularly fond of Sangay, and the dharmapalas would of course follow what the Dalai Lama says.

Dalai Lama can't directly scold them without looking bad or creating 'division' or 'enemies', so it is up to the deities to scold them in his place.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2016, 09:29:14 PM »
The Nechung and Tseringma Oracles are but mere puppets for the Dalai Lama. They were used in this case to force the CTA to bow to his power and authority. They can now be used by the DL to punish and silence anyone who would oppose him. The ordinary Tibetan totally believes in the power of Oracles and if the Dalai Lama's Oracles point their fingers at you, you are doomed. Just another tool used by the God King 14th DL to control his serfs. By the way if these two Oracles are right as some here may claim then they must be right in their publicly condemned Dorje Shugden  and we his followers. You must remember it is the Dalai Lama who hired these two and it is the Dalai Lama who can fired them to. Do as the Dalai Lama orders you to do or find yourselves a new job, Nechung and Tseringma.


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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2016, 06:03:37 AM »
The Nechung and Tseringma Oracles are but mere puppets for the Dalai Lama. They were used in this case to force the CTA to bow to his power and authority. They can now be used by the DL to punish and silence anyone who would oppose him. The ordinary Tibetan totally believes in the power of Oracles and if the Dalai Lama's Oracles point their fingers at you, you are doomed. Just another tool used by the God King 14th DL to control his serfs. By the way if these two Oracles are right as some here may claim then they must be right in their publicly condemned Dorje Shugden  and we his followers. You must remember it is the Dalai Lama who hired these two and it is the Dalai Lama who can fired them to. Do as the Dalai Lama orders you to do or find yourselves a new job, Nechung and Tseringma.

Dear Harold,

I found your conclusion on Tsering Ma and Nechung interesting. Both of these unenlightened deities, Tsering Ma and Nechung, are known to be loyal to the Dalai Lama and have follow his incarnation life after life.  Yes there are possibility that both of them collaborated with the Dalai Lama to tell the CTA off.  However, we should admit that the recent CTA election was not smooth and there are many questionable practice that benefited certain groups only.  Therefore, there is a possibility that Tsering Ma and Nechung scolding Penpa Tsering and Lobsang Sangay as genuine. 

Whatever is the reason behind the whole situation, both Penpa Tsering and Lobsang Sangay need scolding for the running of CTA election and other incapability.


Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Nechung and Tseringma scolds Tibetan leaders!
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2016, 07:24:52 AM »
Not surprised that Nechung and Tseringma is getting impatient with the Tibetan leaders. As the State Oracles of the Tibetans, surely they must be upset with the leaders who are creating disharmony and splitting up the citizens of Tibet in exile. After so many long years of empty promises of getting back Tibet from China, it now looks like a lost cause.

If that is not enough, many Tibetans have lost their religious freedom when CTA enforced the ban on Shugden practice. To my humble opinion, this is a dirty plan of the leaders to divert the attention of the whole wide world from their corrupt activities. Looking at the lack of respect the leaders have for Lamas and learned monks, it should be a matter of time before they do away with the tradition of seeking the oracles' advice.