Author Topic: Monk Kill Dog with Axe  (Read 14362 times)


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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2012, 08:39:57 AM »
This is a very disturbing clip and picture. This monk seems so cruel. What did the dog do to receive such abused. I seriously cant understand what is going trough the persons mind.

separate story.... I have heard from my grandma re a nun that stay near her house when she was a teen.. The nun is know to have a good heart because she pick up birds or animals that died on the streets and then buried them and she will do prayers for them but the nun has a very bad speech. Always scolding/swearing on people in and out of her temple. My grandma just say she don't understand how come such holy person still act such. I just reply my grandma ... "not all people practice what they preach".


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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2012, 04:09:34 PM »
i can't believe what i saw from the video. I am totally disgusted with this act of violent killing an animal. whatever reason behind the motivation of the monk to kill the dog, it is unacceptable. Humans are born with wisdom and ability to think better than animals, why on earth that the monk (supposedly wiser) be irked by the dog? i am more worried with the monk now that he has committed this sin and especially when he is a monk, he is supposed to be holding vows. His bad karma is much heavier than of a layman. How can he do that???


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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2012, 06:36:46 PM »
This is totally appalling ! I now wished that i did not click play on that video clip , sigh. I agree with what Sonam Dhargey said that we should not be too concern by the title or labels. I have to admit that the shock factor this video had was amplified one hundred times due to the word "monk" in the title of the clip.

Had it been titled " Korean man kills dog with an axe " most of us wont bat an eyelid ! Well I definitely learned something here about myself after reading everyones response. Thanks for sharing !

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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2012, 05:27:49 PM »
I would have change the title to "Man in monk robe kill dog with axe"

Why? Because when he committed the killing, he can no longer be considered as a monk who is to hold more than 300 vows and to practice compassion.. This is one of the main vows (The 'Defeats' category) of Sangha (Buddhist monks and nuns) that he had broken. So, we can just call this man as 'man', not a 'monk' anymore

Maybe like some earlier posts said, the man is just another human being with his weaknesses and that maybe he has negative karma connections with dog. Well, immaterial of the reasons and the causes for him to kill the dog, he can no longer be representing the community of Sangha for the fact that this killing is premeditated, not an accident due to self defense. He has done that for revenge and even took the trouble to go for the axe and came back to kill the dog.

In the history of Buddhism, there were cases of former murderers too, the famous ones are Angulimala, King Asoka and Milarepa. However they committed those heinous crimes before they embraced Buddha's teachings, not after.

For a person who is supposedly on the path to practice compassion and letting go, this man definitely erred. He is definitely not a man who join monkhood to serve others but he use monkhood as his career for his own gain. Sad. Very sad for the poor dog but more sad for him when I think of his karma.


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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2012, 05:43:41 AM »
This act is so disgusting. This man has broken his monk's vow. It is so disappointing that a person who is in monk’s robes and follows the Buddha’s teaching s could behave this way. He could not control his anger and resort to harming an innocent dog in such a brutal manner.  It is sad to see the dog had to suffer this way and even sadder to see the monk who has created so much negative karma of hurting the dog.


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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2012, 02:43:59 PM »
Well apparently Jang-goon’s owner immediately reported the attack to the police, but no charges were made because the police said that a monk would get little or no punishment.

Jang-goon was left on the ground to bleed all night long. He didn’t receive medical treatment until he was found by his owner the following morning.

He was immediately brought to a nearby pet hospital, but it was too late. Jang-goon was euthanized and the owner held a funeral for him. The chief priest of ‘Choen yong sa’ said the monk who attacked the dog was not well known.
His Buddhist name is ‘Gwang-woon’ and he had been living in the temple for just  a few days at the time of the attack.

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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2012, 08:50:46 PM »
What a damned monk! He's obviously not really a monk because he harmed another being for no apparent reason. The only thing I can think of is the fact that the monk probably got irritated by the dog's barking and he thought he could just kill the dog quietly but he is stupid enough to do it with the camera rolling. It is sad as this will do a lot of damage to the image of Buddhism in South Korea, which already is biased towards Christianity in recent times. For a person who hold vows, the breakage of important vows can bring about tremendous repercussions and more so than we can ever imagine.


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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2012, 11:27:53 AM »
I watched the video in utter shock. It is bad enough to kill a sentient being in cold blood, but to do so after one has taken monk vows is a total disaster. And the trouble to which the so-called-monk went to inflict pain and harm on another being is amazing. I wonder how he ever became a monk and I wonder whether the monastery knew that he was capable of such acts.

There are other cases where a member of the Sangha behave is a manner not worthy of the robes. This is another reported case in America:

MOBILE, Alabama -- A Buddhist monk in Grand Bay used a wooden pestle to beat to death a fellow monk during an argument over food inside their temple, a prosecutor said in court this morning.

Vern Phdsamay, 32, is charged with murder. He is accused of beating to death the leader of the Wat Buddharaksa Temple, Chaiwat Moleechate, on Friday.

The temple, located in Grand Bay, serves the Thai and Laotian communities in south Mobile County. Both monks lived on the temple grounds.

During a bail hearing this morning, Assistant District Attorney Jo Beth Murphree gave a few details of the beating, arguing that Phdsamay poses both a danger to the community and a flight risk.
Murphree said Phdsamay picked up a large wooden pestle, more than a foot long, to strike his fellow monk at least a dozen times, mostly in the head.

After that, Murphree said, "he went back to his living quarters, showered and washed his clothes, and he went back and ate."

District Judge Charles McKnight ordered a $50,000 bail, of which $5,000 would have to be paid in cash.
McKnight said Phdsamay, a legal U.S. resident who emigrated from Laos in 2005, must surrender his passport before being allowed to post bail.

Phdsamay's lawyer, Neil Hanley, said Phdsamay doesn't know how to drive, speaks no English and has lived in the same place since he arrived in the U.S.

He said the monk has taken a vow of poverty and has no money.

He said the allegations against Phdsamay are out of character.

"This is a man who has dedicated himself to nonviolence, to services to the community," Hanley said.

McKnight scheduled a preliminary hearing for June 25.



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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2012, 05:26:29 AM »
This is horrible. How can a monk break his vow of not killing! He is killing an innocent animal that did nothing to harm him. This is so evil. That monk does not deserve his monkhood. He is more or less a fake monk. This saddens me a lot :( I hope the dog has a good rebirth.


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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2012, 05:56:06 PM »
It is indeed very sad to watch the youtube. We should stop all animal abuse for whatever reasons, and that's the main reason why I am vegetarian too. More so for someone who has taken vows as monk. If someone has taken vows and commit such crime, the karma will only be stronger.

However, it got me thinking and realize that even if I have taken the vows, even as a monk, if I don't keep my practices, I can go to the 3 lower realms anytime. It reminds me that I should do a lot of protector practice to clear away all my negative imprints that can cause me to commit negative actions.


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Re: Monk Kill Dog with Axe
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2012, 11:35:04 PM »
Oh no ... more bad news to smear the Buddhist teachings.

The reasons for vows (which the monks take) is to prevent anyone who took it to stop committing negative actions. I would have thought that killing being one of the heaviest karma should be the vow one keep very strongly regardless a monk or not. I guess he's probably not a serious practitioner but a man who turn to monk hood to escape something. We must not let a few bad practitioners here and there taint the whole purity of the Buddha's teachings. Let more good news out to override the bad.