Author Topic: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad  (Read 7707 times)


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Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:53:07 PM »
The advice given by the Dalai Lama to Islamist extremists in the wake of wide spread bloodshed and cruelty is appropriate and timely.  The world condemn to such violence in the name of religion and will definitely agree with what the Dalai Lama teaches Muslims no less. 

However, there are disturbing cases of Shugden conflicts running into violence in which the pro-Dalai Lama supporters and anti-Shugden group have conducted themselves and yet the Dalai Lama is remaining silent throughout the assault and abuses of Shugden Buddhists for the longest time.  The Dalai Lama advised ISIS "to combat our inner destructive emotions".  Why does the Dalai Lama discriminate and not give such advice to his followers?  Remaining quiet to acts of violence by his followers in his community means condoning to their actions is not acceptable.  The cause of this conflict which is the Shugden ban must end and the ban has to be stopped now.

The Dalai Lama on Saturday condemned violence in the name of religion, claiming the Muslim concept of jihad was being misused and misinterpreted by Islamist extremists.

The Nobel Peace prize winner was referring to bloodshed unleashed by the Islamic State (ISIS) group in Syria and Iraq where it has conquered large swathes of territory, leaving bloodshed and brutal torture in its wake.

"Killing in the name of faith is unacceptable," he told a meeting of India's religious leaders including a senior Muslim cleric, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Bombay and the head of the Jewish community in Delhi at a two-day conference, reports AFP.

Jihad, the Muslim concept of holy war, should be a fight "to combat our inner destructive emotions", the 79-year-old spiritual leader said. "It (jihad) does not mean harming other people."

Not all share the appraisal that the ever-growing plague of violent jihadist terror is out of line with the Muslim precept of jihad.

Professor Rafi Israeli, an expert on Islam and the Arab world, told Arutz Sheva last Sunday that cruelty is a part of Islam, arguing the religion has a basic disregard for human life. He noted the Koran calls on Muslims to spread terror among their enemies without specifying who those enemies are, hence the internal war between Sunnis and Shi'ites since the start of the religion.

That take on Islam has been played out most recently by ISIS, which lately released videos of its brutal beheadings of US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, as well as UK aid worker David Haines.

However, the Dalai Lama said "if we remain indifferent to what is happening around us, it is wrong. The spiritual people can show the world that it can be a happy family (despite) the different faiths."

The Dalai Lama, who fled Tibet after a failed uprising against Chinese rule in 1959, lives in the northern Indian hill station of Dharamsala. He says he supports "meaningful autonomy" for Tibet within China rather than outright independence, but Chinese authorities accuses him of covertly campaigning for Tibet's independence, branding him a "splittist."


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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2014, 11:54:16 PM »
Yes, the Dalai Lama teaches everyone how to conduct jihad--- lie constantly and don't get caught!
  He has his own jihad against us--- and frankly is he helping all living beings by telling a bunch of terrorists to "combat their inner emotions?"  Uh, that sounds like trying to teach dharma to people who aren't ready to hear it--- all they can get is turned against the Buddha for that.
  He is really such a hypocrite and truly unhelpful; it would make so much more sense to have Islamic leaders talk against the jihad in Islamic terms; this might sway some people, and would be better for all living beings, because trying to convert others to the Buddha's teaching is not okay like that.... it needs to be framed in Islamic terms by Islamic leaders to make an impact.  Quite a lot of Islamic people do not agree with the terrorists at all, or terrorism in general.  If they talk, then this would be framed in the appropriate philosophical tradition; besides that I am no sure what the general Islamic take is on Buddhism; I know a lot of Christians think I have idols in my house, but I do not see Buddha imagery as an idol.  I don't know that people would listen to a Buddhist teacher if they are some types of Christian, likewise on various types of Islam, I don't know; however, I don't think it is going to sway any terrorists that some Buddhist dude is telling them to look at their inner emotions.
  At any rate the Dalai Lama is the supreme BSer when it comes to his own evil acts against people who do a prayer he doesn't like, and the CTA acts like a bunch of terrorists themselves when they put a hit list up of people who protest the Dalai Lama.


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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2014, 05:33:15 AM »
For the sake of mankind's morality, everyone should condemn the brutal beheadings conducted by ISIS recently. Authentic religions do not teach their followers to kill others! ISIS does not qualify to be called a religious group. I would call them the terrorists; an enemy of the world! World leaders should come together to stop these fanatics!

I applaud His Holiness Dalai Lama's condemnation of ISIS and His advice thereon. However, His Holiness Dalai Lama are totally not consistent with his actions.   Can't His Holiness be compassionate about Dorje Shugden practitioners? Leave the Shugden practitioners alone please! Isn't the function of a Buddha or an emanation of a Buddha is to benefit others without exception? But it appears that His Holiness' implementation of the ban on Dorje Shugden contradicts the function of a Buddha or the emanation of a Buddha.


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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2014, 05:53:40 AM »
For the sake of mankind's morality, everyone should condemn the brutal beheadings conducted by ISIS recently. Authentic religions do not teach their followers to kill others! ISIS does not qualify to be called a religious group. I would call them the terrorists; an enemy of the world! World leaders should come together to stop these fanatics!

I applaud His Holiness Dalai Lama's condemnation of ISIS and His advice thereon. However, His Holiness Dalai Lama are totally not consistent with his actions.   Can't His Holiness be compassionate about Dorje Shugden practitioners? Leave the Shugden practitioners alone please! Isn't the function of a Buddha or an emanation of a Buddha is to benefit others without exception? But it appears that His Holiness' implementation of the ban on Dorje Shugden contradicts the function of a Buddha or the emanation of a Buddha.

Oh, yes, that is true that authentic religions do not teach their followers to kill others.  Why then, no offense, are you referring to the Dalai Lama with capital letters?  Because you think he is a Buddha?  Okay, you have a right to think what ever you would like.  Now ISIS is really terrible for murdering journalists and other people that they murder.  So, the Dalai is someone who, with a Nobel Peace prize mind you, as "Buddha of Compassion" (try Karmapa for that one, really, the real one, please--- not China/Gelug one) is quoted in Mother Jones in an article with Thurman:
"... if the situation was such that there was only one learned lama or genuine practitioner alive, a person whose death would cause the whole of Tibet to lose all hope of keeping its Buddhist way of life, then it is conceivable that in order to protect that one person it might be justified for one or ten enemies to be eliminated—if there was no other way.”
('34 1  from Mother Jones, Nov 1997
So, according to the Dalai one can protect a person (like, oh, someone in charge of Tibet... so... the Dalai himself) from 'harm' by you know killing one or 10 people or something.  But the Dalai gets capital letters from you?  A few days later a hit list was put out with Geshe Kelsang Gyatso at the top of it.  What did Geshe-la do to the Dalai?  Oh, he disagreed with him.
  But it is okay, is it, for the Dalai to have capital letters like he is really a Buddha, but at the same time we roundly condemn ISIS for acting out what they perceive (I'm not saying they are correct) as divine acts of terror?  So why the double standard.  ISIS is terrorists and has terrible actions; the Dalai is supposed to be a peace guy and is supposed to act like a Buddhist teacher.  ISIS is really misguided okay, but most people can see that.  The Dalai is also very misguided and encourages murder of very perfect teachers.
  So, I know the argument right, oh he's just being wrathful... uh... okay... so why not just say the ISIS guys are also being wrathful?  Because no one beats us over the head saying they are acting on behalf of Chenresig?
  Okay, but I am just saying, I can't tell the difference in encouraging murder of high lamas (by someone who really can't get away with doing that sort of thing himself) and someone ordering the death of journalists.  To me, they are both acts of terror.

Ringo Starr

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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2014, 08:41:58 AM »
This is what politicians do isn't it?

Tenzin K

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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2014, 12:41:57 PM »
I had come across on another meaning of Jihad which says:

The real meaning of Jihad
Jihad is an Arabic word from the root Jee Ha Da. It literally means to struggle or strive.
Jihad is struggling or striving in the way or sake of Allah.
Jihad takes a very important status in the doctrine of Islam and is one of the basic duties for every Muslim.

Though, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the term Holy War.
Such a term, or its equivalent doesn’t exist in the Islamic doctrine. The Christian Crusaders in the mid-ages invented this ideology of Holy War.
There is nothing “Holy” about wars. Wars only involve killings and disasters!

So in this context I agree with Dalai Lama, Jihad doesn’t mean killing but is our inner combat. But saying so it’s still a huge hypocrisy where the Dalai Lama can advise on killing for spirituality is wrong but his own people/government/supporters act violently towards the Shugden practitioners can be kept silent for so long. I can’t understand that?

Killing is not part of spiritual action so to violent! So many account on how Shugden practitioners being harm, tortured and outcast, with prove but still being denied by the Dalai Lama. I respect the advice being said by Dalai Lama on the Jihad but I cannot never agree with his action to deny and keeping quiet on the violent that happening and also the unfair treatment towards the Shugden practitioners!


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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2014, 01:55:32 PM »

I fully agreed with Dalai Lama that "Killing in the name of faith is unacceptable". All religions do not teach people to harm or kill others.

However, I could not understand why he just ignores on the discriminations to the Dorje Shugden practitioner? Why would he remain silent on it? He has mentioned that
"if we remain indifferent to what is happening around us, it is wrong. The spiritual people can show the world that it can be a happy family (despite) the different faiths."
If he remains silent, is he agreeing to what CTA and the anti-Shugden group have been doing to the Shugden practitioners? This is definitely contradicting to what he has been saying openly all these while on world peace and love and compassion to all. I sincerely urge Dalai Lama could do the same and treat all Shugden practitioners equally.


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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2014, 08:44:19 PM »
  The issue is really that the Dalai claims he doesn't see us as a religion, unlike he sees Islam.  He is being very evil and vindictive in this; basically he knows we are a legit part of Buddhism, but since some Shugden lamas wouldn't agree to his mixing of dharma, then he demonized us, just like he did the Karmapa's followers for wanting the legit head of Kagyu (the late Shamarpa) to be allowed to pick the Karmapa, like the Kagyus have always done.
  Basically, he demonizes us to the point where Islam is a religion according to him, but we are not one.
  So, the first thing is, he knows he's lying about that--- Trijang Rinpoche wasn't/isn't a Buddhist?  Hmm?
  Second, we are further removed from Buddhist life, thus conversations by this duplicitous act--- no one is allowed to engage in spiritual relations with us if they follow the Dalai's advice.  Anyone not following the Dalai's advice (Lord "Chenresig") is a malevolent friend who must also be shunned.
 Third, no one person, touted as a Buddha or god or whatever, has the right to make and enforce decisions on what is a religion or not for other people.... like if you say those prayers you aren't in a religion.  While not true anyway according to the great masters of the Gelugpa tradition that these are sectarian or spirit prayers, still it shouldn't be up to one person.... that makes zero sense in the modern era.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2015, 09:37:13 AM »
This is a very good example of religious freedom and being tolerant to other people who do not share the same religious views. Every single religion teaches tolerance and compassion, it is the practitioners that use it to do something else and claim that it is what they are meant to do. I'm really glad to see this, thank you for sharing! :)

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2015, 09:32:33 AM »
What I understand of the Dalai Lama's message on Jihad is that it is about battling the ''maras'' within oneself and not to harm others.

Therefore it is not that Dalai Lama agrees with the way Jihad is performed by harming others, but rather rid ourselves of hate and evoke love and compassion and then practice these kind of activities in the name of religion and specifically for the Muslims in the name of Allah.

Not a wrong message in general but rather contradictory to the Dalai Lama's intolerance to Shugdenpas.


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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2015, 05:42:27 PM »
It seems Dorje Shugden practitioners do not fall under the sphere of objects of compassion. And what has happened to them? We can do non-virtues on to them!!?? Apparently this also applies to people in China where they can be blamed for anything. Anyone who doesn't agree with Dalai Lama automatically becomes a Chinese spy. What a ridiculous world we live in!  :'(

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2015, 09:19:59 AM »
You are correct, Fruven to understand that as far as the Shugden devotees are concerned, they are not entitled to any form of kindness and compassion.  They are treated with discrimination and schism and violence too.

Yet as a Shugdenpa, I have never even heard of my Guru disparage the Dalai Lama but always explains that as emanation of Chenrizig, we need to believe that the Dalai Lama has a picture not within our scope to grasp.

Shugdenpas need to stand steadfast together to have the Ban lifted so that our great Dharmapala can benefit the world as we will then have the freedom to propitiate and propagate His lineage.


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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2015, 04:12:14 PM »
Yet as a Shugdenpa, I have never even heard of my Guru disparage the Dalai Lama but always explains that as emanation of Chenrizig, we need to believe that the Dalai Lama has a picture not within our scope to grasp.

This is just subtly coded Lama wording, meaning that the evil dalie is an absolutistic, cruel, inhumane, abhorrent anti-Buddhist theocratic tyrant worth being gotten rid of.


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Re: Dalai Lama Teaches Muslims How to Conduct Jihad
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2015, 04:48:24 AM »
All these acts sounds like good PR to me. So very secular. Guess that's what politicians do. so sad