Author Topic: A Reliable Source of Information?  (Read 4818 times)


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A Reliable Source of Information?
« on: January 10, 2016, 04:18:05 AM »

It always sad to read of such matters. Be it westerners of asians, there will always be opportunists lurking around in every nook and corners. Unfortunately, when it comes to such precious matters as the Dharma, there is more to lose than to gain.

This is why we have to study the Dharma and gain wisdom to differentiate the good from the bad, not yet even to say in matters of the deeper study but just in basic Dharmic knowledge. It tough at every step on the Path but with eyes on the prize of attainments, certain levels of blinkers are called for. Else, we will go astray.


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Re: A Reliable Source of Information?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2016, 09:41:05 PM »
Being in Dharma requires a lot of merits gathered from previous or current lives. As such some have the merits to receive Dharma and yet not the merits to be able to discern and realise the Wisdom or the Compassion of the teachings. If they did then they would realise that true Dharma never strays from this two component. What keeps us in Samsara is our ignorance or ego. Our perceptions that stems from our ignorance or ego will always keep us from seeing the Buddha as ordinary and his teachings as pinch of salt. May those who were blind be blessed with sight and understand the great harm the ban has brought on both the Shugden practitioners and the Anti Shugdenpas. Most of all the harm on the very practise of pure lineage teachings and the blessings.


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Re: A Reliable Source of Information?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2016, 02:32:57 PM »
I totally agree with Sabs, it takes a lot of merits from us to be able to do dharma work and to serve our teachers in close proximity to do work that is due to the accumulation of merits from all our previous life times. To be in close vicinity with high reincarnations is just something beautiful to be able to work close and learn in order to gain knowledge and be skilled. Learning to always focus out and do work so that we will be able to benefit others as well.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: A Reliable Source of Information?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2016, 01:58:27 PM »

Just as the ending of the linked article pointed us to think about who we can and should trust. In matters concerning my physical and spiritual health, I would definitely be adhering to the advice of one who is stable, consistent and have good motivation in their thoughts and deeds. In spiritual matters, the guru would be the person to lay one's trust on all the way, for the guru would be the one to bring us to our enlightenment. As mentioned by SabS, our perceptions that stems from our ignorance and ego would lead us to making wrong conclusions. It is best to follow the instructions of one's kind teacher.


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Re: A Reliable Source of Information?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2016, 05:41:52 AM »
I think everyones forgetting the crux of the matter which is that half these trolls know nowt about what their talking about. For people who may know a little better, their paid to cause trouble online and for those who dont, their devotion in the Dalai Lama is invoked to attack others.

The real issue is the CTAs manipulation of unsuspecting anybodys, Western or otherwise and how quickly people will fall for lies if theres something in it for them or if youve got the right name backing you. In the case of this lot, it seems to be a case of empty vessels making the most noise because when you break down their arguments a little further, theres no substance and no basis.

Its easy to twist the 'truth' when your telling lies!


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Re: A Reliable Source of Information?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2016, 10:19:12 AM »
The trolls don't even bother to argue much on facts. They keep repeating what they say. Even though insubstantial, they believe that when they is true and and if they repeat it often enough it will become true.

How do you argue with people like that? How do you try to debate with somebody like that? There's nothing to debate!!What they say is subjective and not even objective. Hopefully those fence sitters can see a bit of light and not be so easily swayed. The fanatics will be fanatics. What I realized is they are the fanatics with cult mentality and yet accuse others of being in a cult. Sad.

Sometimes, I do get scared when they justify their use of violence. That is the saddest part as the Dalai Lama has come out on TV to say that even having the thought of violence will make one not a BUddhist or religious person. But his followers are not following his words.


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Re: A Reliable Source of Information?
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2016, 01:49:20 PM »
Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development; a path that culminates in Buddhahood. It does not promote schism, hated, violence. No Buddhist who understands the Buddha's teaching thinks that other religions are wrong or bad and will not incite hate or violence.

These trolls are a disgrace and as a matter of fact, it is a waste of time to argue with them. They have been manipulated by the CTA to create trouble on line and get paid for spewing hatred and negative comments just so to accomplish their own greedy and selfish goal which is not beneficial.