Author Topic: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?  (Read 7406 times)


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Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« on: December 09, 2012, 12:29:39 PM »
Despite all the material progress in this and the last century we still experience suffering, especially in relation to mental well-being. In fact, if anything, the complex way of life created by modernisation or globalisation is causing new problems and new causes of mental unrest. Under these circumstances I feel that the various religious traditions have an important role to play in helping to maintain peace and the spirit of reconciliation and dialogue, and therefore harmony and close contact between them is essential. Whether we are believers or non-believers and, within the category of the believers, whether we hold this or that belief, we must respect all the traditions. That's very important.
I always tell people in non-Buddhist countries that followers of other religions should maintain their own tradition. To change religion is not easy, and people can get into trouble as a result of confusion. So it is much safer to keep to one's own tradition, while respecting all religions. I'm Buddhist--sometimes I describe myself as a staunch Buddhist--but, at the same time, I respect and admire the works of other traditions' figures such as Jesus Christ. Basically, all the religious traditions have made an immense contribution to humanity and continue to do so, and as such are worthy of our respect and admiration.
When we contemplate the diversity of spiritual traditions on this planet we can understand that each addresses the specific needs of different human beings, because there is so much diversity in human mentality and spiritual inclination. Yet, fundamentally, all spiritual traditions perform the same function, which is to help us tame our mental state, overcome our negativities and perfect our inner potential.
--from Lighting the Way by the Dalai Lama


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2012, 02:14:21 PM »
I agree, all spiritual traditions have the same function to bring peace and happiness to individuals and to those around them. Sadly, in today's society, most people do not chase for spirituality, instead most chase for material happiness for that brings temporary happiness and relief. On a longer term, in chasing for material happiness, most people lose track of how to seek eternal happiness.

Many around me are prime examples that meterial progress does not bring happiness or a mental state of well being. Instead, it causes more stress, worry and desire for individual for it becomes a game of chasing after wants. In satisfying our needs in our wants, we end up going in a circle, always chasing after one thing and then another.

It is so important to have religion, to teach us what we should focus on so as to not waste our human lives. Religion is beautiful, all religions are beautiful..just practise and apply it for it has lead many to eternal peace and happiness.


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2012, 04:13:50 PM »
Material possessions can bring about happiness only a fleeting,temporary state of mind.Whatever that causes our happiness in the first place eventually changes  and thus our happiness dissolves.Possessions and experiences actually contain the 'seed suffering'.It is a mistake to place too much emphasis on material possessions.True and lasting happiness can never come from gratifying the senses alone.
The genuine happiness is inner happiness.Tue happiness arises from inner happiness.It is a stable sense of serenity,calm,and contentment that does not depend on external factors or circumstances.There are two conditions which contribute to inner peace:our attitude and our actions.
The Dalai Lama has observed that the actions that bring about lasting peace are generally those that involve doing something worthwhile and beneficial for others.Ones that bring about happiness for both ourselves and others.Dalai Lama believes that "altruism is an essential component to those actions which lead to genuine happiness.


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2012, 07:59:55 AM »
For the practitioner that strives to practice in all conditions, material progress can assist the development of happiness and inner peace, yes.

Geshe Chekawa said 'embrace both whichever arises' (good and bad circumstances). A true renunciate, from the point of view of Sutra, is able to utilize both circumstances to enhance their mind of definite emergence.

Objects do not exist from their own side, nor do the characteristics of those objects. If we change our generic image of objects into virtuous objects by re-labeling through lamrim, they will function to stimulate virtuous responses within us. For example, if you decide someone is a Buddha, regardless of what they appear to be doing, you will receive the blessings of a Buddha.

If we have made the decision that the development of realization is the most important thing in our life, then material progress will enhance our wisdom realizing the truth.

I understand where you're coming from in your post, and certainly we need to see that only inner wealth is of real benefit, but once we understand that, we will rest in the view I've mentioned and not pay too much attention to labeling our conditions 'good' or 'bad' so strongly. We will label it 'useful', 'fuel for realization', etc.


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2012, 08:16:58 AM »
During good conditions, especially when really nice things happen, like we go on vacation to Mexico or Thailand or somewhere we think is paradise on earth ;-) we need to think 'this deceptive appearance of good conditions is reminding me I need to realize emptiness with the very subtle mind of clear light as soon as possible'


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2012, 09:48:33 PM »
For the practitioner that strives to practice in all conditions, material progress can assist the development of happiness and inner peace, yes.

Geshe Chekawa said 'embrace both whichever arises' (good and bad circumstances). A true renunciate, from the point of view of Sutra, is able to utilize both circumstances to enhance their mind of definite emergence.

Objects do not exist from their own side, nor do the characteristics of those objects. If we change our generic image of objects into virtuous objects by re-labeling through lamrim, they will function to stimulate virtuous responses within us. For example, if you decide someone is a Buddha, regardless of what they appear to be doing, you will receive the blessings of a Buddha.

If we have made the decision that the development of realization is the most important thing in our life, then material progress will enhance our wisdom realizing the truth.

I understand where you're coming from in your post, and certainly we need to see that only inner wealth is of real benefit, but once we understand that, we will rest in the view I've mentioned and not pay too much attention to labeling our conditions 'good' or 'bad' so strongly. We will label it 'useful', 'fuel for realization', etc.

Isn't everything just perspective?

Good or bad is just labels we put on the situation we're in. What to me is most important is what we make out of the good or bad situation. For instance... if someone is experiencing a "good" situation/condition; i.e. that person strike lotto and is rich now, can that be a negative  karma ripening for it may propel that person to create negative non virtues in his actions e.g. drinking, womanizing, becoming arrogant, materialistic etc etc....   While a bad situation could possibly make someone grow... i.e. a person who is filthy rich sudden turns broke and realizes impermanence, becomes more humble, more warm, more appreciative of the things/people around him etc etc.

Good or bad is also another perspective to make someone grow or spiral downhill is based on the person's perspective which I think is based on the person's karma/merits to realize his nature and will power. So in the end wouldn't we say it is kinda based on the karma of the person?


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2012, 10:00:40 PM »
Having said that... my answer to this topic would also be a YES... material progress does help but it depends on who is managing it and does what with it.

Another good example is... if you gave lots and lots of help, resources, funds etc to someone like say His Holiness the Dalai Lama or Gangchen Rinpoche, or GKG... now I am sure they will make full use of this good conditions and create a very powerful environment, community, organization that will bring about the benefit of all sentient beings which would create and focus on inner peace... So in this persepctive, we could say that it is based on the person's motivation too yes?  ;) 


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2012, 10:10:12 PM »
During good conditions, especially when really nice things happen, like we go on vacation to Mexico or Thailand or somewhere we think is paradise on earth ;-) we need to think 'this deceptive appearance of good conditions is reminding me I need to realize emptiness with the very subtle mind of clear light as soon as possible'

or they could also make full use of this condition in realizing how impermanent all things are. It depends on the activity and motive of their vacation no? If someone were to go away for a retreat, be it in a cave, forest, an apartment etc... it also depends on what retreat they are retreating in... to develop themselves further, to get closer and one with their yidam, to run away from their problems, run away from samsara, to purify or what? So it again is it not depending on ones motivation....?


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2012, 09:27:40 AM »
Practicing Dharma is the supreme method for improving the quality of our human life. The quality of life depends not upon external development or material progress, but upon the inner development of peace and happiness. For example, in the past many Buddhists lived in poor and underdeveloped countries, but they were able to find pure, lasting happiness by practicing what Buddha had taught.

If we integrate Buddha’s teachings into our daily life we will be able to solve all our inner problems and attain a truly peaceful mind. Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible. If we first establish peace within our minds by training in spiritual paths, outer peace will come naturally; but if we do not, world peace will never be achieved, no matter how many people campaign for it.


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2012, 02:08:09 PM »
I agree, all spiritual traditions have the same function to bring peace and happiness to individuals and to those around them. Sadly, in today's society, most people do not chase for spirituality, instead most chase for material happiness for that brings temporary happiness and relief. On a longer term, in chasing for material happiness, most people lose track of how to seek eternal happiness.

Many around me are prime examples that meterial progress does not bring happiness or a mental state of well being. Instead, it causes more stress, worry and desire for individual for it becomes a game of chasing after wants. In satisfying our needs in our wants, we end up going in a circle, always chasing after one thing and then another.

It is so important to have religion, to teach us what we should focus on so as to not waste our human lives. Religion is beautiful, all religions are beautiful..just practise and apply it for it has lead many to eternal peace and happiness.

Sadly this is pervasive for all unenlightened beings in samsara. It is nothing new, actually it is a common theme every where every corner of this planet from the sky to the base of the ocean. The degree each of us chasing after things out of desire is slightly different though based on different conditions. One of the condition is environmental condition. For us human beings now it is easier to be distracted because of the many 'entertaining' material goodies around us while in the past what we have are hand-made stuffs. Now almost everything are produced from factories and are available in abundance. We keep saying the middle class is growing. They have more pocket money to spend, consumption is growing, the country is experiencing growth, GDP is increasing, growth is a 'positive' thing. Or is it? We are measuring consumption of material goodies. We change our clothes every few months, change our smartphone every year or less, our car a few times in our life span, and even our home. Basically we are changing whatever we have around us quite frequently to be 'happy'. What does it say?


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2012, 02:50:24 PM »
Every one of us has the same basic wish to be happy and avoid suffering. We generally believe that external conditions such as food, friends, cars, and money are the real causes of happiness, and as a result we devote nearly all our time and energy to acquiring these. With this material progress, superficially it may seem that these things can make us happy, but if we look more deeply we shall see that they also bring us a lot of suffering and problems. If food, money, and so forth really are causes of happiness, they can never be causes of suffering; yet we know from our own experience that they often do cause suffering.

Happiness and suffering are states of mind. The real source of happiness is inner peace. If our mind is peaceful, we shall be happy all the time, regardless of external conditions, but if it is disturbed or troubled in any way, we shall never be happy, no matter how good our external conditions. External conditions like material progress can only make us happy if our mind is peaceful.

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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2012, 05:17:15 PM »
Actually, all happiness comes from the motivation that is directed towards others. Hence, you will find that a meditational master who is a mendicant on the street with no possessions or with hundreds of properties and a sh*tload money, which the master would spend on benefitting others. In both situations, the master would be just as happy. Therefore, it is not the money or wealth that corrupts, it is our mind that is prone towards degeneration because of our innumerable negative karma.

Therefore, it is all summarized succinctly as happiness coming when we direct our energies towards others and all unhappiness comes when we direct our energy towards ourselves. Therefore, there are many practices within Buddhism that we can apply to gain that mind of giving towards others, the mind of generosity. Hence, in the Bodhisattva practice of the 6 perfections, the first is that of generosity. Hence, making ritual offerings on our altars is a particularly important practice particularly for lay practitioners who have the capacity to spend a little more in creating great causes in the Dharma. 

Hence, we should always make offerings on the altar towards the 3 jewels to develop that mind that we can expand towards all other beings, breaking down the barriers of loved ones, strangers and enemies. That's the path towards achieving happiness.


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Re: Does Material Progress Bring Happiness and Inner Peace?
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2012, 07:24:01 PM »
Personally i think it really depends on how you define inner peace. There are people who claimed that they are peaceful and happy or they thought that they are peaceful and happy. But when it comes to someone stepping on their ego and their perception of self, the five aggregates are activated and brought along a series of unhappiness created by themselves unnecessarily.

Putting the six senses in indulgence are definitely not the happiness a buddhist spiritual practitioner wanted to have. One reason is being this happiness are impermanence, ther is nothing to be happy if we do not have absolute happiness.

Material progress can be poisonous and can be nectar. However it depends very much on the person's motivation.