Author Topic: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala  (Read 7035 times)

Big Uncle

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Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« on: July 06, 2012, 08:24:14 AM »
It looks like another year has gone and the Dalai Lama has celebrated another birthday and they are no where near reaching Tibetan independence. With all due respect, the Dalai Lama is not getting younger and how is the Central Tibetan Administration holding up the torch of the Dalai Lama's mission to claim self-autonomy of Tibet.

Do they even have a plan or are they just wasting money enjoying themselves and doing nothing much. What's their plan to engage China to re-start the dialogue again? What are they doing to uphold their own constitution of fairness and equality for all Tibetans (including Dorje Shugden practitioners)? So many questions asked but no answers.

Taken from

Dharamsala, July 6 (IANS) Thousands of Tibetan exiles and foreigners Friday morning attended the 77th birthday celebrations of their spiritual leader the Dalai Lama here in Himachal Pradesh.
Large crowds began to assemble since morning at the Tsuglagkhang temple to join the birthday celebrations.

"Special prayer sessions were held for the long life of His Holiness," Tashi, a Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) spokesperson, told IANS.

The Dalai Lama, revered by the Tibetans as a 'living god', attended the prayers held at the hilltop Tsuglagkhang temple, close to his official palace at McLeodganj.

The 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, who has been residing here for the last few years with his followers, also attended the function.

A group of Chinese settled in various countries greeted the Nobel laureate on the occasion.
In a brief address in his Tibetan dialect, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, known for his trademark maroon robes, thanked the government of India and the people for their hospitality to the exiled Tibetans.
He thanked the Tibetan for their heartfelt greetings.

The entire cabinet of the CTA and Prime Minister-in-exile Lobsang Sangay were present at the function.
Born July 6, 1935, at Taktser hamlet in northeastern Tibet, the Dalai Lama was recognised at the age of two as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso.

He fled Tibet after a failed uprising against the Chinese rule in 1959, basing his government-in-exile here that never won recognition from any country.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his non-violent campaign for democracy and freedom in his homeland. Since fleeing to India, he has spent his time in exile pushing for autonomy for Tibet.
India is home to around 100,000 Tibetans.

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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2012, 10:24:51 AM »
You are right Big Uncle... yet another year passes by and yet another year whereby Tibetans are no closer to self-autonomy of Tibet. In fact I much rather think they are getting "further" aways and the window of opportunity is drifting further away.

The best time to "hit", I personally belief, was when HHDL announced his stepping down from political and secular power. This should have been the perfect opportunity for CTA to have sparked off fresh negotiations with China on a topic long been a sensitive issue purely because HHDL is part of the equation. With HHDL "removed" from this perception, CTA had them most opportune conditions as, CTA could have used that perception to their advantage! It makes perfect sense!!!

But alas, I seem to think CTA does not really want this as gaining this so called self-autonomy would mean being "out of a job" so to speak. Because reforms would kick in and the "old" administration would probably need to die a natural death. Hmmmm, perhaps that is why the comfort of the "continual fight" is actually better than the "solution".

Sure I sound like the devil's advocate but, perhaps there is some truth it it?


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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2012, 02:14:56 PM »
Currently, there are so much misunderstandings between HHDL/ CTA and China.  Thus it creates a stall in the discussion between China and CTA.  If I may suggest, the followings may improve the situation:

•   HHDL and LS should call for peaceful protest among Tibetans in the Tibet region and in exile and openly condemn that violence act such as self-immolation and roberies and violence against Han Chinese in Tibet region. 

•   LS/CTA should abolish faith based discrimination among Tibetans in exile.  LS/ CTA will gain so much respect from inside and outside Tibetan in exile community just by abolishing faith based discrimination.

•   HHDL should lift the ban against DS and clear out misunderstandings about this enlightened protector.  How is this relevant to the topic at hand?  Because the ban has caused split and suspicions among Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhist followers.  Clarifying misunderstanding and confusion related to the ban will eliminate schism and suspicions and the Tibetans can be united once again.
This is just a little advice.  It may not guarantee that the talk between China and CTA will be smooth because it depends on so many more other factors, but at least it may help to improve the situation.


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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2012, 08:54:53 PM »
With all due respect to HHDL... I think the only way to create a possibility of dialogue with China is if His Holiness speaks to his people about directly, sending out a message to the Tibetans in Tibet to STOP all the self-immolation violence. This will certainly help and create a different perspective, perhaps, in China's view of Tibet/HHDL.

Definitely agree with Michaela in abolishing faith based discrimination and clearing their own people's discrimination on Shugden practitioners would be a obvious start in uniting the people. CTA need to step up and stop standing behind His Holiness's robes.

If one's own house is disharmony and is split up... how could one go out there asking anyone to unite and be in harmony when they themselves are not?? I think this should happened first within one's own community before any advice could be given to anyone outside. Perhaps this is why those in Tibet are taking matters in their own hands. Hearing Dorje Shugden's Ban in Dharamsala sure would disheartened Shugden practitioners in Tibet... on top of going through the Chinese's oppression... they are only human.  So what is living earnestly mean here in HH speech on his 77th Birthday??? Serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous... which needs to begin at HOME first.

Dalai Lama celebrates 77th birthday
2012/07/06 20:53:07
New Dehli, July 6 (CNA) The Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, urged people to live "earnestly" every day while celebrating his 77th birthday Friday.

Tsegyam Ngaba, secretary-general of the Dalai Lama's office, told CNA by telephone that the Central Tibetan Administration celebrates the Dalai Lama's birthday every year, although the Tibetan leader doesn't always attend the celebration.

This year, the Dalai Lama happened to be in Dharamshala, so he attended the celebration and gave a short speech.

"Every day is a new day, and there is nothing special about the birthday," the Dalai Lama said, and he urged people to live every day earnestly.

The Tibetan official said the Dalai Lama lives a simple life, including on his birthday. He does not get a birthday cake, blow out candles or make wishes, as in the West.

As for news that an opposition lawmaker plans to solicit signatures in the Legislature to propose inviting the Dalai Lama to Taiwan to speak in front of Taiwan's lawmaking body, Tsegyam Ngaba said Taiwan has yet to contact the Dalai Lama's office on the matter.

He said the Dalai Lama receives a lot of invitations from all over the world every year, and makes many trips abroad.

If invited, the office will consider "if the time is feasible and if it is convenient for Taiwan." If both conditions are met, "the Dalai Lama will certainly be glad to go to Taiwan," the official said.

The Dalai Lama announced in March 2011 that he would relinquish all of his political authority in favor of a political leader. Harvard scholar Lobsang Sangay was sworn in as the Tibetan government in exile's new prime minister on Aug. 8, 2011.

(By H.R. Ho and Lilian Wu)


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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2012, 05:12:30 AM »
Currently, there are so much misunderstandings between HHDL/ CTA and China.  Thus it creates a stall in the discussion between China and CTA.  If I may suggest, the followings may improve the situation:

•   HHDL and LS should call for peaceful protest among Tibetans in the Tibet region and in exile and openly condemn that violence act such as self-immolation and roberies and violence against Han Chinese in Tibet region. 

•   LS/CTA should abolish faith based discrimination among Tibetans in exile.  LS/ CTA will gain so much respect from inside and outside Tibetan in exile community just by abolishing faith based discrimination.

•   HHDL should lift the ban against DS and clear out misunderstandings about this enlightened protector.  How is this relevant to the topic at hand?  Because the ban has caused split and suspicions among Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhist followers.  Clarifying misunderstanding and confusion related to the ban will eliminate schism and suspicions and the Tibetans can be united once again.
This is just a little advice.  It may not guarantee that the talk between China and CTA will be smooth because it depends on so many more other factors, but at least it may help to improve the situation.

I agree with what you suggested. I'd like to add on to your third suggestion. If HHDL does not choose to lift the ban of practising Dorje Shugden, HH should be more specific and state that Dorje Shugden practitioners cannot attend his talks. This has nothing to do with CTA as they are the governing body for Tibetans in exile. As such it is CTA's duty and obligation to take care of the welfare of their people in exile.

All Tibetans SHOULD have equal rights and enjoy the SAME benefits regardless of race, gender and religion. This is the basic HUMAN RIGHTS.

For HHDL to continue being the spokesperson advocating world peace and not seeing that his people are treated fairly within their own community regardless of spiritual differences is really very contradictory.

There is a letter that this website has written for us to sign and post to whomever we feel will contribute to the eventual lifting of the ban. It shows that throughout history, any body who discriminates and in some cases persecutes people due to differences in religion do not succeed in their pursuits. Please click here for the letter and start sending to people in CTA and all Tibetan agencies. It's good to remind them.


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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2012, 06:53:38 AM »
With respect to all, I do not think that HHDL would listen to our ideas and suggestions. If I believe HHDL is enlightened then whatever method he chose would have a beneficial result in the long haul. As for the people in CTA, they have faith in HHDL and are practicing guru devotion, doing what they think should be done. I do not have the wisdom to say whether those who had been Dorje Shugden practitioners have given up their practice openly nor say if some of them are still practicing secretly from their heart and behind closed doors.
What I am now doing is sharing, explaining and talking more to other people of the benefits of doing the practice, and support other practitioners with whatever I can offer, be it time, effort or financial, and directing them to this forum.

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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2012, 07:02:16 AM »
Thank you everyone for all the hypothesis and reasons why the ban should or should not be in place and who is to be blamed or not to be blamed. However, I would request with much respect that we congratulate HHDL on the occasion of his decision to remain with us and continue to bless us with his presence.

I have not met HHDL in person, nor have I had the esteemed opportunity or merit to attend any of HHDL teachings. I only wish that one day I am able to. HHDL is without doubt a living Buddha amongst us and how thankful we all should be!

A video on the auspicious celebrations here:
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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2012, 11:24:52 AM »
What is really interesting to me is HHDL is celebrating his 77th birthday (advanced age by human standard) are we are still propitiating DS.  Hehe... so much arguments about DS cutting his life short...


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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2012, 12:22:19 PM »

It has been 53 years since HH escaped from Tibet and now HH has celebrated his 77th birthday 2 days ago. So many things within the Tibetans themselves has changed since then.

I found this video of an interview with HH in 1960 and thought it was interesting. At the 5.00 to 5.50 mins on the video HH said "I did not become Dalai Lama to the use force and power, why then should I gain them" n "The welfare of my people and country are my responsibility". Well, it is not the case right now as it Tibetans now are so segregated and fragmented within themselves. It has been 52 years since this interview, we shall see the next 10 years from how much more the situation within the tibetans will change further.

Interview H H Dalai Lama in 1960 Small | Large

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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2012, 06:12:09 PM »
What is really interesting to me is HHDL is celebrating his 77th birthday (advanced age by human standard) are we are still propitiating DS.  Hehe... so much arguments about DS cutting his life short...

LOL... indeed Michaela... this is interesting to say the least. There is another thread here which talks about this too:

What is interesting to note is that if propitiating Dorje Shugden really does shorten HHDL's life, surely we would see certain "signs" by now. After all, Dorje Shugden is so powerful that he can shorten the life of an emanation of Chenrezig. Surely a being more powerful than a Buddha need not wait so long to eliminate the "enemy" so to speak.

Or perhaps one can argue that Dorje Shugden is merely playing with the prey... not wanting to "kill" so swiftly (even though he could!!!), hence he even rescued/saved HHDL ( ) from the clutches of the Chinese, so that he may deposed of HHDL himself!

My, my what a calculating being Dorje Shugden is...

If the above is to be believed, we just might as well throw all reason to the wind as everything would not make or have any sense or reason.

Once again, the contradictions HHDL has created are there for a reason and the ban as unfair, unjust and unrighteous as it is I believe has a reason. The reason may be beyond my comprehension or grasp at the moment but this is irrelevant because as Dorje Shugden practitioners, we need to continue with the struggle to life the ban as soon as possible. Why question or debate the ban, just create the causes for the ban to lift. If we believe one "person", HHDL can lift the ban, why not us as a collective entity? If we rely on merely HHDL to lift the ban, are we not sitting on our laurels?

Big Uncle

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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2012, 04:42:10 PM »
What is really interesting to me is HHDL is celebrating his 77th birthday (advanced age by human standard) are we are still propitiating DS.  Hehe... so much arguments about DS cutting his life short...

Yes michaela,

That is quite direct and funny. Dorje Shugden practice is definitely not shortening His Holiness' life and I suspect that it is actually prolonging his life. He must have his reasons for saying that but whatever it is, this fact has triggered the most emotions amongst the Tibetans, who are fiercely loyal with their spiritual head. I think whatever it is, the Dalai Lama is not getting any younger and he is bound to leave us one day.

Therefore, it would best that before he leaves, the CTA seriously has got to handle this Dorje Shugden ban well. They have got to plead with the Dalai Lama to lift the ban. They have got to do something since the ball is in their hands right now. I feel they have every right to abolish the ban and they should exercise this power well while the Dalai Lama is still with us.

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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2015, 09:01:31 PM »
I do not hate HH the Dalai Lama because I strongly believe that HH is definitely not an evil person. There are some things that we do not agree with, but everyone has their own freedom of speech and whatsoever, we do not have the rights to judge them either. May HH the Dalai Lama live long and continue to turn the wheel of Dharma to all sentient beings.


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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2015, 01:17:45 AM »
I do not hate HH the Dalai Lama because I strongly believe that HH is definitely not an evil person.

This means that you hate people you believe to be evil. This is very wrong. Hatred is the most damaging among the three poisons. If you want to become a Buddhist, you should make an effort to give up hatred from the bottom of your heart, no matter how evil you believe to be the target of your hatred.

As to the evil dalai, his evil nature is not a matter of belief or disbelief. Rather, such evil character is well established by direct perception and inference, both of which, as opposed to belief, are valid means of knowledge. As long as you rely on mere belief, and neglect direct perception and inference, you are bound to make mistakes such as believing in the “goodness” of the evil dictator dalai.


There are some things that we do not agree with, but everyone has their own freedom of speech and whatsoever, we do not have the rights to judge them either.

Then, according to your perverted logic, the Catholic church had the “freedom of speech and whatsoever” to kill thousands in their medieval witch-hunts; Osama bin Laden had the “freedom of speech and whatsoever” to kill 3000 in the 9/11; the Islamic State has the “freedom of speech and whatsoever” to decapitate and crucify innocent Christians, Kurds, and Shia Muslims in Syria and Iraq; and the Boko Haram has the “freedom of speech and whatsoever” to kill and enslave thousands of innocent civilians, including many children, in Africa.

Besides, according to this same perverted logic of yours, no one has the rights to judge of such mass murderers, and therefore they should be all allowed to keep perpetrating their crimes against the innocent, and anyone stopping or even just criticizing them would be guilty of violating their sacred “freedom of speech and whatsoever”.

The funny thing here is that you defend as something sacred what you believe to be the “rights” of criminals to commit their crimes, saying that no one can judge of such criminals, but immediately jump to judge of, and condemn, whoever might stop or even merely criticize them.

May HH the Dalai Lama live long and continue to turn the wheel of Dharma to all sentient beings.

Since the evil dalai has denied and vilipended his own teachers, he lacks any Buddhist lineage, and thus cannot express the Dharma, let alone “turn the wheel of Dharma”.

As for the length of his life, the longer the better, as long as he is duly placed where he belongs, together with fellow criminals and evil dictators, the garbage bin of history.


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Re: Dalai Lama's 77th birthday celebrated in Dharamsala
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2015, 02:18:06 AM »
This article was posted 2.5 years ago. I am sure between then and now, there were two other high profile birthday celebration to show the world that CTA still exists?? I mean, take a look at what they were originally fighting for and what they have been reduced to today; an administration :-(

You don't go around lobbying for independence or autonomy by just talking about it. Where is the blue print? Or is this their mask to continuing fooling the world so that they can continue receiving aid and money to fuel their anti-DS campaigns??? I have heard of governments in the smaller countries who deliberately kept civil war going for the same reasons.