Author Topic: ITV News on Nottigham demo: Great!  (Read 4752 times)


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Re: ITV News on Nottigham demo: Great!
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 05:06:35 PM »
Dear Roland,

What a shame!! I can not watch the video report, because it says in the screen player that this video is only available to UK users, and I'm from Mexico... :( ??? :'(



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Re: ITV News on Nottigham demo: Great!
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2013, 04:28:33 PM »
I remember this incident well, because I was meant to be there for the teachings but couldnt make it in the end. Such a pity too...I was three rows from the front, central to the teaching platform.

Yes, a Dorje Shugden practitioner was going to attend the Dalai Lamas teachings. And why not? I live in a free country. Wouldve been interesting though, to rock up in a Dorje Shugden tee and get stopped...and when I get stopped, make a huge deal out of it and ask very loudly why I am banned from the teachings when a Muslim, Jew or Christian has more right to enter than I do.

Why is it that just because I am a Dorje Shugden practitioner, I cannot partake in the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama which I find to be every bit as valid as Geshe Kelsang Gyatsos?

From another perspective, followers of Thaye Dorje can be said to have broken their samaya with His Holiness the Dalai Lama because they support the "wrong" Karmapa ( Why is it THEY are allowed to receive teachings from the Dalai Lama, when they have broken their samaya, and I cannot? According to followers of Urgyen Trinley, it was Thaye Dorjes supporters who attacked Rumtek. Given how violent they have allegedly been, how come they can attend teachings and I cannot?

Dammit! I shouldve made a bigger effort to go, and cause ruckus!


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Re: ITV News on Nottigham demo: Great!
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2013, 11:21:20 AM »
The UK has a lot of great things and this might somewhat off tangent but here goes. I remember the days when the IRA was still active and is threat some supermarket did a kind of a very innovative sales gimmick they exploded a small little bomb in their supermarket and then declared a bomb sale and the items will be at a much lower value :) .

Perhaps if there are owners of supermarkets in Britain can offer a Dorje Shugden in support of Dorje Shugden that would be quite awesome won't it be?

But I feel that NKT did try out the demonstrations and many people do get to know about this draconian ban. So the CTA cannot hide this issue, which is preposterous to say the least. The inconsistencies of Dalai Lama I have long suspected are clues to tell us there is something bigger at work here. Don't read so literally into what the Dalai is saying and doing.


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Re: ITV News on Nottigham demo: Great!
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2013, 04:21:05 AM »
The UK has a lot of great things and this might somewhat off tangent but here goes. I remember the days when the IRA was still active and is threat some supermarket did a kind of a very innovative sales gimmick they exploded a small little bomb in their supermarket and then declared a bomb sale and the items will be at a much lower value :) .

Perhaps if there are owners of supermarkets in Britain can offer a Dorje Shugden in support of Dorje Shugden that would be quite awesome won't it be?

But I feel that NKT did try out the demonstrations and many people do get to know about this draconian ban. So the CTA cannot hide this issue, which is preposterous to say the least. The inconsistencies of Dalai Lama I have long suspected are clues to tell us there is something bigger at work here. Don't read so literally into what the Dalai is saying and doing.

Unfortunately, many people are still stuck with the Dalai Lama's personality and they only see on the surface what his advice really is. What he says is actually a lot more than to be taken literally but as usual, some things are more fun to be taken literally than to really see it as it is. There is so much more to the ban than just the banning of a practice but many people still hold on to the ban zealously because they want to be on the Dalai Lama's side, which dosent bring any benefit to anyone in the long run.