Author Topic: The Tibetan High Lamas Should Come Together to Oppose Self-Immolation  (Read 8958 times)


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Re: The Tibetan High Lamas Should Come Together to Oppose Self-Immolation
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2013, 06:53:39 PM »
In fact, exiled Tibetan political leader Lobsang Sangay said that while he highly discourages the drastic action, it is the "sacred duty" of the exiled community to support it.

"We have made so many appeals (to stop self-immolations), but they are still doing it," said Sangay, the political successor of the Dalai Lama, as the number of self-immolations by monks, nuns and others swelled to 68 since March 2011.

The day before Beijing opened its party conference on Thursday (Nov. 8) to choose new leaders, three monks, a man, a woman and a teenager drank gasoline and set themselves ablaze, according to

Sangay, a former scholar at Harvard Law School, said he has always maintained that Tibetans inside Tibet should not protest because of harsh consequences. Exiles, however, are a different story.

"But once a protest takes place, it becomes our sacred duty to support it," he recalled saying when he was sworn in as the prime minister of the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharmsala, India, on Aug. 8, 2011. "I take the same stand on self-immolations."

The Tibetan leader said the world needs to focus on the cause behind the act, not just the act itself.

And it is sad to know the cause behind the act is a deluded one that has no Dharmic basis, it is merely for political gains and so not worth it because if you think about it as it is something secular which is impermanent. And Lobsang Sangay saying it is a sacred duty and he takes the same stand is like giving the Tibetans the green light to go ahead and self-immolate... what's wrong with him?

"Self-immolators are telling the Chinese government that repression is unbearable. They are saying,'We grew up under under your system, we are supposedly the primary beneficiaries of whatever you are doing in Tibet, and it's not good; it's not worth living under the system.'"

Sangay added he does not try to "venture into Buddhist philosophy" to explain self-immolation, but views it as "a form of protest ... like the monks who self-immolated during the Vietnam war, and the self-immolation in Tunisia that was the catalyst for the Arab Spring."

This is no where half as noble as the Vietnamese monk who set himself ablaze, their cause was for Buddhadharma, the Tibetans in Tibets cause is for self-cherishing "freedom" and not once we heard it was for freedom to practice their religion/Buddhism because it is not, and that Freedom they already have. The Chinese Govt even help rebuild some monasteries!

However, there is a religious element, he agreed. "They have not harmed Chinese people, offices or shops because they are Buddhist and part of a non-violent movement."

The very fact that they take their own lives Lobsang Sangay is already considered violence and not very Buddhistic... what on earth are you talking about? Obviously Lobsang Sangay is not very well versed in Dharma [sigh]

Beijing, which has claimed Tibet as part of China since it overtook the country in 1959, has accused Tibetan exiles and the "Dalai clique" of encouraging self-immolations.

"These Tibetans have not met the Dalai Lama, they have never met me. To accuse us of promoting it is unimaginable," Sangay said, adding that self-immolations might continue "until the situation improves."

That is by far the biggest load of crap I've ever heard as an excuse made by a PM of his own people who are one by one burning themselves because of politics. They do not have to meet him or His Holiness, the very fact they are doing it and that it is well praised and supported by their so called PM in exile is enough to fuel them to continue. How silly is this doesn't even make sense or give any justice, no wonder Tibetan lost Tibet.


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Re: The Tibetan High Lamas Should Come Together to Oppose Self-Immolation
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2013, 06:15:23 AM »
I have my take on this:

In fact, exiled Tibetan political leader Lobsang Sangay said that while he highly discourages the drastic action, it is the "sacred duty" of the exiled community to support it.

"We have made so many appeals (to stop self-immolations), but they are still doing it," said Sangay, the political successor of the Dalai Lama, as the number of self-immolations by monks, nuns and others swelled to 68 since March 2011.
What kind of nonsense is this? None of their appeals were ever published anywhere, but when it comes to pujas for self immolators, they are of a large scale and it is published everywhere on the net. So you appeal to people to not immolate themselves by celebrating the deaths of those who did as matyrs? what sort of logic is this?

The day before Beijing opened its party conference on Thursday (Nov.  to choose new leaders, three monks, a man, a woman and a teenager drank gasoline and set themselves ablaze, according to

Sangay, a former scholar at Harvard Law School, said he has always maintained that Tibetans inside Tibet should not protest because of harsh consequences. Exiles, however, are a different story.

"But once a protest takes place, it becomes our sacred duty to support it," he recalled saying when he was sworn in as the prime minister of the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharmsala, India, on Aug. 8, 2011. "I take the same stand on self-immolations."
If you support it, how can you speak against it? surely you mean that you do support the self immolations with all your heart, even sending spies to Tibet to incite them. What a poor liar this lobsang sanggay is.

The Tibetan leader said the world needs to focus on the cause behind the act, not just the act itself.

"Self-immolators are telling the Chinese government that repression is unbearable. They are saying,'We grew up under under your system, we are supposedly the primary beneficiaries of whatever you are doing in Tibet, and it's not good; it's not worth living under the system.'"
Self immolations are telling people that the CTA does not care about anyone at all except for themselves because everyone could guess it was done by the CTA and also how immature they are to think that China would give in to such acts.

Sangay added he does not try to "venture into Buddhist philosophy" to explain self-immolation, but views it as "a form of protest ... like the monks who self-immolated during the Vietnam war, and the self-immolation in Tunisia that was the catalyst for the Arab Spring."
They didint do it one after another. they stopped after one and it was not incited by the government.

However, there is a religious element, he agreed. "They have not harmed Chinese people, offices or shops because they are Buddhist and part of a non-violent movement."
I dont understand this part because they do harm their own families and community by doing so.

Beijing, which has claimed Tibet as part of China since it overtook the country in 1959, has accused Tibetan exiles and the "Dalai clique" of encouraging self-immolations.

"These Tibetans have not met the Dalai Lama, they have never met me. To accuse us of promoting it is unimaginable," Sangay said, adding that self-immolations might continue "until the situation improves."
Unfortunately China has already caught some  of CTA's agents in Tibet that talks young people into immolating themselves and forced them to confess. It was recorded. The people inciting them also came with state of the art recording equipment so that each and every self immolation would be seen by the west. So CTA better be careful now.