Author Topic: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles  (Read 6559 times)


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Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« on: December 02, 2012, 06:20:00 PM »
This is the oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles before, now kept in Trijang Ladrang.


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 08:47:10 AM »
Hmm, what kind of miracles? care to elaborate further?

this oil painting looks really warm and whoever who drew it really captured Trijang Rinpoche's aura of compassion and warmth within the confines of a painting. but for it to show miracles, I have heard of cases where thangkas and statues speak before but i wonder what sort of miracle did this painting manifest? It would be good for all of us to know what is it so that we can all strengthen our faiths in Trijang Rinpoche.


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2012, 12:14:16 PM »
This is a lovely live-like painting of Trijang Rinpoche I must say. Whoever who painted it must have had deep faith and devotion towards Rinpoche to make it so alive. Yes I would also like to know what miracle this painting showed and where is this painting now? who has it??

I do believe that blessed thangkas, paintings and statues of enlightened beings/Buddhas that show miracle signs and powers. I've heard that some of them speak like the statue of Manjushri, Tara and Tsongkhapa which very common in the monasteries. Sometimes the paintings may show signs by flickering the lights in the room to show us they are there and that their very please.

Anyway Thank you for sharing with us Namdrol this beautiful compassionate image of Trijang Rinpoche!


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2012, 12:19:17 PM »
This is a lovely live-like painting of Trijang Rinpoche I must say. Whoever who painted it must have had deep faith and devotion towards Rinpoche to make it so alive. Yes I would also like to know what miracle this painting showed and where is this painting now? who has it??

I do believe that blessed thangkas, paintings and statues of enlightened beings/Buddhas that show miracle signs and powers. I've heard that some of them speak like the statue of Manjushri, Tara and Tsongkhapa which very common in the monasteries. Sometimes the paintings may show signs by flickering the lights in the room to show us they are there and that their very please.

Anyway Thank you for sharing with us Namdrol this beautiful compassionate image of Trijang Rinpoche!

One of the more recent 'miracles' that happened with Trijang Rinpoche is a picture of him forming on one of the jewels on his huge stupa in Trijang Ladrang. Lama Zopa has visited this stupa and over time the image of Trijang Rinpoche on this gemstone becomes clearer and clearer. I have heard about talking statues before where the statues foretold warnings that saved lives, but this is the first time of me hearing such miracles happening at our time now in the 21st century, and besides, this isnt a statue...its an oil painting. I was told that the statues speak because of the deity having a very close proximity to us, such as Tara and Tsongkhapa as they are most reported to speak.


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2012, 12:25:49 PM »
Haha silly me... where this painting is was actually stated by Namdrol and I missed that. Was too mesmerized by it. Thank you again for this beautiful image Namdrol!

Question... for holy objects/images to show such signs and miracles, the person seeing it must also have the merits to see it or not? Because there are some who does see this and some who don't. So it must be also the merits and clean samaya of the receiver's side to actually have the good fortune to witness such miracles.


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2012, 02:29:38 PM »
Question... for holy objects/images to show such signs and miracles, the person seeing it must also have the merits to see it or not? Because there are some who does see this and some who don't. So it must be also the merits and clean samaya of the receiver's side to actually have the good fortune to witness such miracles.

haha you answered your own question. Yes, a person requires merits in order to be able to perceive Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Having a mind that is clouded by the ego will cause us to not be able to see clearly what is going on and thus, cause us to not be able to perceive the Buddhas even though they are around us all along. In other words, having merits creates a window for us to perceive the enlightened being. Among statues that are known to speak, statues of Tara and Tsongkhapa are the statues that speak the most.


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2012, 05:51:16 AM »
How auspicious! This painting is very well drawn to the likeness of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche as shown in many pictures taken of Him. Like others, I have heard of miraculous statues but this is the first time I heard of the miracles from the painting of  Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. I have heard of thangkas and personal belongings of lamas that gave miraculous signs though.


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2012, 07:28:51 AM »
I'd think that it is appropriate to share here also, a picture of the marble decoration piece on his stupa that resembles him more and more:

While we hear about miracles like this happening to Yidams, it is the first time that such incidents happen to a high Lama. This only proves one thing: that Trijang Rinpoche is one and the same as Vajrayogini herself, and there is completely no doubt about that. Again, a huge loss to CTA, who denounced another precious Lama and even tried to kill him.


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2013, 03:11:43 PM »
I too like the oil painting. It radiates very peaceful energy! However, Namdrol didn't actually say what kind of miracles about this oil painting though. I tried to search the internet but didn't find anything about this oil painting also...

Anyone can help to tell what miracles?  ::)


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2013, 05:39:59 PM »
This post is rather captivating, after so many replies no one actually say what the miracle was?  I am really anxious to know what it was!  haha.  I am sure all these holy objects that shown miraculous power are kept precious.  There are many stories about holy items that shown miraculous signs and powers, even statue that could fly! Some stories are really amazingly out of this world!  It must have take life after life of pure practice and merits to have these kind of power or rather so compassion of the highly being to display such signs for us normal people.


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2013, 06:00:38 PM »
Wah ! We still do not know what the miracle is ? That is amazing LOL . Nevertheless, thanks for sharing that work of art , very very captivating. It should be counted as on par with rare works such as the Mona Lisa . And that is not taking into account of its reputed miraculous powers. Hope someone would enlighten us soon.


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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2013, 07:17:26 AM »
Does anyone not find it remarkable that up to this day and age, 'miracles' still exist? Of course there will always be skeptics, but there are still unexplained things that can still happen. To me, it isnt something that is superstitious but it is a sign that Trijang Rinpoche is right, and that he is an attained master that is safe for everyone to follow. It is a testament that Trijang Rinpoche is not wrong as what the Dalai Lama claims in an interview. Since Trijang Rinpoche is not wrong and such signs appear, as Gelugs, we should just follow Trijang Rinpoche's advice to not hate the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama but continue our practices and be strong during these times. Better times will prevail if we continue to press on.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Oil painting of Trijang Rinpoche that showed miracles
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2015, 07:55:59 PM »
It is very fascinating! My dad used to tell me that when we are making offerings towards a Buddha statue, it doesn't mean that we are praying to a statue. The statue is just an object, a symbol to represent the Buddha. I think it is quite similar to this oil painting, although it may not be HH Trijang Rinpoche who painted it, but the outline, the portrait of His Holiness Himself is are powerful enough to show miracles. Interesting! :)