Author Topic: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors  (Read 7546 times)


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May 5, 2008
The press release of protesting single-pointedly against the case filled by Dholgyal Society against His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kalon Tripa (Samdhong Rinpoche), Indian government, and Himachal Government
The non-governmental organizations based in Dharamshala, with one voice, will announce our protest to the evil action of Dholgyal society. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who is the leader of Tibetan religion and politics, Noble Peace laureate, and the owner of Buddhism prevailed on the earth, Kalon Tripa of Tibetan government, Union government of India and Himachal government were sued by Dholgyal society in Delhi High Court with baseless allegations. What was substantiated by this action is as follow: They are merely in the form of human. In reality they are fulfilling the political necessity of Chinese government: all Tibetan outside and inside Tibet have been protesting to Chinese government as the result of lacking of religious freedom and so on in Tibet. To support this, during the torch relay in the world, the people of the world have protested to Chinese government, which is unprecedented. On the contrary to that, Dholgyal society accused and criticized without any base is the enemy’s work which is unforgettable and rooted in the heart of all Tibetan of three provinces. The so-called Dholgyal society has launched campaigns of disrupting the harmony of the society and unlawful violence in the past which are as follow:
1                    In 1996, Geshe Lobsang Gyatso, the director of Dharamshala dialectics school and his two students were murdered. His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Kalon Tripa was threatened by the letter, to the effect that three pieces of meat has been sent to Ta and Sam, and will continue to send if you need more.
2                    The wheat store of Gaden Jangtse was burned down; they created schism among monks; many Tibetan officers and Tibetans were beaten. And they tried to instigate between Tibetan and local people.
3                    As said earlier, all Tibetan inside and outside Tibet has been engaged in protest against the Communist Chinese government because of eliminating everything of Tibet. The followers of Dholgyal, defying the law of cause and effect, did not indicate a aspect of protest to the Communist China. On contrary to that, they have brought to the court His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the lifeline of all Tibetan, Union government of India and Himachal government. This is as if the ritual cake is taken to the north, while the ghost is in the east.
4                    The false Kundeling Nga Lama, the shameless, held a press conference in Kathmandu in 2002. That he criticized the Dalai Lama as a terrorist clearly proves that he is a follower of the Communist Chinese government. It is clear that hundreds of noble peace prize was conferred to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, not to a terrorist. It is apparent that the activities of Dholgyal society and its followers became political tool. Therefore, we all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors including the false Kundeling Nga Lama.
May 5, 2008
1        Utsang  Stamp and Signature                 
2        Dhoetoe   Stamp and Signature
3        Dhomey    Stamp and Signature     
4        Chigdril Tsogkpa       Stamp and Signature.
5        People movement for Middle Way    Signature
6        Ngari Tsogpa  Stamp and Signature
7        Tibetan National Ex-political prisoners    Signature
8        Dharmshala Cholsum Volunteer People    Signature and Stamp
9        The group of shops  Signature
10      Tibetan Guest House and Resturants         Stamp and Signature

jeff Ryan

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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 01:52:51 PM »
Maybe calling dl muslim will help? Maybe saying dl is a thief and stole Trijang's Rinpoche's teaching will help? etc, etc,etc.



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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 02:02:01 PM »
It would help if all those who support Dorje Shugden were on the same team.
Everyone can be a critic, but lets work together please.


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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2008, 02:16:12 PM »
lets work together please

I think this is exactly what many people on this forum are saying is not happening.


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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2008, 02:30:42 PM »

Thank you emptymountains,

You cannot draft a sulfiric, vitriolic, quasi non-buddhist document in the dark, and then request everybody to join in and 'work together'. It doesn't work like that. This is not how you create conscensus!

If you want us united, remove some of the controversial, non-buddhist, name calling material and use more FACTS, like the document Jeff posted on this website. In any case, any inclination to discussion or compromise would be welcome on your part.

We want to generate sympathy for our cause, not irony!


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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 04:33:11 PM »
Has anyone seen the latest It is good. Journalists will also be looking at that, as well as the new chronicle of events that appear on the Western Shugden Society website and booklets.


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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 05:04:48 PM »
yes i agree, these words have come from the high lama's who have more wisdom than us. Beside's The Dalai Lama has created all the conditions for these words to be used against him by his evil actions. For me i personally don't care about a few words here and there. There's so much evidence against the DL, that people will start to belief that he is the Safron robed Muslim anyway! They will see that he is politician and not a spiritual leader! They will ultimately see that he is an evil dictator and false Lama!   Remember the general public and the press who will read the booklet, aren't buddhist's! Don't get hung up on a few words, it's a protest after all!

Just look at the statements from the tibetan governement in exile, they are 100 times stronger than the words we are using!  They make themselves sound like the Taliban!

One thing is for sure, they are rattled about the court case! Whoever thought up the master plan to take the DL to court , is a total genuis!

So i say don't worry about a few words!  Just imagine the front page news on the tabloids  "The Safron Robed Muslim gets 10 years for crimes against humanity"   :)


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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2008, 05:14:04 PM »
HA, HA, HA :D :D :D :D,

The Lone ranger, man, your comments always make me laugh!

It's that Lone ranger style or what? I don't know, but you make me laugh..... :D

keep up the spirit!


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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2008, 05:51:16 PM »
hahahahaha   alexis i totaly agree!!! so funny     

a friend

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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2008, 12:20:00 AM »


I applaud your enthousiastic messages, but let me go back to the PDF and your words about it.

You say that we shouldn't worry about a few words. A FEW WORDS CAN SINK OUR SHIP.

What astonishes me is the willingness to accept the unacceptable material in the PDF just because people suspect, they aren't even sure, that it's been created by two Lamas.
It doesn't matter who created it. If it's wrong, it's wrong.

Our Lamas never demanded that we follow them as lap dogs. They never explained to us that Guru devotion consisted in following every single one of their utterances regarding mundane matters.

Their infallibility concerned their Dharma teachings, not their opinions about baseball or public relations. And their infallibility appeared in the personal context of the Lama and the disciple. They never told us to follow vaguely attributed words from vaguely guessed at Lamas.

So do not give as a perfect reason for having to follow what opposes our own beliefs the fact that may be, who knows, two mysterious Lamas may have written it.


Ranger, I like it a lot that you ride.
But it's not right to use Taliban language just because "they" use it. It's not Buddhist. It's not intelligent. It's not going to further our common cause.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 01:01:35 AM by a friend »


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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2013, 06:26:46 AM »
unfortunately, nobody can create a real dent in the Dalai Lama's reputation and also the thing is that defaming others to achieve our means will not help anyone at all or that the results of that action will not be what we want at the end of the day. The protests did help in raising awareness on this  issue, which resulted in a french TV station going to do investigations in Dharamsala, which is good, but to go all out and keep pointing fingers at HHDL and saying that the only way to lift the ban is to damage HHDL's credibility is not a good idea at all because more efforts can be made to highlight his actions rather than damaging his reputation.


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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2013, 05:35:15 PM »
IMHO, you can sue all you want against HH Dalai Lama, but I don't think it will make any change in the policy, at least for now.

It is quite funny that the CTA is blaming the Dorje Shugden society by listing down their "points". Hello.. if you don't implement the ban in the first place, will Dorje Shugden society be "making trouble"?

Lift the ban, stop harassing Dorje Shugden practitioners, and start practicing Dharma!


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Re: all Tibetan will single-pointedly protest to these traitors
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2013, 01:31:30 AM »
IMHO, you can sue all you want against HH Dalai Lama, but I don't think it will make any change in the policy, at least for now.

It is quite funny that the CTA is blaming the Dorje Shugden society by listing down their "points". Hello.. if you don't implement the ban in the first place, will Dorje Shugden society be "making trouble"?

Lift the ban, stop harassing Dorje Shugden practitioners, and start practicing Dharma!

CTA will blame anything and everything they can on losing Tibet and on their incompetence and the failure of their policies. It's just that now they have Dorje Shugden and his practitioners to shift the blame to. Then They also have Nechung to do the same with. And of course, using the magic word "the Dalai Lama said so" will automatically make any policy or suggestion an edict that everyone must follow (even if the Dalai Lama never really did said so) so nobody in CTA is taking real responsibility whatsoever over everything that is going and and thus, mistakes are repeated ad naseum, there is no real progress and everyone is still stuck in the middle ages rather than having progress.