Author Topic: Must Find Time to Nourish Ourselves Spiritually  (Read 4682 times)


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Must Find Time to Nourish Ourselves Spiritually
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:58:55 AM »
Sometimes it is difficult to find time to meditate each day. But we always have time to watch TV. We always have time to go shopping. We always have time to get a snack from the refrigerator. Why is it that the twenty-four hours run out when it is time to meditate? When we understand the value and effect of spiritual practice, it will become a high priority in our life, and when something is important, we find time for it. It's good to set up a daily meditation practice of fifteen, thirty, or sixty minutes in the morning. To do that, we may have to sacrifice fifteen or thirty minutes of television the previous evening in order to go to bed a little earlier. But compared to the benefit of practicing the Dharma, missing a little TV is not a big thing. In the same way that we always find time to eat because food nourishes our body, we will find time to meditate and recite prayers because they nourish us spiritually. When we respect ourselves spiritually, we respect ourselves as human beings. Nourishing ourselves spiritually then becomes a very important priority, and having time for it is easy.
--from Taming the Mind by Ven. Thubten Chodron


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Re: Must Find Time to Nourish Ourselves Spiritually
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2013, 12:46:42 PM »
Besides prayers, Buddhists practice meditation in order to train the mind and for spiritual development. There is no enlightenment without developing the mind through meditation. The Buddha obtained his enlightenment through the development of his mind. Therefore it is necessary to spend time everyday to meditate. It is something that we alone can do. There is no divine power to help us. However, meditation is something that cannot be forced. One must start by understanding its importance and benefits and gradually make it a habit. It helps to have a meditation teacher. But if we can't find one, there are good meditation handbooks that are also very useful.


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Re: Must Find Time to Nourish Ourselves Spiritually
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 04:47:42 AM »
It is so important to nourish every level of ourselves, and we always tend to forget the spiritual level , which is the most important level for us, as human beings, to live a healthy fruitful life.

Initially, it takes a lot of conscious effort to devote ourselves a certain amount of time towards our spiritual practice, but through discipline , this will incorporate into our lives easily, and it becomes part of our daily routine. I find if i set aside a certain time in the day, either in the morning or in the evening, we start looking forward to this set time , it becomes part of our daily life.

We are all creatures of habit, at a certain time we eat, we take our showers, walk our dogs, spend time with our partners and children, watch tv, sleep. All this is necessary to nourish our physical , emotional and mental levels , then why can't we spend time to nourish our spiritual self ?

When our spiritual self is on track, the rest will easily fall into place. We are less stressed, we find peace and contentment and all this affects our relationships with our family, friends and co workers,  in our own physical health and our lives.

A good dose of spirituality daily does wonders for ourselves !


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Re: Must Find Time to Nourish Ourselves Spiritually
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 09:29:07 AM »
With bodhichitta...

Chodron's perspective is clearly addressing how we don't make enough time for formal meditation practice, and it can even be said that when we do there is great danger that our turbulent habit of keeping busy prevents us from making time during formal meditation to actual absorb in concentration i.e. "placement meditation". It is not sufficient to remain with analytical meditation. We've either been talking in our head all day long as it is, even if that talk is virtuous contemplation. I would like to share a couple point that you might find helpful for increasing the vibration of your virtuous experiences.

It is really important to learn how to stop making strong distinctions between mundane life/spiritual life, worldly activity/spiritual activity, formal meditation/meditation break. Our sadhana, though the term generally refers to the prayers we recite or the booklet, it specifically means 'a method of transformation' and refers to transforming our entire experience 24/7 into sadhana. Our entire life needs to become spiritual training through being methodical, mindful, and considering how everything has spiritual value for us.

Now I don't want to hear again from dsiluvu about how everyone isn't at that level...of course that is the case, but through a methodical application of techniques we can increase our mindfulness and deepen our familiarity so that such things become habitual. Which brings me to the first point:

Being methodical
At the beginning of the day, or the night before, we should decide our main emphasis for the day, our main practice, and even consider what we will be doing throughout the day and how this main practice might be remembered or incorporated into what we're doing.

It is also helpful to make a list of our daily commitments and perform the majority of them together in the same sequence. For example, yoga of rising, yoga of experiencing nectar, yoga of washing, mantra purifying speech of the day, virtue multiplying mantra, mantra multiplying effects of mantra, our mantra commitments, lamrim with sadhana and so forth up to concluding mantra purifying the speech of the day, dedication, the yoga of sleeping, dream yogas etc.


Geshe Chekawa said to 'Train in every activity by words'. This means we need to come up with thought forms that become a mantra for us like 'my life is almost over', and to also place note reminders around like on the computer, in the car, by the stove. Having certain jewelry is helpful for this too.

6 session yoga
When we receive initiation we have a commitment to do what is called 6 Session Guru Yoga, breaking the day into 6 parts, such as 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm, 3am. These 6 times, which we can set an alarm for or put signs up to remind us, are like main pivot points or rest stops to gather ourself and rejuvenate our mindfulness. By breaking the day up like this, our mind will not be far from virtue. Here's what happens in practice - we set the alarms and put up signs. Then, we begin to find ourself checking to see if its time yet. As you know, NOW is always the time, so at that moment you checked you do the 6 session yoga or recall whatever it is you meant to recall. You will begin to find yourself checking a bunch of times to see if its time yet and now is always the time so you are generating mindfulness much more frequently than 6 times. Pretty soon the signs aren't needed and your whole life becomes a constant stream of mindfulness of virtuous realities. Methodical leads to Familiarity.

Feeling vs. Thinking
It is important to learn to feel our virtuous minds and practices; embody them. Constantly thinking becomes an obstacle. For example, thinking 'this person is my mother; these people are my mothers' needs to elicit a feeling that is a conviction. Initially, you are making a conceptual association between the appearance of others and the conviction they are your mothers. Gradually though, you need to learn to rest your thoughts and mantra chatter into the conviction beyond conceptual thought, just feeling that they are your mothers.

This applies to many things. When we train in the first bringing of deity yoga for example, we need to eventually just know the 4 points without having to think them or constantly talk to ourself listing them off. When we meditate on the nature of mind by first contemplating the definition and analogies of mind such as a pond and bubbles or waves and an ocean, we may think these things and even see them in our visualization, but we need to settle into the actual experience these things are pointing at. These things aren't difficult and don't necessarily have to take a long time. We just need to remember that the thoughts and phrases and pointing out instructions are meant to elicit a feeling, conviction, or experience that we need to rest in without further thinking or recitation.

I have shared these blessings from my Gurus because I know alot of people waste their time. I know from speaking with people, but mainly because I have wasted so much of my life being distracted and not being methodical. The years fly by so quickly until finally it really is too late and we're on to the next life full of constant suffering. Please be careful with the precious opportunity you've been given by the Guru and your past self; the opportunity to achieve permanent liberation from suffering. As Heruka Pabonkhapa Rinpoche says in Heart Spoon: "it's not only time, it's almost too late".

I dedicate my merit of giving to the temporary and permanent happiness of all.

Tenzin K

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Re: Must Find Time to Nourish Ourselves Spiritually
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 04:07:49 PM »
In simplest terms, meditation practice is the process of becoming familiar with one's mind.
Our mind has many patterns and habits that control our behavior. These patterns and habits support our self-absorbed thinking and the view that the whole world centers around "me."
Unfortunately, patterns and habits can never respond fully to the actual reality of life in any moment - because they are based on past circumstances.

Consistent meditation produces two results:
- We see how these habits get triggered
- We see external circumstances clearly, without the filter of habitual thinking

This means that we can act freely in any situation for the benefit everyone involved.

I believe for people that are unable to spare or make their time for meditation or for their spiritual practices are people that still unable to understand the great benefits of it. This type of people still have not found the answer for the action not that they couldn’t find it but just don’t want to put effort to look for it. If someone says that this place has a very delicious food and probably for the food lover will make their time and way to taste it but why not for your spiritual practices? This is just an example that could apply for so many scenarios.

Meditation is very important for our spiritual development and is a process for us to realize our spiritual practice. If we don’t want to find the time there will be no liberation for us because we can never achieve higher level of attainment.


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Re: Must Find Time to Nourish Ourselves Spiritually
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2013, 02:58:10 AM »
If one is constantly find oneself busily occupied with activities one can get lost in busyness. It become an excuse of not pursuing something that is worthwhile and important one and for everyone. There is so many activities one can do in a day we doesn't know when we will die. We can die at any moment. On the other hand meditation does seem to be not as important to many people as you have mentioned because people do not perceive the benefit. Important but not urgent. We can become trap in doing every urgent thing including not important and important. In the long term the most important thing might get missed out because of our behavior of equating busyness with important.

In simplest terms, meditation practice is the process of becoming familiar with one's mind.
Our mind has many patterns and habits that control our behavior. These patterns and habits support our self-absorbed thinking and the view that the whole world centers around "me."
Unfortunately, patterns and habits can never respond fully to the actual reality of life in any moment - because they are based on past circumstances.

Consistent meditation produces two results:
- We see how these habits get triggered
- We see external circumstances clearly, without the filter of habitual thinking

This means that we can act freely in any situation for the benefit everyone involved.

I believe for people that are unable to spare or make their time for meditation or for their spiritual practices are people that still unable to understand the great benefits of it. This type of people still have not found the answer for the action not that they couldn’t find it but just don’t want to put effort to look for it. If someone says that this place has a very delicious food and probably for the food lover will make their time and way to taste it but why not for your spiritual practices? This is just an example that could apply for so many scenarios.

Meditation is very important for our spiritual development and is a process for us to realize our spiritual practice. If we don’t want to find the time there will be no liberation for us because we can never achieve higher level of attainment.


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Re: Must Find Time to Nourish Ourselves Spiritually
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2013, 09:35:29 AM »
We all lead a very hectic, busy, appointment filled life... sometimes, we're so busy all we get to have for lunch is a mug of coffee!

But when we think about spirituality and our life, we should make sure that we balance out both... because above all else, spirituality should hold equal if not more importance in our life. Why? Simply because it brings us happiness and makes us more fulfilled with life. Studies has indeed shown that happier and more fulfilled people will perform better in their job and also have healthier relationship with their partners and families. So there really is nothing lose!

However, I do understand that some people find it difficult to balance out spiritual and samsaric life... but if we sit down and think about a few things, we will actually find that we waste quite a lot of time unnecessarily, sometimes unintentionally. Or sometimes we place our importance on the wrong end, instead of a spiritual side, we take on samsaric hobbies after our working hours. Yes, I totally understand this because I was in the same shoes before. I read this blog on how to make time when we're busy and I found it somewhat helpful... previously when I even 'dont have time' for my sadhanas, I find that when I rearrange my priorities and manage my time better, I have more slots for my spiritual practice, and because I'm not a very highly practiced person, managing to get a short meditation here and there for 10 minutes actually helps... after all if it's more than 10 minutes my mind will probably stray... lol

I'll share them with you here:

How do you keep connected to your spirit when daily activities leave no room for you?

1. Ask yourself, “Where and when do I find peace, happiness, and a sense of self?”
Is it when you practice religion? Take a hike? Listen to music? Enjoy a favorite hobby? When you pray or meditate? When you exercise? Is it being connected with community, Mother Nature or art?

2. How can you incorporate that activity into your life daily? For me reading inspiration words or taking a hike allows me to tap into my true self, a time away from responsibility, a place away from expectations. I try to carve out at least 30 minutes a day for a walk or reading.

3. We live in a fast paced world. Computers, e-mail, cell phones, overnight mail all make everything obtainable instantly. Staying connected with your sense of self, your spirituality, is not instant. It takes time, commitment and effort – it takes practice.

4. Being connected to your spirit can only live in the present moment. You must practice being in the present for spirituality to exist. We all struggle with the past and have hopes and dreams for the future. Being torn between the past and future makes it difficult to live in the present. It is being in the present that you will be able to feel connect to your spirituality.

5. Why is your life is so busy? Is your hectic lifestyle a way of hiding from yourself, your problems, a troubled past, physical pain, the fear of a miserable future? Fear will keep you from being connected from your true spirit. You cannot use a busy lifestyle as an excuse to hide from yourself.

How can you honor your spirit? Your body, mind and spirit must all be connected to practice a spiritual life. Tend to your health, nourish your mind and dedicate time to that special place where you feel at peace and balance. When your lifestyle is balanced your true spirit will appear daily in your life.

15 tips to nourish your spirituality

1.   Take a walk by yourself (in a safe area)
2.   Be positive
3.   Do something kind for someone without being found out
4.   Clear your schedule. Say “no” sometimes.
5.   Let go of control
6.   Take a deep breath and live in the moment – be present
7.   Meditate or pray – connect with your spirit
8.   Spend time with others who have similar spiritual beliefs
9.   Read inspiration material
10.   Practice gratitude daily
11.    Create quiet time daily
12.    Really listen when you are in conversation
13.    Listen to music that touches your soul
14.    Pamper yourself
15.   Seek out peaceful moments for reflection