Author Topic: How does Dorje Shugden harm Tibetan independence?  (Read 9957 times)


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Re: How does Dorje Shugden harm Tibetan independence?
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2016, 07:53:54 PM »
Yes, how does Dorje Shugden harm the Tibetan cause for independence?

In the first place, HH Dalai Lama is an emanation of Chenrezig, the Guardian-Protector of Buddhism in Tibet, who first emanated as Songtsen Gampo, the Bodhisattva King, who united all of Tibet under his rule, and in the resultant climate of political stability, started to work to bring Buddhism surely and steadily to Tibet. AS Chenrezig, how could it be possible for the Dalai Lama to allow a spirit to bring harm to the cause of Tibet's Independence? ANYWAY, WE KNOW WITHOUT THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT THERE IS NO WAY THAT CHENREZIG CAN PROSTRATE AND PAY HOMAGE TO  AND PROPITIATE DORJE SHUGDEN FOR 40 YEARS AND THEN ANNOUNCE TO THE WORLD THAT HE HAD MADE A MISTAKE.

The cause for Tibetan Independence has basically been harmed by the way in which the government-in-exile - the CTA - has divided its people and created schism within, with the aggressive enforcing of the ban on Shugden practice,as a form of distraction from its own failure and incompetence. Furthermore, it is aggressively playing up the Dalai Lama's statement that Dorje Shugden has harmed the cause of Tibetan Independence and then boldly turning on its own people by declaring its advocacy of the Middle Way instead of Full Independence for Tibet (in support of the Dalai Lama "adjusted cause" for Tibet)! One hundred over Tibetans (including monastics) gave their lives in self-immolation for the cause of Tibet's full freedom! Such a pity indeed!

And now the Kalon Tripa - Lobsang Sangay - tells the Tibetans that Tibetans advocating independence or calling for a genuine democracy in exile society are "more dangerous than the Chinese Communists"!

Can't disagree with what you have said. It is distraction created by Tibetan leadership to mask their incompetence. They want the Tibetans to believe that the failure to gain back the Tibetan region in China is not their fault but the fault of others something beyond their control.

After so many years they have been acting this way, I am the victim, please help me to fight with the bully.


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Re: How does Dorje Shugden harm Tibetan independence?
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2016, 01:19:34 AM »
How does Dorje Shugden harm the Tibetan cause for independence?

Tibetan independence for one millenium is an impossibility. Its corrupt, greedy, unscrupulous, feudal theocrats so much degraded the country, delivering it into the hands of foreign powers, and the people, subjecting it to an abject serfdom and slavery, that Tibet cannot stand on its own feet.

A comparison comes to mind with another central, mountainous, much smaller country, Switzerland, which for centuries upheld its territory, languages, customs, traditions, independence, and sovereignty against much more powerful empires such as Austria, France, and what became Germany and Italy.

While there were strong religious disagreements within Switzerland, specially between Catholic and Reformed cantons, when it came to defend their common national borders, Swiss people and cantons always united against the common enemy, and thus invariably managed to preserve the integrity of their country, and the republican liberties of the people.

Not so with Tibet, where for centuries political leaders have shamelessly resorted to foreign support, such as different Mongolian tribes, in order to assert their own local power, at the expense of the unity of the country, and of the dignity of the people. As such Tibet, as opposed to Switzerland, became a mockery of a country, a brutal, foreign-controlled theocracy.

The current evil dalie, just like the evil 13th before him, is just following the same tradition, relying on a foreign power, such as the US, in order internally to assert his own absolute power, using religious sectarianism as a convenient tool, while wanting to make of the country just another Western-controlled vassal state. Therefore, he is just another traitor of the Tibetan people.

As such, Tibet's current realistic choices are either to be a peaceful, prosperous, dynamic autonomous region within China, enjoying full religious freedom, or a Western-controlled kleptocracy, a failed state divided against itself, following the recent example of US-controlled Ukraine, while haunted by the dalaite anti-Shugden religious persecution.

Therefore, while Dorje Shugden has little to do with a currently unfeasible Tibetan independence, his widespread cult has been used as a scapegoat for the frustrations of disgruntled theocrats, and thus it is no wonder that the evil dalie and his minions hysterically blame Dorje Shugden for their own failure to place Tibet within the greedy hands of Western neocolonialists.


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Re: How does Dorje Shugden harm Tibetan independence?
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2016, 02:05:32 PM »
I myself am puzzled as well why many people like to blame Dorje Shugden for causing harm to Tibetan independence.

Wasn't it Dorje Shugden that saved the Dalai Lama's in his previous life by advising the Dalai Lama through trance how and when to escape?

I think it would be best if the Tibetan people stop trying to put the blame on anyone. They should instead put what ever that has happened behind and instead focus on improving basic aspects of a independent country such as their economy.



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Re: How does Dorje Shugden harm Tibetan independence?
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2016, 11:00:26 AM »
It is easier to blame someone who cannot come and tell you off in public! LOL. When are they going to grow up and stop the blame game. Be a real Man and own up to your own impotence to get Tibetans back to Tibet without losing face!!! Unite your own Tibetans and stand united. The CTA is dividing and conquering and the poor sheeps are baaing happily away.