Author Topic: Why So Vulgar?  (Read 11288 times)


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2014, 12:39:36 PM »
Buddhism teaches us to be compassion and also wisdom. Why so vulgar? Why is HHDL keeps quiet about this?
If Dorje Shugden is a spirit and the Dalai Lama is a Buddha then he should not be afraid of a spirit. Why are his students shouting vulgarity and pointing middle fingers? Are the scared of DS?
Are these people the supporters of the CTA and that it is not really the HHDL faults in teaching these people?
Then the BAN should be lifted even more urgently.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2014, 02:31:48 PM »
Why so vulgar? If you have Dharma you don't need profanity. Even if you're not in Dharma but like all other religions you don't need profanity. It just shows the lack of knowledge and understanding of the issue at hand as mentioned by Big Uncle. The Tibetan cause will backfire due to the negative speech and actions of these individual Tibetans. How many Tibetans are habitually vulgar is up to one's imagination but it won't go well as a peace loving and friendly people when those outside of Tibet have been so used to the demeanor of Dalai Lama who has been championing compassion, tolerance and open dialogue.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2014, 06:11:20 AM »
Why so vulgar? If you have Dharma you don't need profanity. Even if you're not in Dharma but like all other religions you don't need profanity. It just shows the lack of knowledge and understanding of the issue at hand as mentioned by Big Uncle. The Tibetan cause will backfire due to the negative speech and actions of these individual Tibetans. How many Tibetans are habitually vulgar is up to one's imagination but it won't go well as a peace loving and friendly people when those outside of Tibet have been so used to the demeanor of Dalai Lama who has been championing compassion, tolerance and open dialogue.

You see, you only use profanity, swear words, curses is when you're driven by EMOTIONS and NOT LOGIC or you're just ILLITERATE and that is all you can say. Either or, it does not look good especially when you are "SUPPOSE" to be the "FOLLOWERS" of a Nobel Peace Prize Holy man the Dalai Lama which preaches, talks and teaches about loving-kindness, compassion, acceptance, tolerance, etc. all the "CLICHE" goody stuff the world wants to hear but at the back, you post up your own people who are peaceful protesters like a Target Hitlist... what on earth is this all about?

I think if anything happens to these people... the finger will immediately be at CTA's nose cos as it is now, it is already on them... the world is literally watching them now. Thanks to their "smart" NOT, very communist like actions. VERY DAMAGING PR CAMPAIGN FOR EVERY TIBETAN INCLUDING HHDL  8)


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2014, 06:38:53 AM »
It is clear that the the Dalai Lama have a very difficult job and He is really a boddhisattva because of the ignorances of the people he has to embrace and try to salvaged from the 3 lower realms. I am sorry but I think it is true. Their vulgarities offers a glimpse of the people that support the ban. I am not saying all are like this but are they really Buddhist or just Tibetans? While all countries have their fair share of vulgar people, this just shows that the ban is not about spirituality but ALL about politics.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2014, 02:58:22 AM »
This is how vulgar it is coming from Dalai Lama's fan, Tashi Dalek which were posted to the timeline of Adar Tsering who is an activist for Shugden movement.  Adar Tsering is very strong and loyal to his guru and lineage.  He maintained his cool and is very sporting, he even 'like' the posting.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2014, 06:31:12 AM »
Yeah, I don't get the vulgarity here; I think it might be they don't understand how it sounds in English--- maybe it's a different register of the language--- like when someone swears mildly in one language (for example Castilian Spanish) it takes on another meaning entirely and sounds extremely vulgar if translated directly into English--- it sort of depends on how  it sounds to that society (for instance in most of Mexico, it would also sound really vulgar)....
  So, I don't know if maybe that's more normal.... and they don't know how to translate it into the right register over here--- because that sounds really awful.... and obviously doesn't make their point very well.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2014, 04:06:18 AM »
Oh my God Icy... these are really sick pictures!!! They have resulted to this low to express their hatred? Geez, I hope Adar Tsering will bring these images to the police and make a report!

How low can one get really? It seems that since their vocab for vulgarities are quite limited, they've decided to get "creative" and even more digusting to show the world that yes... these are the great, holy, wonderful, kind-loving, righteous, compassionate Dalai Lama students and supporters. They really represent His Holiness well as they show they world what they've learnt all this time. Degeneration indeed!

Kudos to Adar Tsering for not losing his cool and still standing firm and strong! He is an inspiration to many Tibetans I am sure :)


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2014, 05:41:31 AM »
Just for the record, my computer wasn't showing me the pictures of the semi-naked women--- when I was writing about 'register.'  I was referring to the tendency of their using very vulgar terms---- and thinking maybe their stuff didn't translate the right way into English---
  so --- at any rate--- they seem to have some problems, okay....

Gabby Potter

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2015, 06:34:03 PM »
I personally really do not understand some peoples' way of thinking or doing things, it's like all they have ever learnt are all these vulgarities and also being so vulgar. Everyone should have religious freedom and this is the basic human rights, if you do not like what others practise, just walk away then, no one is asking you to do the same practise or adopt the same religion. What is with all the vulgarities and nasty comments? You are just proving yourselves to others that you all are nothing else but a bunch of rude people.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2015, 02:11:22 PM »
It is really shocking to see that the Tibetans are showing such impudent behaviors to the monks.
Those monks are so holy and  yet these rude Tibetans dare show signs of disrespect.
When i hear that these people keep trying to get people to stop practicing Dorje Shugden by violence it makes me think whether these people are just Buddhist in name or are they really Satan in disguise.
There is tons of proof that the CTA is trying to stop the worshipping of Dorje Shugden by violence.
Their concept of Buddhism must be "kill people and use violence, be a total devil to other people"
That shows the whole world what sort of behavior they have.
Killing and violence is not the reason Buddha came to earth. He came to us to say that we should live in peace and harmony, not be a devil using so much violence that things get out of control.
I can only pray and hope that the CTA will stop their devilish behavior and become normal people.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2015, 04:16:56 PM »
People don't change even if they are pro Dalai Lama.  Where is the Dharma of kind words and compassion and care?

Is all this vulgarity, which is still prevalent in this year of 2015 an endorsement by the CTA?  It is time to learn that doing the same thing all the time and hope for different results is insanity.

CTA should change the course of action in persecuting Dorje Shugden devotees and discuss for an amicable solution.

Same thing with CTA conduct with China. Nothing changes.