Author Topic: Is the Tibetan Youth Congress Tibet's future and hope?  (Read 3265 times)


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Is the Tibetan Youth Congress Tibet's future and hope?
« on: October 05, 2013, 08:03:20 PM »
The Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) was one of the most staunch supporters of the Dalai Lama's ban and it was members of the TYC that went door to door seeking out Dorje Shugden practitioners. Not their best hour I must say but recently the TYC have shown some mettle and seem ready to politely defy the Dalai Lama. They are fighting for Tibetan independence at a time when the Dalai Lama and CTA seem to have given up the idea of outright independence. What is interesting is how the TYC seems ready to disagree with the Dalai Lama and this is new and refreshing given how the CTA and just about all Tibetan kowtows to the Dalai Lama without any resistance and this in a supposed democracy. But as Shashi Kei wrote, the TYC is in a bit of a predicament because on the one hand, they want to unite all Tibetans behind their cause but on the other hand, they are still very much a part of an illegal ban on a religious practice which has all but divided the people. For the TYC to have any credibility, they must push for the removal of the ban or at least renounce their participation in it.

Here is an excerpt:

In light of the TYC’s commitment to fight for freedom and human rights, surely the TYC must acknowledge that its support of the religious ban that affected fellow Tibetans was a mistake, which it must now officially rectify if the TYC is to be the voice of all Tibetans. Surely, Tenzin Jigme’s call for all Tibetans to unite and take responsibility for the Tibetan struggle can only happen if the TYC unites the people instead of perpetuating and still officially supporting a ban that has divided the people and in the process, makes a mockery out of the TYC’s credibility. How can a Tibetan’s right to speak and hold opinions without interference be separated from his right to practice a religion he believes in, even if the CTA does not share in the belief?

If the TYC maintains that their support of the Shugden ban is an “exception” because it was a directive from the Dalai Lama, then isn’t Rangzen against the Dalai Lama’s directive? And should the TYC now dissolve and fall behind the CTA’s Middle Way policy which recently saw the Sikyong not only giving away democracy and independence for Tibet, but going as far as agreeing to Communist rule for Tibet?

There is no way around this self-created debacle for the TYC. If they decide to continue to uphold their support of the Shugden ban on the basis that it is the wish of the Dalai Lama, then the TYC must abandon Rangzen immediately. If, on the other hand, the TYC firmly believes in its goal which is to fight for independence and freedom for all Tibetans, and if it views the CTA’s attempt to stifle free speech as unconstitutional and immoral, then the TYC needs not only to withdraw its support of the ban, but fight for the removal of an illegal ban, as part of its process of fighting for the freedom of all Tibetan people, as provided for by the TYC’s own charter.

Read the rest of the article:


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Re: Is the Tibetan Youth Congress Tibet's future and hope?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 04:19:16 AM »
This has been said too many times. When a nation or country is fighting for their independence they do not try and oppress their very own people, like how CTA and TYC may have oppressed Dorje Shudgen practitioners in the past.

It is like Gandhi doing the salt tax march and at the same time banning the worship of certain Hindu Deities within the Hindu pantheon, and making life unbearable for the practitioners. Or Nelson Mandela in the throes of gaining independence, he bans the Zulu people from doing their spiritual practices. Hello! 

It is that illogical and no sense in what CTA is doing, oppressing their OWN people, then ASKING for independence it is nonsense. If TYC were want to invest in progressive people and people of influence and people who have the ear of the Chinese Government, the Dorje Shudgen Lamas are those very people. China has recently allowed Ds Lama to leave tibet and share the Dharma. Dorje Shugden Lamas are running the biggest Gelug inspired buddhist organisations, Gelug lamas champion World Peace, and the list goes one and on. Modern day Dorje Shugden Lamas is not about going back to feudalistic systems that CTA practices.

Not those who just any lama raise their voice about freedom, but supports a system that oppresses other TIBETANS. Karma is being played out for all to see, the Chinese oppress the Tibetans, the Tibetans oppress their own people, no Freedom will be there for the Tibetans, as there are no causes for FREEDOM. CTA and TYC, karma is the Buddhism 101, it can't get any clearer than that.