Author Topic: Commitment, Fulfilling, Reliance, & Appropriate Substanes  (Read 3189 times)


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Commitment, Fulfilling, Reliance, & Appropriate Substanes
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:12:20 AM »
There is a thread in General Buddhism section called Substances that I think should be in this section, and since it is possible people do not check the other section for subjects like this, figured I'd re-post this as a new thread. I hope you find it useful.

In the Dorje Shugden sadhanas there is a line that says "Commitment, fulfilling, reliance, and appropriate substances..."

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche gave a beautiful explanation of this line in 1995, unfortunately it is in transcript form, so I will share the essential points. It is actually very simple. He says that although generally there are specific depictions of these substances, it is not necessary to offer these. For example, I have several different pictures of thangkas of these substances for Palden Lhamo and Yakya Chamsing in which you see things such as  flowers of the five (the skullcup with eyes, tongue, ears etc), swarms of crows and bears and jackals, bloody rivers and oceans, bone palaces, the mount/clothing/and implements of the Protector....basically all the types of extensive offerings mentioned in the fulfilling section of Kangso. Rinpoche explains that we can offer everything - all worlds and enjoyments - seen as pure.

A 'commitment substance' is an offering we make to signify the fulfillment of our commitments.

A 'fulfilling substance' is an offering we make to restore our broken commitments.

A 'reliance substance' is an offering we make to signify our devotion.

An offering of 'appropriate substances' is an offering for special auspiciousness.

Rinpoche says these offerings are very important. You can see that it is simply a matter of mentally designating what our offerings signify. I find this way of breaking up the offerings very special because there are different functions and they each have there own specific effects on us. In a way it is very similar to the section in Lama Chopa of 'offering our spiritual practice' in the aspect broad 1000-petalled lotuses, scents and so forth.

Also, a very precious Yogi explained to me that it is much more powerful when we personalize our offerings, offering things that we really enjoy a great deal. When we get to the section of Kangso describing the elaborate substances like billowing clouds of smoke, strong hard armor and so forth, it is important this isn't just meaningless sound we're babbling but that we connect our intention of what these awesome things signify in terms of these 4 specific types of substances, and the more realistic the offerings are imagined the more powerful they will be. Hear the crows and fierce wild animals, smell the incense, hear the armor and swords and so on!

The most important thing I feel is to realize that we can be practicing 24/7. We need to proactively make special Dharma associations with what is appearing to us. Whenever we perceive or even think of living beings, that is an opportunity for us to increase the vibration of minds like universal love and great compassion. Whenever we enjoy beautiful objects of the senses we can be making these 4 types of substance offerings.

We should also understand that the meaning of the wrathful offerings is that because the holy beings experience everything as pure uncontaminated great bliss, we ourself are creating the cause to experience even the most intense realities as the nature of uncontaminated bliss. What a wonderful opportunity we have been given by the Gurus! Such kindness!


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Re: Commitment, Fulfilling, Reliance, & Appropriate Substanes
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 06:57:28 AM »
Thank you psylotripitaka for your sharing and explanation "Commitment, fulfilling, reliance, and appropriate substances..."

Yes it is true that in actuality we can make offerings to the 3 jewels 24/7 in everything we do, see, hear, touch, taste, smell as we go along our daily lives, all it is takes is awareness to remember to do it... hence it is beautiful that we have the food offering prayer to Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden which we can easily do before every meal... 

OM AH HUM (3x – purify food)


Within the Snowy Land is the chariot leader Tsongkhapa
One who has power & great attainments Gyaltsabje
Master & holder of Sutra and Tantra Kedrup-Je
To the Exalted Enlightened Three Father and Sons, I offer this.

2. Lord Protector


All the obstacles from within and without
Completely you dispel and make things clear & fulfil activities,
To the 5 families of Dorje Shugden,
Your great entourage & assistants I offer this.

Is there any prayers to offer the others (what we see, feel, touch, smell and sound)??? Or are they only for tantrikas?

I have also question... Does anyone know...

1. What is the significant meaning of the commitment offerings - beer, tea, oats, milk and yogurt, that we place when we do the Dorje Shugden puja?

2. And the difference in sequence related to the activity we wished to invoked or request upon?

Apparently there are a few sequence on how you lay them out and there is a reason for it. All I know it is depends on the type of activity you are requesting the protector. 


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Re: Commitment, Fulfilling, Reliance, & Appropriate Substanes
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2013, 03:22:34 AM »
Hmm, in the sharing of the offering substances to our Dharma protector, you're saying that we can offer what we like the most to him to enhance our spiritual practice and reduce our attachment to them? This is interesting. Some of my indulgences are food, scent and art. To me I enjoy them by realizing how it triggers my senses and excites them. So do I offer this sensation up to my Guru in the form of an all-knowing Yidam and also my Guru in the from of the Protector every time I get this feeling of indulgence? If it works this way, then I can do it all the time!