Author Topic: Sakya Masters in the Lineage of Dorje Shugden  (Read 15636 times)


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Re: Sakya Masters in the Lineage of Dorje Shugden
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2013, 07:08:44 PM »
Thanks for sharing this wonderful article, it nice to see our protector in his another emanation who is on black horse. 

I heard some interesting stories from one of my friend who is also a very well known lama in the west.

By tradition, highest Sakya throne holder title is held between the two Sakya palaces since Khon Könchok Gyelpo's (1034–1102) reign,  the Dolma Phodrang and Phuntsok Phodrang. Current Sakya Trizin is head of the Dolma Phodrang. H.H. Jigdal Dagchen Sakya (b. 1929) is the head of the Phuntsok Phodrang, and lives in Seattle, Washington currently. Which mean when the head of Dolma Phodrang passed away, the head of Phuntsok Phodrang will be enthroned as the throne holder of Sakya lineage and vice versa. 

I was told the current H.H. Jigdal Dagchen Sakya is one of the DS practitioner, and H.H. Dagchen Rinpoche does DS practice even until now. HH Dagchen Rinpoche is a well known non-sectarian lama, who received teaching from various lineage masters.

H.H. Dagchen Rinpoche’s family lineage is considered divine because family records and Tibetan histories state that his family is descended from celestial beings from the realm of heavenly clear light. HH Dagchen Rinpoche is in the twenty-sixth generation of the Sakya-Khon lineage descended from Kön Gönqog Gyäbo and is regarded as an embodiment of Manjushri. Does it mean HH Dagchen Rinpoche and DS is same mind stream, since both of them are emanation of Manjushri, even Phuntsok Phodrang Family Seal is Manjushri's wisdom sword sits on top of a Dharma text.

I'm not too sure how true this news is but it definitely exciting if this is real, because we will know Dorje Shugden lineage is well spread in another main school of Vajrayana, not just treated as "world deity" as claims by current Sakya Trizin. If HH Dagchen Rinpoche really practice DS, which mean he might pass down the lineage to his descendants, which mean the next Sakya Trizin might practice DS too :)

I also wonder how HH Dagchen Rinpoche feel when he see the current all Sakya Trizin's view on DS controversy.

Wikipedia on Sakya:

Wikipedia on HH Jigdal Dagchen Sakya:

Pic 1: HH Dagchen Sakya Rinpoche
Pic 2: Phuntsok Podrang Family seal
Pic 3: HH Dagchen Rinpoche and his descendants (left: Dhungsey Avi Kritar Rinpoche, right: Dhungsey Asanga Rinpoche)

Big Uncle

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Re: Sakya Masters in the Lineage of Dorje Shugden
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2013, 04:16:27 AM »
Thanks WisdomBeing, I now think they are different.

If you read 'Music Delighting an Ocean of Protectors', Trijang Rinpoche quotes Shakya Shri as a previous incarnation of Dorje Shugden and he gives the incarnation lineage as:


But there's no mention of Sakya Pandita, although Trijang Rinpoche does list him as an incarnation later in the text.

Here, there is a lovely biography of Sakya Pandita where Shakya Shri was his Teacher at one point:

Perhaps it is like Je Tsongkhapa and Duldzin Dragpa Gyaltsen, who although they were concurrent, were both emanations of Manjushri.

Can anyone shed any light on Shakya Shri?

I can't believe I missed this thread before this. I have looked into Music Delighting an Ocean of Conquerors and I found what you were saying. Apparently, the names of Lamas you quote here were not Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's recognition but were recognized based upon one of Kyabje Ling Rinpoche's previous lives. Just above those names, it is stated that...


Anyway, I found this on Facebook on the Himalayan Art Resources. It is an apparently old depiction of Dorje Shugden riding a black horse. I am guessing that this was the form that the Sakyas used to propitiate before. Behold...

« Last Edit: May 16, 2013, 04:25:38 AM by Big Uncle »


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Re: Sakya Masters in the Lineage of Dorje Shugden
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2013, 05:23:23 AM »
The current Sakya Trinzin has outlawed the practice of Dorje Shugden in his own school and have downplayed his role as well in the Sakya Tradition.

H.H. Sakya Trizin, Head of the Sakya Tradition:
“In the beginning the Sakya throne holder Sakya Sönam Rinchen bound Shugden to protect Dharma. However, neither Shudgen nor other worldly spirits were depended upon during prayer meeting at Sakya. The statue of Shugden was in some shrine rooms but in the lowest category in the pantheon. No Sakya follower has ever taken life pledging empowerment through the medium of Shugden… Later Shugden worship decreased strongly among Sakyas due to the efforts of three leading Sakya lineage lamas” [including the root Guru of Sakya Trizin who was] extremely unhappy with Shugden practice and advised on the demerits of Shugden practice. One of his disciples, Ngawang Yönten Gyatso, took strong actions to remove Shugden statues from the Sakya monasteries and to destroy them. Khyentse Dorje Chang Chökyi Lodrö was also very unhappy with Shugden practice, although he didn’t destroy statues, he performed rituals to banish Shugden. Since these three leading Sakya Lamas were against Shugden, this practice declined greatly among Sakya followers.”

But that is sad because the Sakyas have previously held Dorje Shugden in high regard. But because of the ban and the 'dislike' of his root Gurus, Dorje Shugden is 'stepped down' by the Sakyas now. I wonder if this has anything to do with pleasing the Dalai Lama or perhaps their karma with Dorje Shugden has exhausted?