Author Topic: Light has mind?  (Read 9988 times)


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Light has mind?
« on: July 11, 2013, 10:47:54 AM »
In the famous double slit experiment, scientists has no choice but to deduce that light particles or photons seem to have mind and can make decisions. Below is a youtube link about this.

Dr Quantum - quantum physics simplified! Small | Large

What do everyone think? What is going on here?


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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2013, 12:56:13 PM »
Here is another video about the photons (light particles) and light wave explained to the Dalai Lama by top scientists. Top scientist consults Buddhism. Amazing.

The Dalai Lama and Quantum Physics 1/6 Small | Large

This at least shows the world is as perceive by us the subject. Everything comes from the mind. What do you think?


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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2013, 06:40:47 PM »
Wow, this is so fascinating. Thank you yontenjamyang for sharing with us such interesting videos.


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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2013, 06:25:21 PM »
We learned this in school about the wave theory. It is interesting in the sense because it breaks away our conventional thinking of how things should be.

We have 5 elements in Buddhism. What about light? Why does light not included in the 5 elements? And it is said that our subtle mind we can see clear light in certain conditions. Some says that fundamentally we are energy being, or light being. Being with the properties of light. Think about it. To identify with something of the same nature we are also 'likely' one of them. You must be a light before you can identify them. If not how else would you consider others as the same.


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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2013, 09:52:39 PM »
In Tibetan Buddhism it is stated that the natural mind is of clear light. One can see them during the bardo state. Due to unfamiliarity many would mistaken it as something external, the light from haven, or whatever comes to their mind. In actual fact it is the subtle subtle of one's mind one is looking at.

One the other hand one of the characteristics of the mind is the speed of thought which is instantaneous as opposed the physical property of the speed of light. The light is still bounded by time when it travels the great distances between objects in the universe. The mind has no such limitation to travel.


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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2013, 07:37:21 AM »
We learned this in school about the wave theory. It is interesting in the sense because it breaks away our conventional thinking of how things should be.

We have 5 elements in Buddhism. What about light? Why does light not included in the 5 elements? And it is said that our subtle mind we can see clear light in certain conditions. Some says that fundamentally we are energy being, or light being. Being with the properties of light. Think about it. To identify with something of the same nature we are also 'likely' one of them. You must be a light before you can identify them. If not how else would you consider others as the same.

The 4 or 5 elements in Buddhism are Earth, Water, Fire and Wind with Space/Vacuum being the fifth element. Light is not part of it. Interesting. Could it that we are by nature light? On the other hand and pointed out, thoughts is much faster then light, could it then means light and everything else are manifestations of our thoughts.

Personally, the results of the experiments shows that everything is intimately connected. Hence, if light as wave shows certain results, then light as photons has to show the same. Only, because we "isolate" light as photons to explain some other phenomena (Einstein), we ran into this problem. It seems that light particles as photons has mind or can think and make decisions. But if we treat the universe as a single entity, then photons are just an element within it and is slave to the universe itself, then we have more holistic explanation.

Anyway these are work in progress thinking.


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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2013, 08:11:04 PM »
One of our senses does pick up light which is our sight. What we understand from the light we perceive is a mental picture in our brain. Therefore light becomes a vehicle for information and communication. The vibration of the sounds is also a method of passing message in the air, or water. On a particle level light is the vibration of energy at certain wavelength. It is pretty much energy related. We can observe that we are living in environment that has a lot of moving energy from one form to another form. Light is one of them.


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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2013, 05:49:56 AM »
Fruven, the results of these experiment are consistent whether there are observers watching the experiment or if the experiment are done in a closed room without observers (in which case the results are observe after the experiment). On the physical level, our eye senses and ear senses are use to discern and observe the world and in this case it does affect the results in a consistent way. But if the results are the same without the observers being present, then, there must be a higher and more profound force at work, one that is beyond just the perception senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, tactile). Could it be it is the consciousness? Could it be that all consciousness are connected in a web of super consciousness that conspire to produce these results and governs the laws of the natural world?


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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2013, 08:10:57 AM »
Fruven, the results of these experiment are consistent whether there are observers watching the experiment or if the experiment are done in a closed room without observers (in which case the results are observe after the experiment). On the physical level, our eye senses and ear senses are use to discern and observe the world and in this case it does affect the results in a consistent way. But if the results are the same without the observers being present, then, there must be a higher and more profound force at work, one that is beyond just the perception senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, tactile). Could it be it is the consciousness? Could it be that all consciousness are connected in a web of super consciousness that conspire to produce these results and governs the laws of the natural world?

Further to this, in the King of Prayers we find the following verses;

On one atom I shall see
Buddha fields numberless as atoms,
Inconceivable Buddhas among bodhisattvas in every field,
Practicing the activities of awakening.

Perceiving this in all directions,
I dive into an ocean of Buddha fields,
Each an ocean of three times Buddhas in the space of a wisp of hair.
So I, too, will practice for an ocean of eons.

On a a single atom, there are numberless as atoms, inconceivable Buddhas among bodhisattvas in every field. It is saying that on every atom there are numberless lightened beings. What is is going on? It seems that the world is NOT what we see it to be?

Big Uncle

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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2013, 11:47:51 AM »
I think the clear light mentioned in Buddhism about the mind refers to what is perceived by meditators and those who encounter near death experience. It is by no means that our mind is made up of just light. I think our natural mind have the luminous quality of light but doesn't mean that our minds is made of just light. Therefore, when we perceive our natural mind, we see light. I think that our perception is limited and therefore, when we perceive our natural mind, all we see is light. I think this light is what our senses is able to pick up when we look at our minds.


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Re: Light has mind?
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2013, 03:31:04 PM »
Fruven, the results of these experiment are consistent whether there are observers watching the experiment or if the experiment are done in a closed room without observers (in which case the results are observe after the experiment). On the physical level, our eye senses and ear senses are use to discern and observe the world and in this case it does affect the results in a consistent way. But if the results are the same without the observers being present, then, there must be a higher and more profound force at work, one that is beyond just the perception senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, tactile). Could it be it is the consciousness? Could it be that all consciousness are connected in a web of super consciousness that conspire to produce these results and governs the laws of the natural world?

Indeed the same results are produced no matter how many times the experiment is performed. However we have trouble comprehending it because we always think in terms of this or that, left or right, male or female, good or bad. It cannot be both at the same time as our supposedly to be accurate common sense tell us. Perhaps nature or whatever you called it doesn't work that way. Things can exist in either polarity or on both polarity, or perhaps there is only one polarity. Our deluded mind can only see in single instance as opposed to multi-instances?