Author Topic: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?  (Read 19597 times)


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2012, 02:02:14 PM »
If you wanna ask me if Gelugpa has lost its effectiveness, I'd say yes, we have because at this moment, we that the Gelugs are divided and hurl accusations and insults against each other. So little Gelugpas have rise up to the occasion to, ironically, protect the Dharma protector's practice, or rather for the right to practice Dorje Shugden. If Lama Tsongkhapa is central to Gelugpa, then Dorje Shugden is the shell or armor  that protects all of the followers Lama Tsongkhapa, and Buddhists in general.


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2012, 12:17:36 PM »
Logical and well written based on historical facts.

Maybe of the reasons HHDL enforced the ban could be that HH knows to get autonomy for Tibet from China in his this very lifetime is not going to happen and HH may not wish to reincarnate as the 15th because there is no country, per se, to govern administratively and spiritually. Maybe HH plans to reincarnate in China and continue his work from there. On this basis, HH ‘enforces’ the ban so that many people outside of the Tibetan circle know of Dorje Shugden. What a great advertisement from one of the greatest marketers! HH surely knows the facts put together here by Mana before he enforces the ban and yet he puts his reputation on the line by doing so. Why? I say, benefiting hundreds of thousands, and millions is more important than HH himself. This is one of the pure acts of a bodhisattva.

Since you have mentioned it now, HH have left many hints that he does not want to lead the Tibetans any longer and that this will be the last Dalai Lama in line. I believe that the broken samaya and the negative deeds done by CTA over the centuries have led to this unfortunate conclusion. By enforcing the ban in a fanatical way, the CTA creates the causes for the Dalai Lama to separate from them and that is what the Dalai Lama wants, probably because he has more beings to benefit that is beyond the Tibetans. If the Tibetans have followed His Holiness for so long and the end result is still the same as it was 300 years ago, and there is another group of beings who can benefit more from His Holiness, the logical decision would be to go to the beings that can benefit more rather than sticking with the ones that give little or no result. but of course, the Tibetans would not accept it if His Holiness leaves them this way and they demand exclusive attention from His he has to find a way to make them grow up and learn.

Perhaps, one day, CTA will come to realize what they did wrong and unban all the lamas that they have banned over the span of 350 years and clean up their act and  be a real Buddhist government. There really is no other alternative but for them to wake up and take responsibility. His Holiness has done so much for them and yet they cannot/refuse to improve and it is sad.

Based on all the comments I have read... I would say Yes the Gelug lineage has lost its effectiveness for now... especially those that have decided to rub shoulders with the CTA. Just look at Gaden Shartse monastery now and what the Abbot has been doing? Which has been heavily discussed here on the forum

Look at his own website
and compare it with Gaden Shartse's website...

I think it is quite clear where money, effort and time has been spent for who's benefit.

So at the moment... unfortunately due to this chaos ban that has separated so many sangha, people and families and friends... definitely the effectiveness of the Gelugpa lineage is weakened throughout.

I like what was said in the above comments and the very reasons given why HHDL have to probably manifest in such a way to end the real hypocrisy of the Tibetan people who instead of being harmonious with one another, they compete with one another as to who has more influence and power and this power game has been happening since the time the Dalai Lama was created over 300 years ago. If we recall back history... even the status, title and seat of a Dalai Lama was invented by the Tibetan govt/people and I am certain it was not out of pure motivation to spread Dharma. So I do agree with this illusory play to not only promote Dorje Shugden globally in such a skillful way as HHDL did by Banning it, but to also find his way out of this political power hungry phase of Tibetan Buddhism in which is probably the cause of Tibetan Buddhism dying in its own land and people. 


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #32 on: December 06, 2012, 12:23:54 PM »
No matter who says what and no matter how people choose to look at this, it is still very clear that Dorje Shugden is the unique Dharma protector of the Gelugs. He is also the core of Gelug practice and is dubbed the wrathful Lama Tsongkhapa as his lineage of incarnations has been very prominent masters, especially since  Lama Tsongkhapa appeared to help strengthen Gelugpa. To deny Dorje Shugden is to basically Gelugpa altogether.

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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2015, 08:31:56 AM »
Fortunately, the Dalai Lama is not the only lineage master of the Gelugs as there are many great masters from all 3 pillars of Gaden, Sera and Drepung. On top of that, most Gelug masters maintain their samaya as if they were protecting their eyes. Therefore, the Gelug lineage I believe is very much alive and growing. Once the ban on Shugden comes down, the lamas especially those that would propagate the practice would be free to do so and bring benefit to countless beings.