Author Topic: Why hiding that Trijang Rinpoche wrote the Tibetan National Anthem?  (Read 11652 times)


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Re: Why hiding that Trijang Rinpoche wrote the Tibetan National Anthem?
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2013, 08:21:03 PM »
It is true that for the information that Trijang Rinpoche is the one that wrote the national anthem is something that cannot be denied, and information can be found everywhere. But do you think it is because the CTA is being  naive that is why they are not able to see the fact that it is not possible to hide the truth when it is already out.

The CTA is just being childish with all their pushing away of facts and responsibilities, not being able to accept facts that are there. Thinking that they would be able to keep everything under their control.


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Re: Why hiding that Trijang Rinpoche wrote the Tibetan National Anthem?
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2013, 04:53:49 PM »
more and more truth will be uncovered leading to the lifting of the ban on the Dorje Shugden pratice and that is where CTA will lose its already shattered reputation. What is more important for CTA now is to stop discriminating the Dorje Shugden practitioners and treat every Tibetans equally regardless of their faith. By covering and banning on High Lamas who are Dorje Shugden practitioners and hiding the truth/misleading their people, CTA is doing nothing good for themselves. They have already lost the faith from most Tibetans who are fighting for the freedom of Tibet through their actions.


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Re: Why hiding that Trijang Rinpoche wrote the Tibetan National Anthem?
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2013, 10:40:48 PM »
I just found out that Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche wrote the Tibetan National Anthem back in the 40's, and that tha CTA prefers not to let everyone know...
Why? Indeed why would they be bothered?

see here:

"The new Tibetan National Anthem or the Gyallu is being adopted and widely used by all the Tibetans-in-exile. Though it is forbidden to be played in Chinese-controlled Tibet, most Tibetans in-exile know how to sing it, even the young kids know.

The poetic lyrics touched on the radiance of Buddha, the glory of Buddha’s teachings (and the Dalai Lama) and most significantly the spirit of Tibetans to fight for their freedom.

“… In the battle against negative forces
may the auspicious sunshine of the teachings and beings of
Tibet and the brilliance of a myriad radiant prosperities
be ever triumphant.”

Central Tibetan Administration publishes the full lyrics on its website:

One thing really amused me is that, the webpage didn’t mentioned who wrote it.
Seems the CTA officers though proudly promote this lyric but too ashamed to admit it was composed by none other than the great master they tried to discredit i.e. HH Trijang Dorje Chang.
Most of the senior Tibetans knew this fact but CTA is trying to hide the truth from the younger generations.

The following links confirmed the Gyallu was composed by HH Trijang Dorje Chang.

Why??? Simple... POLITICS! Well CTA obviously does not want anyone to know anything good or positive that's done by Dorje Shugden Lamas. Cos if they, the DS Lamas have done so much and still considered bad? Then give back all the bad gift, money and national anthem. Why sing something written by a DS teacher, it's contaminated, no?

Even such a thing as their National Anthem that their people are suppose to sing with pride and joy can be twisted in to personal political vengeance. What a shame? This is probably the only nation I've heard who can do such things and stood as low as to hide who wrote their national anthem.