Author Topic: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret  (Read 7196 times)


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Hi all,

just read an update on FPMT regarding Lama Zopa's recovery and the common tune besides all the prescribe is pretty much the same.

"Khadro la said “The most important is good samaya from the students’ side.  Whoever is doing the puja, prayers or practice, it should be done well, with good motivation and meditation”."

For as long as the students' Samaya with the Guru is not repaired, the pujas will not take full effect and hence the lama will not heal completely. I just wonder when will students of Kopan realize the true meaning of this.


April 24 2013
Dear Friends,

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s health still continues to improve very gradually, there is still no interest from Rinpoche’s side to do any exercise but that seems to be the way Rinpoche has chosen.

At the beginning of every year I usually check with one or two high Lamas if there are any prayers or pujas we need to do to remove obstacles for Rinpoche’s health and long life. This year I have received the advice to do many prayers and pujas.  These are being organized at Kopan Monastery, Sera Je Monastery, Ganden Shartse Monastery, Jangchup Choling Nunnery, Kopan Nunnery and also Ganden Jangtse Samlo Kamsen.

Khadro-la (Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drolma) is advising FPMT centers, projects, services and students to also help. I would like to support Khadro-la’s request for students and centers to do the following as much as you can so that we can continue to have Rinpoche with us for a very long time to come.

Khadro-la specifically mentioned the following: “as much as possible if FPMT centers and students can please do”:

-        Liberate many animals

-        Hang Tendil Nyersel prayer flags in all FPMT centers, projects and services

-        Recite Most Secret Hayagriva mantra

-        Offer long life pujas to Rinpoche with the 5 dakinis

Khadro la said “The most important is good samaya from the students’ side.  Whoever is doing the puja, prayers or practice, it should be done well, with good motivation and meditation”.

Please see the full list of pujas and practices to do below, and then please can you send in what you have done to Claire at International Office at the end of each month and we will offer that to Rinpoche.

These prayers and pujas done sincerely from the heart do make a difference … please help.

Love roger

The full list of pujas and practices to do and which are being done:

Animal Liberation – do as much as possible, either yourselves or by donating online to Amitabha Buddhist Center, who does substantial animal liberations every two weeks. Text available here and in Essential Buddhist Prayers, vol 2.
Tendil Nyersel prayer flags should be hung in all FPMT centers, projects and services. Kopan Monastery are kindly making these prayer flags and once they are ready (in about a month’s time) will send out information on how to order the prayer flags.
Recite Hayagriva mantras as much as possible.
Offer long life puja(s) to Rinpoche through the 5 Dakinis. FPMT will request Khadro-la to offer a long life puja to Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Also when Rinpoche visits FPMT centers during the year, good to offer a long life puja with the 5 dakinis.
Practices being done at monasteries (can be done personally too):

5.      Read the longest version of the Golden Light sutra x 67     
6.      Recite 100,000 praises to Tara within Tara pujas
7. Kelsang x 67
8.      Dukchuma as much as possible
9.      Dukka x 1000
10.    Mamo Trukung x 2
11.     Gyal sod Tsen sod
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2013, 07:12:26 AM »
I actually found this line to be most interesting:

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s health still continues to improve very gradually, there is still no interest from Rinpoche’s side to do any exercise but that seems to be the way Rinpoche has chosen.

It seems that Lama Zopa is deliberately refusing treatment. He does not want to get well and his message is clear as day. Khadro La has also stressed that samaya with Lama Zopa is the key factor to his recovery but it is pretty clear that nobody at Kopan or in the FPMT centers around the world got the message as I have not heard of any news of them re-interpreting the anti Dorje Shugden rule in a more gentle and less invasive way, to say the least, because how is it that you can hate the main deity that your Guru and his Guru has been practicing for their entire lifetimes and expect him to live long? Isnt that a bit ridiculous and contradictory? It is pretty sad that so many of the "advanced" students fail to realize something so simple as keeping samaya but take on initiations so readily.

Dulzie Bear

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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2013, 09:26:20 PM »
With respect, I find it curious for Khadro la to be speaking about the importance of having clean samaya with one's guru and I am wondering right now how her statement fits into the fact the Lama Zopa whom I personally like, allowed the centre founded by Lama Yeshe to degenerate into a Shugden hate centre under his watch? It was no secret that Lama Yeshe was a devoted Shugden lama who did the Protector practice all his life and there is also no doubt that Lama Yeshe would have wanted FPMT to continue with the practice. But instead, they banned the Dharma protector Lama Yeshe loved and trusted. And for Lama Yeshe's incarnation, Lama Osel to disrobe and disassociate himself from FPMT activites is quite a clear sign that something is amiss with Lama Zopa's samaya with his guru.

Lama Zopa personally has never spoken harshly against Dorje Shugden and even his statements about the Protector practice is cryptic at best. But what is sure is that Lama Zopa felt it necessary to support the Dalai Lama's decision and in that way accepted the consequence of his broken samaya willingly. This is very unfortunate.

There is only one thing to do if FPMT members truly wish for Lama Zopa to recover and that is not to let Lama Zopa run afoul with the Dalai Lama by Lama Zopa himself reversing the FPMT ban on Dorje Shugden, but for the members themselves to do it and take up the practice again.  In that way they would have repaired FPMT's samaya with their founding guru and by that, reversed the effect of Lama Zopa "allowing" the ban to be effected. At the same time, they would spare Lama Zopa from having to oppose the Dalai Lama.

I wonder if the health and and long life of Lama Zopa is more important to FPMT Board and members, or if they would sacrifice Lama Zopa's recovery in order to please the Dalai Lama.


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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2013, 05:27:29 AM »
With respect, I find it curious for Khadro la to be speaking about the importance of having clean samaya with one's guru and I am wondering right now how her statement fits into the fact the Lama Zopa whom I personally like, allowed the centre founded by Lama Yeshe to degenerate into a Shugden hate centre under his watch? It was no secret that Lama Yeshe was a devoted Shugden lama who did the Protector practice all his life and there is also no doubt that Lama Yeshe would have wanted FPMT to continue with the practice. But instead, they banned the Dharma protector Lama Yeshe loved and trusted. And for Lama Yeshe's incarnation, Lama Osel to disrobe and disassociate himself from FPMT activites is quite a clear sign that something is amiss with Lama Zopa's samaya with his guru.

Lama Zopa personally has never spoken harshly against Dorje Shugden and even his statements about the Protector practice is cryptic at best. But what is sure is that Lama Zopa felt it necessary to support the Dalai Lama's decision and in that way accepted the consequence of his broken samaya willingly. This is very unfortunate.

There is only one thing to do if FPMT members truly wish for Lama Zopa to recover and that is not to let Lama Zopa run afoul with the Dalai Lama by Lama Zopa himself reversing the FPMT ban on Dorje Shugden, but for the members themselves to do it and take up the practice again.  In that way they would have repaired FPMT's samaya with their founding guru and by that, reversed the effect of Lama Zopa "allowing" the ban to be effected. At the same time, they would spare Lama Zopa from having to oppose the Dalai Lama.

I wonder if the health and and long life of Lama Zopa is more important to FPMT Board and members, or if they would sacrifice Lama Zopa's recovery in order to please the Dalai Lama.

The FPMT members dont even need to go to as far as taking up Dorje Shugden practice again - all they need to do is simple: stop spreading lies about Dorje Shugden and stop their scare tactics against NKT or any other Dorje Shugden lama/organization/practitioners. They have been doing that for many years ever since the ban came to light and if Lama Zopa stops them, he will be branded as being a Dorje Shugden Lama and being against the Dalai Lama. I have heard that they even mercilessly kick out senior members who received Dorje Shugden from Lama Yeshe himself from their centers when the ban was placed! How could you create such schisms with your Vajra brothers and sisters? All of these actions contribute to breaking samaya, as causing another person to break their samaya with their guru is the same as breaking your samaya with your guru.


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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2013, 08:31:15 AM »
This year, FPMT centers and students have been asked to do many pujas,prayers and practices to  remove obstacles to Lama Zopa's long life and health. This would mean that this year is not going to be a good year for Lama Zopa in terms of his health and long life :many obstacles will threaten him.Yet he has made a choice not to actively seek treatment or work for his own recovery.

Wiil his students and  Lama Yeshe's students allow him to pass away without repairing his samaya with his Guru, Lama Yeshe? Throughout his life,Lama Yeshe had been a devoted practitioner of Dorje Shugden, and so was Lama Zopa, until his students' insistent demand caused him to give up Shugden practice in response to HH Dalai Lama's ban on Shugden. To give up a practice which one's teacher had fervently followed, is clearly and evidently a breaking of one's samaya with one's Guru. Why did Lama Zopa give in to pressure from FPMT students and break his samaya with his own precious Guru by giving u p his practice of Shugden?

Now, having broken his samaya with his Guru, isn't his subsequent illness a 'manifestation' of the dire consequences of this broken samaya? Now that he has chosen not to help himself to recover, isn't he sending a strong message to his students that it's high time they do something or see him die with a broken and unrepaired samaya with his Guru? Are they going to just ' mindlessly' do the many pujas, prayers and practices for his recovery, knowing at the back of their minds there is this unresolved deadly issue of unrepaired samaya? Why can't they come to their senses? Stop their anti-Shugden slinging and brickbats and scandal-spreading. Help their Guru repair his samaya before it's too late?

Of course, behind all this or over and above all this,we know that Lama Zopa is a highly realized being , out to teach a lesson in the most powerful and skillful way ever. But will they(the FPMT students) act wisely before it's too late even for themselves?



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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2013, 09:20:38 AM »
This year, FPMT centers and students have been asked to do many pujas,prayers and practices to  remove obstacles to Lama Zopa's long life and health. This would mean that this year is not going to be a good year for Lama Zopa in terms of his health and long life :many obstacles will threaten him.Yet he has made a choice not to actively seek treatment or work for his own recovery.

Wiil his students and  Lama Yeshe's students allow him to pass away without repairing his samaya with his Guru, Lama Yeshe? Throughout his life,Lama Yeshe had been a devoted practitioner of Dorje Shugden, and so was Lama Zopa, until his students' insistent demand caused him to give up Shugden practice in response to HH Dalai Lama's ban on Shugden. To give up a practice which one's teacher had fervently followed, is clearly and evidently a breaking of one's samaya with one's Guru. Why did Lama Zopa give in to pressure from FPMT students and break his samaya with his own precious Guru by giving u p his practice of Shugden?

Now, having broken his samaya with his Guru, isn't his subsequent illness a 'manifestation' of the dire consequences of this broken samaya? Now that he has chosen not to help himself to recover, isn't he sending a strong message to his students that it's high time they do something or see him die with a broken and unrepaired samaya with his Guru? Are they going to just ' mindlessly' do the many pujas, prayers and practices for his recovery, knowing at the back of their minds there is this unresolved deadly issue of unrepaired samaya? Why can't they come to their senses? Stop their anti-Shugden slinging and brickbats and scandal-spreading. Help their Guru repair his samaya before it's too late?

Of course, behind all this or over and above all this,we know that Lama Zopa is a highly realized being , out to teach a lesson in the most powerful and skillful way ever. But will they(the FPMT students) act wisely before it's too late even for themselves?

Unfortunately, from my own experience and from reading certain Buddhist forums where a majority of them are westerners, they seem to have an ego problem where they are unable to accept the fact that they have made a mistake, or when they are taught something that does not match what they want to believe, they will tend to do everything to resist and question the Guru. It is very clear that Lama Zopa's students are in denial of their broken samaya even after Lama Zopa has had a stroke and they would rather think that doing prayers alone would help. Most of Lama Zopa's students are from western countries, so it is pretty obvious that this is what is going on and with Lama Zopa's refusal to accept rehabilitation, they should wake up already and realize what they have done, or at least ask for a remedial action from Lama Zopa and just accept that they broke their samaya with Lama Zopa instead of pretending to have good samaya with him.


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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2013, 05:33:15 PM »
With keeping a clean samaya with one's Guru so important, how could Lama Zopa's students force their Guru give up his protector and practice. This is not even the correct way that one should be treating their Guru.

It is only seem that Lama Zopa's health is not good now because he is absorbing all the negative karma that is generated by his students to protect them. From this it can also tell that Lama Zopa is not willing to go for treatments because he might be entering clear light soon, and he might felt that with so much broken samaya with his students, he might not be able to fulfill what he needs to in this life. Hence leaving to maybe reincarnate again to benefit others in his next life.


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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2013, 09:38:10 PM »
I think no one can deny the relationship between Lama Zopa and Dorje shugden. Dorje Shugden as one of the most important protector in Gelug school of Buddhism have always been invoked among the Gelug Monasteries in order to answer important matters within the monastery, who also served the 3 jewels by recognized the reincarnation of young tulkus, Lama Zopa Rinpoche is one of them. Read more here: 

Sogtae a.k.a. Dorje Shugden life entrustment initiation is one of the most important initiation of Dorje Shugden practice. In the ceremony, one will need to request the great protector Dorje Shugden to give he/she blessing and guidance until one achieve Boddhicitta, and swore to protect and spread the authentic Buddha lineage.  Lama Zopa Rinpoche received this powerful sogtae from HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, the tutor of HH Dalai Lama.

I have no doubts on Lama Zopa's attainment, his understanding of Buddist teaching, if Lama Zopa decided and requested to received this initiation, which mean he himself must study and make sure this will be no harm to himself or others.

Why Lama Zopa have never publicly announced anything negative about Dorje Shugden, even after the ban started years ago ? Personally I think he know and understand Dorje Shugden's practice will only benefit sentient beings as he himself practices for years now. And how is that possible that his gurus be wrong and passed him practices that will bring harm ? After Lama Zopa received Sogtae, he still continue to do good deeds and bring benefits to people, why the most evil spirit practice only makes him a better lama?

Apart from that, recently we know that Lama Zopa Rinpoche's faith towards his guru, Kaybje Trijang Rinpoche, have never reduce. Lama Zopa actually performed puja in front HH Trijang Rinpoche's stupa, which technically he's not suppose to (due to the ban). It's a clear sign that Lama Zopa will not care about others but he will follow his guru advise.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Phari Rinpoche and Khadro la doing puja

If Lama Zopa Rinpoche's students or FPMT still doesn't understand why their lama do so, that's nothing i can say. When FPMT or Lama Zopa's student go against Dorje Shugden practice it's equal that they go against their Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche. If doesn't sound logical to me when on one side, you're praising your lama and worship him, but the other hand, you actually said his practice is evil...

If one saying the lama is evil, why should the lama remain healthy and continue turning of Dharma wheel, it's a clear clear sign if FPMT or Lama Zopa's students continue putting down Dorje Shugden practice, or goes against the lama, Lama Zopa might take a longer time to be fully recover. 



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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2013, 03:04:15 AM »
I think no one can deny the relationship between Lama Zopa and Dorje shugden. Dorje Shugden as one of the most important protector in Gelug school of Buddhism have always been invoked among the Gelug Monasteries in order to answer important matters within the monastery, who also served the 3 jewels by recognized the reincarnation of young tulkus, Lama Zopa Rinpoche is one of them. Read more here: 

Sogtae a.k.a. Dorje Shugden life entrustment initiation is one of the most important initiation of Dorje Shugden practice. In the ceremony, one will need to request the great protector Dorje Shugden to give he/she blessing and guidance until one achieve Boddhicitta, and swore to protect and spread the authentic Buddha lineage.  Lama Zopa Rinpoche received this powerful sogtae from HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, the tutor of HH Dalai Lama.

I have no doubts on Lama Zopa's attainment, his understanding of Buddist teaching, if Lama Zopa decided and requested to received this initiation, which mean he himself must study and make sure this will be no harm to himself or others.

Why Lama Zopa have never publicly announced anything negative about Dorje Shugden, even after the ban started years ago ? Personally I think he know and understand Dorje Shugden's practice will only benefit sentient beings as he himself practices for years now. And how is that possible that his gurus be wrong and passed him practices that will bring harm ? After Lama Zopa received Sogtae, he still continue to do good deeds and bring benefits to people, why the most evil spirit practice only makes him a better lama?

Apart from that, recently we know that Lama Zopa Rinpoche's faith towards his guru, Kaybje Trijang Rinpoche, have never reduce. Lama Zopa actually performed puja in front HH Trijang Rinpoche's stupa, which technically he's not suppose to (due to the ban). It's a clear sign that Lama Zopa will not care about others but he will follow his guru advise. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Phari Rinpoche and Khadro la doing puja

If Lama Zopa Rinpoche's students or FPMT still doesn't understand why their lama do so, that's nothing i can say. When FPMT or Lama Zopa's student go against Dorje Shugden practice it's equal that they go against their Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche. If doesn't sound logical to me when on one side, you're praising your lama and worship him, but the other hand, you actually said his practice is evil...

If one saying the lama is evil, why should the lama remain healthy and continue turning of Dharma wheel, it's a clear clear sign if FPMT or Lama Zopa's students continue putting down Dorje Shugden practice, or goes against the lama, Lama Zopa might take a longer time to be fully recover. 


Unfortunately, the students of Lama Zopa also think that the Dalai Lama has the authority to override Lama Zopa's instructions and practice, and thus they allow that to happen. It must be very difficult to reconcile the fact that Lama Zopa still is devoted to Trijang Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden for them, as to them Dorje Shugden is evil because the Dalai Lama said so and they should not question any further. What would be interesting is what would happen if Lama Zopa were to meet Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche and how would his students react to that. Will Trijang Rinpoche be allowed to teach in FPMT centers?


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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2013, 07:25:28 PM »
Kopan Monastery was the land of Dorje Shugden way before the ban. The biggest DS puja happened there. At the same time it is common knowledge that DS is the cause for FPMT to grow big. FPMT would have grown even much bigger if they did not stifle themselves by enforcing the DS ban and becoming witch hunters for DS practitioners.

FPMT should have been the size of NKT by now, they really missed out the boat. Still if FPMT realizes their error who knows their true potential may yet be achieved.


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Re: Recipe for a Lama's health, recovery and long life is no secret
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2013, 06:06:21 AM »
Kopan Monastery was the land of Dorje Shugden way before the ban. The biggest DS puja happened there. At the same time it is common knowledge that DS is the cause for FPMT to grow big. FPMT would have grown even much bigger if they did not stifle themselves by enforcing the DS ban and becoming witch hunters for DS practitioners.

FPMT should have been the size of NKT by now, they really missed out the boat. Still if FPMT realizes their error who knows their true potential may yet be achieved.

The growth of FPMT is obviously irrelevant to their core members, who are more concerned with being politically correct even if it means that it will force Lama Zopa to his death due to broken samaya. Because it is more important to be politically correct than to do what is right. I dont think that they will ever learn from their mistakes, and believe me, they will also try and whitewash kopan's history of Dorje Shugden or pretend that kopan never practiced Dorje Shudgen before when they have. So I am not too sure what's gonna happen, but it is most likely they will never owe up.