Author Topic: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution  (Read 8091 times)


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The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:01:10 PM »
More and more, we hear news of how the CTA is, on the one hand demanding freedom, fairness and respect of the rights of its people from China, and on the other hand, infringing on the most basic human rights of the Tibetan people. A right vested in the Tibetan Constitution, declared by the Dalai Lama himself.

If the CTA can flout its highest law and transgress on the rights of its people now when it is expecting world support for its cause, and when essentially it is a stateless government, how can we expect the CTA to be different if they were to be granted legitimate government over all Tibetans, as they are demanding of China. How can you trust a "government" that so openly trespass on its the basic rights of the people it promises to protect?

Is it any wonder that China does not trust the CTA at all? Also, can this perhaps explain why even before the world powers became cautious of stepping on China's toes, that no one really took on the Tibetan fight for democracy? We have seen how the world powers have come together to support an otherwise weak nation in their quest for freedom from oppression. If East Timor can gain its independence with the help of the democratic countries of the world, why not Tibet? Could it be that the only people the CTA has been fooling with their fustian smoke screen, is themselves?

The Dorje Shugden ban imposed by the CTA on its own population is confirmation to the entire world that the CTA is not sincere in their pursuit of democracy and that being the case, how different are they from China? The Tibetan aristocracy have been oppressing its own people long before Mao's troops marched into their homeland. They are now trying to return to a similar rule under the cloak of a democracy, but I doubt they have managed to convince anyone. Over half a century of failure proves that.

The CTA Violates Its Own Constitution:

Once elected, the government of the Tibetans-in-exile, now known as the CTA, becomes the immediate authority over the general population and it is commonsense therefore that how the CTA treats the sacrosanctity of their Constitution is indicative of the value they place on it – which by the way, is the only instrument of law higher than the government. It becomes the yardstick by which the sincerity of the CTA to serve and advance the welfare of the Tibetan people is measured.


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2013, 07:48:37 AM »
Yes, this is what I have been saying before. How can CTA be talking about self-autonomy and still be outrightly flouting with its own constitution? CTA always appears to be having double standards with a lot of its own policies. First of all, the Dalai Lama had already expressed that the direction for CTA's engagement with China would be on the line of self-autonomy of Tibet and not independence. Therefore, when CTA does little to express condemnation of the the self-immolation, it is actually indirectly expressing that it is in line with the self-immolators' plea for Tibetan independence.

Why would CTA head in that direction. Doesn't that mean that they are outright defying the Dalai Lama? If they can defy the Dalai Lama in that way. Why can't CTA defy the Dalai Lama with the Dorje Shugden ban? The Dalai Lama has already retired from his political position, so the power is in their hands to make a difference. Isn't it already time for someone in CTA to speak against the ban? I think the Dalai Lama is waiting for someone to do that as he has already retired from office and also expressed that he would not talk about Dorje Shugden any more. The time couldn't be better for this.


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2013, 02:14:23 PM »
If the constitution of a country can be overturned by one person or a religion, or a group of people, then what is the use of even having the constitution in the first place? Just look at the CTA's website: the Dalai Lama can overwrite the constitution! Then why even have it in the first place? The sole purpose of the constitution is to have something in the country that belongs to the people and that nobody can overwrite/overturn/influence, including the government themselves. If it is possible to discriminate someone or something or a group of people within the constitution, then something is very wrong indeed. No wonder nobody recognizes them as a government!


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2013, 10:33:51 AM »
This is something that I really cannot understand on CTA. In their constitutions, Article 12 is guaranteed that religious denominations are equal before the law and every Tibetan has the freedom of religions.  However, CTA has banned the practice of Dorje Shugden just because HHDL said that it would shorten his life, without any solid reasons. CTA does not only banned the practice, they also create a lot of schisms that segregated the Shudgen practitioners from monasteries, their family and even prohibited them from their basic citizen right to vote and also their human right to have the basic medical and social benefits. How would Lobsang Sangay on one hand promoting democracy while on the other hand still allowing the ban on Dorje Shugden?? Isn’t it very ridiculous? Further more Tibetan should be a country that practicing Buddhism values. Where are compassion and equanimity in CTA????
As long as the ban is not lifted, no one will ever believe CTA and support them, as they are full of lies!


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2013, 01:58:17 PM »
This is something that I really cannot understand on CTA. In their constitutions, Article 12 is guaranteed that religious denominations are equal before the law and every Tibetan has the freedom of religions.  However, CTA has banned the practice of Dorje Shugden just because HHDL said that it would shorten his life, without any solid reasons. CTA does not only banned the practice, they also create a lot of schisms that segregated the Shudgen practitioners from monasteries, their family and even prohibited them from their basic citizen right to vote and also their human right to have the basic medical and social benefits. How would Lobsang Sangay on one hand promoting democracy while on the other hand still allowing the ban on Dorje Shugden?? Isn’t it very ridiculous? Further more Tibetan should be a country that practicing Buddhism values. Where are compassion and equanimity in CTA????
As long as the ban is not lifted, no one will ever believe CTA and support them, as they are full of lies!

It shows that CTA does not hold on to their promises or claims at all and it is amazing that  nobody has really realized this and speak up against them. Why is it that the Dorje Shugden ban is being conveniently overlooked by the US and also by mainstream media? It's because the US has an agenda and they want to use the CTA to try and weaken China and because of this, they allow CTA to violate their own constitution and also allow them to continuously discriminate and damage Dorje Shugden practitioners. However, such actions will only bring down CTA in the long run and cause less and less nations to recognize CTA as a real government


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2013, 07:10:06 AM »
A democracy, once declared and enshrined in the constitution of a country and its people, is sacrosanct and inviolable. Yet the CTA, the Tibetan Government -in- Exile, has violated its own constitution and made a mockery of it.

It is stated in Article 12 of the Tibetan Constitution that:
"(1)All religious denominations are equal before the law.
  (2) Every Tibetan shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to openly believe,practice, worship and observe any religion either alone or in community with others.

The ban on Shugden practice was imposed by the CTA purportedly out of concern that Shugden practice would hurt the Tibetan Cause for Independence from China, and supposedly out of concern that the practice would threaten the health, safety and long life of HH Dalai Lama. The ban has been in place for a long while . Yet Tibet has not got its independence from China. As for HH Dalai Lama's health and safety, if Dorje Shugden were a spirit that threatened the life and safety of the Dalai Lama, how come it was the oracle of Shugden that advised the Dalai Lama to leave Tibet when He did (and just in the nick of time) and how come, it was Shugden who guided HH Dalai Lama and his entourage in a safe passage out of Tibet into India? So the facts on the ground have proven these two purported reasons for the ban as invalid and unfounded.

By virtue of the ban, all Shugden practitioners were treated as social outcasts and have not been allowed to live communally with others. The CTA, in violation of the basic rights of this group of Tibetans as stated above, have placed them  in a position of great anguish and much suffering. The CTA have thus made a mockery of the Tibetan Constitution, which they had created in the first place.


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2013, 06:17:22 AM »
the CTA including its leader Lobsang Sangay looks more like a autocratic regime than any democracy known to man.

And Lobsang Sangay has danced around the issue, avoided not uttered a word about the Dorje Shugden issue that affects the spirit of the Tibetan people. This is a very important issue as Tibetan Buddhism is one of the few exports of the Tibetan Nations/People and source of support for them. The West knew about the issues in Tibet now due to the Lamas, monks who have started centers and done work in the WEST. If Lobsang Sangay thinks not dealing with the issue of the ban because it is marginal or unimportant, it will be his most fantastic mistake in his political career. The monks and lamas have garnered so much support for the TIbetan state and people, it cannot be measured at all and Lobsang Sangay just wants dance around this issue?

Since he became Kalon I have not heard him to address this issue at all. How can one  like him lead Tibet into the 21st century?


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2013, 05:58:51 AM »
Oh my. CTA was never a democratic country. All the constitutions and democratic parties that they have are nothing but lies to trick the rest of the world into thinking that they are a democratic country when in fact that they are not. But unfortunately, as globalization dawns, more and more people will realize that they are anything but democratic and they will lose supporters by the masses. And nothing will stop that from happening unless CTA cleans up their act. Lies cannot be kept away forever and anything that is based on lies will soon crumble into nothing in due time. CTA is already crumbling now as we speak due to the inactions of Lobsang Sanggay.

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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2013, 10:01:05 AM »
Oh my. CTA was never a democratic country. All the constitutions and democratic parties that they have are nothing but lies to trick the rest of the world into thinking that they are a democratic country when in fact that they are not. But unfortunately, as globalization dawns, more and more people will realize that they are anything but democratic and they will lose supporters by the masses. And nothing will stop that from happening unless CTA cleans up their act. Lies cannot be kept away forever and anything that is based on lies will soon crumble into nothing in due time. CTA is already crumbling now as we speak due to the inactions of Lobsang Sanggay.

That's right Ensapa. CTA is certainly not a true democracy and that the people elected into power do not really enforce its own constitution. What they really need to do is to amend its constitution and put in the Dorje Shugden ban or that 'everybody has religious freedom except practitioners of Dorje Shugden' if they really want to be fair ans square about its policies. If they are unwilling to do that, then they should and must uphold its constitution otherwise, why have a governing body?

Why have a bunch of words that is meant to enshrine the people's policies but it is not upheld. Time for reflection, review and action. No wonder China does not really take CTA seriously and consider the Dalai Lama and the governing body, separatists. I hope CTA sees this article and that they become embarrassed by this serious breach of its very own constitution. No country takes CTA seriously and if there's any interest in Tibetan affairs was due to the hard work of the Dalai Lama. Once the Dalai Lama is 'not around' anymore, CTA would loose all credibility and recognition or what little it has.


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2013, 03:35:07 PM »
That's right Ensapa. CTA is certainly not a true democracy and that the people elected into power do not really enforce its own constitution. What they really need to do is to amend its constitution and put in the Dorje Shugden ban or that 'everybody has religious freedom except practitioners of Dorje Shugden' if they really want to be fair ans square about its policies. If they are unwilling to do that, then they should and must uphold its constitution otherwise, why have a governing body?

Why have a bunch of words that is meant to enshrine the people's policies but it is not upheld. Time for reflection, review and action. No wonder China does not really take CTA seriously and consider the Dalai Lama and the governing body, separatists. I hope CTA sees this article and that they become embarrassed by this serious breach of its very own constitution. No country takes CTA seriously and if there's any interest in Tibetan affairs was due to the hard work of the Dalai Lama. Once the Dalai Lama is 'not around' anymore, CTA would loose all credibility and recognition or what little it has.

Lets just put it in very simple terms: if the CTA is able to lift the Dorje Shugden ban, it proves that they are capable of modernity and also capable of implementing reforms and to actually govern a country effectively as ministers in a country who are capable are those who do not fear implementing reforms and doing away with the old ways, no matter how difficult they may seem to be. Dorje Shugden's ban is a very tiny and small policy compared to bigger ones and perhaps HHDL set it as a test to see if they are brave enough to be able to make proper decisions as a government.

Obviously, they have failed.


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2013, 09:29:36 PM »
I guess CTA is not willing to lift the Dorje Shugden ban because they are not willing to admit their mistake in the ban of Dorje Shugden in the first place. By not following the laws that they have "enforced" on religious freedom, it is a way showing how immature the CTA is. It is said that it would harm Dalai Lama's health, but till now with so many Shugden practitioners, I do not see that His Holiness' health is harmed.

Saying that anything that the Dalai Lama say is able to overthrow the policies that they have came up with together just shows how relaxed they are a so called "government". This is solely based on the reason of their selfishness, not willing to take up the responsibilities. Most importantly, they do not want to be involved with a situation whereby their policy has failed terribly.


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2013, 10:59:10 PM »
I guess CTA is not willing to lift the Dorje Shugden ban because they are not willing to admit their mistake in the ban of Dorje Shugden in the first place. By not following the laws that they have "enforced" on religious freedom, it is a way showing how immature the CTA is. It is said that it would harm Dalai Lama's health, but till now with so many Shugden practitioners, I do not see that His Holiness' health is harmed.

Saying that anything that the Dalai Lama say is able to overthrow the policies that they have came up with together just shows how relaxed they are a so called "government". This is solely based on the reason of their selfishness, not willing to take up the responsibilities. Most importantly, they do not want to be involved with a situation whereby their policy has failed terribly.

From how I see it, it is not that they are not willing to admit their mistake but rather, the ban gives them a form of false hope that if they enforce it well enough, Tibet will be free. It is like the attempt to pray for a TV set rather than actually getting a job for the money to buy the TV set because praying is the easier action compared to actually having to go get a job and go through the trouble of working for one. This is what the CTA is doing now, because somehow, putting in all effort in the ban is better than developing Dharamsala or actually working harder to engage in talks with the Chinese.


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2013, 11:29:03 PM »
From how I see it, it is not that they are not willing to admit their mistake but rather, the ban gives them a form of false hope that if they enforce it well enough, Tibet will be free. It is like the attempt to pray for a TV set rather than actually getting a job for the money to buy the TV set because praying is the easier action compared to actually having to go get a job and go through the trouble of working for one. This is what the CTA is doing now, because somehow, putting in all effort in the ban is better than developing Dharamsala or actually working harder to engage in talks with the Chinese.

That would be true as well. The CTA is currently pushing all their work and responsibilities to the Dalai Lama, waiting and wanting him to complete it for them. It is just sad to see that the Tibetans are in the hands of such useless and lazy people. If they do not work hard, the chances of China returning them Tibet would be slimmer and slimmer.


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Re: The CTA Makes A Joke Out Of Its Own Constitution
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2013, 12:52:14 AM »
That would be true as well. The CTA is currently pushing all their work and responsibilities to the Dalai Lama, waiting and wanting him to complete it for them. It is just sad to see that the Tibetans are in the hands of such useless and lazy people. If they do not work hard, the chances of China returning them Tibet would be slimmer and slimmer.

I doubt that they would have any chance of returning to tibet anyway if they still insist on following through with the ancient feudal system which they have been following all along even when it has been proven to be ineffective. Unless they change their backward ways, I do not see any chance for CTA to ever get back Tibet again or ever returning there at all. The sikyong must request the Dalai Lama to cease all his traveling and political work and not meet dignitaries from other countries and that he will take over as that is no longer the Dalai Lama's job.