Author Topic: Let's get it over with politics!  (Read 4424 times)


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Let's get it over with politics!
« on: April 01, 2009, 03:55:11 PM »
I am very glad this forum went back up. I was la little disapointed in the way it went down last year.

This being said, it would be nice if we could concentrate on spiritual matters in this forum, like news about different lamas, practices, exchange of ideas, texts, pictures, etc.

I am sick with the Dalai-Lama and honestly I don't care anymore what he does or what he says. It justs seems to me that rambling constantly about the Dalai-lama just keeps us within the sphere of his political influence. Why don't we all move beyond the Ganden Podrang era for good and concentrate on building a strong politics-free Ganden lineage?

Last summer, Kyabje YongyelRimpoche was enthroned as the new lineage holder of the Ganden tradition. Many  deities were present at the including Duldzin and Setrap (thru oracle). Anyone has pictures of This event?



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Re: Let's get it over with politics!
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 05:01:51 PM »
I agree it is easy to get caught up in political matters. >:( 
There are other web platforms where people can keep up to date with the current issues around the DL and his actions towards practitioners, for example the Wisdombuddha blog.
Maybe the creaters of this Forum could have a few different discussion boards for people, because it is helpful for some to have this space to discuss matters around the DL and TGIE, whereas others aren't interested. Or you could just practice restraining your senses and not focus on such discussions. :)



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Re: Let's get it over with politics!
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 06:56:51 PM »
I like this:

"Why don't we all move beyond the Ganden Podrang era for good and concentrate on building a strong politics-free Ganden lineage?"

And we can be getting on with that, definitely. How wonderful it will be!

But there is no contradiction -- sometimes we also need to know what the Dalai Lama and co are up to and lend our support, or we end up with our heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich and get run over by the jeep. This has happened before -- the politics overtook us in our innocence, submerged us, and almost destroyed us, and it has taken a lot of work to get our side of the (his)tory told again. (Talking of which, check out the absolutely excellent

So, I reckon it is a good idea of Mohani to have clear titles to the threads of discussion and, with of course the best possible motivation, we can join in the ones we like and/or have something to contribute to.