Author Topic: NEW ARTICLE! Audacity in the face of spirituality  (Read 6568 times)


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NEW ARTICLE! Audacity in the face of spirituality
« on: July 30, 2013, 05:17:27 PM »
You got to hand it to these lamas. In the face of such difficult times, they put themselves out there and put their lives at risk to keep this lineage alive. Trijang Rinpoche has been harrassed, Gangchen Rinpoche has been harrassed, Pabongka Rinpoche has been harrassed and they wont even reveal Dagom Rinpoches new incarnation for fear he may be endangered. So if these teachings and our lineage werent so precious, why bother with all of these risks? Why would someone like Denma Gonsar Rinpoche risk the ire of the entire Tibetan population by confronting His Holiness the Dalai Lama?

And here we are whinging our lives are difficult, we cant practise Dharma, we dont have enough money etc etc? But these lamas go through so much to preserve the teachings so WE can benefit? Un-friggin-believable, their the REAL heroes.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Audacity in the face of spirituality
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2013, 09:04:47 AM »
H.E. Denma Gonsar is well-known for various reasons. First of all, he is an erudite scholar and a "fearlessly loyal practitioner of Shugden". However, it is for his immovable and unwavering Guru Devotion, that he will leave an indelible mark in the minds of all.

As a devoted student of Kyabje Trijang  Rinpoche, and a staunch supporter and upholder of the Je Tsongkhapa Lineage as well as a fierce and devoted Shugden practitioner, he has spared no efforts  to spread the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa and the Shugden practice throughout Tibet and abroad.

The following was his response to HH Dalai Lama when the Dalai  Lama made a call to Denma Gongsar Rinpoche to  specifically request him to stop the practice of Shugden. Denma Gongsar Rinpoche was outraged that anyone could ever see Shugden as a spirit. He was outraged that anyone should suggest to him that he abandon  his Protector practice which his beloved Guru had given him.

He raised his voice and courageously stood up to HH Dalai Lama. He reminded the Dalai Lama that his root Guru , Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, was also the Dalai Lama's root Guru, and both of them had received all their teachings from him. How could this illustrious Guru be wrong about Shugden, whose practice he had given to them.To Denma Gongsar, going against Shugden was equivalent to going against their Guru.

Thus it is that, in the Shugden issue, one must keep an open mind. HH Dalai Lama may act in a conflicting manner, to outward appearance, puzzling us. Yet , one must remember that it was Trijang Rinpoche, who had advised us, " to keep faith and watch this(illusory) play unfold".We shouldn't let these puzzling 'conflicts' affect us. In fact ,serious practitioners should not let politics affect them at all. Denma Gongsar is an inspiring example to follow - Guru Devotion should come first.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Audacity in the face of spirituality
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2013, 11:11:15 AM »
Thank you Harry Nephew for writing this fabulous article. I feel this article is very neutral, where it tells us the courage of Denma Gongsar Rinpoche who stood up against HH Dalai Lama on Dorje Shugden matter; while at the same time, challenge us to think deeper for a bigger reason for the ban.

I hope there are more writers like Harry Nephew. Well done Harry and continue to give us more good articles :)


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Audacity in the face of spirituality
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2013, 09:28:55 PM »
Thank you Harry Nephew for sharing on Denma Gongsar Rinpoche. It is really inspiring to learn about him especially on his strong guru devotions. He would even stood up to HH Dalai Lama on Dorje Shugden due to his strong faith to the lineage that was passed down by his Guru. He is great example for us to follow and also strengthen my faith to our protector.

I have searched online and found a video on Lamrim dedication by Kyabje Denma Gongsar Rinpoche. Would like to share here so that all will get the blessing from him :

There is also a forum tread on him :
I read from the article that "Kyabje Denma Gonsar Rinpoche passed away in 2005." May I know if has reincarnated? I would really hope I can pay respect to him one day. May he turns the wheel of dharma soonest.   


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Audacity in the face of spirituality
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2013, 04:51:49 AM »
Thank you for this article. I find this sharing very inspirational because of HE Denma Gongsar Rinpoche's strong faith in his Gurus and in Dorje Shugden, at all costs. And going against the Dalai Lama's wishes directly must be not an easy task, yet these Dorje Shugden masters will do so because their gurus and their dharma protector is that important. We can learn a lot from these masters - to stand up for our beliefs and the source of our refuge.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Audacity in the face of spirituality
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2013, 05:56:40 AM »
To H.E. Denma Gonsar Rinpoche I show my deepest respect for his courage to speak up showing his unwavering devotion to his gurus in the face of so many personal criticisms and threats against him. He represents the many other unsung dharma heroes and whose untold stories continue to inspire me and millions of people who are the dharma practitioners of Dorje Shugden.

May H.E. Denma Gonsar Rinpoche and all lamas live long.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Audacity in the face of spirituality
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2013, 06:57:59 PM »
Our faith and devotion to our guru is put to the test during the ban on Dorje Shugden.

What is the point of having a guru and not have complete trust and faith in what the guru has taught about Dorje Shugden?

What's the point if all the Gelug lineage lamas practise Dorje Shugden and we don't practise because HH Dalai Lama and CTA banned Dorje Shugden?

We might as well abandon the Gelug lineage practices since we have no confidence or faith in them!

Denma Gonsar Rinpoche and other high Gelug lamas who had been faithfully practising Dorje Shugden despite the ban, are fearless and exude true guru devotion. We should emulate the example of these true Dorje Shugden practitioners.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Audacity in the face of spirituality
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2013, 05:26:03 PM »
The Guru devotion of H.E. Denma Gonsar Rinpoche is just remarkable. Rinpoche is definitely someone that we should look up to. His Guru devotion is so strong, together with his faith for his protector, Dorje Shugden. It is because of that that allowed him to carry on with his practices, and spreading it to more in the world. Not letting any influences or anything that he has said to affect him. For him to even "say" the Dalai Lama that they have the same Guru and the Dalai Lama should not be saying things that are against his Guru is remarkable. It is because of Rinpoche's such actions, it tells us the other practitioners that we should always believe in our Gurus. And also to not be shaken by the things that others say about our Guru or the practices that our Guru has given to us.