Author Topic: Dorje Shugden's Power = The Dam  (Read 5692 times)


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Dorje Shugden's Power = The Dam
« on: August 30, 2013, 10:15:12 PM »
Dorje Shugden holds back the winds of heavy negative karma like a dam holds back water. However, as we can see with the invasion of Tibet, when the water of negative karma rises above the dam and has too much force, these heavy negativities begin to manifest. I just posted a thread in general Buddhism about the Kali Yuga. As I research and become more acutely aware of world affairs, the depth of kindness of the Protector becomes truly overwhelming. Some major things are beginning to unfold showing that the waters are spilling over the dam due to our collective karma degenerating very quickly, and it is at this time that we must become particularly vigilant in our effort to embody the Protector's qualities, to inform ourselves of what is going on by researching alternative media such as, and preparing even in the most basic ways to be of help to others. I am sharing this because I have mostly ignored the news for many years, and have not spent a great deal of time looking into alternative independent news sources. When you do, you begin to see a much bigger picture of what has been happening and what it is developing into. The controversy surrounding our Protector is important, but I urge you to not become so single pointed on this subject that your prayers and activities regarding other circumstances do not go by the wayside. Please make powerful concentrated prayers on various subjects such as the developments of world war 3, nuclear threats, the loss of liberty and privacy, mass genocide, gmo wars, major economic collapse, starvation and so on. Concentrate particularly on protecting your mind from hate!

The Fukushima Nuclear plant is in a state of extreme crisis and has the real potential to digress into a chain of explosions due to the loss of structural integrity from marsh-like conditions, and is already leaking massive amounts of radiation into the ocean. If these explosions happen, it will go into the airstream!

The developments surrounding war with Syria and the massive implications, the nuclear threats, how many Nations are involved, and pray particularly for Obama to use wisdom and not attack Syria!!



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Re: Dorje Shugden's Power = The Dam
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2013, 04:46:48 PM »
It is true that when our negative karma have to manifest, it will still manifest. When this happens we cannot blame that Dorje Shugden did not protect us against whatever that we have met. The only thing that we can blame would be ourselves for not generating enough merits to purify our negative karma.

The only that Dorje Shugden can do for us when time has come for our negative karma to manifest would be to protect us from letting the situation from being too bad, causing any major harm to us. Most of the time, blessings come to us in disguises, it is just sad that we are not able to see them. When we are not able to see how Dorje Shugden has protected us, we would blame him for not helping us to purify our negative karma.

Our karma has to manifest in different ways when triggered, Buddhas would only be able to protect us from letting the consequences to our negative karma from being too serious.


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Re: Dorje Shugden's Power = The Dam
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 07:32:56 PM »
Even the planet we live in is alive due to karma really. One day it will surely explode as our accumulated karma has run out. It is amazing how we can go on living day by day just thinking about this life. That is why the Buddha and our holy Gurus advice us to think about the next life... our future lives. Everything else on earth is impermanent... even the body we have that we hold so dearly.

If we have merits, then even at the time of death we can be safe and know we will end up in a good place. Not necessary this planet we call earth... but perhaps another planet where there are Buddhas and Boddhisattvas? Hence is so extremely important to collects merits by changing our bad habits and purifying our negative karma.

It is said that when the oracle takes trance of Dorje Shugden, the action he uses to wipe his face, is actually wiping our negative karma away that is blocking his view on us and how he can help us. So in order for Dorje Shugden to help us, we ourselves must have clean Guru samaya and merits for Dorje Shugden to assist us smoothly. Yes what he can only do is assist... no one, not even our Guru can prevent us from experiencing our negative karma, they can only protect us from experiencing it in full blown. 

Positive Change

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Re: Dorje Shugden's Power = The Dam
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2013, 03:30:35 PM »
Dorje Shugden holds back the winds of heavy negative karma like a dam holds back water.
However, as we can see with the invasion of Tibet, when the water of negative karma rises above the dam and has too much force, these heavy negativities begin to manifest.

Yet, we can’t eradicate bad karma in any other way than experiencing it, and we do not know even how much of this bad karma we actually have!

So the water will flood eventually... But what we can do is clean the water from poisonous to clear water by building up positive karma and merit.

We can build ways for the water coming from the dam to go in a direction that affects us little by building up positive karma and merit.

We can even do act in such ways that create conditions for this water running down the dam to have a beneficial effect rather than an negative one.
In fact, this is what Dorje Shugden did in overturning the dramatic exile of the Tibetan lamas into a platform for Buddhism to spread in the world.

Turning obstacles into opportunities!


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Re: Dorje Shugden's Power = The Dam
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2013, 02:19:23 PM »
Dorje Shugden holds back the winds of heavy negative karma like a dam holds back water. However, as we can see with the invasion of Tibet, when the water of negative karma rises above the dam and has too much force, these heavy negativities begin to manifest. I just posted a thread in general Buddhism about the Kali Yuga. As I research and become more acutely aware of world affairs, the depth of kindness of the Protector becomes truly overwhelming. Some major things are beginning to unfold showing that the waters are spilling over the dam due to our collective karma degenerating very quickly, and it is at this time that we must become particularly vigilant in our effort to embody the Protector's qualities, to inform ourselves of what is going on by researching alternative media such as, and preparing even in the most basic ways to be of help to others. I am sharing this because I have mostly ignored the news for many years, and have not spent a great deal of time looking into alternative independent news sources. When you do, you begin to see a much bigger picture of what has been happening and what it is developing into. The controversy surrounding our Protector is important, but I urge you to not become so single pointed on this subject that your prayers and activities regarding other circumstances do not go by the wayside. Please make powerful concentrated prayers on various subjects such as the developments of world war 3, nuclear threats, the loss of liberty and privacy, mass genocide, gmo wars, major economic collapse, starvation and so on. Concentrate particularly on protecting your mind from hate!

The Fukushima Nuclear plant is in a state of extreme crisis and has the real potential to digress into a chain of explosions due to the loss of structural integrity from marsh-like conditions, and is already leaking massive amounts of radiation into the ocean. If these explosions happen, it will go into the airstream!

The developments surrounding war with Syria and the massive implications, the nuclear threats, how many Nations are involved, and pray particularly for Obama to use wisdom and not attack Syria!!


I beg to differ. For the individual it is much better to focus on things that one can change for example becoming aware of one's negative habits, tendencies, and striving to change it. What I can change for myself. What is within my control. A localized change which directly affects the people we live with every day.

I am not saying don't pray for world peace. World peace comes from individual peace. Of course we can ask what is the difference between a world peace versus individual peace? Aren't both the same thing?


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Re: Dorje Shugden's Power = The Dam
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2013, 08:10:00 PM »
I beg to differ. For the individual it is much better to focus on things that one can change for example becoming aware of one's negative habits, tendencies, and striving to change it. What I can change for myself. What is within my control. A localized change which directly affects the people we live with every day.

I am not saying don't pray for world peace. World peace comes from individual peace. Of course we can ask what is the difference between a world peace versus individual peace? Aren't both the same thing?

I believe that peace is the same. It is only when we have individual peace, then we will be able to reach world peace. But what is it that would drive us towards inner peace? It would be the practices that we do and how we transform.

Seldom would we be able to identify our individual mistakes unless people tell us. Even so, we may not accept our mistakes. We may think that there is no mistakes on our part, instead, it is those that tell us off have some sort of problem with them. And it is because of this thinking which arises due to our negative karma that stops us from improving and transforming. If that is the case, how are we going to get inner peace?


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Re: Dorje Shugden's Power = The Dam
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2013, 04:40:12 AM »
Thank you everyone for sharing your wisdom.

Positive Change, you say "Yet, we can’t eradicate bad karma in any other way than experiencing it". Just wanted to clarify that there are two ways to purify negative karma - through experiencing, and through purification practices that destroy the causes before they can produce their effects.

Masters have explained that we can purify all of our negative karma by doing 100,000 meditation recitations of Vajrasattva with strong concentration. Ribur Rinpoche explained that one session of Heruka body mandala self-initiation if done with strong concentration accomplishes the same as the 100,000 Vajrasattva practice. Through such practices our mind becomes cleaner, our deluded motives reduce, and our internal power to realize emptiness ( the ultimate purification) greatly increases.

Fruven, I understand your points, but I also believe you've overcomplicated my suggestion which was simply to encourage the spontaneous manifestation of your vibrant mantras directed at particular subjects other than the DS controversy and its effects.  The phenomena "outside" are inside the mind, that is why it is said 'the mind goes to the sight of of cognition' and you can thus comment that to work within is to work without. My point then is the entire multiverse is 'within my control', so an event in Syria (me concentrating mantras within that location) is 'localized change' that 'directly affects the people we live with everyday'. In this example, Syria is in the mind, so we live with them every day, and concentrated mantras have a localized effect on the energic vibration of that locale. That is why Yogi Dharmavajra could appear outside the cave of Gyelwa Ensapa even though he was in retreat hundreds of miles away!

Do not underestimate the reach of your ripples!


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Re: Dorje Shugden's Power = The Dam
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2013, 05:02:33 PM »

We know about the 4 opponent powers, how the quality of their generation translates into how strong and effective our purification is, how they each purify one of the 4 specific types of karma and how purification cannot be complete without all 4 powers present. I wanted to mention how the power of belief is crucial. I know many lamas have said this so it is merely to remind.

The scientific community is coming up with much support for how reality is subjective, and how our thought influences our perception and experience. The lamas have explained this for a very long time, and we can see its truth through our own test.

So, when we do purification, along with the 4 opponent powers, we must rest in the beliefs that we have completely eliminated all of our negative karma; rest in the confidence that we have accomplished complete purity. It is said we should spend just as much time meditating on this as we do with the recitations and visualizations.

The belief creates the reality of complete purity. The first step is a belief based in thinking we have accomplished it. This is followed by getting a feel for what it feels like to be completely free of negative karma thereby resting our thoughts in the experience if being completely clean. This is followed with an understanding that this complete purity is the nature of the dharmakaya, and this understanding leads to the root of the belief which is the non-conceptual experience if simply resting in the the dharmakaya. This is the union of the Gurus mind and our mind because they are the same nature both conventionally and ultimately. This is the real purification because it is the nature of all phenomena, the nature of the mantra and visualization of lights and nectars. The belief is first a thought, then a heartfelt conviction beyond thinking, eventually followed by the final outcome that is resting in the experience of purity. That means space-like non-conceptual dissolution into the ocean of awareness mixed with emptiness. This is pointed to in the fire pujas during the offerings when we complete a verse saying "shanting kuruye soha" meaning 'everything is completely purified in emptiness'.

So, when you do purification, do not forget that this belief and conviction you have purified completely; your experience looking at things from the point of view of being pure, and your resting in mahamudra - these three are the most crucial at the conclusion of purification meditation.