Author Topic: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing  (Read 7672 times)


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May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« on: April 16, 2013, 08:00:58 PM »

3 were killed and more than 140 were hurt. It is such such news to hear that a peaceful even of marathon turned into killing ground. :(

May the victims have a very good rebirth, and the surviving victims recovered very soon. Please send your prayers to them.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2013, 05:48:18 AM »
The terrorists are downright heartless to launch the bomb attacks on these innocent people at the Boston Marathon.  Venting their anger and dissatisfactions by killing innocent people is utterly wrong and inhuman! How would the families of the victims feel? How would you the terrorists feel if your loved ones are amongst the victims killed or badly injured by the attacks mentioned?  Anger only begets anger!

When will these terrorists attacks ever end? Are there not enough sufferings already in samsara?

May all beings be happy
May all beings be free from misery
May all beings never be separated from their happiness
May all beings have equanimity, free from hatred and attachment

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2013, 10:24:36 AM »
So sad to hear of this devastating piece of news. Indeed, what have become of this human race? It is not bad enough we have natural disasters and life threatening diseases to incapacitate or kill us, we are also exposed to harm created by some 'sick' human beings. Up until now, no one knows what was the reason for this senseless act. For now, I would make light offerings to the victims, their families and loved ones and most of all to the person/persons involved in carrying out this evil act. For I fear so much of all the negative karma they are getting themselves into.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2013, 06:39:53 AM »
Yes this carnage was the result of a senseless act.But did the perpetrators ever stop to think that they would be killing innocent people? Definitely not? Just as it was in the case of SEptember 11 bombing of New York's Twin Towers more than 10 years ago.

This is what happens when BLIND RAGE and HATRED become full blown. That is why Lord Buddha taught that anger or hatred  - one of the three poisons - is such a destructive force. This killing and injuring of lives that are so far removed from the TARGET of the anger/hatred, makes it all so crazy. But there was more damage done than what was apparent. The 117th Boston marathon was a world famous marathon that would have been used by many of its participants as a platform to raise funds and support an important cause. Potential merit-collecting actions by just participating in this marathon - how many such acts have been prevented or will be prevented from taking place in the future because of the bombings ?

May those who died have swift good rebirths. May their loved ones quickly find peace and inner healing. May the injured recover swiftly and smoothly.May the perpetrators feel remorse and work their way out of the potentially huge suffering they have created for themselves by this very negative and senseless act. May all meet with and embrace the Dharma, and tread the path to ultimate peace.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2013, 10:16:59 AM »
To die is a bombing as those who perished in the Boston Marathon Bombing, we say that that person(s) must have the karma and the condition to experience that. To die that way, one can surely say that the deceased had a sudden death and definitely are not prepared. The state of mind at the moment of death is important in determining where one goes ie what realms among the six realms the the person will take rebirth in. In the case of a sudden death like this, I am afraid, the future rebirth will unlikely to be peaceful (with exceptions of course). So, my friends, they are unlikely to rest in peace, I am afraid.
To make matters worst, there isn't much that anyone can do for them except if the deceased has a Guru, who can perform a Powa for them. But for that to happen, the person must have practice the Dharma very well and has very strong samaya with the Guru. Otherwise, the 3 lower realms is the likely destination for them.

Hence, one must be aware every moment that death can happen anytime, anywhere to any of us. So one must have strong samaya with the Guru and practice the Dharma well and accumulate merits and wisdom as much as one can.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2013, 11:18:05 AM »
As the recent Boston marathon bombing demonstrated,"death comes without warning,this body will be a corpse"( one of the "four reminders" that Buddhists chant daily)
In Buddhist tradition we are trained to contemplate,rather than ignore,the reality and the meaning of death.
Death is always a challenging situation.We may have our ideas about it and we may have some experience
with it,but most of us would agree (Buddhist or not)that we're not really completely sure what it actually is and what happens to us when we die.
Sudden death can be particularly difficult,both for the person dying and for their loved ones.I wanted to add my condolences and sympathies like many others to the victims and their loved ones and families.I do not know them but,I hope these words provide some consolation to them.

DS Star

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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2013, 02:42:38 PM »
"...  the Boston bombing suspects would be the latest accused terrorists who have listed American interventions as their motive.

The Guardian's Glenn Greenwald has repeatedly argued that U.S. violence in other countries is what actually fuels terrorist attacks. "

Terrorists' attacks are motivated by REVENGE and HATRED.

It all boils down to the sentiment of "BLAME" that was fueled by "ANGER" over the perceived injustice; their minds are set to go for revenge at all costs without even consider the innocent lives they are taking along with their "crusades".

Their logical minds are blinded by their emotions...

As Buddhist, we must reverse this situation... we must not jump into the band wagon of blaming the Muslims like the Myanmar authorities etc.

The HATE campaign must be stopped.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2013, 05:55:59 PM »
Whether it is about hatred nor revenge, it is just so wrong. How can people go around bombing, killing and torturing people whenever they like? This is not the way to solve any problem. How can people think that this is the way? Whatever religion we are, we were never taught to use violence. These acts are just caused by people who have misunderstood the real teachings. May those who are affected be strong and those who have passed on be blessed with good rebirth.

Jessie Fong

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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2013, 03:37:59 PM »
We can see such acts are carried out by people who have extreme views and they do not take into consideration the number of people who will be hurt, be it losing limbs or lives.  Such people only wish to draw attention to a "cause" they are fighting for.

E msy say that some of them are deranged but on the other hand, they are also capable in a sort ofcanny way. Such people are very good at planning and resourceful.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2013, 05:11:03 PM »
With precision, detailing, strategized and planning requires a lot of patience, faith and belief. These people are just not appeared to be smart but with good qualification too, It is wasted to be used in this way and manner. Just wondering what have they been taught till the extend of hurting or taking others life can been seen as the act of god.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2013, 06:07:46 PM »
It is sad that people would think of inflicting such harm, pain, fear, anger, and sadness in others. Even to have the thought of mass murder is sickening. Truly degenerate times.

What karma has taken over their minds to even think about hurting and killing others. And since this is opened, that karma for the train of thoughts to hurt others will only continue. Such pity.

I wonder what goes through their minds when they set off the bombs. Or even the stages leading up to that. There is no religion that advocates killing and hurting others...killing in the name of religion comes about from the deluded minds of man.

Has society played a role in all these mass bombings and attacks?

My prayers goes out to all those affected by the bombings and for those who has passed on. May they take a good rebirth in their next lives.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2013, 11:23:20 AM »
It is so sad to see how hatred and anger can cause so much destruction, pain and sufferings. These extremists do not care of how painful it is for families to lose their loved ones. Their minds are filled with hatred and are set to revenge without thinking of the consequences of harming all those innocent victims.

My prayers go out to those who were innocently killed by these insane extremists.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2013, 08:31:39 AM »
Terrorism should be condemned outright and I reckon whoever that is responsible for this cruel and yet cowardize act should be hunted down fiercely to the last one. My condolences to the family members of the victims. It is coward of the terrorists that they do such harm to the innocent people in the public. International crackdown on the people who is responsible for this is the only way that I can think of for inflicting such heavy karma on themselves.


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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing (false flag op)
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2013, 02:53:23 AM »
When we dig a little into alternative news media that is not the propaganda machine of corporate interest, we find a great deal of informative things that open our eyes to a bigger picture. Just for starters, here's a link of interest related to this thread:

There are many more articles and things about this bombing being a false flag. Ron Paul is particularly sharp witted and informed when you listen to his talks about martial law, economic collapse, and false flag ops.

I'm not here to argue, but people really need to research subjects like 9/11, Oklahoma, Boston Marathon, Syria chemical attack. The US Govt is well known for black ops and cover ups via propaganda in order to accomplish various agendas of the ruling elite while keeping the masses in the dark about what is really happening, and everything that does not support their versions of the stories is immediately labelled conspiracy. If you begin to check, you will be astounded and disgusted by what you find. The people are waking up...



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Re: May you rest in peace - Boston Marathon Bombing
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2013, 04:14:39 AM »
Why false flag ops? There is an agenda of control, just look at all the NSA spying shit that hard working Americans pay for with their tax dollars! Look at the string of events that take place after major disasters - gun control laws aimed at an eventual complete disarming of the American public, Patriot act and other similar laws whereby anyone can be deemed an "enemy combatant" or "terrorist" and detained indefinitely without evidence or a trial, Fema can confiscate your food and private property, US citizens can now be forced against their will into labor camps (yes, these are laws being passed in the USA at the moment), the US declares a "war on terror" which is really more a 'war of terror'. The Boston bombing took place the same day that the local law enforcement were training in explosives, then we see a test of applying full martial law, the breaking into homes, tasering innocent civilians and so on.

Why test martial law? There is alot of talk about Major Economic Collapse and the US Govt is preparing for massive civil unrest. There is so much stuff going on, and it used to really be behind the scenes or very carefully covered up but now it is all coming out where corporate media giants are being forced to address it. Ron Paul is particularly sharp on all this stuff. Its not a pretty picture and we certainly don't want to look at it or acknowledge that our liberties are gone. We firmly believe life will continue as normal despite all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. That's how dumbed down and lied to we are. I used to somewhat doubt this stuff or pass it off as conspiracy paranoia, but once I started to actually inform myself it became clear that my prior view was not based on really knowing anything, so look into it for yourself:  and many others

Bill Clinton in response to a question about why he couldn't do something during his presidency, he replied 'I can't, there's a Govt within the Gov't'. Jimmy Carter himself said we no longer live in a democracy. There is a ruling elite that have an agenda for a New World Order - One World Govt, One World Monetary System, One World Military, One World Set of Rules. These things are right out of the mouths of people such as the 2 Bush's, and recently even Joe Biden, who swore to uphold the constitution, said we need a new set of rules, a one world monetary system, and so forth.

These are conventions of our world taking place that require practical actions, the most important being to tame our own mind. If we can damage our self-grasping, all this craziness how have less power to inflict harm on us. We need to be strong for others, especially when we start witnessing in our own country what is the norm for our universal family in many other countries.

You need to be a beacon of hope and the light of panoramic vision, so meditation and informing yourself with the truth about world affairs is essential, especially for you Americans reading this.

All my love