Author Topic: Love killed?  (Read 8225 times)

DS Star

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Love killed?
« on: March 30, 2014, 09:47:02 PM »

A British teenager (Alex Hollinghurst, 17) and her American boyfriend (Brandon Goode, 18) are suspected of having shot dead a policeman (Robert German, 31) before killing themselves, police in Florida have said.

The girl's family insisted that she was killed by her drug addict boyfriend. Her family claimed that she changed after she met and fallen in love with Brandon, and that "her life spiraled out of control".

Her parents tried to stop her from involving with Brandon, they were even forced to lock the doors and windows of their home but Alex managed to slip out.

This case is quite sad and full of unanswered questions.

Why did they killed the policeman?
Why did they killed themselves?

We can only guess, there are no absolute answers since all three of them already dead.

I believe that they killed the policeman by mistake; in their panic after they were stopped, and then, they killed themselves for fear of being jailed.

This happened when these teenagers did not have dharma to guide them. Sad.

What is your opinion on this?


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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 08:47:01 AM »
It is important for parents to guide growing children with some form of spirituality. The Dharma in my opinion would be the best but all religion teaches one morality, compassion and patience. The best way to teach our children is to practice whatever spiritual practice that one has affinity with and through our own practice, we can show our moral conduct, compassion and patience to our children as good examples of happiness and transformation, see us in high regard and trust us. In this way they will be more willing to listen to our advise, share their problems and conduct their lives in a way that reflect the same values that we project. Then, cases like this can be avoided.

We see in society many such examples of moral degenerations of the parents that reflected in the parents. I am not saying in this case the parents are degenerate, but all I am saying is spirituality is an important component of one's life. The Dharma would be ideal.


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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2014, 01:29:54 PM »
As everyone knows,there are no perfect parents.Parenting *is*spiritual practice,and probably the most challenging- and rewarding-one,one may encounter in our lives.
Nurturing involves instilling some core life values through examples,supported by the teachings of the Buddha, the foundation dominated by compassion,generosity and unconditional love.
Using spiritual guidelines as well as practical advice to raise children to be peacemakers in a turbulent world.


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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2014, 03:01:34 PM »
How sad.. Lives wasted. I believe that parents do play a part in teaching and guiding their children. It may not only be Dharma. Sorry to say, there are many out there with Dharma yet their children still act the opposite. Instilling good qualities in our children is a must when they are young and keep reminding them. When they are down or wrong, help them, talk and explain to them.  Of course karma and merits play an important part in these situations too.
Anyway, I hope the media do not spread rumours as the families are suffering enough with the lost. I hope that they find out the truth about the incident soon.

DS Star

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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2014, 11:08:05 PM »
As everyone knows, there are no perfect parents. Parenting *is*spiritual practice, and probably the most challenging- and rewarding-one, one may encounter in our lives.

Nurturing involves instilling some core life values through examples,supported by the teachings of the Buddha, the foundation dominated by compassion,generosity and unconditional love.

Using spiritual guidelines as well as practical advice to raise children to be peacemakers in a turbulent world.

I agreed with RedLantern, parenting is spiritual practice.

After all, the first teachers one has in this particular life are our own parents.

One must always remember, children learn from not only from what the parents taught them through verbal lessons and set rules, but what the parents do with their actions.

Leading by examples - yes the purest form of teaching by any parent is through his or her own actions. The actions reflected from their speech especially.

Having said that, I do agree with Bambi that "Of course karma and merits play an important part in these situations too."


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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2014, 02:36:37 PM »
This is very sad as it shows how easily a human being is influenced by negative things. It is entirely possible for them to have killed a policeman and killed themselves. Here is why. Human beings have a very strange sense of self-preservation. They would kill others to save themselves and then kill themselves to not allow themselves to rot away in a jail cell. Odd.


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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2014, 05:45:42 AM »
Sad to know about this and it is a straight forward consequences of being overly attached. IT does kill in this way. There were some instances that i came to know about who ended up badly too. I feel Dharma has to be inducted into a child's mind as soon as they are ready to take on the learning world. without general knowledge even for a kid, it can be disastrous as illustrated here.


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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2014, 01:26:42 PM »
How sad for someone so young to be so in loved and love killed. Love can make someone do the unthinkable and unimaginable.
They must be panic and frighten when confronted or spotted by the policeman and out of fear may have killed him. With regret they take their own lives instead of going to jail. Really sad If only they have Dharma knowledge in them they would have reacted or behave differently.
Love is powerful?


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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2014, 09:35:01 AM »
In this circumstance it did seemed like the parents and family tried very hard to stop Alex from the negative influence of her boyfriend; but in vain. She turned a deaf ear and refused to follow the advice of her family. It almost seemed like she was blinded to all the good intentions around her and instead headed straight into Lord Yama's den. Her negative Karma seed must have ripened with full strength and no amount of family love can help her. Collectively, these 3 people had the same karma and hence their lives ended tragically.
Yes, it would have been significantly different if she had the opportunity to meet and learn the Dharma. The Dharma could have helped her lighten if not remove the negativities. Hence, it would be great if all parents can expose their children to Dharma at a young age, to help them in their life's journey.

metta girl

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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2014, 05:00:10 PM »
It's really sad that young people just took their lives without thinking further of the people they will leave behind.All the people who love and cared for them.How much pain and grief everyone have to go through just for one mistake that they have committed.A loved one's suicide can be emotionally devastating.If every teenager have dharma knowledge and apply the teachings in their daily life.... they will not commit negative actions because they will understand that a human life is very precious.


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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2014, 11:12:28 AM »
Teenagers nowadays really need some wisdom to handle situations or in making decision. Why would Alex still want to get involved with Brandon, knowing that he is a drug addict. Why would she follow Brandon and not her family. She is making her family worried. It is definitely a mistake for her to choose Brandon, her life really end up in a bad way. Whenever we do something, think before we act. Think whether it will benefit ourselves and others or the other way round.


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Re: Love killed?
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2014, 02:37:07 AM »
They said “love is blind”. When we worldly being speak about love it is generally referred to lust.
When a child grows up the very first persons that would influence them would be their parent and those in the family, mother especially. If their parent actions are of virtuous most likely they too would be similar. But there is no guaranty to that end, as very one has their Karma to be ripened to if one’s knowledge/practice is insufficient to prevent it.