Author Topic: Tribute to H.E. the 13th Kundeling Rinpoche  (Read 3179 times)


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Tribute to H.E. the 13th Kundeling Rinpoche
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:57:49 AM »

By: Harry Nephew

Since the Dorje Shugden controversy struck the Tibetan community, there has been no peace for those affected by the ban. The ban has had far reaching effects, not sparing high lamas who are Dorje Shugden worshippers nor even the recognition of lama incarnates. However, although there was considerable pressure from the Dalai Lama’s office, the Central Tibetan Administration and the Tibetan community for Shugden lamas to cease the practice, a mark of a true incarnation of a highly attained lama is that he would remain firm in his oath to preserve the lineage practice in its purest form.

One clear example of such a lama is His Eminence Lobsang Yeshi Rinpoche, an incumbent of Drepung Gomang monastery, who at the young age of 16 and by the force of his imprints made his way to Dharamsala. Through the divination of many high lamas including Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche, it was said that this particular boy would develop qualities that would be of great benefit to sentient beings. Speculation that this boy might be the incarnation of the late 12th Kundeling Rinpoche piqued considerable interest and discussion amongst the Gelugpas.

After some waiting, Rinpoche was recognized as the speech emanation of the late 12th Kundeling Rinpoche and was duly enthroned as the 13th Kundeling Rinpoche by H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche. The young Rinpoche then set off on a multitude of teaching expeditions to disseminate the Dharma far and wide. From Europe to Asia, Rinpoche’s charisma and strong command of the English language served him well and bridged barriers that previously separated people from the Buddha’s teachings.

Rinpoche’s gurus include some of the most influential teachers within the Gelugpa school, including His Holiness the 99th Gaden Tripa Yeshi Dondrup Rinpoche, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche and the great Geshe Lobsang Tendar. From these illustrious teachers, Kundeling Rinpoche inherited similar traits such as the refusal to betray the Protector that the highest of the Gelug lineage lamas had complete faith in.

Rinpoche’s influence is extremely strong in the local Indian community as he had made valuable and constructive connections with them, and to many, Rinpoche gave refuge under the Three Jewels, thus establishing a precious guru-disciple relationship. His position of respect within the Indian community has helped smooth over Tibetan-Indian relations on more than one occasion. One such instance was when Rinpoche resolved a dispute between some local Indians and representatives of the Dalai Lama during a Kalachakra teaching and by that, successfully removed the threat of the Dalai Lama losing some standing within the local community.

1997 was a significant year for Kundeling Rinpoche when he was awarded a Fellowship in Polipathy for Social Services and the propagation of the Buddhist Arts of Healing which was presented in Delhi. Rinpoche also received Doctorate in Philosophy, presented in Sri Lanka by the Open International University of Colombo. It was evident that Rinpoche’s works were receiving recognition from both the country and its people. Rinpoche’s altruistic and visionary intention of giving back to the country, which has been a gracious host of his own people in exile, made a positive impact and this has paved the way for Buddhism to spread.

For the Buddhadharma to endure the test of time in this world, Rinpoche has worked tirelessly to set up monastic institutions, reaching out to the people and offering them the precious Dharma. Though lean on sponsorship due to his dissenting stance against the Dalai Lama’s religious ban, Rinpoche has nevertheless sponsored initiations of the highest yoga Tantras so that the lineage may continue to thrive and be passed on to younger generations. For instance, it was through Rinpoche’s commitment to the spread of Dharma that Geshe Tendar Rinpoche was able to transmit many exoteric teachings on 13-deity Yamantaka, Heruka and Vajrayogini to the younger Sangha members.

Once the Dorje Shugden ban was brought into force, Kundeling Rinpoche became one of the forerunners to defend the holy Protector practice, voicing his resistance and articulating sound reasons why the ban was wrong both by common as well as spiritual definitions, and Rinpoche did much to bring attention and awareness of the ban to the media, local and abroad. He has arisen as a fearless figure within the Tibetan community – one of the few who would speak openly against the ban – and his efforts to highlight the religious suppression within the Tibetan Shugden community have been successful.

Unlike the ban which was illegal by the provisions both of the Tibetan and Indian Constitutions, Rinpoche sought legal redress and took the matter to the Indian courts. In addition, he compiled information and proof of the suppression against Shugden practitioners within the Tibetan community. Rinpoche’s fluency in English enabled him to speak openly and articulate the sufferings of Shugden monks and laypeople as the result of ban, to the media. All this hard work was not without cost and in fact, has placed Rinpoche’s life at risk from anti-Shugden hardliners. It is by Rinpoche’s readiness to defend what is right and put his life and standing within the Gelugpa hierarchy at risk that he has earned great respect from many quarters from within and without the Tibetan monastic community. Kundeling Rinpoche is listed as one of the top ten people wanted by the CTA.

In spite of earning the ire of the Dalai Lama’s office and anti-Shugden proponents, Rinpoche continues to stick by his Gurus and refuses to forsake the practice of Dorje Shugden. His being safe and having successfully rebuilt his ladrang after the original Kundeling Ladrang was confiscated is living proof that with proper Guru devotion, one cannot be harmed by external forces. His unwavering faith and devotion to his Guru is what keeps Rinpoche going in the work he does for the Buddhadharma and community. It is, therefore, not surprising that Kundeling Rinpoche is living symbol of hope for a community of Buddhist practitioners persecuted as the result of the Dorje Shugden ban and they look to him as a beacon of light, showing the way for the ban to be dissolved.

It is always compelling moving to learn Shugden Lamas like Kundeling Rinpoche risking their life at all cost to protect the lineage from destruction and working tirelessly to spread the doctrine. He is so apt to be recognised as the speech incarnation of the 12th Kundeling Rinpoche for he has great ability in many different languages and is a brave and precious vocalist so appropriate and beneficial during this challenging time. It is rejoicing to see that with his flamboyant personality Rinpoche has touched many nationalities and continues to swiftly spread Je Tsongkhapa’s doctrine in different languages around the world while remaining a Shugden activist to uplift the ban.

May Kundeling Rinpoche continues to live a thousand years to turn the wheel of Dharma to bring great benefits to all living beings and may all his holy wishes come swiftly to fruition.