Author Topic: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?  (Read 6353 times)

DS Star

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Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« on: December 08, 2013, 11:33:06 PM »
Scientists suggesting that the Earth may be on the verge of the next possible mass extinction, but that this time, we may be to prevent it.

The main cause for this direction is human's selfish activities like over harvesting the sea, and environmental issues that threw many of natural cycles into disarray, causing drastic climate changes like long drought etc.  The "water war" like in science fiction will be real issue in near future.

“So far if you analysed the last few hundred years of life on the earth, human activity had apparently wiped out 1.4 % of all plants and animals species, and its hundred and a thousand times faster than normal because of human population, of development, pollution, over harvesting and if you take a look at zoo, many zoo animals that our children loved we may find them going extinct, the tiger for example may go extinct, many familiar zoo animals, bears, and realized that 18,000 species are at risk.” Dr Michio Kaku, Physic s Professor of City University of New York; author of “Physics of the future”.

In Buddha's teachings, since the beginning, we are asked not to harm other sentient beings and not to destroy plants. Buddha spelled them out as vows of for monks and nuns.

Human need to learn to live in harmony with other species and be less greedy for our own selfish gains.


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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2013, 03:44:58 AM »
The effect can be very devastating. World ecology balance is vital for all living living beings in this world. While I do not understand fully how would our ecology system be affected by the extinction of a few particular animals but some how I feel there is an effect on the ecosystem. I can see for the land animals but not so sure if it is relevant for the sea animals. Anyways we should not harm sea creatures for our attachments for tastes...


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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 09:41:57 AM »
Well, anything is possible.

It is really interesting that the human realm being the most opportune according to the Lamrim can also have a situation where too many humans are reborn in a single planet among the billions of human inhabited planet according the the sutras, and the acts of these ignorant human can destroy the planet and themselves, possibly in minutes (in the case of a nuclear holocaust). Karma is subtle and powerful. We cannot predict what can happen.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2013, 03:22:26 PM »
I am sad in a way that we humans, especially careless and greedy humans is driving every living beings on this world to extinction, including our own human species. We have been born into this realm that is able to make better decisions, smarter, intelligent with wonderful qualities like care, love, compassion, empathy - but there are many who choose to be ignorant or refuse to accept reality and just thrash Mother earth like no ones' business with not a care in the world.

Do we blame the greedy businessmen or the government for the destruction of Mother earth? No! We need to blame ourselves for ignoring the "signs" that the earth will be destroyed by us.


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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2013, 02:59:37 PM »
I believe that it can be prevented. For all the years of modern technology, many have been destroyed for it. Well... we want a house, we want a car, we want aircond, we want to go for holidays... It is always easier said than done. Can we live in a jungle, walk or sleep without fan nor aircond? We just have to find ways to compromise. Use lesser petrol to pollute the air, use fan when its cool, walk if the distance is near... All these although it may seem like nothing but all of us can, bit by bit...


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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2013, 04:16:04 AM »
There are things which can't be avoided and some we can. We may not avoid another planet hitting our earth, but stop chopping down trees, killing other animals, we can avoid. One of the biggest contribution to our problem on earth these days is eating meat. We spent so much resources to rear animals, while in Africa, there are still so many people who suffer hunger, it is ridiculous. :( Please become vegetarian, and become an inspiration for others to be vegetarian too.


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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2013, 12:36:58 PM »
There is no doubt that Earth is undergoing massive loss of species i a very short period of time.Like global warming, this is something which the vast majority of scientists are in agreement.Any system that is constantly under increasing or suddenly imaginable strain eventually breaks down.
The bigger question is not whether it is happening,but what are the consequences and what can you do about it?


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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2013, 03:12:31 PM »
I can relate this problem as in all of us living on earth is actually waiting this to happen one day. Everybody is contributing to wastes every now and then not to mention about eating or killing endangered species. Something had to be done somewhere and it is better to be fast before everyone will be sorry for this. I feel this is just another selfish act from our own end. Everybody is just waiting for someone to come out and say let's start doing something for our mother earth already.


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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2013, 06:04:01 PM »
On planet Earth alone, because of human, there are many things that have been destroyed and are continually being destroyed. From the wastes that we produce and our activities, we contribute to global warming, to deforestation, fishing, and hunting. Eventually, planet Earth will go down in our hands, and our future generations would have to endure the result of our causes.

Furthermore, now that technology is improving, we are able to access other planets and galaxies in space. In due course, we would start destroying those planets too, as we get more and more selfish and greedy.

Human beings have the best conditions out of the 6 realms, to do something for the world. TO help others, to preserve, to love and to give. But unfortunately, many use our very opportune conditions to self indulge that in the end, ends up in nothingness.   

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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2013, 06:24:23 PM »
I am sure that the possibility is very real and that we are close to completely wiping all life on earth as we know it. There's a cycle of creation and destruction in everything in this universe. I am sure we are hurtling down the path of complete obliteration of everything. Hence, we frequently get glimpses of impending destruction with each increasingly destructive force of nature. It is said that the wanton destruction of mother nature disturbs the nagas and there's a hierarchy in the naga world and the more powerful ones can cause huge natural disasters.

Manisha Kudo

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Re: Next Possible Mass Extinction on Earth?
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2013, 07:25:54 PM »
??? I was discussing with a friend on the Power of Decay, which is planted in the seed of growth. Therefore, extinction like evolution would happen naturally. Animals, reptiles or creatures that exisited 60 million years ago are mere fossils in the museum today. What is stopping the possibility that humans too would be a faint memory engraved in stones. But because of our greed, attachment and stupidity, we are interfering in the order of creation and destruction by either changing, preserving and damaging the Earth and her inhabitants.  >:(