Author Topic: More Christains Turning to Buddhists  (Read 9351 times)


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More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« on: December 06, 2013, 03:38:38 AM »
Times are changing.  Christians have wider choice of beliefs available now.  Christians are no longer looking for quick fixes and dogmatic beliefs. Many more are becoming Buddhist monks upon learning the wisdom of the Buddha.

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Jennifer Sumner didn’t know what she was after a few years ago when she started exploring different religions. Even now as she’s preparing to become a novice Buddhist monk, the Forest Hills mother of two hasn’t necessarily had an epiphany.

But she’s no longer looking.

“I was seeking something and I didn’t know what that was and I literally went to the library and started with Eastern religion,” said Sumner, 35. “There’s nothing really that I found. It’s more being in a place that my life already is.

“We’re constantly seeking for something outside of us, and why? I’ve learned to look within and found out I’m exactly where I was, but now I’m aware of it.”

Sumner, a distribution company quality coordinator by day, will be one of three people ordained as novice monks 10 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, at the Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple and Zen Center. It’s the first class of samanera for the temple started in 2011 by the Venerable Deokwun Russell Pitts.

The temple earlier this year moved from 156 E. Fulton St. to 451 S. Division Ave. as the sangha, or congregation, has grown to about 100 people at a typical Sunday service. More than 250 people visit the temple in a given month, Pitts said.

People visit the temple for Sunday services and vegetarian potlucks as well as mid-week meditations in the dharma hall. Here’s a schedule.

“To go from zero to our numbers in three years is a pretty remarkable experience,” said Pitts, 65, the temple's sunim. “I think a lot of people are looking for an alternative to whatever their tradition has been, and we offer that alternative in a way that is not dogmatic.”

RELATED: Grand Rapids Zen Center and Buddist Temple offers formal and drop-in meditation opportunities

Pitts came to Grand Rapids in 2011 to start the temple after being ordained to the Korean Buddhist Taego Order. He is the lone monk, so the addition of three new monks – including two in their 30s – “provides us continuity.”

Sumner and the two other novice monks, Steve Sampson and Ryan Doran-Fisher, have completed three years of study on Buddhist teachings including the four noble truths, the five precepts and the Eightfold Path. They’ve been leading chants, giving dharma talks on Buddhist teaching and teaching classes on Buddhism and meditation.

“I want to have all the tools I can get so I can help someone else,” Sampson said.

Sampson, 60, is a former Catholic brother who left the order after ministering to gay men in a Houston jail, saying he “could no longer parrot the church’s teaching on going to hell because you’re gay.” Sampson, who is gay, started delving into Buddhism after he read the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying while being treated for cancer.

“I had no idea what it was saying, but it made a lot of sense,” said Sampson, a retired writer. “The idea that you didn’t have to box in or create a god really grabbed me. There’s no dogma. There’s no belief.”

The novice monks will make a series of vows during the ordination, get new robes and prostrate themselves before family members and the Buddha to show respect. They then will do three to five more years of study and practice before becoming fully ordained monks, or Bhikkhu, in the Korean Zen tradition.


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 04:29:15 AM »
One thing about Buddhism is that it's suitable for everyone with whatever level their minds can take in the teachings.

Most people that end up 'converting' to Buddhists are often the more logical and intellectual individuals... due to that, many religions of the world are not able to cater for such a person... and we all know religion is suppose to be universal, how can a particular religion is only suitable for a class of people but not the other? Just like in Sampson's case, religion is suppose to be compassionate, kind... it can't be about rejection.

I'm glad that these people are fortunate to meet the Buddha's teachings. Unfortunately, not everyone are as lucky as them. I hope more people will benefit from the Buddha's teachings. I have always believed that meeting and learning the Buddha's teachings is truly based on how much merits and positive karma we have... it is probably for this reason that there's no such thing as Buddhist missionaries.


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 06:03:37 AM »
Buddhism is really the "new" religion to the west although it have be around longer. It is amazing that in this age, Buddhism is actually more relevant and does not go out of style because the teachings of the Buddha is always true regardless of times. It is no wonder more are turning to Buddhism. I rejoice that people are finding the Dharma to help them in their daily lives' suffering.


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2013, 10:14:12 AM »
I don't see the main purpose of this post. I thought religions don't differ, there shouldn't even be a 'better' religion because there isn't. Don't you think it's redundant that when you already have settled down into a religion you gave faith in, then transferring your whole beliefs and unlearning what you've learnt to achieve the same thing in the end, and just restarting one's whole spiritual cycle again? I mean I guess to a certain extent it doesn't because the approach of achieving that certain thing, whether be it enlightenment or just being a good person, suits the person better then I guess by all means.

I do agree though, that Buddhism is more of an open book, adjusting to the social norm and change of modernization.  ;D


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2013, 03:50:37 PM »
Nice to know that Buddhism can help others with finding themselves and giving them the wisdom and sense to pursue a spiritual journey.

I guess religion is not something for us to imprison ourselves with and in, but in actual fact, the tenets of the teachings from the particular religion we believe in should propel us to further improve ourselves and make us lead a happier life.

I don't think this article is about the comparison between religions, but instead it highlights that with learning, understanding and application of the teachings, we can gain an insight into ourselves, and realisations that happiness, peace, tranquillity or whatever it is that we are searching for to enrich our lives comes from within. There is no permanent external force that we can rely on to have a consistent source of happiness. It has to be from within.


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2013, 03:27:33 PM »
Buddhism is the right way of life and more people are more aware of karma and it's cause and effect.Doing good deeds and having a good life.More a philosophy than a religion because it is not necessary to believe in God.It is also a private practice in the main;Buddhists don't go around trying to encourage others to look at their beliefs and signing them as monks and nuns.
It is a religious teachings from Buddha and his followers that by destroying greed,hatred and delusions man can attain perfect Enlightenment.It is heartening to know that more people are practicing Buddhism and  seek happiness through the spiritual path.


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2013, 04:39:11 PM »
Rejoice for Sumner!
Its not so much about Christians being Buddhists. But finding something that suits our mind and logical, not because of dogma.
I could still remember myself searching for something that is out there, for many years. Somehow or rather I believed that something is just out there waiting for me.
And yes, Buddhism really helped me a lot, in so many many ways. I am very happy that many are also finding Buddhism is what is right...


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2013, 04:27:51 AM »
I think not only christians are turning to Buddhists but more Caucasians are changing their faith. Buddhism originated from India and has been considered a oriental/eastern religion and not look upon by the westerners as their religion/beliefs has been traditionally followed since birth, such as Catholicism.  As Buddhism are reaching out globally and right views of what the Dharma is all about are spreading by good buddhist practitioner to promote the religion. With  this exposure, Buddhism will continue to grow and attract more new comers and free thinkers who are ready to accept a live with spirituality. 


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2013, 08:14:15 AM »
Rejoice Sunmer for making the right choice in life!  I love buddhism for its open attitude in examine what is true & logical.  We can integrate Buddha’s teachings into our daily life  to solve all our inner problems & gain truly peace of mind. Without inner peace, outer peace cannot be achieved.


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2013, 03:51:13 PM »
With more information and intelligence readily available with a click of a button, the modern community of the 21st century will not simply accept "judgement" without questions. This is why I strongly believe that Buddhism is the spiritual practice of today and the future.

It is not a religion per se but a way of life. Buddhism encourage practitioners to question and only accept when a point is debated till all parties are "satisfied". I believe one of the reason why the teachings of Lord Buddha is able to pass the test of time is: Buddhism focuses on bringing forth solutions from within us and the most consistent thing in our lives from one lifetime to the next is us...or more specifically our mind.

Therefore, whether you are old or young, male or female, Asian or Westerner, alone or with family, the teachings will somehow find a way to shed light on our view, giving us the opportunity to practice constructively and change destructive habits so that we can transform our view and create more desirable results in our lives.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2013, 07:47:41 AM »
I used to attend the church on a social basis and on Christmas to sing carols. I also tried attending Bible Studies but nothing went inside my mind although I tried. Somehow, when I came across Buddhism, everything just click. Buddhist studies learning was tough at first but the knowledge sipped me day by day to open up my mind. Prayers recitation seem to mean a lot more. Its hard to explain but it just blend into my whole being. Precious dharma in Buddhism.


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2013, 11:14:48 AM »
Most people conveniently embrace the religion that their parents have introduced to them from young, without really searching or learning the meaning behind most teachings. They may end up doing rituals or adopting practices or beliefs that they have never contemplated and do not know much, other than the fact that "that's what my parents used to teach me, i just follow " !
This may go on blindly for the rest of ones life or sometimes circumstances pop up to initiate the journey of "searching" for the meaning behind our lives. Hence, people end up "switching" religions. It does not matter so much which religion , but the importance is to do good and abandon bad !


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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2013, 03:01:44 PM »
well, if i may say so... i wasn't a Buddhist either when i was born. In a rather neutral ground , i have never believed in gods or ghosts until i bumped into some teachings in youtube. i was doing some researches and found out about Buddhism and managed to watch some videos of talks by some Buddhist monks. I think logic made me becoming a Buddhist. I slowly went deeper into understanding the teachings as i found it even more interesting. Believing in karma, i think that gave me logic on all my doubts

metta girl

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Re: More Christains Turning to Buddhists
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2013, 04:24:26 PM »
Rejoice!!! for all who have embraced Buddhism...A religion that teaches the truth.....In search for  my spiritual path, I found  Buddhism really wonderful because it offers explanation for why everything has happened in my life.In my practice, i learn more and more about myself and about others ,then i begin to change and develop myself.....and I learned to abandon the "I" and "Me" .I become a better person and use my  good qualities to help others to end their sufferings. Helping others brings me  inner peace and happiness....Hope all are fortunate to have a dharma seed planted in them.