Author Topic: Self-immolations rampant!  (Read 5472 times)


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Self-immolations rampant!
« on: January 08, 2014, 03:12:19 PM »
Not in Tibet, dear friend, where only about 125 brainwashed individuals foolishly destroyed their precious human lives, instigated by the unscrupulous dalai and his accomplices.

I'm talking about India, where in the last decade 250.000 (no mistake, 250 thousand) farmers took their lives, an average of one self-immolation every 30 minutes, because of Monsanto's costly seeds and pesticides since introduced in India.

“Every 30 minutes an Indian farmer commits suicide as a result of Monsanto’s GM [Geneticaly Modified] crops. In the last decade more than 250,000 Indian farmers have killed themselves because of Monsanto’s costly seeds and pesticides. Globalization and monopoly have forced farmers to buy GM seeds and since GM crops have become pests’ resistance, the farmers have no choice but to purchase Monsanto’s pesticide. Sometimes GM crops fail over and over again; GM crops also do not grow back again next year and every year farmers have to buy new seeds.”

Important to remember, GM seeds are strictly forbidden in China, including Tibet. That's why big business tells you that there is no ”freedom” in China (or in Iran or in Myanmar or North Korea to that effect). There is indeed no freedom, for instance, for giant biotech corporations to destroy local agriculture and decimate local farmers in order to assert their worldwide food controlling agenda.

“In 2008 Daily Mail called the continuous suicide of Indian farmers a “genocide” in human history. What’s really disturbing is that often time farmers commit suicide by drinking the insecticide shipped to them by Monsanto.”

Then what do you think, dear friend? If the unscrupulous power greedy dalai would ever manage to come back to Tibet and re-impose his evil rule, would he not favor and benefit his Western sponsors, giving them free hand to expand their genocidal businesses in Tibet as well?

And then, do you think Western “free” press and corrupt politicians, those so “concerned” with Tibetan self-immolations, would care a little bit if Tibetan farmers would suicide, as Indian farmers do right now?

Just for the record, Monsanto traces its origin to the Jewish slave-owner and slave dealing namesake family. Nothing the theocrat slave owner and slave dealing dalai would no identify with, right?


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Re: Self-immolations rampant!
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 07:12:46 AM »
Self-immolations are encouragement of the Dalai Lama to irritate the Chinese and show off where his true power lies.  How unfortunate this is for when the Chinese are irritated and try to control the situation poor Tibetans suffer more. The 14th Dalai Lama will not ever return to Tibet in this life.  China will never permit the 'evil Dalai' to return so there is no worry about evil sponsors expanding their genocidal businesses in Tibet as well as China.

People on this planet have to prevent GM crops for the sake of general health and well being of earth people as GM crops are not natural which causes diseases and the need to use pesticides is harmful and detrimental to our health.

It is utterly disturbing to learn that Indian farmers often drink monsanto to end their lives on account of greedy biotech corporations.  OM MANI PADEME HUM!


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Re: Self-immolations rampant!
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2014, 05:46:05 PM »
China will never permit the 'evil Dalai' to return so there is no worry about evil sponsors expanding their genocidal businesses in Tibet as well as China.

As far as I understand China has no objections to the return of the evil Dalai. He's a Chinese citizen just like any other.

But looks like the corrupt monk got used to, and does no want to give up, the monthly allowances he receives from his sponsor and root-guru, the convicted criminal George Soros. Besides, returning to China's Tibet would mean that he would have to work for Dharma, which is anathema for him.


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Re: Self-immolations rampant!
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2014, 06:05:51 AM »
More sentenced in self-immolations

On Jan 2, a Chinese court sentenced three Tibetan men in Tsoe (Chinese: Hezuo), Kanlho (Gannan) prefecture, Gansu province, for allegedly encouraging two other Tibetan residents in the county to self-immolate. The self-immolation deaths took place in Sankhok township in October and November 2012. The men received terms ranging from 18 months to two years.

Since 2009, 125 Tibetans have self-immolated, and Chinese authorities have sentenced scores of people to prison terms on charges of "intentional homicide" for their alleged roles in encouraing the protest suicides. The exiled Central Tibetan Administration maintains that the wave of self-immolation "represents a new threshold of Tibetan despair," and attributes the crisis to China's policies of "political and religious repression, economic marginalization, social discrimination, cultural assimilation and environmental destruction in Tibet." (Tibetan Review, Jan. 11; Phayul, Phayul, Jan. 8)


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Re: Self-immolations rampant!
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2014, 02:41:13 PM »
China need to become more open  minded and come closer to the meaningful dialogue to solve the issue of Tibet for mutual benefit.They need to understand that Tibetans are the only people in this world who are willing to accept Chinese rule with only genuine autonomy rather than the complete independence.
They also need to understand the true non- violent struggles of the Tibetan people.


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Re: Self-immolations rampant!
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2014, 06:22:41 PM »
They [the Chinese] need to understand that Tibetans are the only people in this world who are willing to accept Chinese rule with only genuine autonomy rather than the complete independence.

Actually there are above 50 nationalities or minorities within China, including a huge majority of Tibetans, all of them accepting Chinese rule with genuine autonomy rather than complete independence without any problems, and thus living in harmony and prosperity within the great country.

Only a small minority of disgruntled slave-owning Tibetan feudal lords, led by the evil dalai and used to live from the blood of the people, are nostalgic of the theocratic times, and thus associated with Western terrorist agencies in order the bring chaos to Tibet, thus promoting gruesome self-immolations, bloody riots, medieval religious persecutions, and the like.

On the other hand, there are many nationalities in Western countries which have been brutally suppressed by their foreign rulers and therefore legitimately aspire for more autonomy if not full independence, such as the Northern Irish, the Scots, the Basques, the Catalonians, not to mention the Native Indians in the three Americas, the Aboriginal peoples in Australia, and so forth.

Many Westerners, having fallen to the hypnosis of mass-media anti-people propaganda machine (also known as ”free press”) are too much concerned with the welfare of a few Tibetan nostalgic bloodsucking  aristocrats, but fail to see the brutalities perpetrated against their own minorities by their own governments (with the full support of the very same mass media).