Author Topic: No conflicts  (Read 6967 times)


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No conflicts
« on: April 06, 2014, 04:57:45 PM »
A life with no conflicts at all is a life where one truly feels happy.This kind of happiness stems from having no dark character traits.There is nothing that can give rise to anxiety in any way.It is truly a good way of existing.
in time of the Buddha one could find many examples of this,because the disciples of the Buddha generally led their lives in a virtuous ,mindful and wakeful way.
To lead one's life like this is not only the task of a monk.Everyone who is still alive has the duty to live with an attitude of mind that doesn't give rise to conflicts.
Do you think if someone possessed this quality of presence of mind ,their spiritual and emotional life is generally in a wholesome state?

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2014, 01:22:29 AM »
I wish for a life without Conflicts in the world.

However, this is not true of samsara. Without conflict, dharma practitioners won't have anyone to work with, to reflect upon their own weaknesses and strength upon meeting and interacting with others, won't know if they can be better people, won't discover their mind obscuration or mind games their heads are playing nor would they be able to discover their wrong views or wrong perception of them selves.

We need to have people to show us conflicts, so we can seek alternative solutions to get rid of them or to try to live through them in the midst of chaos and conflict.


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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 04:11:15 PM »
Only the Buddhas and the sons of Buddhas ie the Boddhisattvas can truly live a life with no conflicts. It sounds so simple to live a life without conflicts but it is so elusive. I do not believe an ordinary being can live a life with no conflict. It takes many lifetime of merits to bring such simple realisations.
I read that the gods of the Dyana states  have great bliss but I do not know what this means. It could be that they have peace and have no conflicts. However, I do know that this states are not permanent and eventually these gods will fall into the lower realms.


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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2014, 08:53:43 AM »
Yes certainly if we can achieve a mind with no conflict , we can live in bliss and wholesome state. Many teachings of the great Buddha is directed at reducing and eliminating the conflicts we have within us.

In samsara we are constantly in a struggle for things; for money, power, recognition,success,love etc. These are the many things we perceive as giving us happiness but in reality the struggle to get them makes us totally miserable. Don't grasp at them. If they come great, if they don't let it go. Otherwise we create conflicts within ourselves.
Then we have all these expectations and preconceived notions to deal with. We easily get into disagreements with others cause we often think we are correct or we need to be correct. These disagreements with others create conflicts too. We need to practice patience and learn to listen to others. We need to learn to accept the differences. Learn to perceive that the conflict will not help make the situation any better, so why sweat the small stuff. Do not let the ego take over.

Focus on the ultimate state of "no conflict" in your mind.  The harmony in this state of mind will bring the happiness and bliss.


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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2014, 06:04:29 AM »
if only all people in the world are able to practice tolerance and remain harmony without having to go into a conflict, this world will certainly be in a better place. But in fact, we know very well it will not happen because we are all human after all. It is akin to accidents. Tell me in any part of our world there are places where there is no accidents. What we can do however is how to minimise it by being tolerant to one another.


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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2014, 05:59:29 PM »
The importance of moral discipline or ethics cannot be stressed enough. This is why Lord Buddha had taught the Vinaya basket of teachings. Moral Discipline is essential to have a happy life. Without moral discipline, one's actions become unwholesome or non-virtuous. Unwholesome or non-virtuous actions lead to negative consequences or unpleasant states of mind. The practice of mindfulness and awareness becomes necessary to ensure one's actions are always in accordance with the Buddhist ethics.


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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2014, 06:49:27 AM »
Conflicts are internally generated feelings and any actions on the outer level are results of these internal conflicts. For example we one meet with another person's negative actions, these actions are felt on the outside (if physical) and certainly on the inside of the person. For conflicts to arise there need to be a framework to compare what is positive and what is negative. The negatives are regarded as conflicts and the positives are regarded as "happiness". In Buddhism we learn that these conflicts then results is aversions, anger and reactions of the person.
For conflicts to not arise we practice morality, awareness and wisdom which is the 3 high trainings ie Vows/Morality, Concentrations and Wisdom. In addition, since we have generated many negative karma due to our infinite past negative actions, we also practice purifications to purify these karma. Hence, Buddhism has the best and most complete "strategy" to alleviate these "conflicts" and lead us out of cyclic existence  where there can be no conflict.

Tenzin K

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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2014, 04:53:53 AM »
At this degenerate time I only can think of our Guru has that state of mind and tireless to teach us, to show us and to demonstrate to us the method to overcome our conflict.

Of course one have no conflict will have a better mind to practice the dharma and much straight forward to practice the essence of the teaching and liberate themselves. But at this time almost everyone has to go through the conflict that created by themselves and in order to feel better or unable to solve them they will blame it to someone else which is the easier way out. They didn’t think of the conflict that they run away from will always hunt them as long as they don’t open their mind to overcome it.  The method for me is the Buddha teaching and the protector to help in our negative karma ripening. The dharma is the way to liberate ourselves and is the permanent way.


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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2014, 02:04:30 AM »
We are in samsara where it is full of conflicts and sufferings. We cannot avoid that. However, how we view these conflicts shows how much we are practicing Dharma. The situation is the same but two person may not handle the situation in the same way. With a stable mind, we would be able to practice the values that will solved the conflict. A stable mind comes from practice and the taming of our ego, our wild mind and actions. The more we practice, the more calm and stable we become.

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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2014, 10:35:04 AM »
Well, I personally feel that having no conflicts is not possible in Samsara. People mistakenly think that the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Arhats have no conflicts. How wrong to think that. The Buddha had many internal and external conflicts before as a prince, upon enlightenment and after becoming enlightened. The Buddha encountered many conflicts in teaching, encountering nasty students, those who were jealous of him and so forth.

You see, developing peace of mind is not about having no conflicts but about have a mind that can weather through any conflicts without straying away from a virtuous state of mind. Hence, it is really about developing our mind to become stable, compassionate and have a high tolerance to suffer for others. People think it is developing tolerance towards pain that is the key but actually it is about developing compassion. Those with compassion have the highest tolerance for pain and suffering. People who are selfish, self-centered have low or not tolerance for pain and suffering.

In the end, if we shift whatever we do so that others would be benefitted, then, whatever we go through would eventually not be suffering any more. In samsara, we have to suffer one way or another but if the object of our sufferings is somehow shifted towards benefitting others, then it becomes much more meaningful and a whole lot virtuous. This of course takes practice.   


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Re: No conflicts
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2014, 03:37:52 AM »
If there are no conflicts in the world of samsara then the world may be a better place to live with no violence.
But then again the world will remain stagnant and not progressed to what it is today.
Even the Buddha's have their own internal and externally conflicts too. But because Buddha's have compassion they have passed down the teachings for the people to be able to practice and hopefully be enlightened.
Therefore we must remain calm and have peace of mind to continue our spiritual path.