Author Topic: The importance of clearing the lamas names  (Read 5624 times)


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The importance of clearing the lamas names
« on: May 23, 2016, 06:19:49 AM »
An important article for everyone to read if they wonder why we fight against the ban on Dorje Shugden. Seen people online complain on and on about how theres always talk about Dorje Shugden and the controversy and the ban. Well, heres your answer innit!

As the CTA continues to belittle and degrade our teachers, over time the lineage will be destroyed. FPMT thinks that by putting down all Dorje Shugden lamas, theirs will rise in fame and reputation but the only effect is that the lineage as a whole will suffer, look bad and no one will want to learn Buddha's teachings thinking this schism and disharmony is the result.

Tenzin K

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Re: The importance of clearing the lamas names
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2016, 06:16:27 PM »
The effect of Shugden ban not just affecting the faith of the people that practicing but also the high lamas that teaching. In spiritual level, it closes the opportunity for people to gain help and what worst here is polluting their mind with wrong view. Imagine how much negative karma created?

For the high lamas that has great knowledge were unable to freely teach and have to risk their life from the violence attack of anti-Shugden people.

The entire spiritual aspect has been politically intervened by the Tibetan leaders which will cause the lost of the pure essence of Gelug lineage. The high lama reputation need to be protected as the more people being sway of from the practice the more effort needed for the lamas to reach them.

It’s very crucial at this juncture to let world know how injustice and baseless Shugden ban is which intruded the freedom of religions practice. There is nothing much we can argue in term of spirituality with the Tibetan leaders since they can even disparage their own guru and lineage lama but what we need to fight for is the human rights that most of the country practicing and respected by their government.

We need to defend this for the future of the authentic lineage practice to be passed down and the continuity of spinning the Dharma wheel.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: The importance of clearing the lamas names
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2016, 09:23:22 AM »
It is of utmost importance for all students and disciples of Buddha to work towards clearing the names of lamas. With the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden imposed by HH Dalai Lama, it is viewed as the downfall and degeneration of Tibetan Buddhism as a whole and not just affecting the Gelug lineage. Many would be students will be turned away when they read news of the divide between the non-Shugden and the Shugden practitioners.

To the misinformed general public, anyone who went against the orders and instructions of such an influential individual such as HH the Dalai Lama would seemed like an unsuitable teacher to spread the Dharma. I pray that informative and reliable websites such as dorje continue to exist and spread the real and unbiased truth on Dorje Shugden as it is obvious now the reasons for this ban being imposed is inconsistent.

Most of all, I pray the ban would be lifted soon so that there are no more fraction to divide the practitioners.


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Re: The importance of clearing the lamas names
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2016, 02:18:26 PM »
The ban on Dorje Shugden is no longer a simple ban on a Protector practice but instead had reached the stage where lineage Gurus are being attacked and their pure authentic teachings are being questioned. The Gurus' sole purpose is to teach us the way out of suffering and when they are not able to, then as mentioned in Kay's article, the Gurus may just stop reincarnating. How scary would that be! Most attained Gurus are Shugden Lamas which means it will be extremely difficult to connect with authentic teachings in the future.

Now daily, new generation of practitioners are being brain-washed by people like Penpa Tsering, as shown in the video. Non-Tibetans would shun serious practice due to the controversy, discrimination, contradictory behaviour of the supposedly compassionate Dalai Lama.

Thank goodness for sites like that provides crucial information to the public, explaining the injustice of the ban and its detrimental effect on the practitioners, both pro and anti-shugden. Its only a loose loose if the ban continues. I pray for the Dalai Lama to swiftly stop further degeneration of Tibetan Buddhism.

Big Uncle

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Re: The importance of clearing the lamas names
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2016, 03:10:57 PM »
No matter what the lineage masters do, whether to teach lamrim, engage in retreats and give any transmissions to the faithful, the spectre of the Dorje Shugden hangs over all that is being done to spread the lineage. It is like walking 4 steps forwards and then walking another 3 steps backwards each time.

This is counterproductive and makes it hard for the lineage to grow at all. Hence, it would be far more efficient and makes more sense to spend time to remove the Dorje Shugden ban instead of continuing on with the teachings. It would make more sense for everyone to remove the ban and hence, the lineage would grow.                                                                             


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Re: The importance of clearing the lamas names
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2016, 12:34:17 PM »

As the CTA continues to belittle and degrade our teachers, over time the lineage will be destroyed. FPMT thinks that by putting down all Dorje Shugden lamas, theirs will rise in fame and reputation but the only effect is that the lineage as a whole will suffer, look bad and no one will want to learn Buddha's teachings thinking this schism and disharmony is the result.

FPMT is disgusting... they preach Dharma but the abandon their founder and Guru Lama Yeshe and the commitments and samaya all goes down the drain when the choose to be seen as politically correct! How shameful, to look good, and be seen as pure and to be on the "right" camp now, even though that camp is hurting many people and breaking so many samayas, they would self out their Guru devotion and spiritual attainments for a temporal worldly benefit that is very short term. How so unfortunate.

As for the Lamas name need to be cleared, that is absolutely true and if only all the Dorje Shugden lamas work just as hard as 1 or 2 hardcore Dorje Shugden lamas in the scene now, then I believe with more noise, the more we will get positive attention to highlight the corrupt, unethical, Tibetan exile gov. By clearing the teachers' name who are now tainted as lamas who worship spirit and demon then more people will be able to get benefit of the dharma and in this way dharma can grow. WHy hinder people's spirituality and create obstacles for them? What kind of karma is CTA collecting? I don't think it is a positive one and I am sure this will definitely not help them anywhere nearer for the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet. Unless there is another ulterior motive for all this chaos? And if so what is it???


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Re: The importance of clearing the lamas names
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2016, 09:27:22 PM »

As the CTA continues to belittle and degrade our teachers, over time the lineage will be destroyed. FPMT thinks that by putting down all Dorje Shugden lamas, theirs will rise in fame and reputation but the only effect is that the lineage as a whole will suffer, look bad and no one will want to learn Buddha's teachings thinking this schism and disharmony is the result.

FPMT is disgusting... they preach Dharma but the abandon their founder and Guru Lama Yeshe and the commitments and samaya all goes down the drain when the choose to be seen as politically correct! How shameful, to look good, and be seen as pure and to be on the "right" camp now, even though that camp is hurting many people and breaking so many samayas, they would self out their Guru devotion and spiritual attainments for a temporal worldly benefit that is very short term. How so unfortunate.

As for the Lamas name need to be cleared, that is absolutely true and if only all the Dorje Shugden lamas work just as hard as 1 or 2 hardcore Dorje Shugden lamas in the scene now, then I believe with more noise, the more we will get positive attention to highlight the corrupt, unethical, Tibetan exile gov. By clearing the teachers' name who are now tainted as lamas who worship spirit and demon then more people will be able to get benefit of the dharma and in this way dharma can grow. WHy hinder people's spirituality and create obstacles for them? What kind of karma is CTA collecting? I don't think it is a positive one and I am sure this will definitely not help them anywhere nearer for the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet. Unless there is another ulterior motive for all this chaos? And if so what is it???

Let them. It looks good for now but only goes so far. Broken samaya always comes back to bite you in the arse and it started with Lama Osel. He has manifested absolute disinterest in deeper involvement with the organisation. Why get involved with the same group who valued politics over your heart?

It seems everything the Tibetan leadership stooges touches turns sour. FPMT, Karma Kagyu, Drukpa Kagyu, Panchen Lama. Thats just the religious bollox. As for the secular stuff, with the debacle that was this past election the stooges shouldve cottoned on to the fact that they are incapable of running a democracy. Mao was able to send millions to their deaths. His people believed in him so much, he got whatever he wanted out of them. Stalin was too and not to mention Hitler, Napoleon, Pol Pot, Pinochet... and the Tibetan leadership? Nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Squat. Nil. Cant even get their people to stop burning themselves to death.

It doesnt set a very impressive tone for the CTAs future, I can tell you that much.

The motivation for all of this chaos is simple - milk the cow dry. Squeeze their people for all their worth and when their done and dusted, dump them. It was their feudal way back in Tibet and its their way now.


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Re: The importance of clearing the lamas names
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2016, 09:10:31 PM »
The lamas names must be cleared:

1. So that people who can benefited from a connection with Dorje Shugden can be benefited from DS.

2. If we have wrong view about the lamas, we would not be able to get any blessings from the lineage gurus and cannot get any attainment especially lamas like Pabongka Rinpoche or HH Trijang Rinpoche are main tantric practices lineage Gurus too.

3. It is compassion towards the anti-shugden people so as to stop them from generating more negatives karma from defaming the qualified teachers & enlightened beings.

4. If we be little the teachers and stains their names, it will create the cause for Dharma to be degenerated and hinders the growth of Dharma especially Lama Tsongkhapa's lineage.

May the ban be lifted and the lama would be able to teach and spread Dharma widely. 


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Re: The importance of clearing the lamas names
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2016, 03:19:58 AM »
There is no reason for the ban! Only suffering and pain has resulted.

Buddhism has to spread and Dorje Shugden is the World Peace Protector!

On the other hand, the ban is holding the spreading of Dharma back because of this wrong ban and the harm done to Dorje Shugden Lamas and Practitioners.

Many people do not connect to Dorje Shugden and have wrong views about Him. It is very bad how people behave against high Lamas insulting and even harming them, even threatening to kill them!

The lineage must continue and Dorje Shugden must spread all over the world.
May the ban come down swiftly and many more people be protected by Dorje Shugden!   


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Re: The importance of clearing the lamas names
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2016, 07:12:04 AM »
The CTA should know that developing wrong views, hatred, and violence to enlightened beings and hindering the growth of dharma results in very heavy negative karma. They should stop belittling and degrading Dorje Shugden lamas and practitioners. However, there is no point to argue with them as even they disparaged and belittled their own lineage guru/lama. Therefore, it is crucial that we need to clear the names of Dorje Shugden lamas as without the lifting of the ban their lives are in danger, they have no freedom to travel freely to teach and spread the dharma.  This will snowball to degeneration not only of Lama Tsongkhapa tradition/lineage but Tibetan Buddhism as a whole.

The general public must be made aware of the injustice of the ban and we are fortunate to have website like that provides clear and unbiased information.  May the ban be lifted soon. May the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa spread to the ten directions and may all the lineage masters continue to turn the wheel of dharma in this degenerate time.