Author Topic: Video from California. Dalai lama stop lying.  (Read 9161 times)


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Re: Video from California. Dalai lama stop lying.
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2014, 01:40:32 AM »
Hey folks, I think we need to still be a little less rude and more Dharmic when it comes to talking about His Holiness.

I agree. Calling the evil criminal ”His Holiness”, thus sanctioning and sanctifying evil and crime, is rude and un-Dharmic beyond limits.

I do not think or would call His Holiness a "criminal".

If so, why calling a criminal ”His Holiness”?

Slandering Him is not very Dharmic

In my dictionary, ”slandering” is defined as ”to injure by maliciously uttering a false report; to tarnish or impair the reputation of by false tales maliciously told or propagated”.

Since the element of falsity, essential to slandering, is manifestly absent from calling a criminal ”a criminal”, I wonder where did you see any ”slandering” at all.

Now, since you falsely accuse innocent people (those who call the evil dalai ”a criminal”) of slandering, it follows that the only slanderer here is you (together with the evil dalai and his minions, of course).

Therefore, one can see the true face of your pseudo-Dharmic moralism, which is to cover criminals and falsely accuse the innocent.

and makes us no difference from those that slander us or our Lamas who practise Dorje Shugden.

Are you suggesting that the holy lamas who practice Dorje Shugden are criminals?

We should still act according to the Buddha's teachings of not condemning monks

One should not confound someone merely dressed in robes with a monk, let alone a Buddhist monk. The evil dalai, being an impenitent criminal and a serial vow-breaker, falls in the first category.

Besides, even if a criminal could be a Buddhist monk, one would have a hard time trying to find the Vinaya rule which forbids calling a criminal monk ”a criminal”.

Indeed, the Vinaya is a set of rules established by the Buddha in order to discipline Buddhist monks and laypeople, not to cover the crimes of undisciplined clergy, nor to protect saffron-clad criminals from criticism.

in order to ensure we do not collect negative Karma on our part.

I wonder where is the negative karma in recognizing a criminal as such, and the positive karma in sanctioning and sanctifying a criminal and his crimes.

I do not wish good people of our lineage become as low as those who anti us, then it becomes very petty.

If so, please stop sanctioning and sanctifying a criminal and his crimes, because this is exactly what those who are ”anti-us” are doing.

I've looked at the video many times, and to be honest I don't think His Holiness was in anger or rage, irritated and firm yes, but not really "angry" as most of us would see.

Actually, the uncontrolled, wild-eyed reaction of the evil dalai was as ridiculously hysterical as it could be, both in form and content. It would even fit a biblical prophet or a medieval bishop enjoining the murdering of sinners or witches, but definitely not a Buddhist monk, which the evil dalai is not anyway.

Of course He would be and given anyone in His position coming out of His Hotel,

And your capitalizations are hilarious as well. Even the hotel of the evil dalai now is sanctified by capitals!

By the way, your penchant for capitalizations, for Catholic ecclesiastical honorifics such as ”His Holiness”, for hypocritically covering criminal clergy, for supporting theocratic absolutistic authority, infallibility, and impunity, for admiring hysterical biblical prophet-like outbursts, etc., all of this suggest that your Buddhist training still has a long way to go before you get rid of perverted, barbaric Abrahamic instincts.