Author Topic: Shugden group meet in Dharamsala  (Read 4251 times)


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Shugden group meet in Dharamsala
« on: April 28, 2014, 05:54:17 PM »
My comments on this news are:

1. "there were several protests in different cities so we are looking at what's the reason behind that"
As if the CTA does not know what is the reason behind the protests? It is simple. The ban is baseless and grossly unfair. And the protests are to ask the Dalai Lama, who started the whole condemnation of Dorje Shugden, to give religious freedom, i.e. lift the ban.

2. "the false (news) that have been coming from that group"
What false news? I would like to ask the CTA to state one single specific piece of false news. They always make vague accusations without concrete evidence.

3. "inadvertently misquoted by media"
Inadvertently?? It was a press release from the CTA! The media did not misquote the poor press fellow who is no doubt out of a job now.

What are your comments?

Representatives of Dalai Lama discuss future plans, Shugden group meet in Dharamsala
ANI  |  Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh)  April 27, 2014 Last Updated at 21:44 IST

Representatives of Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama from all over the world gathered to discuss and plan future activities and asses present anti-Dalai Lama activities carried out by Shugden group as they participated in a meet at Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh.

Representatives of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) including Tibetan Prime Minister in-exile Lobsang Sangay, speaker of Tibetan Parliament in-exile, Penpa Tsering and ministers in-exile also joined the closed door meeting on Saturday.

"There are 10 of my other collogues who are gathered here from 10 different cities across the world and the primary purpose here is, this is an annual meeting of all the representatives of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration. So this is the time for us to come together as a group collectively and discuss, strategise and plan and assess where we are and then plan for future," said Kaydor Aukatsang, representative of the Dalai Lama for America.

More than 100 Tibetans have set themselves alight in protest against Chinese rule since 2009, mostly in heavily Tibetan areas of Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces rather than in what China terms the Tibet Autonomous Region. A majority of these victims succumbed to burns.

Aukatsang also said that he has been getting a good response from people and the government regarding the Tibetan issue in spite of China's growing status.

"Well EU (European Union) is not my portfolio but I can definitely speak that my responsibility is mostly North America but response has been generally positive. I mean obviously the Tibetan issue is quite difficult politically and China is growing... rise but economically and politically and makes very difficult environment for us to operate but still there is lot of support, both at the people's level and at the government's level," said Aukatsang.

Soon after the publication of a wrong report in media on Losar (Tibetan New Year) on March 02 this year, the anti-Dalai Lama group Shugden started campaigning against Dalai Lama more aggressively.

They started distributing post cards containing media reports showing Tibetan government in-exile favouring them. They also staged several protests against the Dalai Lama in March during his recent visit to America.

All this campaign led CTA and representatives to discuss planning to nab the anti-Dalai Lama campaign by the group.

"Yes there is little bit of that because as you have been following the news, most recently when His Holiness (Dalai Lama) visited the United States, there were several protests in different cities so we are looking at what's the reason behind that and how in future we can address some of the propaganda and the false (news) that have been coming from that group," Aukatsang added.

In that report the official deity of Tibetans was inadvertently misquoted by media as Dorjee Shugden instead of Palden Lhamo. The news was later rectified.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Shugden group meet in Dharamsala
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2014, 09:30:45 PM »
Hey WB,

Not sure how long it takes to approve the comments but I do not see your and I've also written mine and submitted but it does not appear - yet?

Will need to back to it and check later in the evening I suppose. Anyways... this was my comments...

This hilarious and not only does it show how obvious that there is discrimination of religious faith and freedom, it also shows how naive Tibetan Leaders can be to "pretend" they do not know what on earth is going on and to "look innocent"... yeah right! Like we were all born yesterday. DO they honestly think all journalists and people are that dumb and that we cannot research further? Please do stop embarrassing the Tibetan Leadership, with this type of mentality, how do you think you can run a nation, why on earth bother to have a govt. that makes bad choices all the time?

1. "there were several protests in different cities so we are looking at what's the reason behind that"
This is a laughing stock... how could CTA pretend to not know what's going on when there are loads of records about the ban, you talking about it, imposing it and well printing books against it. So this is like a blatant LIE that you have no idea what's going on. And the protesters could not have shouted any louder... LIFT THE BAN! Even my 3 year old could comprehend this. Isn't it obvious all they wish for religious freedom especially for the Tibetans in exile, stop the abuse, discrimination on Shugden practitioners. Stop and discourage aggression and harm on to Shugden people... stop it because this is not compassion and definitely not how a democratic govt. should act in protecting its people!

2. "the false (news) that have been coming from that group"

Please do not be vague and generalise - WHAT exactly was the false news you are talking about? State it clearly if you are right CTA??? And with whatever you say, please provide full proof and concrete evidence. It's easy for anyone and infamous in politics to be twisting and turning all the time, that is why to gain confidence in anyone, there must be evidence that we can analyse closer is all aspects, because you are accusing the news as false, so therefore state how is it so. And you must be open to be crossed check to see if what you are saying is also "FALSE". Not that would be FAIR AND JUST!

3. "inadvertently misquoted by media"
Wow are you saying that the CTA is that incompetent? To send out a press release and not realising it is misquoted? Wow wow wow... how amazing, would you trust your life in the hands of a govt that does so many careless mistakes that affects the nation? Scary! And I wonder what happened to the poor Tsering Wangchuk who did this so called accidental "misquote" press release, where is he now, probably not just out of a job but shunned/discriminated by all?

I hope there will be some truthful answers and my questions not be deleted. If it is deleted, it simply shows someone is trying to hide something for sure!


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Re: Shugden group meet in Dharamsala
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2014, 06:17:14 AM »
My comments on this news are:

1. "there were several protests in different cities so we are looking at what's the reason behind that"
As if the CTA does not know what is the reason behind the protests? It is simple. The ban is baseless and grossly unfair. And the protests are to ask the Dalai Lama, who started the whole condemnation of Dorje Shugden, to give religious freedom, i.e. lift the ban.

2. "the false (news) that have been coming from that group"
What false news? I would like to ask the CTA to state one single specific piece of false news. They always make vague accusations without concrete evidence.

3. "inadvertently misquoted by media"
Inadvertently?? It was a press release from the CTA! The media did not misquote the poor press fellow who is no doubt out of a job now.

What are your comments?

1.  Obviously CTA needs to lift the ban.  Why spend money and time over baseless and illogical ban when they should be spending meaningful efforts to focus on how to benefit their community to bring peace and harmony regaining their homeland.  It is laughable and ridiculous affairs of governance.  They are only good at splitting and creating hatred in their own community.

2.  This false news is their own propaganda.  It is CTA's own creation.

3.  Lord Dorje Shugden is the mighty protector blessing their mindstream preparing the ban to be lifted soon.


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Re: Shugden group meet in Dharamsala
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2014, 01:23:01 PM »
The harder the CTA tries to cover a veil around this issue the harder they will fall when the world finds out what they have been denying so far. This is the Internet age, the internet is the great equaliser no one is above scrutiny or criticism.

What will happen when the world finds out the very people who talk about freedom and peace are the very ones who oppress their own people? There are various Swiss and French tv crews who have been to South India who have documented the plight of Dorje Shugden practitioners in South India.

CTA will start losing the support and donations from the world. The world will see who the CTA truly are. What will CTA do then?   

christine V

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Re: Shugden group meet in Dharamsala
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2014, 02:16:28 PM »
Obviously if CTA dare to do and dare not admit what have they done to Shugden practitioner is an act of coward. This is a world of web, the news will not be shunned off that easy, don't they understand? Or they are ostrich trying to hide what have they done to Shugden practitioners!

Wasting time to split the Tibetan communities in Exile, why not spent time to build welfare towards own Tibetans?


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Re: Shugden group meet in Dharamsala
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2014, 02:55:49 PM »
Shugden group meet in Dharmasala? ;D That is definitely a lot of Shugden supporter in Dharmasala. It seems the anti-Shugden group is increasing their effort to keep Dorje Shugden truth from as much people as possible. How? By denying and claiming it to be false. The fact is you cannot ban freedom of religious practice just because you think what other believe is false. If it is the case then there would be no religion in the world. Do you want to follow the footsteps of countries who have ban religions, burning religious text, and so on?