Author Topic: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet  (Read 6699 times)


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How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« on: January 09, 2013, 03:40:23 AM »
Really? Indeed, this article will shock and horrify quite a lot of Tibetans.
While on the one hand, Tibetans villify Dorje Shugden practitioners and "blame" them for destroying the cause for a free Tibet, the hard facts sure make it clear that it is in fact the Shugden lamas who are the only ones doing anything at all to open up the doors to return to Tibet.

Read on... and think for yourself which way works better: the Shugden lamas' or the Dalai Lama and the CTA's?

Original article here:

How the Shugden Lamas are Bringing Tibetans back to Tibet

While the 60th Anniversary of the ‘peaceful liberation’ of Tibet was regarded as a cleverly masked attempt of the Chinese to ‘undermine the Dalai Lama’, the event has also marked a different sort of celebration. Whatever the intentions of the Chinese were for holding such an event and inviting leading Buddhist lamas to the celebrations, there is another more subtle truth that has emerged from this: there are some Tibetan Buddhist lamas who are beginning their decided return to Tibet – and long before the Dalai Lama does.

China certainly seems to be opening its (temple) doors to them and ushering them in with a warm welcome. Finally, there is an open crack in what has long been regarded as a closed door. These lamas are prying open the locks and making leeway for the return of Tibetans into Tibet.

Sadly however, these courageous lamas are not accorded the respect they well deserve for their efforts to unite Tibetans. Instead, they publicly denounced and shunned by the Tibetan community for their practice of the Buddhist Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden – which has been banned by the Dalai Lama. Some, such as Gangchen Rinpoche, are even rudely mocked and degraded by the Tibetans in writing and various media. This video (also available here), for example, takes Gangchen Rinpoche’s practices grossly out of context and openly defames him. How can a spiritual leader like the Dalai Lama and his government allow this type of derogatory media against their own people and spiritual teachers? This only goes to prove their hostility to the very people who are actually trying to further the cause for Tibet in the world.

By this single choice to continue their worship of Dorje Shugden, these lamas are labeled by the Central Tibetan Administrator (CTA) and the Dalai Lama’s followers as traitors to the Dalai Lama, accused of being spies for China and receiving monetary support from the Chinese. These lamas are expelled from their monasteries, excluded and mocked throughout the Tibetan community. Great masters like H.H. 101st Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal, H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche, Yongyal Rinpoche and Lama Thubten Phurbu have long been regarded as ‘enemies’ to the Dalai Lama’s camp and the cause for a Free Tibet – simply because they have chosen to continue their worship of Dorje Shugden.

Actually, these lamas are no less Tibetan than any other member of the CTA or any monk of any Tibetan Buddhist monastery. They love their homeland, culture, traditions and religion as much as any other Tibetan who has had to suffer the loss of their country. They also love the Dalai Lama and have a tremendous amount of respect for him. They are no different from any other Tibetan, with the same wishes and hopes for their people and country.

The claims that they have turned against their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and country are baseless and illogical. These lamas were not against the Dalai Lama nor the Tibetan cause before 1959, so why would they be traitors now? They are still just as Tibetan as they were six decades ago. They are still Buddhists, they are still deeply devoted practitioners and they still believe and have great love for their own people, culture and religion – if not more than before. They have not forsaken their culture although they have physically immigrated to other countries around the world, just as every other Tibetan in Switzerland, New York or Australia still holds firm to their Tibetan roots. You will notice that all these lamas still speak Tibetan and adhere to the values and traditions of Tibet and Dharma strongly, no matter where they are.

The Other Method: Connecting with China

These lamas differ from most of the Tibetan exiled community in India by understanding the futility of challenging the might of China. It is becoming more and more apparent that Tibet will never be independent of China. Rather than continuing to fight against a giant as large and indomitable as the Chinese, these lamas have chosen to take another route to finding freedom. They have realized that if they continue to be at odds with China, their chances for returning to Tibet become smaller and smaller. Instead, it has become more and more important for Tibetans to be humble and befriend China, acknowledge that what they are doing for Tibet is actually positive and concede to the terms China wishes for Tibet.

Out of great compassion for the Tibetans still in Tibet and concern for the preservation of the Buddhadharma, these lamas are now making the concerted effort to connect with Chinese leaders. By this, they work to pry an opening which would allow them back into Tibet. Once they are allowed back into Tibet, they will then be able to work from within the country to preserve the unique Tibetan culture, language and religion.

In recent years, we have seen an influx of lamas reconnecting with the Chinese government and even returning into Tibet. For example, H.H. the 101st Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche has participated in Dorje Shugden initiations in Chengdu, China and also had an official audience with the Chinese-backed Panchen Lama. H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche makes annual trips to Gangchen Monastery in Tibet to expand the monastery and build schools. Gangchen Rinpoche is also highly respected within China and often requested to attend official events in China, such as the 1st China Tibetan Culture Forum.

At the same time, the Chinese government is now rebuilding monasteries, allowing ordinations, study, transmissions, practices and retreats. They are supporting a renaissance of Buddhism within Tibet again, many decades after the Cultural Revolution. By reconnecting with the Chinese, eminent lamas such as Gaden Trisur Rinpoche and Gangchen Rinpoche will be better positioned to bridge the gap between the Tibetans within and outside of Tibet, bringing spiritual authority back into Tibet. Far from betraying the cause of Tibet, they are creating headway for it to be achieved.

Out of Great Compassion

As these lamas are allowed back into Tibet, it is certain that they will begin to teach Dharma again to the Tibetans there. By transmitting Buddha’s teachings to a new generation there, they will play an important, central role not only preserving the Dharma in Tibet but in creating a resurgence and revival in the teachings and practices throughout China.

If they towed the same line and policy as the Dalai Lama and the CTA, and continued to be at loggerheads with the Chinese authorities, their chances of returning into Tibet to fulfill this would be much slimmer. Then, millions of Tibetans in Tibet would not be able to receive the Dharma and the roots of their culture will fall prey to decay and dilution. By this, we should understand that these high-ranking Tibetan lamas are reconnecting with China not because they are against the Dalai Lama but out of a sincere and compassionate attempt to preserve the last of our most sacred and infallible religion.

Instead of treating these lamas with hostility, Tibetans should applaud and support their efforts. They have all suffered in exile for over six decades so this new window of opportunity being opened by these lamas should be widely supported and celebrated by Tibetans all around the world. To label these lamas as traitors to Tibet is absolutely wrong and shows nothing but ingratitude and close-mindedness on the part of the exiled Tibetan community.

It is precisely because of a great enduring love for their country and countrymen that they have actively chosen this path of befriending China – that is now the only way to open the doors for them to return back to Tibet and bring the most precious treasure of Dharma back to the very people they love back ‘home’. By the Shugden lamas’ concerted effort to return to China, the whole world can anticipate nothing but benefit. The unwavering kindness of these lamas will help Tibetans in Tibet to reconnect to Dharma, bring exiled Tibetans one step closer to returning home and preserve this rich, beautiful, peaceful and powerful religious culture for the rest of the world reap from.


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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 06:28:38 AM »
When it comes to true blue Dharma practice, forsaking the teachings of the lineage Gurus can bring nothing but lack of results, failure and obstacles. Look how the CTA is doing now, and compare that to the achievements of the Panchen Lama and Gangchen Rinpoche who has garnered influence from more people than the CTA ever can DREAM of being able to control. The Dorje Shugden Lamas are indeed bringing the authentic lineage back into Tibet and they can absolutely help with the whole liberation thing that the peeps at Dharamsala want so much. Is this what they call mistaking a friend for an enemy? But in any case, as long as the CTA has this undying and unreasonable hate for Dorje Shugden and their practitioners, they will achieve nothing and they will stagnate and degenerate even further as their goals and efforts are invested in the wrong place.

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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2013, 08:50:23 AM »
True irony isnt it? How the one thing that some Tibetans feel is the reason against the Free Tibet cause is precisely the engine for change within Tibet and its eventual "liberation".

China will unwittingly be the very drive that brings Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhism back to the Rooftop of the World! And to think half a century ago China was hellbent in "destroying" the very fabric that was Tibet. Interesting how the very renaissance of Tibetan Buddhism would come from the very source of its impending doom!


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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 01:14:03 PM »
True irony isnt it? How the one thing that some Tibetans feel is the reason against the Free Tibet cause is precisely the engine for change within Tibet and its eventual "liberation".

China will unwittingly be the very drive that brings Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhism back to the Rooftop of the World! And to think half a century ago China was hellbent in "destroying" the very fabric that was Tibet. Interesting how the very renaissance of Tibetan Buddhism would come from the very source of its impending doom!

China has a long and complex history with Tibet. Back then during Songtsen Gampo's time, the Chinese claim that the bordering provinces were periodically harassed by Tibetan armies and that Songtsen Gampo demanded Princess Wencheng's hand in marriage before the raids would stop. I know it sounds very different from the Tibetan account, but it is certainly something that we need to think about because China taking over Tibet is due to Karma from that time onwards, but the one incident that really activated the karma for Tibet to fall in the hands of the Chinese was the mistreatment of Reting Rinpoche and accusing him of things he did not do. Now it seems that the Chinese are doing a better job at managing Tibet that CTA ever could imagine and maybe even the Tibetans in Tibet will be better off than those in Dharamsala!


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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2013, 11:40:15 AM »
This I find amusing too: that Shugden practitioners are constantly accused of receiving Chinese funds and being Chinese spies.

And you know what - what's so bad about receiving Chinese funds if those very funds are channelled back into the growth of Dharma and for the spiritual benefit of people in Tibet? By refusing even the thought of receiving Chinese money, are the Tibetans not cutting off their noses to spite their faces? After all, it's not like they're rolling around in great wealth where they are now!

There's that old saying to keep your friends close but to keep your enemies even closer. In a Buddhist context, this shouldn't be about harming anyone back (not even our enemies!) but about finding more peaceful and effective ways of rebuilding burnt bridges and ultimately, to get what we want - in this case, for the Tibetans to return to Tibet! Is the means more important, or the end? It would seem that the end is definitely more important - to return to Tibet - so why the pride in just sucking it up and making friends with China? Receiving money from them doesn't have to be a bad thing if ultimately, and in the long term, it's used back for the Tibetan people.


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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2013, 03:29:23 PM »
The primary difference between the Shugden lamas and the CTA/Dalai Lama's camp is that the Shugden lamas focus purely on the Dharma instead of politics. The Dalai Lama and the CTA's religious activities on the other hand carry very strong political undertones. For example many of the Dalai Lama's Kalachakra initiations were also occassions when political activities were carried out.

When the lamas intentions are not political, it is very clear that the Chinese welcome them with open arms as the Chinese government is also pursuing a policy to revive Buddhism in the country. And it is through the Dharma that a relationship can be built with the Chinese. surprisingly, the CTA still cannot get this point.

The CTA has not achieved very much at all by antagonizing China all these years. And instead of securing support from the Tibetan Buddhist community, the CTA has sought to instead divide the Sangha through manipulations such as the Dorje Shugden ban and also their interference in the Karmapa controversy. Ironically for the Shugden lamas who are actually doing something positive for the Tibetan people both in Tibet and in exile, they are being accused of being traitors and Chinese spies.


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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2013, 10:10:43 AM »
The directions of CTA directly opposing China is certainly an unwise move to gain back their country.  CTA will not have any headway or success in this direction but they can join force with Lamas already in China like Gangchen Rinpoche and H.H. the 101st Gaden Trisur Rinpoche to work together to gain freedom.  Of course CTA is unable to fight the world giant, a formidable power but they can learn from the hardworking and intelligent Japanese to be resilence, who recover from defeat in the 2nd world war and gain their power through the world economy .  In this case, Tibetans have the world most powerful weapon, a triumph card in their hands, which is culture and religion that they can work hand in hand with China.  Yes, CTA should lift the ban and join forces with the Shugdenpa Lamas to gain freedom of their country using the world peace Protector, Lord Dorje Shugden if they are smart enough instead of degrading and threathening them in their world peace movements. 

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2013, 04:56:36 PM »
The primary difference between the Shugden lamas and the CTA/Dalai Lama's camp is that the Shugden lamas focus purely on the Dharma instead of politics. The Dalai Lama and the CTA's religious activities on the other hand carry very strong political undertones. For example many of the Dalai Lama's Kalachakra initiations were also occassions when political activities were carried out.

This is very true. What happened in 1959 when China's invaded Tibet has happened and there is now way now to go back in time to change it. What happened was tragic, many have suffered great deal of pain. Mentally and physically. Lost their loved ones and went through many other unimaginable ordeals to survive. But it has been 54 years now and many things have changed. China's power have grew much bigger and stronger and it is really futile effort for an exiled government to be fighting with such a strong and powerful country.

Since it is quite impossible to fight it politically, why not make peace, allow and give good wishes to those who wish to bring precious Dharma back to Tibet where it once flourished so beautifully? Instead of treating the Lamas that returns to China to spread the Dharma with disrespect and looking at them as traitor, the Tibetan people should show appreciation and applaud the Lamas who are able to return and spread the glorious Dharma to the people in China and Tibet. They are returning to China for the people who needs it rather than for themselves!

While the CTA are fighting for their democracy and freedom from China, they should not forget  the true welfare for the Tibetans. What will happen if all the Lamas stays in exiled and not do anything? Then what will happen to Tibetans living in Tibet of China?


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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2013, 09:08:03 PM »
vajratruth has spoken out the main difference in intention of both parties:
“The primary difference between the Shugden lamas and the CTA/Dalai Lama's camp is that the Shugden lamas focus purely on the Dharma instead of politics.”

When it is focus on Dharma, it comes from compassion, loving and wisdom. It is not to create harm or schism. That’s why we can see that China is welcoming the Shugden lamas and supporting them with funds to build monasteries and temples. The Shugden lamas see the big picture is to spread Dharma and benefiting people rather than just focus on politics and personal gain even though they are being accused or facing harm from CTA.
I rejoice in Shugden lamas work and may they live long to turn the wheel of Dharma!


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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2013, 03:59:57 AM »
Highly realized masters use different methods to teach dharma and look for different routes to achieve goals. They do not just stick to one method and route unlike the dictators in CTA. Great masters do so with great humility and compassion, joy and love to benefit. But CTA do so to feed their big, fat ego to prove they are right. And there are blind mice following the pied pipers in CTA. Well, we know what happened to the mice that blindly followed the Pied Piper.

I think most Tibetans have already settled down in foreign countries, some have grown roots. Most have given up the idea of returning to their homeland. For those great masters know the benefit and work very hard to bring the benefits to the people outside of Tibet through the teaching of dharma and bestowing Dorje Shugden spiritual initiations on these people. For doing so, the great masters know reliance on Dorje Shugden greatly assists people in overcoming their obstacles and mundane affairs. And what better country than China, the world’s most populous population with its rich spiritual and religious history spanning over 5000 years. And of course, the West.


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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2013, 03:49:24 AM »
Highly realized masters use different methods to teach dharma and look for different routes to achieve goals. They do not just stick to one method and route unlike the dictators in CTA. Great masters do so with great humility and compassion, joy and love to benefit. But CTA do so to feed their big, fat ego to prove they are right. And there are blind mice following the pied pipers in CTA. Well, we know what happened to the mice that blindly followed the Pied Piper.

I think most Tibetans have already settled down in foreign countries, some have grown roots. Most have given up the idea of returning to their homeland. For those great masters know the benefit and work very hard to bring the benefits to the people outside of Tibet through the teaching of dharma and bestowing Dorje Shugden spiritual initiations on these people. For doing so, the great masters know reliance on Dorje Shugden greatly assists people in overcoming their obstacles and mundane affairs. And what better country than China, the world’s most populous population with its rich spiritual and religious history spanning over 5000 years. And of course, the West.

From what I have observed, many Tibetans are more than happy to settle down in other countries and forget about Tibet and Dharamsala altogether. I bet many Tibetans who escaped from Tibet and went down to Dharamsala got disillusioned with the situation down there and then go to every other rich country such as Switzerland, America and other more well developed countries to restart their life. So in essence, many has been disappointed by the CTA and thus this is the reason why they have fled Dharamsala for other countries. If I was the CTA, I would be very ashamed that so many Tibetans have fled under the CTA's care which means that CTA is not doing what they are supposed to do.

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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2015, 09:10:28 AM »
CTA job as far as I can envisage is to protect and provide for Tibetans in exile and at the same time do their best to have them return to their home country.

Seriously why have not CTA succeeded, is it because the true motivation is that CTA wants to govern and control Tibet?

Why pick differences with Lamas like Gangchen Rinpoche who can influence to have Tibetans go home.  So is the wish to disparage Shugden Lamas bigger than the motivation to have Tibetans go home.

CTA must think more for the people and power to behold.  China will never return Tibet to the Dalai Lama.


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Re: How the Shugden lamas are bringing Tibetans back to Tibet
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2015, 08:33:16 AM »
Thank Beggar for sharing this valuable information indeed whatever you said is correct these high lama who choose to reside in Tibet is to help the local Tibethan so that they be able to receive Dharma otherwise the Tibethan will be left out with no guide imagine the local Tibethan who practice this religion for so many generation how possible they can live their life without religion is going to be so painful for the Tibethan.