Author Topic: Thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives and from his Nepal Labrang  (Read 20022 times)

christine V

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Re: Thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives and from his Nepal Labrang
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2014, 11:57:36 AM »
Dear Mana,

We are so fortunate to view the Thangkas Dagom Rinpoche, thanks to Mana and the exisiting of this forum that enable us to exchange DS news from all over the world.

Thanks for these precious Thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche.


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Re: Thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives and from his Nepal Labrang
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2014, 02:53:59 AM »
What a blessing to see all these holy thangkas. Thank you for sharing them here!! I personal like these two thangkas “Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche with Dorje Shugden" and “Dorje Shugden in Dagom Labrang, Nepal”.

Now that Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche incarnation is back, I hope that I have the merits to receive his teachings when he grows up and starts teaching again.


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Re: Thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives and from his Nepal Labrang
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2014, 04:32:07 AM »
These are gorgeous thangkas!

I really, really like the last one. I like how the hands holding the implements are emphasized. It doesn't seem like it was a professional artist who painted it - I wonder who did.

Even though it looks borderline "cartoon-ish", something about it feels so real.

The upper half of the thangka looks like it was done by someone and the bottom half looks like it was done by someone else.

I also really like the thangka of Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche with Dorje Shugden. It's so passionately wrathful. Such seriousness to it, and yet still exudes compassion.

How nice it is to have so many DS thangkas in one Labrang! :)

[Yes I agree with you that the thankas do not look like their are painted by professional artist yet they feel real and exudes compassion. The sanctity of a statue or in this case a thanka is dependent on several things; the motivation of the sponsor and whether it is 'clean money', the artist (whether he is doing it solely as a business or he takes this as a spiritual practice and how much this has been used as an object of worship. I have seen statues come 'alive' before after it has been prayed to for awhile.]


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Re: Thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives and from his Nepal Labrang
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2014, 04:20:53 AM »
Wow! Lucky someone bumped this post up, or I would never have discovered these beautiful thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives. The art is fantastic! I wish there's someone here that can explain about the meaning of the thangkas, and Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives.

Hope I can visit this place one day and see it for myself.


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Re: Thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives and from his Nepal Labrang
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2014, 06:17:49 AM »
I'm so glad someone bumped this post up. This is my second time looking at it and I must say I am glad to take a second closer look at the illustrious Dagom Rinpoche. I especially liked the thangka

Dagom Rinpoche's previous life - the great Pelgyi Dorje who killed the evil King Langdarma

cos I remembered hearing this historical story! If it wasn't for His Holiness Dagom Rinpoche, I don't think we will have Vajrayana Buddhism and that it could survived and be preserved for this long. Isn't it amazing how much these highly attained beings does for our human kind yet we could conveniently forget.

I also like the thangka of Dagom Rinpoche with Dorje Shugden in the thangka :)


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Re: Thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives and from his Nepal Labrang
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2014, 11:25:40 AM »
It is a great blessing to set eyes on these beautiful thangkas and to learn of Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives. Ra Lotzawa (Ra Lo) was a saint-scholar who brought the practice of Yamantaka from India to Tibet. Sherab Senge was a close disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa. Pelgyi Dorje was the Buddhist monk who assassinated the Tibetan king Langdarma who persecuted institutional Buddhism in Tibet. In his previous lives, Dagom Rinpoche was a practitioner of great courage. I've always admired Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche.


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These thangkas are truly beautiful and unique! A treasure of tremendous value. Thank you for sharing Dagom Rinpoche's previous lives. Truly blessed to gaze upon these holy images.It is simply amazing to learn that these attained beings does so much for mankind.We must not conveniently forget their kindness.

Kim Hyun Jae

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My eyes were feasting on all these rare thangkas of Dagom Rinpoche's especially depicting himself with Dorje Shugden. What an uncanny resemblance of Dagon Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden.

Thanks Mana for sharing these beautiful thangkas and the life history of Dagom Rinpoche.  What intrigued me was one of Dagom Rinpoche's previous life killed the evil Tibetan King Langdarma who prevented the spread of dharma then. His courageous deed enabled us to receive the precious dharma today thanks to Dagom Rinpoche.