Author Topic: Epidemic disease: 3,288 killed daily  (Read 5541 times)

DS Star

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Epidemic disease: 3,288 killed daily
« on: June 01, 2014, 06:37:48 PM »
World Health Organization (WHO) reported every year there is about 1.2 million people killed, with 10 Million more people affected due to a particular disease, costing an estimated $520 Billion.

What is this disease?
Well… actually it is fatal traffic accidents.

Why are we so shocked when we see this number of fatalities due to a disease but when we were told of the same numbers killed in traffic accidents, we are not surprised? No shocking reaction. Why?

Yet every year there are about 1.2 millions fathers, mothers, children, friends of someone killed in traffic accidents; this means EVERYDAY there are 3,288 precious human lives perished…

The daily killed worldwide in traffic accidents is more than doubled the death caused by sinking of the famous Titanic. Imagine everyday two (2) Titanic ships will sink killing its passengers.
This also translated into 2 people killed per minute… before we could finish drinking our coffee, there are already more than a handful deaths.

The sad thing is, this ‘disease’ can be cured easily. And we can play a part in it too…

Yes, reduce speed and stay FOCUS all the time!

As Buddhist we are supposed to train our minds to be alert and to focus in the “present”.

This is meditation.

When we are focus and not driving at high speed, we can avoid many serious accidents and save the lives of others and ourselves. Be safe.


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Re: Epidemic disease: 3,288 killed daily
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2014, 06:37:53 AM »
Wow ! Really shocked to read the statistics ! Yes, something must be done urgently to reduce or eliminate this phenomena.
When one dies in a traffic accident , there may be 2 general aspects. I.E they kill themselves on the roads or they are killed by someone else .
If  they kill themselves, it could stem from weakness in the mind and body (e.g carelessness, sleepiness, sickness, suicidal etc) or weakness in the vehicle. For the vehicle, constant checks and awareness of its performance must be monitored. Similarly for the mind weakness, that ought to be eliminated by more caution and mindfullness.
If they are killed by other vehicles the same caution and mindfullness should be applied too, both on the side of the victim and the killer/perpetrator.
But there is always the factor of Karma in all situations. Whether they are freak accidents or non-freak ones, Karma always come into play. It would be the Karma of these 3288 persons to die on a daily basis from traffic accidents. But always remember that through learning and practicing the Dharma, the Karma can ripen in a lesser form then death ! Hence once you find the Dharma put all your heart and soul in it as it can benefit yourself and all other sentient beings !


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Re: Epidemic disease: 3,288 killed daily
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2014, 02:13:27 PM »
From the title I thought it was some kind of  a new epidemic disease on the spread but in fact, traffic accidents is the number one killer. It is not surprising that it topped the list as
more people are driving  motor vehicle from teenage to very old elderly. As the pace of our daily life speeding up, so is our impatience  due to the traffic congestion that motorist had to face daily, modern technology such as mobile phones and in car entertainment are the source of distraction.  I will be not be surprised that it is going to  top the list for many years to come.


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Re: Epidemic disease: 3,288 killed daily
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2014, 07:22:55 AM »
This is a concern for everyone both driving and not driving. It is advisable not to speed while driving regardless of how skilled we think we are. This is because there are other drivers not as skilled and can run into our car when we speed. As my guru always tells us, when we speed, we open the karma to have accidents.

I came across this on TV where Oprah is creating awareness on the dangers of texting, emailing or talking on the phone while driving. According to statistics, "Nearly 500,000 people are injured and 6,000 are killed each year because drivers are talking, texting and e-mailing behind the wheel." The following is a video by Oprah on this issue in the USA. Please watch. It will help convince you to stop creating the karma to kill, be killed and or be hurt.


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Re: Epidemic disease: 3,288 killed daily
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2014, 04:46:09 AM »
In Buddhism we believe that the law of karma dictates "destiny" but we also have a "free will" to alleviate karma. Buddhism have practices that can prolong life span. Purifications practices like 35 Confessional Buddhas, Vajrasattvas and Prostrations practices are what is called the preliminary practices. One side benefit is prolonging lives. There are also long life deities practices like White Tara, Amitayus and Namgyalma that is can prolong life span.

Further this free will if used properly and with the correct motivation of Boddhicitta not only help to prolong lives but to accumulate the merits (karma that does not used up) to create the right condition to liberation and Omniscience.

Otherwise, events like road accident are just going to happen. Note that in Australia, prescription drugs are a bigger killer than road accidents.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Epidemic disease: 3,288 killed daily
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2014, 09:39:25 AM »
I have my own slogan on Driving: Do we Drive to Kill? That is the slogan I always ask myself, especially when I am on the road.

I would take care not to be near to any other vehicle or be close to the vehicle in front or at the back of my own. I would give our car signal if I were to make a turn or to cross to another lane. I would be rather conscious of that, to ensure I do not intently hurt another being - human or animal.

If there was an animal crossing, I would wait patiently for it to cross.

In this day and age, everyone seemed to be "running" with their "vehicle" chasing for the next project, deal, meeting, money - spurned by "greed" or "desire". So they do not care to be "mindful" of who or what they may hurt, on the road, in air space or in the water.


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Re: Epidemic disease: 3,288 killed daily
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2014, 05:18:14 PM »
Astonishing read indeed. Ever crossed our minds that we actually engaged in killing if we drive fast enough? I am talking about the fellow human beings or even the animals who crosses the road. It is actually the insects that might be flying about when we were speeding. I was shocked when i realised this at first after making a stop from driving along the trunk road. Still feeling aggrieved by the sight of all the insects body stuck on my car's bumper and headlights. Should we say slow down from now on?