Author Topic: CTA leading the Tibetan people to Limbo  (Read 4782 times)


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CTA leading the Tibetan people to Limbo
« on: June 07, 2014, 09:12:42 AM »
Yes to Pope; No to Dalai Lama

Firstly this article is saying that the Sri Lankan government who is dominated by Buddhists would rather let the Pope enter than let the Dalai Lama to appear on Sri Lankan soil. This is a first but not the last buddhist dominated nation to make such a move. It is China's ascendancy naturally, but it is fuelled by CTA's failure in it foreign policies.  CTA and the Dalai Lama is being cornered and losing support on a world stage.

Lok Sabha Elections 2014: Modi may act tough on border talks but soft in business, Chinese experts say
To me this is an olive branch offered up by the Chinese, the Chinese do not want to continue with India on a wrong foot with India especially when they having a new leader at the helm. Strategically there is so much business to be done between both countries. India have Dalai Lama chip, China has the Pakistan chip.

When China and India each forego their bargaining chips, where will CTA be? Nehru's kindness is never to be forgotten, but after 50 years plus of relying on India, I think India have a right not to be encumbered by a thorn to their relations with China.  I am sure over the last half a century the Dalai Lama card has proven to be stumbling blocks between the warming of ties between India and China. The CTA offers not much to INdia but more problem within the Indian borders by oppressing its own people in the worlds second largest democracy what an insult to the Indian government despite all that india has done for them.

Tibetans who still think the CTA is leading them to a glorious return is going to be in major shock. Things with CTA is getting bad to worst, and guess what CTA stirs trouble in Domo Geshe's ladrang.

They focus their attention on things that have no results for their main goal and stir their people's emotions to distract them from the real issues which is they are not able to bring China to the negotiating table. End of story. CTA is heading fast into a dead end and countless Tibetans will join them like lemmings. 


christine V

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Re: CTA leading the Tibetan people to Limbo
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 10:30:52 AM »
This is quite a sad news actually. Sri Lanka are well known to be part of Buddhist pilgrimage is now say NO to Dalai Lama.

CTA is not doing its job to protect the image of Dalai Lama, in fact the oppress actions towards their own people in exile is a very bad example for the world to see.
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The CTA offers not much to INdia but more problem within the Indian borders by oppressing its own people in the worlds second largest democracy what an insult to the Indian government despite all that india has done for them.
I strongly agreed with Dharma space's statement above. With this illogical ban, it only bring much problems to the Indian government, look at how many times the police officers have to stop the CTA to further hurt their own Tibetan brother and sister in exile. What the Indian thinks whenever this happened.

Hope CTA realize that the world is watching them tightly now and knowing that their acts bringing more harm.


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Re: CTA leading the Tibetan people to Limbo
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 09:39:43 PM »
The Dalai Lama's presence on Indian soil has definitely been a factor in Sino-Indian relationship and when we look into it, the Dalai Lama's policies and political decisions have done more harm than good for the Tibetan people's gracious Indian host.

Just the Dalai Lama's decision to back the "Chinese Karmapa", the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley caused great concerns to the Indian government. The Karmapa's seat in Rumtek Monastery lies in Sikkim, a location of great importance to India and yet due to the Dalai Lama's intervention it is Chinese-friendly interest that has taken possession of Sikkim and with that India's border is exposed. The Indian High Court had found that the rightful occupant of Rumtek and hence Sikkim to be the Karmapa Thaye Dorje and yet the Dalai Lama supported a rival Karmapa showing total disregard for Indian laws as well.

The move by the Sri Lankan people also shows waning support for the Tibetan struggle. After China froze diplomatic relationships with Britain as the result of Prime Minister Cameron's meeting with the Dalai Lama, the British prime minister indicated that it is unlikely that there will be another meeting with the Dalai Lama. Similarly, President Obama's meeting with the Dalai Lama earlier this year was held in the White House's Map Room meaning to say that it was not regarded as an official meeting with a head of state, again showing diminishing support for the Tibetan cause.

The Dalai Lama seems to be down to his last few cards and has clearly miscalculated his strategy vis-a-vis a return to Tibet. Yet there seems to be no change in the Dalai Lama's approach and instead of taking genuine steps to find a common ground in negotiating with the Chinese, he continues to play the role of a political agitator and agent provocateur. It is the Tibetan people who has the most to lose.

The sceptic in me thinks that perhaps that the Dalai Lama has no real intention to seek the return of the Tibetan people to their homeland. Why should he when in exile he reigns supreme and and has gained tremendously from his status as a "victimised refugee". Plus, as long as foreign aid keeps rolling in, why ruin a lucrative career he has built in exile?
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 09:43:11 PM by vajratruth »

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: CTA leading the Tibetan people to Limbo
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2014, 11:37:10 AM »
Vajratruth makes a very valid point. It seems doubtful that the Dalai Lama actual even wants to truly return to Tibet as he has indeed built a very strong career around the world that stems from the whole situation he is in. Truly the strain on Indian politics is heavy indeed. From an Indian friend I have heard that Modi is actually on very good terms with the Dalai Lama, even inaugurating Buddhist conferences in his home state, the main purpose of which was to bring the Dalai Lama to participate. He is however, known for his very shrewd political maneuvering, as it's not unlikely that he will increase ties with China, a departure from his parties hardline policies.

Solomon Lang

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Re: CTA leading the Tibetan people to Limbo
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2014, 08:09:19 AM »
It is politics and economics, not spirituality, which is the cause of the Sri Lanka government's decision not to allow the Dalai Lama to visit.

"The Government of Sri Lanka does not permit His Holiness to visit Sri Lanka despite the Dalai Lama having publicly announced his wish to pay homage at the Sri Dalada Maligawa (Temple of the Tooth) in Kandy and the Sri Maha Bodhiya at Anuradhapura. The reason: objections by the Chinese Government." - from the Sunday Times editorial referred to in this thread.

The decades-long war in Sri Lanka against the "Tamil Tigers" finally ended in May 2009 after China reportedly bankrolled and armed the rather broke Sri Lanka government. Following the end of the war, money from China continued to pour into Sri Lanka, into large infrastructure projects including strategic port facilities.

Indeed, as a country with little foreign exchange income except from tourism and from the export of tea, one could say that China continues to bankroll the Sri Lankan economy, post-war.

Hence, it was an "easy" decision, an economic and political one, for the Sri Lanka government, to not allow the Dalai Lama to visit.
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Re: CTA leading the Tibetan people to Limbo
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2014, 09:08:52 AM »
Indeed the days are numbered for the CTA to keep using and playing the "Dalai Lama" card on gathering international support. What will happen after His Holiness passes? Have they ever thought of that? And before this happens, their ego and stupidity seems to get the better of them by allowing a ban on Dorje Shugden to continue creating splits and disharmony amongst its people... the results is inevitably going to be negative for them because really what have they actually got to offer, besides H.H. the Dalai Lama?

Everything they do seems to bring themselves more in to a decay. There is no way and no chance for them to ever have a dialogue with China, they have completely damaged all ties when they continue to release such hypocritical statements while they themselves causes violation of human rights to their own people
It is such an embarrassment, and would only make China laugh at their request.

India has been very kind to the Tibetans, as they respect spirituality very much, especially Buddhism as it is their roots, it came from them, the mother land and accepting the Tibetans was like welcoming back their son back home. However, how has this kindness been paid and what kind of gratitude was shown back? If any, it has been more stress for India as they are given the extra pressure due to the fact that they've allowed HHDL and Tibetan refuges in to their country. Yet they do not realise how lucky they are, instead they create more problems by imposing a ban, encouraging religious discrimination on Dorje Shugden practice! and so the CTA/Tibetans have gone and broken even the democratic laws of India, not to mentioned their own cos they claim to be democratic as well. Just how long do they think they can manipulate and lie to the world about this, at the end of the day, we all know, in any politics, in all history, truth will always prevail, and it is prevailing more and more now. Can't keep all the skeletons locked up in the closet forever.