Author Topic: CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous  (Read 5254 times)


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CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous
« on: June 20, 2014, 04:18:42 AM »
The CTA must be feeling the heat from within its own community as June 2014 sees the Sikyong Lobsang Sangay and Speaker Penpa Tsering hitting Tibetan schools to hawk their version of history, no doubt to influence the minds of young Tibetans into supporting their persecution of Dorje Shugden followers. Recently the Dalai Lama's unlawful religious ban has been in the news quite a bit and questions have been raised by Tibetan youths about the wisdom and fairness of the ban.

In the video below we see Penpa Tsering speak about one of the most influential Gelugpa masters, Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche and the Speaker portrayed Pabongka Rinpoche negatively no doubt because Pabongka Rinpoche was an important Shugden lama. The logical mind would ask how Dorje Shugden can be a bad practice when such a great master was a practitioner and his noble deeds are clear for all to see. Therefore Pabongka Rinpoche's reputation had to be ruined and that was precisely Penpa Tsering's objective.

It should unnerve everyone that the CTA does not hesitate to distort history and in the process undermine the credibility of the Gelugpa lineage (and Tibetan Buddhism). Pabongka Rinpoche was not just another lama and virtually all the Dharma that Tibetan Buddhist masters of the present and immediate past generation (including HHDL) have received, flowed from Pabongka Rinpoche. If Penpa Tsering is to be believed it would mean that everything we learn of the Dharma today from a Gelugpa master came from someone who was under the influence of the devil. Even the Lamrim that we are learning today must be called into doubt if Penpa Tsering is correct. How can the Gelugpa lineage teachings be sound if the source is "corrupt"? In this way the CTA is a much bigger threat to the integrity of Gelugpa Buddhism than Mao Zedong could have ever been.

How truly dangerous and despicable the CTA is and what a bad move it would be if the world were to support such a government into power so that they can destroy 6 million lives instead of 150,000 in exile. It is one thing to support a cause that benefits all Tibetan people but it is quite another to support this particular CTA in its insalubrious objectives. Interestingly, Wikipedia states that 'negationism' which is what Penpa Tsering was doing is 'contemporarily the work of hate groups. Yup, sounds about right.

Read the article here:

Penpa Tsering talks at Upper TCV in Dharamsala, 4 June 2014 (English subtitle)

christine V

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Re: CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2014, 04:30:14 AM »
Oh my Buddha!
This is pure liars. They can create stories and alter the history as they like.

No helps from Dorje Shugden? Hello? Who helps Dalai Lama to go to India?
Who protecting Nagajurna's teaching.
Where are all the evidance he talked?

Dorje Shugden destroy by fire puja and later appeared back? Does he know what he is talking about?
This proof the lineage puja is not effective?

If Tibetan youth have checked the history properly, what they think about CTA?
Will they trust CTA?


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Re: CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2014, 07:21:45 AM »
From the late 20th to early 21st century Lama Pabongka taught and initiated all the lamas and thousands of students of Gelug order in fact there not many Gelug lamas who were not students of Je Pabongka. If Penpa Tsering says Lama Pabongka is wrong and influenced by demons, then what about the Gelug lamas and monks ? They all received teachings from the students of Lama Pabongka and some old evens from Je Pabongka himself.

Another point for the Sakyas is that, for CTA to ask Sakya to give up through a meeting, shows coercion and arm twisting. And it is another insult to the Sakya Lamas, do you mean the Sakyas Trinzin and high lamas  cannot make out the difference between demon and buddha? The Sakya was the home of Birwapa and Sakya Pandita both great mahasiddhas and pandits of the past. Once the CTA has completed their persecution of the Gelug Order will they turn next to the Sakya tradition and ask them to swear in too? 

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2014, 08:56:03 AM »
It is so apparent the CTA is running out of contents in their attempt to strengthen the ban on Dorje Shugden practice. The move of going to schools to speak to the young generation of Tibetans is the attempt to create more supporters for themselves. What they failed to note was these students are very bright and well aware of what is going on in their communities. These students can see through the untruths and blatant lies that the CTA have been telling their elders.
This the pro side, that information and facts have to be disseminated far and wide to reach many. Thankfully there is a website such as to shed lights on all facts and news concerning Dorje Shugden.


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Re: CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2014, 06:21:40 AM »
Wow! That is so.... Dalai Lama---- the Dalai Lamas have been like this at various points in history, rewriting history, lying.... so the current Trijang Rinpoche--- he is having bad conditions because of Shugden?  I thought he cannot have bad conditions because he is a Buddha and anyway, when he has to be in hiding and surrounded by bodyguards, then that is because of the Dalai Lama's craziest followers, not Dorje Shugden.
  There were high Kagyupas there, when the high Gelugpa lamas did the 'exorcism' of Buddha Dorje Shugden?  Okay, well, would that include the 10th Karmapa, who lived in exile because of lies that the 5th Dalai Lama had made up about him, and whose monasteries had been forcibly converted to Gelugpa, abbots beheaded, 7000 Kagyu monks slain?  Hmm.
  You know, it was so obviously BS, r ight, so I was wondering if this person giving the talk wants the kids to notice it is BS?


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Re: CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2014, 07:36:33 AM »
This is another senseless story.

I mean, to disparage Pabongkpa Rinpoche is to disparage the lamrim, is to disparage Trijang Rinpoche, is to disparage The Dalai Lama himself.
No more lineage, no more reliance, no more pure Dharma...

It just does not add up, it does not make sense, it's another senseless story.
I hope all we see this for what it is.

Solomon Lang

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Re: CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2014, 07:48:34 AM »
Talk is cheap. Action speaks louder than words.
Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.

Gabby Potter

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Re: CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2015, 01:17:51 AM »
Through their actions, they have showed the world that they  are violent, ugly and desperate. We all should have our own freedom of religion, no one has the right to stop us from practising any religion.


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Re: CTA Is Desperate and Dangerous
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2015, 05:32:24 AM »
The CTA is dangerous because of teaching the Dharma, there are just telling stories that may seem interesting and logical to those untrained in the Dharma. Like an epic story of Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Just weave the story. Very dangerous because, Penpa Tsering regarded the Lamas and even the Panchen Lama as helpless and have no attainments. This is most ridiculous. Another thing is he kept referring to Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche as "Kyabje" which means one who have extraordinary realizations and powers. Couldn't a Kyabje tame a spirit however powerful?
Doesn't make sense. If that is the case, we might as well not practice Buddhism. What the point is a spirit is more powerful than a Kyabje. Doesn't make sense!