Author Topic: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia  (Read 10399 times)


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2014, 01:47:18 AM »
The Borobodur Temple complex is one of the greatest monuments in the world. It’s are relief that the Indonesian government is certainly very worried concerning the threat by the Islamic extremists on their intention to  destroy Borobodur. Both the Indonesian army and the police forces have geared up security to protect this heritage site.  Although majority of the population in Indonesia are Muslim, the Indonesian has been living peacefully and harmoniously respecting each other’s religion. May the Islamic extremists attempt failed as the saying goes “It takes a hundred years for a forest tree to grow but it only required  only  minutes to chop the tree down”. 


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2014, 02:54:40 PM »
Everyone should respect each other's religion. Why destroy the famed Buddhist Temple when there was never any conflict between each other religion.
By destroying any religious temple means creating negative karma for themselves and karma has it cause and effect. It may not happen now but sooner or later karma catches up.
Destroying famed temples anywhere means a lost in the tourism industry too. Let's hope the authority will do something to protect all holy sites.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2014, 02:08:24 PM »
Buddhism began to penetrate Indonesia and the surrounding areas around the fourth century A.D. Chinese sources speak about the conversion of a Javanese king and his court by the Indian monk Gunavarman in the early fifth century. In the seventh century, a centre of Buddhist studies developed in Palembang. At that time, Palembang was the seat of the great empire of Srivijaya. The period of the Sailendra rulers in Central Java forms the golden age of Buddhism in Indonesia. Buddhism was patronised by the court. During this period, in the eighth century, the gigantic stupa called Borobudur was built. It is a huge symbolic monument which, by its structure and ornamentation, suggests the various stages of the path towards enlightenment. Buddhism persisted on Java till the fifteenth century.

The Borobudur stupa is an iconic Buddhist monument in Indonesia and should be preserved for posterity. It is already recognised as a world heritage site. Many pilgrims visit this site every year. It must be protected by the Indonesian authorities as a national heritage site and a pilgrimage place for Buddhists from different parts of the world.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2014, 05:29:19 PM »
Many fundamentalist Muslim groups also employ a sharply dualist ideology in which everyone is either part of the group or against it. This affects how they interact with other groups, including other Muslim traditions, Buddhism,Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, and the secular West. We know that the threat to world peace and security is not Islam, but extremism: intolerant, violent and militant extremism. The actions of these militants are beyond conscience and belief. They violate the teachings of Islam, the example set by the Prophet Muhammad, and the principles of religion.