Author Topic: Another Threatening Letter!  (Read 7406 times)


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Another Threatening Letter!
« on: July 14, 2014, 11:48:18 AM »
Again so much distortion and lies to cover their ‘righteousness’ to fight Shugden Buddhists. Whether the Dalai Lama clique knows it or not, this threatening letter will give way to support Shugden Buddhists. It is one of the ammunitions for causing the ban to come down. Don’t forget the world is watching.

Yet another group, a newly formed pro-Dalai Lama faction known as the GLOBAL TIBETAN VOLUNTEERS FOR THE TRUTH, has recently issued a statement on its website and Facebook page that is nothing less than a threat against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Masquerading as a peaceful letter of appeal to Tibetans in particular and the world in general, this letter is in fact a call to action against Dorje Shugden practitioners, not just those who are Tibetan by nationality but even against Dorje Shugden practitioners in the West.


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2014, 09:46:02 PM »

As tension and threats of violence towards Shugden Buddhists are mounting, it becomes increasingly important that we stand up and defend our rights to practice our beliefs, to support our fellow practitioners who are vulnerable to further persecution and harm. Stop the ban!


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2014, 10:02:54 PM »
Do you think this is merely a co-incidence?


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2014, 11:29:13 AM »
This letter is full of inaccurracies - there are many Tibetans who are against the ban not just the farangs,  just check out
Lots of Tibetan who are still relying on Dorje Shugden.

Evil spirits cannot harm a pure monk like the Dalai Lama when will they ever learn?

The English letter the word banned is used who says there is no ban :)


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 06:15:53 PM »
It is increasingly disturbing that more and more threats are being hurled at Dorje Shugden followers. What is wrong with the Pro-Dalai Lama followers? What is wrong with Central Tibetan Administration (CTA)? What is wrong with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (HHDL)?

Since the ban on Dorje Shugden was initiated, for eighteen years we saw nothing but endless harm being inflicted upon Dorje Shugden followers. Who is really evil? The ban on Dorje Shugden had generated so much hatred for Dorje Shugden followers!  How could you hate Dorje Shugden followers so much that you continue to inflict pains, fears and dangers onto them?  You cannot call yourselves as Buddhists if you don't practise compassion for your 'enemies'. Dorje Shugden followers are not your enemies!  We only want the freedom to practise Dorje Shugden.  We only want you to respect our human rights.  The ones in the wrong are not Dorje Shugden followers.  We have not broken our samayas with our gurus.  We have not broken our refuge vows by forsaking Buddha Dorje Shugden.  The truth is you are wrong and guilty for all your negative actions toward Dorje Shugden and His followers!

It is you who does not want to have dialogue with us.  It is not our faults to continue to conduct peaceful demonstrations and protests against you until the ban is lifted.  GLOBAL TIBETAN VOLUNTEERS FOR THE TRUTH, stop inciting hatred and causing terrorism to arise!  Pro-Dalai Lama followers, stop before your suffer from the heavy repercussion of your negative actions!


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2014, 02:05:07 PM »
The Global Tibetan Volunteers for the Truth call themselves peace-loving people and talk about their "sacred and loving bond between teacher and disciples". But this letter from them is a threat to harm the Western Shugden protesters, who had only engaged in a peaceful protest against the Dalai Lama, after all attempts at peaceful negotiations with Him had failed. So how can they be peace-loving?

Again , how can they talk about these Western Shugden practitioners as undermining the sacred and loving bond between teacher and disciples. These very practitioners of Shugden are the ones who have kept their samaya clean and are the ones truly practicing guru devotion. On the other hand, among the anti Shugdenists are monks , who were former students of the second Domo Geshe Rinpoche, who had broken samaya with their guru by giving up their Shugden practice. To make matters worse, they recently launched a second attack on a Domo Geshe monastery, where the monks were performing  prayers for the caretaker of the monastery(a loyal and devoted attendant of the second Domo Geshe Rinpoche) who had passed away. The second attack was on the 49th day of his passing away - how unfeeling and unkind and atrocious!

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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2014, 03:11:31 PM »
Not so much a threatening letter as a slanderous letter. Now we know the "Global Tibetan Volunteers..." are neither global, nor volunteers, but a front for The Tibet Post, the CTA's mouthpiece, we can view both the letter and the website as another pathetic attempt by the Dalai Lama's exiled parliament to score some political brownie-points!


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2014, 03:42:09 AM »
To me the Tibetan cause is  already a lost cause, what the Dalai Lama Himself asking for autonomy rather than independence. The Tibetans are really confused as for over 50 years Tibet/China has made tremendous progress despite accusations of Han Chinese nationalistic policy, Tibet/China has modernize tremendously on one hand and Buddhism is growing huge on the other.
So one has to question the very premise of the "Tibetan cause" that is use to justify the Ban of the Protector. Also, Tibetan Buddhism despite its label of "Tibetan" is the Lineage Masters' gift to the world just like it was the gift from great Indian Masters like Padmasambhava, Lama Atisha and many others. Now is time to spread the teachings far an wide. And in this context, "Tibet' is not the significant target audience.


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2014, 11:42:09 AM »
Dharma Space,

Evil spirits cannot harm HH and that is the truth. They will never learn. This ban has been ages and the crowd they are speaking or trying to influence are farmers, housewives, herders and villagers. There is NOTHING bad with these people but the more they try to influence others, the more it will backfire. People are not stupid, they will investigate,they will use the internet to get more information and they will debate. That was what happened to myself. When I first heard about the ban of Shugden, I did not believe everything which was said by TGIE at the beginning, I read and I researched, I even went to the extend of observing high lamas. Thus my faith in Shugden is strong and undaunted. 

This letter is full of inaccurracies - there are many Tibetans who are against the ban not just the farangs,  just check out
Lots of Tibetan who are still relying on Dorje Shugden.

Evil spirits cannot harm a pure monk like the Dalai Lama when will they ever learn?

The English letter the word banned is used who says there is no ban :)


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2014, 09:05:39 AM »
Truth? What truth? Did you just tak what HH Dalai Lama said as truth? Did you know that HH Dalai Lama's talk are full of contradiction? Which one should you listen to? Did you do your research? Did you and your Guru debate about the logic?

If the HH Dalai Lama said is indeed truth, then why wouldn't He allow a dialogue with Dorje Shugden practitioners to have a debate on this matter.

This is indeed very ironic because the "Global Tibetan Volunteers For The Truth" are even not clear about truth. They, like many Tibetans who are influenced by CTA do not their homework to study and debate about what they are being told. I am very sure they don't even know what is in their constitutions.

Yes, I agree with many from above that this is just a slanderous letter, and probably just to be politically correct towards CTA.


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2014, 09:52:29 AM »
One threat after another threat! CTA and anti-Shugden practitioners are getting more and more desperate and aggressive towards Shugden practitioners.

We can see that so much pains and sufferings have been created towards the Shugden practitioners. Who said there is no ban? Who said CTA will treat all Tibetan equally?

Wake up guys! Are you all acting as accordance to His Holiness Dalai Lama’s teaching of world peace? Are you interpretation of world peace is to eliminate anyone who go against you???!! Please do not bring His Holiness to shame!!


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2014, 01:24:41 PM »
The letter boasted that over 130 Tibetans self immolated for the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet among other objectives. So, it means the Tibetan leadership and whatever government in exile are okay with the sacrifice of precious human lives while the whatever government in exile officials sit comfy in their offices and homes? I wonder why none of the officials sacrificed their life for this cause? Maybe they know it is a lost cause.

“This self proclaimed minority of Western followers -the Shugnden Spirit worshippers- are blindly following like sheep into abyss of self inflicted suffering…… “
The above statement is akin to the kettle calling the pot black.

The Dalai Lama is revered by the Tibetans as Chenrezig. Therefore he cannot be harmed. If the Dalai Lama can be harmed by a spirit then is he Chenrezig? It is food for thought.


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2014, 04:28:15 AM »
The IP information is significant, as more evidence surfaces up to show the link between the CTA and the violence on Dorje Shugden monks and practitioners. And it is evidence that many modern day people can relate to as well.

It is government sponsored violence and intimidation on Dorje Shugden people. The Jews some kept record of the people who did this or that to their people by Nazis back during WW2. 


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Re: Another Threatening Letter!
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2014, 07:06:16 AM »
From Lama Chopa sadhana:

"I seek your blessings to complete the perfection of patience,
So that even if every single being in the three realms,
Out of anger were to abuse me, criticize me, threaten me, or even take my life,
Undisturbed, I would repay their harm by helping them."