Author Topic: Korean Christians Stir Controversy By Holding Service At Sacred Buddhist Site  (Read 6617 times)


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I believe that whatever your religion, we have no 'right' to invade another religion's place of worship.
We should respect each other eventhough we are from different religion, background or race. I wouldnt tolerate this as well if it happens in the temple that I go to. Yes, we all need to be saved, its just that we have different methods. So lets respect each others methods.

Seoul, South Korea -- The local Buddhist newspaper Beopbo Shinmun reported this week that “Korean Christians were observed singing hymns and missionary prayers, allegedly doing Ddangbarpgi in a Buddhist temple and UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Mahabodhi Temple." Ddangbarpgi refers to the act of Christians worshiping at sacred locations of other religions, primarily Buddhism.
The incident came to light through a video sent to Beopbo Shinmun by a Buddhist nun, Venerable Beopsu, who has been at the Mahabodhi Temple for several months practicing silence, the newspaper reports. The temple is in Bodh Gaya, an area in the northeast of India that is reputed to be where Buddha obtained enlightenment.

In the video, a Korean man plays the guitar while two others appear to be singing and praying. Beopsu broke her silent meditation to ask them to stop immediately and leave the temple, wondering how they could "do such a disrespectful thing in a shrine where Buddha found enlightenment," the paper reports. However, they reportedly told her that the Christian God is the only savior and that they were “preaching the word of God because [they] pity those who have not been saved.”

When Beopsu told the Christians that she would "inform Korea what they did," they left in a hurry, according to the paper. Beopbo Shinmun reports that "this state of affairs is significant because, when it becomes public that Korean Christians performed such an outrageous missionary act in the Mahabodhi Temple, serious religious conflicts and diplomatic problems may come into play.”

Even among Korean Christians, Ddangbarpgi is seen as controversial and is often criticized. In 2010, a video was circulated in which young people held Christian services in Bongeunsa, one of the biggest Buddhist temples in Seoul. Following the video's controversial reception, the group officially apologized to Bongeunsa. Also in 2010, the Christian Council of Daegu was seen in a video holding Christian services at the Donghwasa temple, a Buddhist temple in the city of Daegu. In December of that year, the Korean Church Press Association stated via the daily newspaper Kukmin Ilbo that "Ddangbarpgi is not considered to reflect legitimate Christian doctrine or practice.”


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This is what happens when people don't look at the essence of spirituality. If it is so easy to be saved by God, then all of them should be Saints by now like Mother Theresa. The question is why are they still not Saints? Is being spiritual really so easy and effortless? How can anyone with decency be so disrespectful to people from other religions by breaking the silence in their most sacred and holy temple? So much arrogance in them to disregard others. Is this what their God teaches them?

Imagine if they did this in Mecca. I wonder what will happen to them.


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Though I stand for inter-religious dialogue/togetherness, but there are still rules we need to follow as well as be sensitive about the to-do and not-to-do. Before you barge into someone else's place, it is better to check with the owner of the place too.

As mentioned in the report, this group has been quite controversial and may be they just want some publicity :o

I agree with Klein that they are "lucky" because the did this to Buddhists holy place, because Buddhists are known to be more tolerating.


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This is what happens with any country invaded or controlled by Christians, Muslims, or both, not only with Christian-controlled South-Korea.

In the last 2000 years, traditional religion has been systematically suppressed, persecuted, and destroyed in Greece, in all of Europe, in all of Middle East, Central Asia, Americas, and Australia, in most of Oceania and Africa, and in much of India.

Who is doing this sinister job?

Christians and Muslims are, because they serve as the Jewish long arm to impose obedience to their envious, murderous ”god” on to the rest of the world.

Therefore, Christian-invaded and -occupied South Korea could not be different.

Meanwhile, Buddhists enjoy freedom, prosperity, and protection in North-Korea.

The Kalachaktra Tantra clearly spoke of the barbarian followers of the eight Abrahamic prophets (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic prophets, plus Mani) as those hell bent on destroying Buddhadharma.


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American were important in modern Korean history,with their extensive involvement right before and after Korean war. They had a big role in ensuring that strive in Korea and that undeniable . it is untrue that Christianity in Korea didn't start because of America - I think European  missionaries made it across much earlier than that.


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it is untrue that Christianity in Korea didn't start because of America - I think European  missionaries made it across much earlier than that.

I think no one mentioned ”America” on this thread, except as one more continent where traditional religions where suppressed by Christianity.

The was a mention to Christian invasion, control, and occupation of South Korea, but not to America.


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Despite the differences in the spiritual concepts of all the main religions, all religion practice compassion, love and kindness. There are many similarities in all religions but some choose to see the differences instead of the similarities which causes a lot or havocs and even wars.
I think all this are not the fault of religions. To me all saints and prophets are Bodhisattvas in that they benefit beings. The problems arises from the perception of beings who do not practice their true religion correctly. This stems from ignorance of the teachings of their religion. Basically their ego is the intermediate cause of all sufferings.


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To me all saints and prophets are Bodhisattvas in that they benefit beings.

Try for instance the Jewish prophets Moses, Joshua, and so forth, when they order the murdering of every single woman and child, the rape of every virgin girl, and the full extermination of whole populations without leaving anyone alive.

Then please tell us how exactly did they benefit beings, and how exactly they did they perform the deeds of a bodhisattva.

The problems arises from the perception of beings who do not practice their true religion correctly.

Then, for you, practicing your religion ”correctly” means to praise mass murderers as ”bodhisattvas”, right?

I'm curious to learn which then is your religion? Dalaism, JuBu (Judaic ”Buddhism”) maybe, but surely not Buddhism!

This stems from ignorance of the teachings of their religion.

Then please tell us where is the Buddhist teaching, which I ignore but you do not, and which tells us to praise mass murderers as ”bodhisattvas”.

Basically their ego is the intermediate cause of all sufferings.

Which means that , according to you, the ego of people who refuse to praise mass murderers as ”bodhisattvas” is the cause of all sufferings, right?

Then, still according to you, the ego of people like you, who praise mass murderers as ”bodhisattvas”, must be the cause of every joy and happiness, right?