Author Topic: Two More Tibetans Jailed For Discouraging Worship of a Controversial Deity  (Read 5397 times)


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I regret that these Tibetans are suffering because of blind obedience to the Dalai Lama's cruel edict. However, I must say that at least the Chinese are outwardly ensuring that there is no conflict in the community because of the Dalai Lama's ban.

“From the perspective of the Chinese, they have a responsibility to prevent violence and conflict over this, as with any other contentious issue among Tibetans,” Barnett said.

For the record, I am not rejoicing in this news, nor do I think are any genuine Dorje Shugden practitioners. In fact, which Buddhist would rejoice in the suffering of others? But this clampdown on anti-Shugden activities is perhaps karma coming to those who have actively sought to harm Dorje Shugden practitioners. Again, i am not rejoicing but merely pointing out a possibility.

Two More Tibetans Jailed For Discouraging Worship of a Controversial Deity

Two more Tibetans have been ordered jailed by Chinese authorities for urging residents of their home county to abide by the Dalai Lama’s call not to participate in a controversial form of worship deemed “divisive” by the exiled spiritual leader, sources said.

Uyak Tulku Lobsang Tenzin and Jamyang Tsultrim—both natives of Dzogang (in Chinese, Zuogang) county in Tibet’s Chamdo (Changdu) prefecture—were handed sentences of 10 years and 10 years and six months respectively early this month, a local source told RFA’s Tibetan Service.

Tenzin, aged about 60, and Tsultrim, age unknown, had been accused of “working with the Dalai clique and misleading people on the worship of Shugden,” RFA’s source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Chinese police frequently investigate and arrest Tibetans considered to have responded to the policy directives of the India-based Dalai Lama, who has advised Tibetans not to worship Shugden—a Tibetan “protector” deity whose rituals he has denounced as sectarian and divisive.

Details on the exact date and location of the men’s sentencing were not immediately available, but word of their jailing follows a report last week that another Chamdo resident—Jamyang Tsering, 77—had been handed a one-and-a-half year term by a Dzogang court for the same offense.

'Obey the Dalai Lama'

Tenzin was detained “sometime in June this year” in Tibet’s regional capital Lhasa, where he had retired after working as a driver and tour guide, RFA’s source said.

“At some point, he returned to Dzogang county in Chamdo and began to advise the lay public and the monastic community to obey the instructions of the Dalai Lama and abandon worshipping Shugden, as this would be in the best interest both of individuals and the community.”

No word has been received on Tenzin’s current health condition or place of detention, or on the background or present circumstances of Tsultrim, the other man sentenced, the source said.

“It is extremely difficult now to get details from Dzogang due to restrictions on the lines of communication,” he said.

“The local Tibetans are scared to talk even when the phone or other lines are open.”

Religious differences

Chamdo police in April issued a set of regulations including a ban on “anyone using the protector ‘Gyalchen Shugden’ to create differences among the believing masses,” Columbia University Tibet scholar Robbie Barnett told RFA in an e-mail.

The regulations use language that appears to be “aimed primarily at opponents or critics of the Shugden practice,” Barnett said.

“From the perspective of the Chinese, they have a responsibility to prevent violence and conflict over this, as with any other contentious issue among Tibetans,” Barnett said.

“However, the Chinese authorities have published numerous statements attacking the Dalai Lama on the Shugden issue both in Tibet and internationally.”

“So they are widely perceived within Tibet as favoring the pro-Shugden side in this dispute.”

Reported by Soepa Gyatso for RFA’s Tibetan Service. Translated by Karma Dorjee. Written in English by Richard Finney.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Two More Tibetans Jailed For Discouraging Worship of a Controversial Deity
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2014, 05:27:28 PM »
China is doing the right thing to maintain law and order to prevent violence and conflict over the Dorje Shugden practice.  It is unfortunate that another two Tibetans were jailed for discouraging other Tibetans from practising Dorje Shugden.  Instead of letting others the religious freedom to practise Dorje Shugden, their actions have landed them in the jail!  I would agree that this is likely a repercussion for going against Dorje Shugden!

Due to the ban on Dorje Shugden, many ignorant Tibetans in China or in exile will suffer the consequences of abandoning Buddha Dorje Shugden.  Thousands had already suffered because of the ban.  Dalai Lama please lift the ban now!


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Re: Two More Tibetans Jailed For Discouraging Worship of a Controversial Deity
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2014, 03:26:38 AM »
In honest truth, one can clearly see that the Chinese are not siding with the Shugden followers nor protecting them. These three elderly Tibetans are in the wrong political camp by being Dalai Lama loyalists.This is a political not a religious issue. So Barnett's statement : "So they[the Chinese] are widely perceived within Tibet as favoring the pro-Shugden side in the dispute" reflects a skewed perception.It's not a pro-Shugden vs anti-Shugden issue. It's a pro Dalai Lama vs anti Dalai Lama issue.

Moreover,it is neither fair nor right that these poor Tibetan elderly men are caught in the crossfire and have been given such draconian sentences.


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Re: Two More Tibetans Jailed For Discouraging Worship of a Controversial Deity
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2014, 07:03:29 AM »
China is doing right by preventing conflict and division within a community. As Vajrastorm aptly put it, it is a political issue. Please do not mix the 2 up. This controversy should not have been out there in the first place. It is a basic human right to religious freedom.

James Bond

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This is sad. Tenzin did nothing wrong and he does not deserve to be sent to jail like that. I do not blame the Dalai Lama though as i have great respect for him. But i do blame the people of this world who fail to see that Dorje Shugden is a true protector. Tenzin has sacrificed a large amount of his life for Dorje Shugden, and i respect that very much. He would go to prison for his protector. Very loyal.

Tenzin in a way really inspired me to become more loyal towards my protector as well as my guru. To give in large chunk of our lives to our gurus and what we believe in.

As i went through the entire article on the link, i couldn't help but feel sorry for Tenzin. He was forced to turn away from his protector in order to get released. To me that is cruel. To take something someone believes away from an individual is about as cruel as it gets. Tenzin must have felt destroyed when he heard he had to turn away from Dorje Shugden. And to make matters worst, he had to tell others to do the same. He was made a message to the other Dorje Shugden practisioners that practising Dorje Shugden is wrong.


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Indeed it is very sad to hear such news due to the political situation between Dalai Lama and Chinese government. We should never discourage, and talk down on others' belief. It will create harm and disharmony. As a Buddhist this is the worst way to represent what we belief in.

On the other hand the punishment is too harsh. I think a much better way is to educate people about religious freedom and respecting of others' belief.


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I feel this is a case where anyone who is seen to be promoting the Dalai Lama is acting against the law. Just happens that Tenzin's crime is to discourage the practice of the Protector. For that act his is "pro" Dalai Lama and seen as enemy of the state just like the Dalai Lama.
On the reverse, the practice of the Protector is seen as "against" the Dalai Lama, which is a strange way is seen by the chinese as "good".
I think the Buddhas know what skill means means. LOL. So long as it benefits being according to their karma and dispositions, the Buddhas will manifest anything in any form to benefit beings.


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If you look on both sides China is actually doing the right thing as they want to maintain peace and harmony.
They know that there may be clashes if this kind of thing continues,as the Tibetans do want religious freedom and that kind of thing.
But I what I want to say is if Dorje Shugden was a spirit why is it that high lamas and spiritual have kept trying to destroy Dorje Shugden with no effect??
Could a spirit be so powerful?? If so why is it that all the Buddhist protectors don't do anything about it??
If you said that the protectors and the Buddha's had no power then you are saying that all the Buddhist protectors and all the Buddhist Saints,Teachers are all useless as they have so little or no power to subdue even a spirit.
If that is what you say i think you should give up Buddhism as the Mantra's,teachings and everything in Buddhism is wrong and that Spirits can easily takeover.
Then at the same time you should go and tell everyone in the world that they should give up Buddhism as all the Buddha's,Protector's and teacher's are wrong and that they have fooled the world that Buddhism was a religion,which you should have called "the practice of fake gods' instead of Buddhism.
Still if you are not satisfied you should tell the whole world to burn all the teachings,mantra's and scriptures to ashes. As a devil/spirit can win over the Buddha's and the Protector's.
So as you can see there is a lot of proof that Dorje Shugden is not a spirit. { If Dorje Shugden is a spirit just say get someone who can burn a spirit and you are done!!} (if you don't see why,give up Buddhism as it is a fake religion)
Hence they should stop mistreating and imprisoning innocent people who are practicing Dorje Shugden as you are wrong. Totally wrong.